1941 Army-Navy game... college football...
Item #712805
November 30, 1941
SPORT'S SECTION ONLY of the New York Times November 30, 1941
* The Army-Navy game
* College football rivalry
* West Point vs. Annapolis
The top of the front page of this section has a banner headline: "100,000 SEE NAVY RALLY IN THIRD PERIOD BEAT ARMY, 14-6" with subheads and three related photos. Nice for display. Lengthy coverage continues inside with more photos, headings a... See More
Summer "swimming" in New York... Texas Cattle-driving... West Point Examination Week...
Item #704889
June 16, 1883
LESLIE'S ILLUSTRATED, New York, June 16, 1883 (see note below)
* The summer baths of New York - delight of both genders
* Cattle-driving in Texas
* West Point Examination Week illustration
The front cover has: "New York City - Opening Of The Free Public Baths: Street Arabs Taking An Early Morning Plunge", which is descriptive of the era. Inside pages have illustrations relate... See More
Officers respond to Washington's Farewell Address... British evacuate New York City....
Item #704735
January 02, 1784
THE EDINBURGH ADVERTISER, Scotland, Jan. 2, 1784 The front page has a report from New York noting: "General Thomas Mifflin is chosen resident of Congress for the ensuing year, in the room of Elias Boudinot...His Excellency General Washington, by proclamation bearing the date the 4th instant, and in compliance with a resolve of Congress...has discharged all the troops in the service of t... See More
A.B. Frost prints... Color Ivory Soap advertisment...
Item #702379
November 12, 1898
HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, November 12, 1898 Full ftpg. by A.B. Frost shows a man having fallen off his bicycle. Doublepage centerfold: 'With our Troops in the Philippines--Before & After the Fall of Manila'. Halfpg: 'In & About Havana'. Displayable A.B. Frost hunting print: 'Rail Shooting' shows shooting a bird from a boat. Also includes a full page... See More
1783 Washington's farewell orders to his Army... The treaty that ended the Revolutionary War...
Item #701554
December 01, 1783
* General George Washington
* Farewell address to Continental Army
* Post American Revolutionary War
Eighteenth century American magazines are increasingly difficult to find, let alone an issue from the Revolutionary War era.
This issue begins by printing the complete text of: "General Washington's Farewell Orders to the Armies of the Un... See More
First use of the popular term "Ivy League"...
Item #698511
February 07, 1935
* Very 1st use of the term "Ivy League"
* Collegiate athletic conference
* Harvard, Yale, Brown, Princeton, etc.
* One of a kind item here ?
Page 6 contains a rather mundane, one-column article headed: "Brown Seems to Have Been Taken Into 'Ivy League' " but it is significant for being the very first use of the... See More
Liberal governor of Missouri and the women's rights movement...
Item #697855
February 15, 1871
THE DOLLAR WEEKLY SUN, New York, Feb. 15, 1871 Page 2 has: "Gratz Brown In Trouble - A Woman's Rights Delegation Surrounding Him - The Great Liberal Fights Shy of the Movement..." with more.
Also: "A Slave Trader's $40,000" "The Trouble at West Point" "The Great Postal Fraud" and more.
Four pages, never bound nor trimmed, nice condition.... See More
Winslow Homer's New Year's print...
Item #697733
January 09, 1869
HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, January 9, 1869
* Winslow Homer illustration - print
The front page features a full page illustration by Thomas Nast: "Peace" showing Grant and Miss Liberty.
Inside has a full page illustration by Winslow Homer: "The New Year - 1869". The doublepage centerfold is: "West Point and Vicinity, from Fort Putnam" which is a n... See More
Early Ulysses S. Grant well before he was famous... Assaults upon the Mormons...
Item #697530
July 20, 1839
NILES' NATIONAL REGISTER, Baltimore, July 20, 1839
* Very early Ulysses S. Grant
* West Point cadet admission
* Mormons in Nauvoo, Illinois
A fascinating and extremely early mention of Ulysses S. Grant, as the front page contains a "...list of cadets admitted into the institution in June last:..." and what follows are those admitted from each of the states amo
... See More
* Very early Ulysses S. Grant
* West Point cadet admission
* Mormons in Nauvoo, Illinois
A fascinating and extremely early mention of Ulysses S. Grant, as the front page contains a "...list of cadets admitted into the institution in June last:..." and what follows are those admitted from each of the states amo
Navy upsets Army....
