We sell original, historic newspapers featuring coverage of some of the great moments in the sport of boxing. Whether it is called boxing, prize-fighting, pugilism, or by some other name, the engagement of two people in a contest of strength, quickness, endurance, etc., using either gloved or bare hands, has captured the imagination of onlookers and participants since the beginning of time. Finding reports of such encounters within newspapers dates back into the 18th century. John Jackson vs. Daniel Mendoza, Jim Jeffries vs. Jim Corbett, Joe Louis vs. Max Schmeling, Joe Frazier vs Muhammad Ali, and more... enjoy the following authentic reports spanning 3 centuries:Boxing
We sell original, historic newspapers featuring coverage of some of the great moments in the sport of boxing. Whether it is called boxing, prize-fighting, pugilism, or by some other name, the engagement of two people in a contest of strength, quickness, endurance, etc., using either gloved or bare hands, has captured the imagination of onlookers and participants since the beginning of time. Finding reports of such encounters within newspapers dates back into the 18th century. John Jackson vs. Daniel Mendoza, Jim Jeffries vs. Jim Corbett, Joe Louis vs. Max Schmeling, Joe Frazier vs Muhammad Ali, and more... enjoy the following authentic reports spanning 3 centuries:
Early boxing item...
Item #615424
July 23, 1788
THE MORNING POST & DAILY ADVERTISER, London, July 23, 1788 The bottom of pg. 2 has: "Doyle, the famous boxer, was yesterday committed by the Magistrates at Bow St. for assaulting a gentleman in Covent Garden...". Other news of the day & a wealth of ads.
Four pages, nice condition.
Diseases of the teeth...
18th Century Boxing...
Item #577585
December 26, 1788
THE MORNING POST & DAILY ADVERTISER, London, December 26, 1788. Page three has content related to boxing (see images). Four pages, folio size, very nice condition. Also included on the back page is a lengthy discussion on "A Practical Treatise on the Diseases of the Teeth" - nice for dentistry interest. Partial red-ink stamp on page one.
Early report of a boxing match...
Item #619937
August 28, 1789
* 18th century boxing
Page 3 has an early item on a boxing match, noting: "A boxing match is to be fought...between Bullard and Brighton, two Suffolk men, for 50 pounds a side, in which it is expected many hard blows will be given as they are very powerful men & upwards of six feet high."
Four pages, full red... See More
Early boxing...
Item #616590
October 21, 1789
* Isaac Perrins vs. Tom Johnson
* English boxing championship
Page 3 has an article headed: "Boxing" concerning: "...the battle between Johnson and Perrins..." with some details (see).
Four pages, partial red tax stamp on the front page, very nice condition.
wikipedia notes: Isaac Perrins was an Eng... See More
Mendoza & boxing as "a disgrace of society"...
Item #698986
February 02, 1790
THE LONDON CHRONICLE, England, Feb. 2, 1790
* Daniel Mendoza - The fighting Jew
The back page has: "...Sir Sampson compelled Mr. Mendoza to give bail for his good behavior in future, which he did, himself in a penalty of 200 pounds...Thus the rage for boxing has received a very proper be hoped the magistrates throughout the kingdom will be no less vigilant in their end... See More
18th century boxing.......
Item #600204
April 13, 1790
* 18th century boxing
A very nice full folio-size newspaper of 4 pages with the entire front page taken up with ads. Pages 2 & 3 have various news of the day with the back page having mostly ads.
Page 2 has a report on a upcoming boxing match. See image for text.
Nice condition.... See More
Boxing against a one-armed man...
Item #613364
June 24, 1790
* Early boxing match
* One arm tied up
Page 3 has an early article on: "Boxing" concerning: "...the one-armed soldier...and a chimney-sweeper, who differed a little with each other in politics & parties...agreed to decide their dispute by a pitched battle in Bedford Bury at sun-set...tied up his left arm... See More
The sport of boxing in 1790...
Item #590354
October 30, 1790
COLUMBIAN CENTINEL, Boston, October 30, 1790 Page 2 has an article: "Boxing" which is a very early report of the sport (see photos). Other items including a page 3 article on: "Duelling", "King of France's Demand", "the Art of Joking", "King of Sweden" and other items.
Complete in 4 pages, never-trimmed margins, great condition. The back... See More
Early report on boxing...
Item #686767
October 30, 1790
COLUMBIAN CENTINEL, Boston, Oct. 30, 1790
* 18th century bareknuckle boxing
Page 2 has an article: "Boxing" which is a very early report of the sport. The match is between "Big Ben" and the "Tinman".
