We sell original, historic newspapers featuring coverage of some of the great moments in the sport of boxing. Whether it is called boxing, prize-fighting, pugilism, or by some other name, the engagement of two people in a contest of strength, quickness, endurance, etc., using either gloved or bare hands, has captured the imagination of onlookers and participants since the beginning of time. Finding reports of such encounters within newspapers dates back into the 18th century. John Jackson vs. Daniel Mendoza, Jim Jeffries vs. Jim Corbett, Joe Louis vs. Max Schmeling, Joe Frazier vs Muhammad Ali, and more... enjoy the following authentic reports spanning 3 centuries:Boxing
We sell original, historic newspapers featuring coverage of some of the great moments in the sport of boxing. Whether it is called boxing, prize-fighting, pugilism, or by some other name, the engagement of two people in a contest of strength, quickness, endurance, etc., using either gloved or bare hands, has captured the imagination of onlookers and participants since the beginning of time. Finding reports of such encounters within newspapers dates back into the 18th century. John Jackson vs. Daniel Mendoza, Jim Jeffries vs. Jim Corbett, Joe Louis vs. Max Schmeling, Joe Frazier vs Muhammad Ali, and more... enjoy the following authentic reports spanning 3 centuries:
Rocky Graziano offered a bribe in 1947...
Item #636656
January 28, 1947
NEW YORK TIMES, January 28, 1947 The front page has one column heads: "GRAZIANO ADMITS $100,000 'FIX' TALK", "Boxing Star Tells Grand Jury of Offers--Three Indicted in Paris Football Plot". The lengthy text continues on the back page.
Complete in 48 pages, this is the "rag edition" printed on very high quality newsprint for institutional use, great condit
... See More
Complete in 48 pages, this is the "rag edition" printed on very high quality newsprint for institutional use, great condit
Sugar Ray Robinson vs. Jimmy Doyle...
Item #615716
June 25, 1947
THE DETROIT FREE PRESS, Detroit, Michigan, June 25, 1947
* Sugar Ray Robinson vs. Jimmy Doyle
* Death in the boxing ring
This 28 page newspaper has a seven column headline on page 18: "Sugar's 8th-Round KO Punch Sends Doyle to Hospital" with subheads that include: "Challenger in Critical Condition" and more.
Other news of the day throughout. Light browning with m... See More
Sugar Ray Robinson vs. Jimmy Doyle...
Item #565406
June 26, 1947
THE NEW YORK TIMES, New York, June 26, 1947
* Sugar Ray Robinson vs. Jimmy Doyle
* Death in the boxing ring (death 1st reported)
This 48 page newspaper has a two column headline on page 28: "Doyle Dies of Injuries Suffered In Cleveland Bout With Robinson" with subhead: "Brain Operation Is Unavailing and the Los Angeles Boxer Is Unconscious to the End--Coroner Plans Investiga... See More
Sugar Ray Robinson vs. Jimmy Doyle tragedy....
Item #669347
June 26, 1947
THE NEW YORK TIMES, June 26, 1947.
* Sugar Ray Robinson vs. Jimmy Doyle
* World welterweight title fight
* Death in the boxing ring
The sport's section (page 28) has a two column heading: "Doyle Dies of Injuries Suffered In Cleveland Bout With Robinson" with subhead and photo of Doyle. (see)
Other news, sports and advertisements of the day. Complete in 48 pages, this is the... See More
Rocky Graziano wins Middleweight title....
Item #682822
July 17, 1947
THE SPRINGFIELD UNION, Mass., July 17, 1947
* Boxer Rocky Graziano victory
* Boxing middleweight title fight
* vs. Tony Zale
The front page has a two column heading: "Rocky Graziano Stops Zale in Sixth Round" with subhead. (see) First report coverage on Rocky Graziano becoming the new middleweight boxing champion of the World.
Complete with 24 pages, light toning and a little we... See More
Jake LaMotta vs. Billy Fox... Infamous fixed match...
Item #688873
November 15, 1947
THE NEW YORK TIMES, November 15, 1947
* Jake LaMotta vs. Billy Fox
* Fixed boxing match - Mafia
* 'Raging Bull' fame
The sport's section (page 12) has a banner headline: "Fox Knocks Out LaMotta in Fourth Round Before Crowd of 18,340 at Garden" with subheads that include: "NEW YORK VETERAN STOPPED FIRST TIME" and more with a nice three... See More
Aden pogrom.... Joe Louis wins...
