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Bob Dylan at 1969 Isle of Wight music festival...

Item #705164

September 11, 1969

THE VILLAGE VOICE (weekly), Greenwich Village, New York, Sept. 11, 1969

* Bob Dylan performance at Isle of Wight

* American folk singer - songwriter

* Post near-fatal motorcycle accident

Pages 40 & 41 has an article with a small heading: "Bob Zimmerman" and 4 related photo. This was about the recent Isle of Wight music festival with a focus on Bob Dylan. (see images)

wikipe... See More  

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1971 THE WHO concert ad... Evel Kneivel stunt ad...

Item #704950

July 08, 1971

THE VILLAGE VOICE (weekly), Greenwich Village, New York City, July 8, 1971

* Early The Who - English rock band

* Roger Daltrey - Pete Townsend - Keith Moon

* Forest Hills Music Festival concert advertisement

* Evel Knievel performance at Madison Square Garden

* American stunt performer and entertainer ad

* Ramp-to-ramp Harley Davidson motorcycle jump

Page 41 has a full page advertiseme... See More  

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1971 Evel Knievel MSG motocylcle jump stunt...

Item #704700

July 15, 1971

THE VILLAGE VOICE (weekly), Greenwich Village, New York, July 15, 1971

* Evel Knievel performs at Madison Square Garden

* American stunt performer and entertainer

* Ramp-to-ramp Harley Davidson motorcycle jump

The front page has a heading: "Evel Knievel: No easy rider" (see images) First report coverage continues on page 12. 

wikipedia notes: Anyone who was a kid in the 1... See More  

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Jill Johnston's 1961 "Dance: Cunningham In Connecticut" in the Village Voice...

Item #704664

December 19, 1961

THE VILLAGE VOICE (weekly), Greenwich Village, New York, Dec. 19, 1963

* Jill Johnston's "Motorcycle" at Judson Church

* Author, cultural critic, feminist activist

* Noteworthy columnist for The Village Voice

* Radical lesbian separatism movement - theory

The feature article of this issue is an early piece done by cultural critic and icon, Jill Johnston under "dance&quo... See More  

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1968 Woody Guthrie memorial w/ Bob Dylan ad......

Item #704279

January 04, 1968

THE VILLAGE VOICE (weekly), Greenwich Village, New York, Jan. 4, 1968

* Woody Guthrie memorial concert

* Bob Dylan's 1st public appearance

* Back from motorcycle accident

* Carnegie Hall, Manhattan

* Summer of Love revisited

* Norman Mailer - Wild 90 film

Page 24 has a 5 x 3 1/2 inch advertisement for: "A Musical Tribute To WOODY GUTHRIE" (see image) Among the performers w... See More  

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1966 Bob Dylan concert advertisement...

Item #703890

February 10, 1966

THE VILLAGE VOICE (weekly), Greenwich Village, New York, Feb. 10, 1966

* Early Bob Dylan concert advertisement

* American folk singer & songwriter World tour

* Island Garden - West Hempstead, Long Island

* Last local appearance before near-fatal motorcycle accident

Page 17 has a 3 x 2 inch advertisement for Bob Dylan's concert at Island Garden Arena in West Hempstead on Long Islan... See More  

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Harley Davidson founder death in 1937.....

Item #702878

April 22, 1937

THE NEW YORK TIMES, April 22, 1937

* Harley-Davidson Motorcycle Company

* Death of co-founder William Davidson

Page 23 has one column headings: "WILLIAM DAVIDSON, MOTORCYCLE MAKER" "Harley-Davidson Vice President and a Veteran in His Field Dead in Milwaukee" "INVENTED MACHINE IN 1903" "One of 3 Brothers Who Joined a Chum in Enterprise That Started in Small... See More  

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Death of Harley-Davidson founder, W. Davidson...

Item #697058

February 08, 1937

THE NEW YORK TIMES, February 8, 1942

* Harley-Davidson Motorcycle Company

* Death of co-founder Walter Davidson

This 100+ page newspaper has one column headings on page 48 that read: "W. DAVIDSON DIES; CYCLE FIRM HEAD" and "Founded the Company in 1903 in Milwaukee With Two Brothers, Wm. Harley" and more (see images). This tells of the death of one of the original founder... See More  

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Bicycles, bicycles, bicycles, and a motorcycle...

Item #681261

February 09, 1895

SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN, New York, Feb. 9, 1895  A great issue reporting on the bicycle "mania" at that time, with the full ftpg. taken up with text & 3 illustrations concerning: "The National Bicycle Exhibition In Madison Square Garden, New York", one print showing: "The Motor Cycle" which would appear to be an early version of a motorcycle. The text continues i... See More  

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Lawrence of Arabia is near death...

Item #675760

May 14, 1935

NEW YORK TIMES, May 14, 1935  

* Lawrence of Arabia motorcycle accident (1st report) 

* Would die less than a week later

The front page has a two column head: "Lawrence of Arabia Dying After Crash on Motor Cycle" with subhead: "Doctors Abandon Hop for Hero of Revolt in the Desert...". He would die on the 19th.

Rpeorting continues on page 4 with two photos. 1

... See More  

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Nazi Party headquarters raided across Germany...

Item #674828

March 18, 1932


* National Socialist German Workers' Party

* Early Adolph Hitler planning a civil war ?

* Nazi headquarters raided by police in Germany

The front page has a one column heading: "POLITICAL TRUCE IS ORDERED TO CALM GERMANY" with subhead: "Hitler Revolt Plot Barred by Raids" and small photo of Hitler. (see) Always nice to have nota... See More  

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Great automobile issue...