Item #696992
December 03, 1950
* The Army-Navy game (upset)
* College football rivalry
* West Point vs. Annapolis
The front page of the sport's section has a nice banner headline: "NAVY SNAPS ARMY''S STREAK, 14-2, BEFORE 103,000" with subheads and a nice action photo. Another related photo on the next page. (see images) This game is consi... See More
End of war reports... Proclamation signed by John Hanson, the first President?
Item #694963
November 05, 1782
* Revolutionary War ending events
* John Hanson - 1st American president ?
Page 2 has a lengthy letter which is reflective of the American-British relationship in the past. A few bits include: "...they have not duly considered the solid reasons and unanswerable arguments of the worthy, upright pe... See More
Revolutionary War events in the South...
Item #689555
November 06, 1779
* American Revolutionary War
* Southern events - Georgia & more
Most of the first column is taken up with the details of a non-exportation act by the state of Rhode Island, similar to that enacted by Massachusetts & Connecticut. Included are the penalties for those found guilty. Also an act for: "...... See More
Just after the Civil War ended...
Item #689003
June 24, 1865
FRANK LESLIE'S ILLUSTRATED, New York, June 24, 1865 The full front page has 3 prints showing the "Ovation to Lt. General Grant at the Cooper Institute".
Among prints inside: "Gen. Grant Review the Cadets at West Point" "View of Belle Island on the James River, Opposite Richmond" "Fleet of Gunboats & Monitors at Havana..."; 3 prints of horse ra... See More
Judaica content... The cholera & Mormons... Davy Crockett...
Item #686286
August 02, 1834
NILES' NATIONAL REGISTER, Baltimore, Aug. 2, 1834
* Davy Crockett - Gold Coins
* Jewish and Mormon interest
Page 2 has a simple one sentence report, interesting nonetheless: "A public dinner was given to col. David Crockett, at Louisville, Kentucky, on his way home."
Page 3 has a curious item about death caused by drinking cold water (a common thought in the 19th cent... See More
Letter from Patrick Henry, and much on the Revolutionary War...
Item #684429
June 09, 1779
* Patrick Henry letter signed in type
* Much on the Revolutionary War
Pages 2 and 3 contain a wealth of reporting on the Revolutionary War including a letter from Charleston noting in part: "The campaign in George and the Southern part of this state between the royal army commanded by Brigadier General P... See More
Rare military paper...
Item #683374
November 20, 1840
CITIZEN SOLDIER, Norwich, Vermont, Nov. 23, 1840 "Devoted To the Interests of the Militia, Military Science & National Defense" as noted in the masthead, where also is found their motto: "In Times Of Peace, Prepare For War". This title lasted but 52 issues. Articles include: "Report - of the minority of the Board of Visitors at West Point, 25th, June, 1840";... See More
President Eisenhower graduates from West Point in 1915...
Item #681678
June 05, 1915
ARMY & NAVY JOURNAL, New York, June 5, 1915
* Dwight D. Eisenhower graduation
* West Point Military Academy
* Future General and President
The masthead notes this is the "Gazette Of The Regular & Volunteer Forces" and as such contains all things military.
Of special note is a complete list of the West Point Military Academy list of graduates for 1915 and within th... See More
Displayable Civil War map...
Item #681553
May 10, 1862
NEW YORK TIMES, May 10, 1862
* Sewell's Point naval engagement
* Norfolk, Virgina map
* Battle of Eltham's Landing
The front page features a very large map headed: "THE NAVAL OPERATIONS BETWEEN FORTRESS MONROE AND NORFOLK." with a lengthy subhead. The map has much detail of this portion of the coast of Virginia.
The rest of the ftpg. is taken up with various colum... See More
1914 Army Football National title (unclaimed)....
Item #681101
November 28, 1914
EVENING TRIBUNE, San Diego, Nov. 28, 1914
* Early Army-Navy game
* College football rivalry
* West Point vs. Annapolis
* 1st National title (unclaimed)
The front page has a nice banner headline in red lettering: "ARMY OVERWHELMING NAVY IN ANNUAL GRIDIRON CLASSIC" with subheads. (see) This was Army's last game of the 1914 season and then be selected as 1 of the 3 teams recogn... See More
Kosciusko's tomb at West Point...
Item #679526
April 24, 1852
SATURDAY EVENING POST, Philadelphia, April 24, 1852 The front page has a nice print of: "The Tomb Of Kosciusko, West Point".