Item #589034
December 06, 1947
THE NEW YORK TIMES, December 6, 1947
* 1947 Aden pogrom
* Jewish community attacked
* Joe Louis retains heavyweight boxing crown
This 32 page newspaper has one column headlines on the front page: "44 ARABS, JEWS DIE IN CLASH AT ADEN; TROOPS RUSHED IN", "British Red Sea Protectorate Scene of Four-Day Battle--Haganah Fights Police". 1st report coverage on t... See More
Joe Louis... Jersey Joe Walcott...
Item #601503
December 06, 1947
LEOMINSTER DAILY ENTERPRISE, Massachusetts, December 6, 1947
* Joe Louis
* Jersey Joe Walcott
* World heavyweight boxing title fight
The sport's section (page 5) has a two column headline:
"Joe Louis Keeps Title By Split Decision In Fight With Jersey Joe Walcott"
Other news, sports and advertisements of the day. Complete in 8 pages, very minor m... See More
Joe Louis... Jersey Joe Walcott...
Item #556842
December 06, 1947
THE NEW YORK TIMES, New York, December 6, 1947
* Joe Louis
* Jersey Joe Walcott
* World heavyweight boxing title fight
This 32 page newspaper has a nice banner headline on page 19: "Louis, Floored Twice, Beats Walcott on Split Decision to Retain World Title" with subheads and related photos, one showing Joe Louis down on the canvas after knockdown by Walcott
Other news of the ... See More
Tony Zale defends middleweight boxing crown...
Item #700598
February 22, 1948
* Boxer Tony Zale victory
* Boxing middleweight title fight
* vs. Steve Mamakos (1st defense of crown)
* From the city where it happened (rare)
The front page of the sport's section has a nice banner headline: "ZALE KNOCKS OUT STEVE MAMAKOS IN 14TH" with subheads and related photos. (see images) First report coverage on Tony Zale's 1s... See More
Joe Louis... Jersey Joe Walcott...
Item #621425
June 26, 1948
* Joe Louis vs. Jersey Joe Walcott
* Heavyweight boxing title (pre fight news)
* Yankee Stadium
Page 5 has a one column heading: "Louis Winner, Will Retire From Boxing" with photo of Louis. (see)
Other news, sports and advertisements of the day. Complete in 8 pages, minor spine wear, otherwise nice.... See More
Joe Louis Wins & Retires In 1948...
Item #210379
June 26, 1948
THE SPRINGFIELD REPUBLICAN, June 26, 1948. This 28 page newspaper has a three line, two column headline on the front page: "Louis Scores Knockout Over Walcott to Defend Title and Then Retires" with subhead: "Brown Bomber Finishes Off Jersey Joe in 11th Round of Dull Fight and Then Announces He Is Stepping Out as Undefeated Heavyweight Boxing Champ" plus a one column photo ... See More
Joe Louis... Jersey Joe Walcott...
Item #643139
June 26, 1948
THE MORNING CALL, Allentown, Penn., June 26, 1948
* Joe Louis vs. Jersey Joe Walcott
* Heavyweight boxing title (pre fight news)
* Yankee Stadium
The top of the front page has a banner headline: "Joe Lewis Knocks Out Walcott in 'Last Fight'" with subhead and photo of Louis. (see) Notice the spelling mistake. (Lewis)
Front leaf only (p... See More
Willie Pep wins featherweight boxing title...
Item #604566
February 12, 1949
THE DETROIT FREE PRESS, Detroit, Michigan, February 12, 1949
* Willie Pep wins featherweight boxing title
* Sandy Saddler
The front page has a three column photo with caption: "As Pep Regained His Title". Also a six column headline on page 16 reads: "Pep Regains Title in Bloody Battle" with subheads and photo of Pep. This is 1st report coverage on Willie P... See More
Joe Louis 'The Brown Bomber'...
Item #565573
March 01, 1949
TAUNTON DAILY GAZETTE, Massachusetts, March 1, 1949
* Joe Louis 'The Brown Bomber' retires
* Heavyweight boxing champion
This 12 page newspaper has a two column headline on the front page: "Joe Louis Resigns His Boxing Title" with photo. (see)
Light browning with minor margin wear, otherwise good.
wikipedia notes: Joseph Louis Barrow (May 13, 1914–... See More
1949 Joe Louis 'The Brown Bomber' retires ?...
Item #584714
March 01, 1949
THE TOPEKA DAILY CAPITAL, Kansas, March 1, 1949
* Joe Louis 'The Brown Bomber' retires ?
