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Joseph Smith as a candidate for President...

Item #704481

May 18, 1844

NILES' NATIONAL REGISTER, Baltimore, May 18, 1844

* Mormons leader Joseph Smith

* Election campaign for president

* 1st presidential candidate to be killed

Page 2 has a report under: "Political--Presidential" which discusses the various candidates for the presidency. Included in the discussion is mention of Joseph Smith, leader of the Mormons.

It is not known by many to... See More  

Item from Catalog 344 (released for July, 2024)

(Added to Catalog #344 after the hardcopy was released - only available on-line.)

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Short-lived title from a Texas town with a rich history...

Item #700647

April 05, 1892

VELASCO DAILY TIMES, Texas, April 5, 1892 

* Rare Southwestern title

* Possibly the first time offered anywhere (see note)

A rare title as it existed for less than six months.

Velasco was a town in Texas that was later annexed by the city of Freeport. Founded in 1831, Velasco is situated on the east side of the Brazos River four miles from the Gulf of Mexico. The town's early hist... See More  

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Huge front page map shows much of Texas...

Item #698599

November 30, 1861

NEW YORK HERALD, Nov. 30, 1861 An extremely decorative issue, as the entire front page is taken up with a huge map headed: "THE GREAT EUROPEAN ALLIANCE AGAINST THE MEXICAN REPUBLIC" with a subhead: "The Gulf Slope of Mexico--The Harbor of Vera Cruz and the National Road to the Capital--Scene of Operations of the English, French and Spanish Expedition." with the map showing much... See More  

Item from Catalog 343 (released for June, 2024)

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Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo ends the Mexican War...

Item #698563

July 08, 1848

NATIONAL INTELLIGENCER, Washington, D.C., July 8, 1848

* Mexican War ends

* Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo

* Mexico - United States - Texas

The top of page 2 has the very historic report of the official end of the Mexican War, beginning with: "A Proclamation" "Whereas a treaty of peace, friendship, limits, & settlement between the United States of America and the Mexican re... See More  

Item from Catalog 343 (released for June, 2024)

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Huge front page map shows much of Texas...

Item #698117

November 30, 1861

NEW YORK HERALD, Nov. 30, 1861 

* Gulf of Mexico coast map

* Texas - Mexico

An extremely decorative issue, as the entire front page is taken up with a huge map headed: "THE GREAT EUROPEAN ALLIANCE AGAINST THE MEXICAN REPUBLIC" with a subhead: "The Gulf Slope of Mexico--The Harbor of Vera Cruz and the National Road to the Capital--Scene of Operations of the English, Fren... See More  

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1968 Fort Hood 43 Negro soldiers protest...

Item #697686

August 25, 1968

SPRINGFIELD SUNDAY REPUBLICAN, Massachusetts, Aug. 25, 1968

* Fort Hood 43 - Negro soldiers protest

* Democratic National Convention

* Chicago, Illinois - Killeen, Texas

Page 10 has a three column heading: "43 Negro Soldiers at Ft. Hood Face Court Martial for Protest" (see images)

Complete with 50+ pages, light toning at the margins, nice condition.

wikipedia notes: After Ma... See More  

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The Long Expedition in Texas, and the official "Declaration"...

Item #695617

September 11, 1819

THE NATIONAL REGISTER, Washington, Sept. 11, 1819 

* James Long (filibuster)

* Spanish Texas expedition

The most notable content is the: "DECLARATION by the Supreme Council of the Province of Texas",  an historic letter signed: James Long, concerning the Long Expedition

This was an 1819 attempt to take control of Spanish Texas led by Long, which successfully... See More  

Item from Catalog 343 (released for June, 2024)

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1927 Texas A&M football co-champions....

Item #694066

November 25, 1927

SPRINGFIELD REPUBLICAN, Mass., November 25, 1927

* Texas A&M Aggies football

* Last game of season (Texas Longhorns)

* National champions to be proclaimed

The bottom of page 15 has the tiniest one column heading: "Title to Texas" See image for brief 1st report coverage on the last game of the season for Texas A&M in which they would be named co-national champions. Unfortu... See More  

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Lengthy on Lincoln taking center stage on the debate regarding the Mexican War...

Item #692510

January 20, 1848

NATIONAL INTELLIGENCER, Washington, D.C., January 20, 1848 

* Early Abraham Lincoln

* Speech re. Mexican War

The back page has an uncommonly lengthy report on Lincoln speaking in the House of Representatives questioning President Polk's judgement on entering and prosecuting the Mexican War.