Other items including a page 3 article on: "Duelling" "King of France's Demand" "the Art of Joking" "King of Sweden" a... See More
A 'boxing match' between women of fashion...
Item #680431
August 27, 1796
THE HERALD; A GAZETTE FOR THE COUNTRY, New York, Aug. 27, 1796 Page 2 has a curious article headed: "Amorous Fracas!" beginning: "The boxing match which lately happened between two elderly maiden ladies of fashion in the vicinity of Merrion Square..." with the details.
Four pages, very nice, clean condition.
A fight between elderly ladies...
Item #677415
August 27, 1796
THE HERALD; A GAZETTE FOR THE COUNTRY, New York, Aug. 27, 1796 Page 2 has a curious report: "Amorous Fracas!" The report from Ireland begins: "The boxing match which lately happened between two elderly maiden ladies of fashion...having made some noise....we are happy to lay the cats and the consequences before our readers..." which is what follows.
Four pages, a few stra... See More
Very early boxing...
Item #611422
July 30, 1811
NATIONAL INTELLIGENCER, Washington, July 30, 1811
* Tom "The Moor" Molineaux
* African-American bare-knuckle boxer
Page 3 has a one paragraph report about a boxing match near London between Molineux, the famous black man from New York, and a young Englishman named Rimmer. The report states in part: "...In the course of 15 minutes the black pounded his antagonist most tremendo... See More
Volume one issue of a sporting newspaper...
Item #675246
January 24, 1857
PORTER'S SPIRIT OF THE TIMES, New York, Jan. 24, 1857 A rather famous sporting newspaper, with a sporting-themed masthead, calling itself: "A Chronicle of the Turf, Field Sports, Literature and the Stage". This is a volume one issue.
Reports are headed: "The Turf" "Draught Of The Seine" "Our Chess Department" "Out Door Sports" "Fist... See More
Game of wicket, pre-Civil War....
Item #675271
February 14, 1857
PORTER'S SPIRIT OF THE TIMES, New York, Feb. 14, 1857 Under the heading: "Out-Door Sports" are two letters to the editor from Troy, N.Y., concerning the "old game of wicket". It includes a quite small diagram of the "ground plan" of the game.
Under "Fistiana" (boxing) is a detailed report: "Hard-Fought Fight In England, Between Tom Sayers &am... See More
Very early baseball report?
Item #596515
March 14, 1857
PORTER'S SPIRIT OF THE TIMES, New York, March 14, 1857 Various literary content but there is also sporting reports near the back, including: "Trotting at Fairs" "Fistiana" which is boxing; "Our Chess Department" "Out-Door Sports" including cricket and a "ball match". I believe the latter to be baseball, and reports: "A great match at... See More
Item #544497
March 28, 1857
PORTER'S SPIRIT OF THE TIMES, New York, March 28, 1857.
* Chess
As noted in the masthead: "A Chronicle of the Turf, Field Sports, Literature and the Stage", this is a volume 1 issue of a very early sporting publication. Near the back of the issue is a column entitled: "Our Chess Department", which includes a chess "problem of the week" in addition to the s... See More
Item #574795
April 04, 1857
PORTER'S SPIRIT OF THE TIMES, New York, April 4, 1857.
* Chess
As noted in the masthead: "A Chronicle of the Turf, Field Sports, Literature and the Stage", this is a volume II issue of a very early sporting publication. Near the back of the issue is a column entitled: "Our Chess Department", which includes a chess "problem of the week" in addition to the s... See More
Baseball... Elephant hunting... Cockfighting...
Item #571043
April 11, 1857
PORTER'S SPIRIT OF THE TIMES, New York, April 11, 1857 As noted in the masthead: "A Chronicle of the Turf, Field Sports, Literature and the Stage", this is a volume II issue of a very early sporting publication. An article "Base Ball" has the announcement of the elected officers for the Excelsior Base Ball Club of Brooklyn. Another page features an article on "Elepha... See More
Early boxing...
Item #606473
August 04, 1857
NEW YORK DAILY TIMES, August 4, 1857
* Pre-Civil War boxing - prize fight
* Dominick Bradley vs. S.S. Rankin
* Buffalo, New York
Page 5 has an article headed: "The Great Prize-Fight Between Bradley and Rankins". See images for text.
Other news of the day. Complete in 8 pages, minor spine wear, otherwise nice.
The New York Crystal Palace fire...
Item #172198
October 16, 1858
HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, October 16, 1858 The front page features a half page illustration of "Gerard Hallock, Esq." with accompanying article. Inside full page illustration of "The Destruction of the New York Crystal Palace by Fire, October 5.1858" and a half page illustration of "The Ruins of the Crystal Palace." 1/4 pg. illus. of "Facsimile of the ... See More
Morrissey and Heenan will fight for the boxing championship...