* Heavyweight boxing champion
This 14 page newspaper has a nice banner headline on page 6: "Louis Retires as Champion, Becomes Promoter" with subheads (see photos). Although this was big news at the time, Louis would decide to continue fighting until October of 1951.
... See More
Joe Louis 'The Brown Bomber'...
Item #609964
March 02, 1949
THE NEW YORK TIMES, March 2, 1949
* Joe Louis 'The Brown Bomber'
* Heavyweight boxing champion
* Retires
The front page has a two column headline: "Louis Resigns Heavyweight Title And Will Become Boxing Promoter"
Also a 7 column headline on page 35 reads: "Louis Officially Resigns World Title; Will Become Boxing Promoter" with photo of Louis. (see)
Other news,... See More
1949 Mount Joe Palooka monument dedication...
Item #712780
April 17, 1949
* Mt. Mount Joe Palooka monument dedication
* Heavyweight boxing"Champion of Democracy"
* Cartoonist Ham Fisher comic strip - Wilkes-Barre
The front page has a two column heading: "Mt. Palooka to Sport Head Carved in Stone" with lead-in: "Memorial Dedicated" and photo/illustration. (see images)
Complete with 40+ pages, l... See More
Jake Lamotta wins boxing title....
Item #604632
June 17, 1949
THE SPRINGFIELD UNION, Springfield, Massachusetts, June 17, 1949
* Jake Lamotta wins title
* Middleweight boxing champion
* Marcel Cerdan
The front page has two column headlines: "LaMotta Beats Cerdan For Middleweight Title", "New Champ Give Injured Frenchman Bad Beating and Is Ruled 10th Round Kayo Winner". This is 1st report coverage on Jake LaMotta win... See More
Jake Lamotta wins boxing title... Eddie Waitkus...
Item #615098
June 17, 1949
THE NEW YORK TIMES, June 17, 1949
* Jake Lamotta wins title
* Middleweight boxing champion
* Eddie Waitkus shot by girl stalker
The sport's section (page 31) has a banner headline: "LaMotta Wins Title by Knockout as Cerdan Is Unable to Answer Bell for 10th" with subheads that include: "BRONX MAN VICTOR DESPITE HANDICAP" " LaMotta Breaks Left Hand in Secon... See More
Joe Louis...
Item #550606
September 27, 1950
THE TIMES-PICAYUNE, from New Orleans, Louisiana, dated September 27, 1950.
* Heavyweight boxing fight
* Joe Louis (Brown bomber)
* Ezzard Charles
* Pre fight news
This 42 page newspaper has a six column headline on page 21:
* Louis Seeks to Regain Heavy Crown Against Charles Tonight
with subheads that include: "Browns Bomber 2 To 1 Favorite" and more.
Other news of the... See More
Ezzard Charles boxing title fight....
Item #615946
January 13, 1951
THE SPRINGFIELD UNION, Massachusetts, January 13, 1951
* Ezzard Charles vs. Lee Oma
* Heavyweight boxing title fight
The front page has a two column heading: "Charles Retains Crown, Stops Oma in 10th Round" with subhead. (see) Coverage continues in the sport's section.
Other news, sports and advertisements of the day. Complete in 24 pages, minor spine wear, otherwise nice.... See More
Sugar Ray Robinson...
Item #648559
February 15, 1951
THE DETROIT FREE PRESS, Michigan, Feb. 15, 1951
* Sugar Ray Robinson vs. Jake Lamotta
* Boxing - Boxers - 6th of 6 fights
* St. Valentine's Day Massacre
Page 18 has a nice banner headline: "Robinson Wins Title on TKO in 13th" with subheads and two related photos on the historic fight with Jake Lamotta. This was the sixth and final fight between the two in which Ro... See More
Charles vs. Walcott boxing...
Item #557420
March 08, 1951
THE TIMES PICAYUNE, New Orleans, Louisiana, March 8, 1951
* Ezzard Charles vs. Jersey Joe Walcott
* Heavyweight Boxing title fight
This 62 page newspaper has a two column headline on page 25:
* Ezzard Charles Wins Easily Over Walcott
Other news of day throughout. Light browning with minor margin wear, otherwise in good condition.
wikipedia notes: June 22 of 1949, Walcott got anoth... See More
Joe Louis' last knockout victory (1951) - the best we've seen...