This Lincoln report takes fully 2 1/2 columns. Portions include: "...Mr. LINC
... See More  

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States expected to secede from the Union....

Item #684485

November 28, 1860

NEW YORK TIMES, Nov. 28, 1860  

* Southern crisis

* Secession talks

Among the front page column heads report tension from just before the Civil War are: "THE SECESSION MOVEMENT" "Views & Intentions of the Republican Leaders in Congress" "Message of Gov. Gist to the South Carolina Legislature" The State Bound to Secede" "He Thinks Sou
... See More  

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When St. Louis was the Old West...

Item #682176

March 02, 1880

THE MISSOURI REPUBLICAN, St. Louis, March 2, 1880  The front page has a brief item: Killed His Step-Father" noting: "Enoch Willis, who was shot by his stepson...in the alleged act of whipping his wife, died last night. The young man is in jail."

Interesting articles include: "Saloon-Keeper Poisoned" "Leader of Texas Cattle-Thieves Killed by Texas Rangers&qu... See More  

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The United States to buy Texas from Mexico...

Item #681184

January 02, 1830

NILES' WEEKLY REGISTER, Baltimore, January 2, 1830

* on the purchase of Texas from Mexico

One of the articles is headed: "Gen. Bravo and The Texas" with portions including: "...on the subject of ceding the Texas to this country...The letter is a ...passionate declamation against the acquisition of Texas by the United States, & of vehement accusations against our countr... See More  

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Trouble in Texas... The Mexican Republic is dissolved...

Item #680079

November 14, 1835

NILES' WEEKLY REGISTER, Baltimore, Nov. 14, 1835  

* Texas Revolution beginning

* Mexican Republic dissolved

The top of the front page begins: "There are various rumors & reports from Texas--and some accounts of actual collision between its inhabitants & the Mexican troops...We feel much interest in the successful vindication & defense of their just rights by the ... See More  

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Nixon v. Herndon... the black vote in Texas....

Item #674277

March 08, 1927

THE NEW YORK TIMES, March 8, 1927

* United States Supreme Court decision

* Nixon v. Herndon re. 1923 Texas law

* Blacks voting in Democratic Party primary

The front page has a one column heading: "TEXAS PRIMARY LAW BARRING NEGRO VOID" with subheads. See below for information.

Complete with all 42 pages, heavy foxing along the central fold, a few small binding holes along the sp... See More  

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Texas struggles for independence from Spain...

Item #666257

March 02, 1820

NATIONAL INTELLIGENCER, Washington, D.C., March 2, 1820  The ftpg. has an early letter datelines: "Republic of Texas, Fort Walker, Nov. 30th, 1819" with the letter detailing trouble there. Bits include: "...Our dangers, difficulties & troubles...have been great. Nacogdoches has fallen into the hands of our enemies...Frequent engagements take place between the two forces...I... See More  

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War begins in Texas... Creating the Smithsonian Institution...

Item #657686

January 02, 1836

NILES' WEEKLY REGISTER, Baltimore, Jan. 2, 1836  The front page includes a report prefaced in part by: "...A provisional government has been completely organized & a bill of rights adopted which will be found below..." and what follows is the: "Declaration of the People of Texas in General Convention Assembled" followed by the 8 posts of the Bill of Rights, includi... See More  

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AAFC All-Star football game....

Item #643637

December 18, 1949

SPRINGFIELD REPUBLICAN, Mass., sport's section only, December 18, 1949

* All-America Football Conference All-Star game

* Shamrock Bowl - Cleveland Browns

* Last ever AAFC game

The front page of this section has a one column heading: "ALL-STAR GRIDDERS DEFEAT CLEVELAND IN CHARITY BATTLE" with subhead. (see)

Other sporting news of the day. Complete sport's section only wit... See More  

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Early oil in Pennsylvania...

Item #638849

October 24, 1865

NEW YORK TRIBUNE, October 24, 1865 

* Pithole, Pennsylvania & more

The back page begins with: "THE PETROLEUM FIELDS" "Survey of the Venango Region" "Personnel of the Excursion" "At Corry" "Down to Oil Creek" "Pithole" and more, the reporting taking 1 1/3 columns. Also within: "THE FENIAN CONGRESS" "The
... See More  

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Frank and Jesse James...

Item #620938

April 25, 1882

THE MISSOURI REPUBLICAN, St. Louis, April 25, 1882  Page 2 has half a column of text headed: "Frank Or A Fraud" "Brother of the Dead Bandit at Kansas City" "Sensational Stores of Frank James at St. Joe and Vicinity" "One of the Texas Train Robbers Said to Have Been Captured" " "Frank James Again" "Bagging the Train Robbers" and ... See More  

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Women's suffrage passed in Senate...