Tadeusz Kosciusko was a Polish military engineer/leader who joined the American forces in 1776. He led the efforts to create fortifications at West Point.
Four pages, large folio size, several folds with minor wear at folds & margins, some damp staining... See More
1902 West Point 100th anniversary celebration...
Item #678798
June 09, 1902
THE EVENING TRIBUNE, San Diego, June 9, 1902
* West Point centennial - 100th anniversary
* United States Military Academy (USMA)
The top of the front page has a two column headline: "WEST POINT CELEBRATING" with subhead. (see) Surprisingly this issue is in good condition being from the "wood pulp" era. Very hard to find issues that are not totally fragile from this era i... See More
From the capital of the confederacy...
Item #678017
August 26, 1862
RICHMOND WHIG AND PUBLIC ADVERTISER, Virginia, Aug. 26, 1862 The front page has an editorial: "The Defensive Policy". There is also the business of the "Confederate Congress" and various war reports, including: "Retreat Of Pope's Army Capture Of A Yankee Guard And Two Locomotives".
Page 2 has an editorial: "The Financial Aspects of the War", plus:... See More
1902 Army-Navy game... college football...
Item #675935
November 28, 1903
THE EVENING TRIBUNE, San Diego, Nov. 28, 1903
* Early Army-Navy game
* College football rivalry
* West Point vs. Annapolis
The top of the front page has a one column heading: "ANNAPOLIS MADE A POOR SHOWING" with subheads that include: "Army Defeated Navy in Football by a Score of 40 to 5" and more. (see) Surprisingly this issue is in good condition being from the "... See More
1932 Army-Navy game... college football...
Item #651219
November 29, 1936
THE NEW YORK TIMES, sport's section only, November 29, 1936
* The Army-Navy game
* College football rivalry
* West Point vs. Annapolis
The top of the front page of this section has a banner headline: "102,000 SEE NAVY BEAT ARMY IN LAST 3 MINUTES, 7-0" with subheads and two related photos. Nice for display. Lengthy coverage continues inside with more photos, headings and stats... See More
Richard Brinsley "Dick" Sheridan, Jr. death....
Item #647610
October 27, 1931
THE NEW YORK TIMES, October 27, 1931
* Richard Brinsley "Dick" Sheridan, Jr.
* West Point Army Cadet death (1st report)
* College football game vs. Yale (broken neck)
The top of the front page has a two column heading: "Sheridan, Army End, Dies of Football Injury; Mother at Bedside After Fast Trip by Motor" (see) First report coverage on the death of Richard Brinsley Sh... See More
Scenes of West Point & the Military Academy...
Item #646377
May 07, 1853
GLEASON'S PICTORIAL, Boston, May 7, 1853 Inside has several prints of West Point, captions including: "Interior View of Old Fort Putnam, at West Point, New York" "View from Fort Putnam...Looking Up the Hudson River" "View of the U.S. Military Academy & the New Barracks..." "Uniforms of the Cadets at the Military Academy..." plus two more. Also ... See More
Steamer West Point explosion....
Item #605144
December 28, 1881
TRI-WEEKLY FREE PRESS, Detroit, Michigan, December 28, 1881
* West Point, Virginia steamer disaster
Page 4 has one column headlines: "NINETEEN LIVES LOST" "By an Explosion on the Steamer Westpoint at Westpoint, Va." and more. Other news and advertisements of the day. Complete in 8 pages, minor margin wear, otherwise good condition.... See More
George Custer West Point statue...
Item #603371
September 05, 1879
THE CLEVELAND HERALD, Cleveland, Ohio, September 5, 1879
* General George Custer
* West Point statue unveiling
* Henry Slade - medium - psychic
This uncommon 8 page issue has news of the day with several interesting advertisements throughout.
Page 3 has one column headings: "Custer Monument" "Ceremonies of the Unveiling of the West Point Statue". See images for text.
... See More
The work of Grant and Sherman...
Item #602745
August 22, 1864
NEW YORK HERALD, Aug. 22, 1864
* Battle of Lovejoy's Station
* William T. Sherman - Atlanta
* Battle of Globe Tavern
Among the front page column heads on the Civil War are: "GRANT" "General Warren's Operations on the Left" "Sharp Fighting & Brilliant Skirmishes" "SHERMAN" "General Kilpatrick in Pursuit of Him" "Progr... See More
Death of General Winfield Scott...