Item #696788
June 16, 1951
* Joe Louis vs. Lee Savold
* Heavyweight boxing fight
* Last win by way of knockout
Page 12 has perhaps the best coverage of the last knockout of Joe Louis' career we have ever seen. It contains multiple photos and detailed coverage. The opposing page also has a related photo as does the front page. Truly a great issue!
This was t... See More
Jersey Joe Walcott vs. Ezzard Charles...
Item #562500
July 19, 1951
THE TIMES PICAYUNE, New Orleans, Louisiana, July 19, 1951
* Jersey Joe Walcott vs. Ezzard Charles
* Oldest heavyweight boxing champion
This 52 page newspaper has a six column headline on page 24: "Walcott Wins World Heavyweight Crown; Stops Charles in 7th" with subheads and action photo. (see) Tells of Jersey Joe Walcott becoming the oldest heavyweight boxing champion of all time... See More
Rocky Marciano knocks out Joe Louis...
Item #683496
October 27, 1951
FITCHBURG SENTINEL, Oct. 26 & 27, 1951
* Rocky Marciano (The Brockton Blockbuster)
* Joe Louis (Brown Bomber)
* Heavyweight boxing fight
The top of page 8 of the 27th has a four column heading: "Marciano Is Newest Ring Idol" with subheads and photo of Louis. (see) You also get the Oct. 26th issue which has pre-fight coverage with photo of each boxer containing the tale-of-the... See More
Rocky Marciano wins heavyweight boxing title...
Item #683601
September 25, 1952
* Rocky Marciano wins heavyweight boxing title
* Knocks out Jersey Joe Walcott in 13th round
The front page of the sport's section has two related photos with headings: "The Punch Of The Year" and "Dethrones A Champions" Also a two column heading: "Joe to Fight Rocky Again; Pilot Agrees" (see)
Complete with 38 pa... See More
1954 Rocky Marciano vs. Ezzard Charles...
Item #657779
June 18, 1954
FITCHBURG SENTINEL, Mass., June 18, 1954
* Rocky Marciano wins
* Heavyweight boxing title
* Ezzard Charles
The top of page 8 has a two column heading: "Rocky Hints Of Return Bout After Savage Scrap Win, Charles Snarls At Decision" (see)
Complete with all 16 pages, some spine wear, otherwise nice.
1954 Rocky Marciano KO's Ezzard Charles...
Item #707956
September 18, 1954
THE SPRINGFIELD UNION, Massachusetts, Sept. 18, 1954
* Rocky Marciano wins by knockout vs. Ezzard Charles
* Heavyweight boxing title at Yankee Stadium
The front page has a two column heading: "Marciano Retains Title With Knockout in 8th" with related photo. (see images) The top of page 28 has a three column heading: "Marciano Knockout Winner Against Charles in Eighth&qu... See More
1954 Rocky Marciano KO's Ezzard Charles... Billy Grahm "saves" gangster/boxer Mickey Cohen...
Item #707455
September 18, 1954
* Rocky Marciano wins by knockout vs. Ezzard Charles
* Heavyweight boxing title at Yankee Stadium
* Billy Grahm and gangster/boxer Mickey Cohen
The top of the front page has a full-banner headline: "ROCKY KO'S CHARLES IN 8TH", with subheading: "Ez Fails To Retake Crown - 25,000 See Him Floored 3 Times". This is accompanie... See More
1955 Rocky Marciano title bout.... Archie Moore....
Item #660309
September 22, 1955
THE RUSSELL DAILY NEWS, Kansas, September 22, 1955.
* Rocky Marciano vs. Archie Moore
* Heavyweight Boxing title fight
* His last career fight
The top of page 5 has a three column heading: "Rock May Retire" (see) First report coverage on Rocky Marciano defending his heavyweight boxing title against Archie Moore. This would be Marciano's last professional boxing match as he w... See More
Sugar Ray Robinson wins...
Item #681691
December 10, 1955
THE SPRINGFIELD UNION, Springfield, Massachusetts, December 10, 1955
* Sugar Ray Robinson wins
* Middleweight boxing crown for 3rd time (comeback)
This 40 page newspaper has a three column headline on the front page: "Robinson Knocks Out Olson" with subhead: "Sugar Ray Scores Sensational Kayo at 2.51 of Second Round to Take Middleweight Crown for Third Time" and a nice t... See More
Rocky Marciano retires from boxing...
