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Baseball... Elephant hunting... Cockfighting...
Baseball... Elephant hunting... Cockfighting...
Item # 571043
April 11, 1857
PORTER'S SPIRIT OF THE TIMES, New York, April 11, 1857 As noted in the masthead: "A Chronicle of the Turf, Field Sports, Literature and the Stage", this is a volume II issue of a very early sporting publication. An article "Base Ball" has the announcement of the elected officers for the Excelsior Base Ball Club of Brooklyn. Another page features an article on "Elephant Hunting in Africa" which was presented by Dr. Livingston. The original of Cockfighting is also included in this issue.
Near the back of the issue is a column entitled: "Our Chess Department", which includes a chess "problem of the week" in addition to the solution to the problem from the week prior. There are also other sporting reports including boxing (Fistiana),
Equestrianism, & horse racing. Complete in 16 pages with an ornate sports-themed masthead.
Category: Pre-Civil War