Item #682725
October 20, 1858
NEW YORK HERALD, Oct. 20, 1858 Page 4 has nearly a full column report on: "The Prize Fight Today" between Morrissey and Heenan (The Benicia Boy). Column subheads include: "Morrissey and the Benecia Boy--Condition of the Men--Who Will be Champion--How the Betting Ranges--Amount of Money Staked". The result would be reported in the next day's newspaper.
Eight pages, go... See More
1858 boxing...
Item #606765
October 20, 1858
THE NEW YORK TIMES, October 20, 1858
* John Heenan "Benicia Boy"
* Pre Civil War boxing w/ police raid
* Jews Hospital - Mount Sinai
The front page has an article headed: "Fight Between the 'Bencia Boy' and 'Dublin Tricks'--The Latter Badly Beaten" See image for text here.
Eight pages, minor spine wear, nice condition.... See More
Baseball and boxing...
Item #695735
October 30, 1858
SPIRIT OF THE TIMES, New York, Oct. 30, 1858 It is subtitled in the masthead: "A Chronicle of the Turf, Field Sports, Literature and the Stage".
Page 5 has: "The Great Prize Fight" which provides a round-by-round report of the boxing match between John Morrissey and John C. Heenan.
Page 7 has a brief item: "New Base Ball Club" which begins: "A Base ... See More
Morrissey & Heenan boxing match... Steam fire engine...
Item #172202
October 30, 1858
HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, October 30, 1858 The front page features a half page illustration of "Mademoiselle Piccolomini" with accompanying article. Inside two 1/4 page illustration of "The Late Rev. John Sawyer, of Bangor, Maine" and "General Paez, of Venezuela." Half page illustration of "Terrible Explosion at Havana, on September 29, 1858." Hal... See More
Much on baseball... The upcoming Sayers-Heenan boxing match...
Item #696353
November 05, 1859
WILKES' SPIRIT OF THE TIMES, New York, Nov. 5, 1859
* Very early baseball game
* Pre American Civil War era
It is subtitled in the masthead: "A Chronicle of the Turf, Field Sports, Literature and the Stage".
Inside has reports headed: "Base Ball" with text and box scores for six games. Also a report under: "Fistiana" on: "The Championship... See More
Much on Tom Sayers and the boxing championship...
Item #695721
January 07, 1860
WILKES' SPIRIT OF THE TIMES, New York, Jan. 7, 1860
* John C. Heenan vs. Tom Sayers (pre-fight)
* First World boxing championship match
It is subtitled in the masthead: "A Chronicle of the Turf, Field Sports, Literature and the Stage".
Inside has more than a page taken up with: "Life And Battles Of Tom Sayers--Sixth Fight of Tom Sayers".
This article w... See More
Much on Tom Sayers and the boxing championship... The Annual Ball for baseball players...
Item #695732
January 07, 1860
WILKES' SPIRIT OF THE TIMES, New York, Jan. 14, 1860
* John C. Heenan vs. Tom Sayers
* First World boxing championship match
It is subtitled in the masthead: "A Chronicle of the Turf, Field Sports, Literature and the Stage".
Inside has most a page taken up with: "Life And Battles Of Tom Sayers--Seventh Fight of Tom Sayers" which is followed by: "Ei... See More
The historic Sayers - Heenan boxing match... A new baseball club is created...
Item #695718
February 04, 1860
WILKES' SPIRIT OF THE TIMES, New York, Feb. 4, 1860 It is subtitled in the masthead: "A Chronicle of the Turf, Field Sports, Literature and the Stage".
Various reporting on the historic boxing match of the day between Tom Sayers and John Heenan, 'The Benicia Boy' including "The Coming Fight for the Championship - The Probabilities of Heenan Proving Victor&qu... See More
Much on the historic Sayers - Heenan boxing match... A baseball convention...
Item #695717
February 11, 1860
WILKES' SPIRIT OF THE TIMES, New York, Feb. 11, 1860
* John C. Heenan vs. Tom Sayers
* First World boxing championship match
It is subtitled in the masthead: "A Chronicle of the Turf, Field Sports, Literature and the Stage".
This issue has a great deal of reporting on the historic boxing match of the day between Tom Sayers and John Heenan, 'The Benicia Boy... See More
Perfect pair of issues: prints of John Heenan and Tom Sayers...