Item #579059
April 27, 1956
LEOMINSTER DAILY ENTERPRISE, Leominster, Massachusetts, April 27, 1956
* Rocky Marciano retires from boxing (1st report)
* Heavyweight champion
This 12 page newspaper has a two column headlines on the front page: "ROCKET MARCIANO NEVER BEATEN IN 49 PRO FIGHTS, RETIRES AS CHAMPION", "Tells of Decision at News Conference Held in N.Y." with smaller subheads.
This tells ... See More
Floyd Patterson retains his heavyweight title...
Item #675765
August 19, 1958
SPORT'S SECTION ONLY of The Des Moines Register, Iowa, Aug. 19, 1958
* Floyd Patterson vs. Roy Harris
* Heavyweight boxing title fight
This is the sports section only, with a nice banner headline: "PATTERSON KEEPS TITLE ON T.K.O. IN 12TH" with related subheads, and two photos, one showing a bloodied Roy Harris attempting to stand.
Contains 8 pages, very nice condition.... See More
Ingemar Johansson wins boxing heavyweight title...
Item #570979
June 26, 1959
PRATT DAILY TRIBUNE, Kansas, June 26 & 27, 1959
* Ingemar Johansson wins boxing heavyweight title
* Floyd Patterson
The June 27th issue has banner headline on page 2 that reads:
"Johansson's Mystery Right 'Atomic Weapon' In Gaining Heavy Crown"
You also get the June 26th issue which has pre fight news with photo. (see)
Other news of the day... See More
Floyd Patterson regains heavyweight boxing title...
Item #629628
June 21, 1960
THE SPRINGFIELD UNION, Massachusetts, June 21, 1960
* Floyd Patterson regains heavyweight boxing title (1st to do so)
* Ingemar Johansson
This 32 page newspaper has a four column headline on the front page: "Patterson Knocks Out Ingo In 5th Round, Regains Title" with photo. (see)
More on page 24 (sport's section).
Other news of the day throughout. Minor spine wear, othe... See More
Muhammad Ali's 2nd pro fight...
Item #681233
December 28, 1960
THE NEW YORK TIMES, December 28, 1960
* Muhammad Ali - Cassius Clay
* 2nd professional boxing match
* Very rare report when still unknown
In the sport's section (page 34) under a one column heading: "BOWDRY DEFEATS PASTRANO IN BOUT" is a brief and inconspicuous report reading: "In a preliminary, the Olympic light-heavyweight champion, Cassius Clay of Louisville, scored a... See More
Floyd Patterson and Ingmar Johansson... Heavyweight title boxing match...
Item #557841
March 13, 1961
THE DETROIT NEWS, Detroit, Michigan, March 13, 1961
* Floyd Patterson Heavyweight title boxing match (pre fight news)
* Ingmar Johansson
This 38 page newspaper has a banner headline on the front page of the sport's section (inside): "Title Consensus: 'Floyd Has Too Many Tools'" with two illustrations of Patterson and Ingemar Johansson.
Other news of the day throughout. Little... See More
Muhammad Ali's 6th pro fight...
Item #648074
April 21, 1961
THE NEW YORK TIMES, April 21, 1961
* Muhammad Ali - Cassius Clay
* 6th professional boxing match
* Very rare report when still unknown
The sport's section (page 45) under a very small and discrete one column heading: "Wednesday Night Fight" is a brief and inconspicuous report reading: "Cassius Clay, 192, Louisville, knocked out Lamar Clark, 181 1/2, Cedar City, Utah, 2&q... See More
Benny 'Kid' Paret Boxing...
Item #576795
March 25, 1962
SPRINGFIELD REPUBLICAN, Springfield, Massachusetts, March 25, 1962
* Benny Paret's last fight (1st report)
* Welterwight World boxing championship
This 50+ page newspaper has two column headlines on the front page of the sport's section: "Griffith Halts Paret On 12th Round TKO" and "Comes Off Floor With Savage Two-Fisted Attack to Regain Welterweight Crown"
Th... See More
Benny 'Kid' Paret boxing death...
