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Perfect pair of issues: prints of John Heenan and Tom Sayers...

Item # 696359

February 18, 1860

WILKES' SPIRIT OF THE TIMES, New York, A consecutive pair of issues for Feb. 18 and 25, 1860  

* John C. Heenan vs. Tom Sayers
* First World boxing championship match

It is subtitled in the masthead: "A Chronicle of the Turf, Field Sports, Literature and the Stage". 
With the world title boxing match scheduled in less than two months, the front page of each issue features prints of: "Tom Sayers--The Champion of England" and: "John C. Heenan--The Champion of America".  Their historic match was scheduled for April 17.
Inside pages of each issue contain articles relating to them and the match.
Unrelated by very descriptive is an article: "A Journey to the Western Plains of America" with part 1 in Feb. 18 and part 2 in Feb. 25. It was written by Grantley Berkeley, a British politician, writer & sportsman.
Sixteen pages, 11 by 15 1/4 inches, a sporting-themed engraving in the masthead. Feb. 18 is in great condition, Feb. 25 has very light toning, a small stain to the ftpg., a bit irregular at the blank spines from disbinding, and close-trimmed at the top not affecting text.

Category: Pre-Civil War