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Heenan vs. King Boxing Match, 1863...

Item # 598325

December 22, 1863

NEW YORK HERALD, December 22, 1863

* John C. Heenan vs. Tom King
* Boxing collectible

This 8 page newspaper has one column headlines on the front page: "THE GREAT PRIZE FIGHT", "Reports from Heenan and King to the 7th Instant", with subheads that include: "THE PRIZE RING" and more. Provides considerable pre-fight news on the famous John C. Heenan and Tom King boxing fight. The report takes a full column.
Civil war related news and period advertising are throughout. The issue is in good condition and is complete in 8 pages.

Note:  Heenan eventually lost the fight but later claimed he was cheated by being drugged and by the fight not being called when he knocked down King for more than enough time for the fight to have been called. This ended up being has last fight and brought to an end his reign as the greatest boxer of the 19th century.

Category: Yankee