Item #703416
April 03, 1962
THE DETROIT NEWS, April 3, 1962
* Benny "Kid" Paret last fight - death
* Welterweight World boxing championship
* vs. champion boxer Emile Griffith
The front page has a one column heading: "Kid Paret Succumbs to Injuries" with subhead and photo. (see images)
Complete with 40+ pages, some small binding holes along the spine, small library stamp within the masthead, smal... See More
Sonny Liston wins heavyweight boxing title....
Item #642136
September 26, 1962
LEOMINSTER DAILY ENTERPRISE, Massachusetts, September 26, 1962
* Sonny Liston vs. Floyd Patterson
* Heavyweight boxing title fight w/photo
Page 6 has a three column headline: "Rematch of Heavyweights Set 'As Soon As Possible'" with caption: "Liston Wins Big" and photo. (see) First report coverage on Sonny Liston becoming heavyweight boxing champion of the world ... See More
Boxer Davey Moore put in coma...
Item #694319
March 22, 1963
THE DETROIT NEWS, March 22, 1963
* Davey Moore vs. Sugar Ramos
* Featherweight boxing title fight
* Moore put in coma after defeat
The front page has a banner headline: "KO'd Boxer Fights Deaths" with subhead: "Moore in a Coma After Loss of Title" and photo. More in the sport's section. Moore would die a few days later.
Complete with 50+ pages, small library st... See More
Sonny Liston vs. Floyd Patterson... boxing...
Item #596266
July 23, 1963
LEOMINSTER DAILY ENTERPRISE, Leominster, Massachusetts, July 23, 1963
* Sonny Liston vs. Floyd Patterson
* Heavyweight boxing title fight
* Prelude to Muhammad Ali
Page 5 has a three column headline: "Liston Remains Champion With First Round K. O." with caption: "It Took 4 More Seconds" 1st report coverage on Sonny Liston retaining his heavyweight boxing title... See More
1964 Muhammad Ali vs. Sonny Liston advertisement...
Item #704659
February 20, 1964
THE VILLAGE VOICE (weekly), Greenwich Village, New York City, Feb. 20, 1964
* Muhammad Ali (Cassius Clay) vs. Sonny Liston (1st)
* Famous boxing's World Heavyweight Championship
* One of the greatest sports moments of the 20th century
Page 10 has a 4 x 4 inch advertisement for this upcoming boxing match at the local theater (Village Theatre). (see image)
Page 3 has a comical advertis... See More
1964 Cassius Clay vs. Sonny Liston title fight
Item #704952
March 05, 1964
THE VILLAGE VOICE (weekly), Greenwich Village, New York City, March 5, 1964
* Muhammad Ali (Cassius Clay) vs. Sonny Liston (1st)
* Famous boxing's World Heavyweight Championship
* One of the greatest sports moments of the 20th century
Pages 4 & 5 has a first hand report by Lawrence Shainberg on the recent boxing heavyweight championship fight between Cassius Clay and Sonny Liston.... See More
Muhammad Ali... Cassius Clay... Sonny Liston...
Item #557439
May 25, 1965
FITCHBURG SENTINEL, Fitchburg, Massachusetts, May 25, 1965
* Cassius Clay
* Muhammad Ali
* Sonny Liston
* Heavyweight boxing title fight (pre fight news)
This 24 page newspaper has a two column headline on page 8: "Challenger Liston 13-10 Favorite To Dethrone Clay" with 2 small photos and the tale of the tape.
Other news of the day throughout. Good condition.
wikipedia no... See More
Cassius Clay... Muhammad Ali...
Item #697952
May 25, 1965
THE DETROIT NEWS, May 25, 1965
* Cassius Clay - Muhammad Ali
* Professional boxer Sonny Liston
* Heavyweight boxing title fight (day of)
The top of the front page of the sport's has a six column heading: "At Long Last, the Fight's On" with lead-in: "Clay, Liston To Try Again" and more with two related photos and tale of the tape.
Complete with... See More
Cassius Clay... Muhammad Ali....
Item #566578
November 23, 1965
THE SPRINGFIELD UNION, Massachusetts, November 23, 1965
* Cassius Clay
* Muhammad Ali
* Floyd Patterson
* Heavyweight boxing title fight
This 44 page newspaper has a three column headline on the front page: "Clay Wins on TKO in 12th" with subheads and action photo. (see)
Also a nice banner headline on page 34 reads: "Clay Keeps Heavyweight T... See More
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