Item #601484

June 05, 1919

THE SPRINGFIELD REPUBLICAN, Springfield, Massachusetts, June 6, 1919

* Women's suffrage passed in Senate

* Women to vote in 1920 elections

The front page has one column headlines that include: "STATES EAGER TO BE FIRST FOR SUFFRAGE", "Race Seems to Be Between Wisconsin, Texas, Illinois and Michigan", "Marshall Signs The Amendment" and mo... See More  

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Longview TX race riot...

Item #583310

July 14, 1919

SPRINGFIELD REPUBLICAN, Springfield, Massachusetts, July 14, 1919

* Longview TX race riot

* Gregg County, Texas

This 14 page newspaper has one column headings on the front page: "MARTIAL LAW IN LONG VIEW" and "Trouble Between Whites and Negroes Causes Gen. McDill to Issue Proclamation".

See photos for text.

Other news, sports and advertisements of the day. Light brow... See More  

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Galveston, Texas hurricane...

Item #579951

August 17, 1915

SPRINGFIELD REPUBLICAN, Massachusetts, August 17, 1915 

* Galveston, Texas hurricane...  Early 1st report 

This 18 page newspaper has one column headlines on the front page that include: "GALVESTON STORM", "City Apparently Safe", "No Loss Of Life Reported", and "Sea Wall Shows No Signs of Weakening--Gale at Times 90 Miles and Hour".

... See More  

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The Great Mississippi Flood...

Item #577667

April 21, 1927

SPRINGFIELD REPUBLICAN, Massachusetts,  April 21, 1927

* The Great Mississippi River flood

* Arkansas, Tennessee

This 24 page newspaper has a three column headline on the front page: "PESTILENCE INVADES REFUGEE CAMPS AS FLOOD WATERS RISE" with subheads (see photos).

Other news of the day including period advertising. Light browning with little margin wear, otherwise in go... See More  

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The Great Mississippi Flood....

Item #577470

April 19, 1927

SPRINGFIELD REPUBLICAN, Massachusetts, April 19, 1927

* The Great Mississippi River flood

* Arkansas, Tennessee

This 14 page newspaper has one column headlines on the front page that include: "FURTHER HAVOC THREATENS AS FLOODS SPREAD" "Mississippi Hammers at Levees as Army of Workers...." "25,000 Homeless; Seven States Suffer" and more (see photos).

Other n... See More  

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Chicago White Sox most runs....

Item #566915

April 24, 1955

SPRINGFIELD REPUBLICAN, Springfield, Massachusetts, April 24, 1955  This 50+ page newspaper has a banner headline on page 3 of the sport's section (inside): "WHITE SOX SCORE 29 RUNS AGAINST A'S TO TIE MODERN BIG LEAGUE RECORD" with subheads and box scores. Tells of the modern baseball record for most runs scored in a single game by one team. This record would be broken in 2007 by th... See More  

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Woodrow Wilson's death....

Item #562949

February 04, 1924

THE BETHLEHEM GLOBE, Pennsylvania, February 4, 1924

* Death of President Woodrow Wilson

This 20 page newspaper has a three column headline on the front page: "FUNERAL OF WOODROW WILSON WILSON TO TAKE PLACE ON NEXT WEDNESDAY" with subheads that include: "WHOLE NATION MOURNS DEATH OF WOODROW WILSON" and much more with nice black bordered photo of Wilson.

Other news of th... See More  

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Humpty Dumpty...

Item #177678

November 23, 1912

HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, November 23, 1912  This issue has a color cover.  The front page is a photo of: "Britain's New Ambassador."

In this issue there is an illustration called "Humpty Dumpty sat on the wall. Humpty Dumpty had a bad fall. All the ex-bosses And Bully Moose men, Can never put Humpty up again." by Kemble. There is a photo spread called "... See More  

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Item #177661

June 15, 1912

HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, June 15, 1912

The front page of this issue is a photo of "Senator Winthrop Murray Crane."

This issue has an illustration called "His Master's Voice" by C. J. Budd. There are two photos taking up the center page. The one on the left is of Abraham Lincoln and is called "Prophecy" and the one on the right, which is of Theodore Rooseve... See More  

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Colonel Mosby hangs six prisoners....

Item #177340

December 09, 1911

HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, December 9, 1911 (our last issue)

The front page of this issue is a photo of "The American Who May Cause War."