Item #696359
February 18, 1860
WILKES' SPIRIT OF THE TIMES, New York, A consecutive pair of issues for Feb. 18 and 25, 1860
* John C. Heenan vs. Tom Sayers
* First World boxing championship match
It is subtitled in the masthead: "A Chronicle of the Turf, Field Sports, Literature and the Stage".
With the world title boxing match scheduled in less than two months, the front page of each issue fe... See More
Famous Tom Sayers & John Heenan boxing match...
Item #680899
April 30, 1860
NEW-YORK TRIBUNE, April 30, 1860
* John C. Heenan vs. Tom Sayers
* Famous boxing match - fight
Appearing at the top of the first column on pg. 6 are headlines reporting one of the most famous boxing matches of the nineteenth century involving John Heenan, the American champion, and Tom Sayers, the English champion.
In the third column under "The Great Fight" is a detailed a... See More
First world championship boxing match: Heenan vs. Sayers...
Item #172360
May 05, 1860
HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, May 5, 1860 The prime feature of this issue would have to be the great doublepage centerfold print captioned: "Bloody, Brutal, and Blackguard Prize-Fight In England, Between Heenan and Sayers, On April 17, 1860" which shows hundreds of spectators.
This historic boxing match is considered the very first world boxing championship. It is a terrific boxi... See More
Boxing's first world championship... The Pony Express....
Item #682682
May 07, 1860
* John C. Heenan vs. Tom Sayers
* First World boxing championship match
Page 5 has a one column head: "Four Days Later From Europe" "The Prize Fight" "Letters From Heenan" "He Claims the Belt or Another Fight". This was the famous match with Sayers, considered as boxing's first world championship. "...Not h... See More
re. the Heenan vs. Sayers boxing title...
Item #617234
May 29, 1860
* John C. Heenan vs. Tom Sayers
* 1st boxing championship dispute
Pages 3 has an article headed: "The Championship" "Settlement of the Heenan and Sayers Affair" Both To Have Belts" with subheads. (see)
Other news of the day. Complete in 12 pages, a little irregular along spine, nice condition.... See More
Capture of a slave ship... The Pony Express during its brief existence... Lincoln ...
Item #690610
May 31, 1860
NEW YORK HERALD, May 31, 1860 Page 3 has: "Seizure of Another Supposed Slaver" with subhead: "Seizure of the Steamer City of Norfolk, Suspected of Fitting Out For the Slave Trade".
The top of page 7 has a report: "Capture of Another Slaver Off the Coast of Cuba" which is rather brief. This is followed by: "Arrival of the California Pony Express--The Expres... See More
Terrific front page print of John Heenan, the famed boxer...
Item #698262
June 02, 1860
WILKES' SPIRIT OF THE TIMES, New York, June 2, 1860
* John C. Heenan vs. Tom Sayers
* Famous boxing match
A terrific issue on the famed boxer John Heenan, as the entire front page is taken up with a print of him captioned: "John C. Heenan, The Champion of the World".
The print was taken from a photo of him of May 3, 1860 in England, shortly after his famous match betwee... See More
Boxing champion John C. Heenan...
Item #617381
July 16, 1860
THE NEW YORK HERALD, July 16, 1860
* American boxer John C. Heenan
* Boxing champion welcome home
The front page has an article headed: "The Return Of Heenan" "The Champion Of The World At Home" "The Bencia Boy On Staten Island" and more.
Other news of the day. Complete in 8 pages, a little irregular along the spine, nice condition.... See More
Item #545067
January 04, 1862
WILKES' SPIRIT OF THE TIMES, New York, NY, January 4, 1862.
* Billiards
Page five of this issue includes a rather lengthy article concerning boxing entitled: "Billiards - Kavanagh and Foley, Proposed Match".
Another article found within this issue and entitled: "Our Chess Department" includes a "problem of the week" and the answer to the previous w... See More
Item #546330
February 08, 1862
WILKES' SPIRIT OF THE TIMES, New York, NY, February 8, 1862.
* Salt
* Boxing
This issue contains a rather lengthy article concerning "the Salting of the Streets of Philadelphia", which goes into some detail about the benefits of salt.
Another article found within this issue and entitled: "Our Chess Department" includes a "problem of the week" and the an... See More
Item #544663
February 15, 1862
WILKES' SPIRIT OF THE TIMES, New York, NY, February 15, 1862.
* Billiards
* Chess
This newspaper, which was primarily a sporting newspaper, has a quite lengthy article headed: "Billiards" includes accompanying subheads entitled: "The Foley and Kavanagh Match", "The Match of 1859", and much more.