Item #601711
May 31, 1866
NEW YORK TIMES, May 31, 1866
* General Winfield Scott death
The top of the front page has: "Honors To Gen. Scott" "Official Statement of His Illness & Death,..." "Medical Diary of His Physical Condition from His Arrival at West Point" "His Burial Place..." "The Funeral Cortege..." and more.
"Old Fuss & Feathers" had a... See More
Johnson Chestnut Whittaker...
Item #600343
April 09, 1880
* Johnson Chestnut Whittaker
* West Point military academy
* Negro cadet case
The front page has small one column headings: "The Colored Cadet" and"Did He Commit the Outrage on Himself?"
Other news and advertisements of the day throughout. Complete in 8 pages, minor margin wear, otherwise nice.... See More
Discussion Taylor's inaugural address...
Item #596980
March 10, 1849
NATIONAL INTELLIGENCER, Washington, D.C., March 10, 1849
* President Zachary Taylor
* John Bell Hood at West Point
The first column of the front page has the reviews of six newspapers on "The Inaugural Address" of President Taylor, with many diverse comments (see photos). Also on the ftpg. is a lengthy: "List of Cadet Appointments for 1849" listed by state, and inc... See More
Duel of Generals Lee and Clarkson... Washington at West Point...
Item #592340
December 03, 1779
THE EDINBURGH ADVERTISER, Scotland, Dec. 3, 1779 Inside has: "...Our fleet and army at New York have had a happy escape from the vengeance D'Estaing pronounced against them...passenger...says that every thing was quiet when he came from New York excepting some little skirmishing in the back settlements...repulsing an attack on Long Island & making a descent in the Jersies where ... See More
Harry N. Atwood airplane flight breaking world's record...
Item #583046
August 15, 1911
THE CHRISTIAN SCIENCE MONITOR, Boston, Massachusetts, August 24, 1911
* Harry Nelson Atwood
* Early aviation feat
* Airplanes in it's infancy
This 12 page newspaper has one column headlines on the front page that include: "ATWOOD, FLYING TO WEST POINT, BREAKS THE WORLD'S RECORD", "Aviator Lands Near military Field at 9:32 a. m., After Trip of More Than 80 Miles From ... See More
Reconstruction efforts...
Item #582994
June 10, 1865
ARMY & NAVY JOURNAL, New York, June 10, 1865
* Southern reconstruction
* Joseph E. Johnston
Obviously a military-themed publication so a nice title for Civil War content, even for reports from shortly after the end of the war.
The entire front page is taken up with: "The Military Situation". Other articles within include: "The General Principles of Tactics" "Li... See More
West Point... Saratoga... Quoits...
Regatta on the Schuykill River, Philadelphia...
Item #568814
July 04, 1874
LESLIE'S ILLUSTRATED, New York, July 4, 1874 The issue contains several key prints: nearly a full ftpg: "Target Practice at West Point--Firing At Night Time", a fullpg. inside: "Regatta Of the Schuylkill Navy at Philadelphia", and two fullpg. prints of the United States Hotel in Saratoga. Also present is a nice print of a game of quoits.
This issue is complete, h... See More
The late Winfield Scott...
Item #564526
June 16, 1866
LESLIE'S ILLUSTRATED, from New York, dated June 16, 1866 The full frontpage portrait is "The Late Lieutenant-General Winfield Scott." Portrait of Scott is in an oval frame draped in black. Fullpage prints inside: "Funeral Ceremonies Of The Late Lieutenant-General Winfield Scott, At The Cemetery At West Point--Bearing The Body To The Grave" and "The Chapel At West Point--Th... See More
Item #177793
January 23, 1915
HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York City, New York, January 23, 1915
This issue has a color cover page before the title page. On the back of the cover page there are several photos from the war.
In this issue, there are several articles including "The Feudal Towns of Texas" by George Creel; "Kitchener of Khartoum" by Harold Begbie; "An Anarchist Church" by Robert Shores; ... See More
Vacation in 1855...
Item #547696
July 19, 1855
THE NEW YORK HERALD, dated July 19, 1855.
* Vacation in 1855
On page 2 under "The Watering Places" are interesting letters from visitors at the following locations: "West Point Highlands", "N.J. Cape May" (has two letters), "Old Point Comfort", and "Richmond & Warrenton Springs, Virginia" These letters take most of three columns.