This issue is has an article with some illustrations of "Sizing Up the Presidential Timber" by McKee Barclay. There is a double page illustration of "Mosby's Death Raffle" by Sidney w. Riesenberg and there is a full pa... See More  

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Polo... Golf...

Item #177608

May 27, 1911

HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, May 27, 1911

There is a full color cover page on this issue. The front page of this issue is a photo of "The New Secretary of War."

This issue has an illustration of "A Gallery of Golf Enthusiasts--II.--Vice-President Sherman" by Kemble. There is a photo of "America's Foremost Polo Player" and an article with photos of "Ou... See More  

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Item #177592

February 04, 1911

HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, February 4, 1911

The front page of this issue is a photo of "Champ Clark."

This issue has photos of "The Democrats On the Ways and Means Committee" and there is an illustration of "The Best Part of the March" by Sidney H. Riesenberg. There are several car ads and much more.

Other advertisements of the day are included as we... See More  

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Dogs used for the British South-Pole Expedition....

Dante in Hell...

Item #177000

April 02, 1910

HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, April 2, 1910

The front page of this issue has a photo of "Dante in Hell."

There is also: "Once Clothed with Power, Now Almost Bare, He's Lost His Pull, But Saved His Chair" by Kemble, "An Easter Skylark", a double page photo spread of "New York's Notable Whistler Exhibition", an article with photos of "The D... See More  

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Illustration by James Montgomery Flagg...

Item #177533

June 26, 1909

HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, June 26, 1909  There is a color cover on this issue. The front page of this issue has a photo of "Diversions of a Statesman."

This issue has a photo of "London From an "Invader's" War-Balloon" and a photo spread of "Our New Summer Capital"; plus a photo of "A Star Among "The Midnight Sons." This issue... See More  

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Glenn Curtiss sets flight record...

Item #177532

June 11, 1910

HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, June 11, 1910  Full front page photo headed: "Curtiss' Great Flight" and captioned: "The Hammondsport aviator passing above West Point on his extraordinary flight down the Hudson from Albany to Governors Island." Inside page has seven more photos, and a report about Curtiss' record flight for "heavier-than-air machines"... See More  

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Cipriano Castro....

Item #177522

May 15, 1909

HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, May 15, 1909  There is a color cover on this issue.The front page of this issue has a photo of "The Man Without a Country", Cipriano Castro.

This issue has a photos of "Chips From the World's Workshop" and a portrait by S. Muller Ury of "Mrs. Clark Williams, of New York." There is also a double page illustration spread o... See More  

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Treaty with Mexico....

Item #215654

May 04, 1840

NEW HAMPSHIRE PATRIOT AND STATE GAZETTE, Concord, May 4, 1840  On the front page under a woodcut of and eagle is: A Proclamation issued by the President of the United States, stating that: "...a convention for the adjustment of claims of citizens of the United States upon the Government of the Mexican Republic was signed at Washington...", signed in type: Martin Van Buren. T
... See More  

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Mark Twain as Satan...

Item #177299

April 08, 1905

HARPER'S WEEKLY, April 8, 1905, New York.  Of particular interest is the quarter-page letter titled: "A Humane Word from Satan" which is prefaced with: "The following letter, signed by Satan and purporting to come from him, we have reason to believe was not written by him but by Mark Twain."  Also included:  front page illustration "A Shining Mark&quo
... See More  

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Golfer, Walter J. Travis...

Item #177257

June 18, 1904

HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, June 18, 1904  Front page illustration "Delighted" by W. A. Rogers; Walter J. Travis, Winner of the Amateur Golf Championship of Great Britain at Sandwich, England, on June 3; The Parade-Ground at Port Arthur--General Volkoff Delivering an Address to the Russian Troops; George Bruce Cortelyou, President Roosevelt's Choice for Chairman of the ... See More  

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Chicago Theatre Fire...

Item #177235

January 09, 1904

HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, January 9, 1904  Frontpage illustration "Mr. Hearst's Boom" by W. A. Rogers; Photo, W. H. Taft, Next Secretary of War; A New Invention for Perfecting X-Ray Photography; Chicago's Theatre Fire, The Stage of the Theatre in Ruins; Scenes at the Iroquois Theatre Fire and other advertisements of the day.

The issue is complete in 16 pages ... See More  

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Pope Leo XIII...

Item #177212

July 25, 1903

HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, July 25, 1903 Frontpage illustration "Pope Leo XIII." by Henry McCarter; illustration "Pope Leo XIII." by Laszlo; "The Pope is Dead!"; Leo XIII. 1810-1903" by Sydney Adams; "The Strenuous Summer Life at Oyster Bay" by George Gibbs; "W. E. Henley"; "Plan for Municipal and Terminal Buildings at City ... See More  

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New Bern NC 1863 Civil War...