Another article found within this issue and entitled: "... See More
Item #544706
February 22, 1862
WILKES' SPIRIT OF THE TIMES, New York, NY, February 22, 1862.
* Billiards
* Chess
This newspaper, which was primarily a sporting newspaper, has a quite lengthy article headed: "Billiards". Accompanying subheads include: "Kavanagh and Deery", "Billiard Entertainment", and much more.
Another article found within this issue and entitled: "O... See More
Early Chess w/ diagram...
Item #635479
March 01, 1862
WILKES' SPIRIT OF THE TIMES, New York, NY, March 1, 1862.
* Chess
This issue contains an article entitled: "Our Chess Department", which includes a "problem of the week" and the answer to the previous weeks' problem.
Some Civil War reports can also be found as well as other sports items, including boxing, horse racing, and cricket. Complete in 16 pages, a l... See More
Civil War era boxing and chess...
Item #544660
May 24, 1862
WILKES' SPIRIT OF THE TIMES, New York, May 24, 1862.
* Boxing
* Chess
This newspaper, which was primarily a sporting newspaper, has a quite lengthy article headed: "The Ring in England" features the "Conclusion of a Fight Between Gannon and Hatton". An additional subhead discusses a fight between Cook and Kenny.
Another article found within this issue and en... See More
Baseball... The recent London dog show...
Item #544982
July 12, 1862
WILKES' SPIRIT OF THE TIMES, New York, NY, July 12, 1862 The front page of this issue features an illustration captioned: "The Two First Premiums", which accompanying subheads: "Bloodhound and Black and Tan Terrier" and "The Recent London Dog Show".
Page three of this issue includes a rather lengthy article concerning baseball entitled: "Ph... See More
Baseball continues during th Civil War...
Item #675347
July 26, 1862
WILKES' SPIRIT OF THE TIMES, New York, July 26, 1862 Basically a sports-themed newspaper. Inside has 2 1/2 columns taken up with reports on: "Base Ball" games and developments. Included are box scores for 9 games.
Other sports reports as well including for: "Fistiana" (boxing).
Sixteen pages, decorative masthead, nice condition.
The new ironclad naval fleet...
Item #605566
December 22, 1863
NEW YORK HERALD, Dec. 22, 1863 Among the front page column heads on the Civil War are: "Our Iron-Clad Fleet" "Rebel Reports from Charleston" "Rumored Disaster to the New Ironsides and Two Monitors" "The New Ironsides Entangled in a Net" "Important If True" and more. Also a report of the boxing match between between Heenan & King.
Eight p... See More
Heenan vs. King Boxing Match, 1863...
Item #598325
December 22, 1863
NEW YORK HERALD, December 22, 1863
* John C. Heenan vs. Tom King
* Boxing collectible
This 8 page newspaper has one column headlines on the front page: "THE GREAT PRIZE FIGHT", "Reports from Heenan and King to the 7th Instant", with subheads that include: "THE PRIZE RING" and more. Provides considerable pre-fight news on the famous John C. Heenan and To
... See More
* John C. Heenan vs. Tom King
* Boxing collectible
This 8 page newspaper has one column headlines on the front page: "THE GREAT PRIZE FIGHT", "Reports from Heenan and King to the 7th Instant", with subheads that include: "THE PRIZE RING" and more. Provides considerable pre-fight news on the famous John C. Heenan and To
John Heenan vs. Tom King... a great boxing collectible...
Item #648525
December 26, 1863
THE NEW YORK HERALD, Dec. 26, 1863
* John Heenan vs. Tom King
* One of the greatest fights of the 19th century
* Heenan's last fight... was he cheated... drugged?
The front page has nearly two columns of reporting regarding the famous (or infamous?) champion prize-fight between John Heenan and Tom King. Heenan eventually lost the fight but later claimed he was cheated by being dr... See More
The Philadelphia Collection I
Item #206228
September 01, 1866
Harper's Weekly, various dates from September 1, 1866 through November 18, 1876. This is a six issue set of Harper's Weekly containing various prints pertaining to events and/or buildings in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. The set provides more than a 10% discount over purchasing the issues individually. This is a great set of issues for anyone interested in Philadelphia, PA, early U.S. ... See More
McCoole vs. Jones boxing fight announced... Baseball...
Item #570683
August 31, 1867
NEW YORK TIMES, New York, August 31, 1867 The frontpage of this issue contains a small article announcing "The McCool and Jones Prize Fight". "It is understood that the fight between Mike McCool and Aaron Jones for the championship of the United States will take place somewhere in Butler county, Ohio... The fight will commence between 6 and 8 o'clock in the morning." ... See More
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