Altho... See More
Item #545209
July 08, 1834
ALBANY ARGUS, Albany, New York, July 8, 1834
Page 3 has a report from the "N.Y. Eve. Post" about the deaths of two firemen (Eugene Underhill & Frederick Ward) who perished in a fire, with mention that "...the fire department has taken prompt...measures to pay a tribute of respect..."
Other news of the day includes: "West point Military Academy" "Medica... See More
Tribute to Mark Twain....
Item #177587
December 24, 1910
HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, December 24, 1910
There is a full color cover page on this issue. The front page of this issue is a photo of "The New Chief Justice of the United States."
This issue has a photo spread of "The Explosion Which Shook New York" and a full page illustration of "'I Wish Santa Claus Would at Least Switch His Line of Confectionery" by... See More
Mark Twain Ad....
Item #177576
September 17, 1910
HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, September 17, 1910
This issue a full color, cover page. This issue's front page is a photo of "Connecticut Democrats' Choice for Governor."
This issue has an illustration of "His Taftship: 'Can You Beat it? He Cast Me for the Leading Part, and Now he Gobbles the Centre of the Stage and Every Inch of Limelight.' "by Kemble. Th... See More
Mayor Gaynor Shot.....
Item #177573
August 13, 1910
HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York City, August 13, 1910 This issue includes two front pages, something that is very unusual. The second front page was probably added after the newspapers were printed for the week when Mayor Gaynor was shot. The first front page of this issue is a photo of "Getting on at Panama" and the second one is of "The Attempted Assassination of Mayor Gayn
... See More
10 Die in 12-Inch Rifle Malfunction....
Item #177572
August 06, 1910
HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, August 6, 1910
This issue a full color, cover page. The front page of this issue has a photo of "Ohio's Republican Candidate for Governor."
This issue has an illustration of "A Parallelogram" by Kemble and an article with photos of "A Diana in Africa" by H. R. H. Helene de France, Duchess of Aosta. There are photos of "Whe... See More
The Revolution in Nicaragua.... Football...
Item #177554
February 19, 1910
HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, February 19, 1910
The front page of this issue has an illustration of "The Proof of the Porridge--" by H. G. Williamson.
In this issue, there are photos of "The Memorial to Phillips Brooks"; "With the Revolutionists in Nicaragua"; "The Ancestral Home of the Washingtons" and "From 'Salome' to 'Marguerite... See More
Football with its New Rules....
Item #177547
November 13, 1909
HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, November 13, 1909 The front page of this issue has an illustration of "After Forty Years" by Sarah K. Smith. This issue has an illustration of "After the Battle" by Kemble and photo spreads of "America's Premier Automobile Race"; "The Paper Town that Northcliffe Built"; "Following the Ball Under the New Rules&quo... See More
Military Academy at West Point...
Item #541280
January 11, 1827
NATIONAL JOURNAL, Washington DC, January 11, 1827
* West Point Military Academy
* Band instructor Willis
A page 3 report says that:
* "...Mr. Willis, the leader and instructor of the Band at the Military Academy at West Point arrived in this city, and he...intends giving a Concert this evening. The musical talents of this gentlemen have been universally admired and particularly his... See More
GROWTH & EXPANSION... Cincinnati, Ohio...
Item #541249
May 03, 1833
EVENING POST, New York City, New York, May 3, 1833
* Early Cincinnati, Ohio population...
* Progress of the West...
Page 2 has a report: "Progress Of The West.--The section of land on which Cincinnati is laid out, was bought for forty-nine dollars worth of land warrants! This was in December, 1788. Its population in 1795, was 500; in 1813, 4000; now in 1832... See More
Glenn Curtiss sets flight record...
Item #177532
June 11, 1910
HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, June 11, 1910 Full front page photo headed: "Curtiss' Great Flight" and captioned: "The Hammondsport aviator passing above West Point on his extraordinary flight down the Hudson from Albany to Governors Island." Inside page has seven more photos, and a report about Curtiss' record flight for "heavier-than-air machines"... See More
Mr. Taft in Panama.... A Capable Humorist by Mark Twain...
Item #177338
February 20, 1909
HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, February 20, 1909 The front page of this issue has an illustration of "February 22, 1732" by A. D. Blashfield which is referencing the birth of George Washington.
This issue has photos of "Mr. Taft at Panama"; "Our Wonderful Country" and there is an article with illustrations of "The Discovery of the Soul" by Victor
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