Item #210752

January 28, 1863

SPRINGFIELD DAILY REPUBLICAN from Massachusetts and dated January 28, 1863. This 4 page newspaper is in nice condition due to the use of cotton and rag paper during this very historic time in U.S. history. This issue is loaded with advertisements and Civil War reports throughout from the day it was first reported which includes reports on: Berwick Bay Louisiana (LA), New Bern North Carolina (... See More  

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Item #177193

March 14, 1903

HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, March 14, 1903 Frontpage photo Americans of To-Morrow XXIX. - George Ade; Reading the Articles of War in the Navy; The New Stock Exchange in New York; Tolstoy's "Resurrection"; The American Girl at the Court of King Edward; Who Will Control the World  a Hundred Years from Now?; Deer-hunting in Automobiles; and other news and advertisements of ... See More  

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New York Number... Mark Twain's self obituary and portrait...

Item #177174

November 15, 1902

HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, November 15, 1902 Colored front cover. Frontpage photo:  "Americans of To-Morrow, J. Pierpont Morgan, Jr.", "The Beginnings of the St. Louis World;s Fair", "The West's Painter-Laureate", fullpage illustration "Dead Sure - A Bad Man to Stop", "St. Pierre, Miquelon, Destroyed by Fire" with photos, "Newfoun... See More  

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Item #177111

August 24, 1901

HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, August 24, 1901 Frontpage "The Social Side of Yachting" by de Thulstrup; fullpage "The Floating Roof Garden - A Phase of Summer Life in New York" by Torpriz; New York's Vacation Schools; The American Invasion of Asia; doublepage centerfold "A Midsummer Morning in Madison Square" by Stevens; The English Cup Challenger; and other ... See More  

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Horace Greeley...

Item #173132

September 28, 1867

HARPER'S WEEKLY, Sept. 28, 1867 Full ftpg: 'Horace Greeley Delivering the Opening Oration' of the American Institute. Great fullpg: 'Hop Picking--A Western N.Y. Sept. Scene', halfpg: 'Registration at the South--Scene at Asheville, N.C.', 1/3 pg: 'The Sangerfest at Indianapolis'

Complete in sixteen pages.

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Daniel Boone...

Item #175714

June 04, 1892

HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, June 4, 1892  Full page: 'The Kentucky Centennial' includes an illustration of Daniel Boone. 'Rome' has several scenes. 'The American Cavalry School' includes 10 illustration by Remington. Nice full page: 'Indian Encampment on Ballast Is., Seattle'. Photos of 2 baseball players.

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Temperance crusade... Mormon family...

Item #173810

March 21, 1874

HARPER'S WEEKLY, Mar. 21, 1874 Great fullpg. Frenzeny & Tavernier illus: 'An Oasis Along the Track'. Halfpg: 'The Temperance Crusade in New York' fullpg: 'Sketches in Rag Pickers' Row' halfpg: 'Sport on the Plains' shows men shooting buffalo, & 'A Mormon Family Driving to Conference Meeting'

Complete in sixteen pages.

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Spanish-American War...

Item #176380

October 22, 1898

HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, October 22, 1898  Full ftpg: 'Peking--the forbidden City as seen from the Imperial City'. Fullpg. with 6 scenes in: 'Peking'. Fullpg: 'Scenes in Puerto Rico' includes 5 scenes. Fullpg: 'Fall of Manila' with a dramatic doublepage centerfold: 'The Fall of Manila' shows charging troops.

Other news and advertisements of the d... See More  

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Winslow Homer print... Mount Vernon

Item #173804

February 28, 1874

HARPER'S WEEKLY February 28, 1874. Front full pg. illus. of "The New York Tribune's 'Disclosure'." Inside are two 1/2 pg. illus. of "Fighting the Fire" and "'Busted!' - A Deserted Railroad Town in Kansas." Two 1/2 pg. illus. of "The State Homeopathic Asylum for the Insane, Middletown, Orange County, New York" and "Hudson River St... See More  

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The famous Winslow Homer print "Waiting for a Bite"...

Item #173854

August 22, 1874

HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, August 22, 1874  Certainly the most notable print in this issue is the very nice full page by Winslow Homer titled: "Waiting for a Bite."

Other prints in this issue are a full ftpg. illus. "The Little Vagrant." Inside is a 1/2 pg. map of "The Gold Regions of the Black Hills, Explored by General Custer's Expedition."; a halfpg. ... See More  

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