Item #671708

January 06, 1912

SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN, New York, January 6, 1912  This issue contains the following prints, articles and/or ads: "The Selection of a Motor Truck", "The Riding Qualities of a Cart", "Making the Starting Crank Obsolete", "A Fertile Field for Inventors - Opportunities Offered by the Automobile Industry", "Gasoline in War", "The Pleasure Boat&#... See More  

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Theatrical special effects... Indian motorcycle...

Item #656335

April 26, 1913

SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN, New York, April 26, 1913  The full ftpg. shows: "A Fireless Fire on the State - 16 Men & Elaborate Devices are Required to Produce the Effect". More inside with article: "The Elements on the Stage - Thunder Lightning, Wind, Rain and Fire" with 5 additional prints on how those effects are produced.

Near the back is a nice, illustrated advertisement... See More  

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Duane Allman killed in 1971....

Item #655039

October 31, 1971

THE NEW YORK TIMES, October 31, 1971

* Duane Allman killed in motorcycle accident

* Allman Brothers Band - Guitarist

Page 83 has a small and discrete one column heading: "Duane Allman Dies at 24 In a Motorcycle Accident" (see) Unfortunate for the small inconspicuous report here but still a first report in this famous publication.

Complete 1st section only with all 90 pages, good... See More  

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Nazi Party headquarters raided across Germany...

Item #651512

March 18, 1932

THE NEW YORK TIMES, March 18, 1932

* National Socialist German Workers' Party

* Early Adolph Hitler planning a civil war ?

* Nazi headquarters raided by police in Germany

The top of the front page has a two column heading: "Hitler Centres Raided on Civil War Rumor; He Admits Order to 500,000 to Fight Reds" (see) Always nice to have notable events in history reported in this W... See More  

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War Issue No. 5...

Item #635864

February 06, 1915

SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN, New York, February 6, 1915 The front color-cover is an illustration entitled "Ware Issue No. 5 - Our National Defences" and shows troops in the snow. Inside the issue is: "The United States Dreadnought 'Arkansas'"; I - The United Stated an Undefended Treasure Land"; "The Navy - Our First Line of Defense"; "The Art of Deception in... See More  

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Monorail train...

Item #635857

March 27, 1915

SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN, New York, March 27, 1915 The cover is entitled "A Fast Monorail Train Crossing a Valley" with an accompanying article. Inside the issue is: "Rescue Company No. 1 of the New York Fire Department"; "The Principles of Radio-Telephony"; "Building a Lighthouse on Shifting Sand"; "The Superheated Steam Unit"; "Radio Telephone an... See More  

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1935 Lawrence of Arabia motorcycle crash... near death...

Item #594400

May 14, 1935

ALBANY EVENING NEWS, New York, May 14, 1935 

* Lawrence of Arabia motorcycle accident (1st report) 

* Would die less than a week later

This 22 page newspaper has one column headlines on the front page: "'LAWRENCE OF ARABIA' DYING AFTER CRASH"

"Noted British Hero Swerves to Avoid Hitting Boy with Motorcycle"

1st report coverage of the motorcycl... See More  

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1965 Watts riots.. Los Angeles CA....

Item #588783

August 17, 1965

LEOMINSTER ENTERPRISE, Leominster, Massachusetts, August 17, 1965

* Watts Riots

* Los Angeles, California

This 10 page newspaper has a two column headline on the front page: "Defiant Snipers, Police Duel In L.A. Negro Area"

Coverage on the Watts riots in Los Angeles California. Other news of the day.

Minor spine wear, otherwise in good condition.

wikipedia notes: The rio... See More  

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1949 Harley-Davidson motorcycle Co. charged....

Item #587898

July 08, 1954

THE NEW YORK TIMES, July 8, 1954

* Harley Davidson motorcycle company

* Charged by FTC - monopoly

This 48 page newspaper has one column headlines on page 31: "HARLEY-DAVIDSON IS CITED BY F.T.C.", "Motorcycle Maker Ordered to Discontinue 'Exclusive' Contracts With Dealers" and more (see photos). Coverage on the Harley Davidson Motorcycle Company under fire by the ... See More  

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Glenn Curtisss death... aviation pioneer...

Item #580707

July 23, 1930

MEMPHIS EVENING APPEAL, Memphis, Tennessee, July 23, 1930

* Glenn Curtiss death

* Aviation pioneer

* U.S. airplane industry

This 24 page newspaper has one column headings on the front page: "GLENN CURTISS, AIR PIONEER, DIES", "Appendicitis Operation Fatal to Famous Builder of U.S. Aircraft" which is a 1st report on the death of U.S aviation pioneer, Glenn Curtiss.

O... See More  

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St. Francis dam disaster...

Item #571498

March 16, 1928

THE OMAHA BEE-NEWS, Omaha, Nebraska, March 16, 1928 

* St. Francis dam disaster 

* Los Angeles, California are 

This 22 page has one column headlines on the front page that include: "Dam Death Inquests Conducted" "Latest Check Reveals 202 Known Victims of St. Francis Collapse; Many Unaccounted for" and more. (see)

Other news of the day. Light brownin... See More  

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St. Francis dam disaster...

Item #571140

March 15, 1928

THE OMAHA BEE-NEWS, Nebraska, March 15, 1928 

* St. Francis dam disaster

* Los Angeles, California area

This 18 page has one column headlines on the front page that include: "Dam Break Charged to Los Angeles" "264 Known Dead in California's Newest Disaster; Searchers Continue to Seek Bodies" and more. (see)

Other news of the day. Light browning with mino... See More  

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St. Francis Dam disaster...

Item #570426

March 17, 1928

THE SPRINGFIELD UNION, Massachusetts, March 17, 1928 

* St. Francis dam disaster 

* Los Angeles, California area

This 26 page has one column headlines on the front page that include:

"LOOTERS PILLAGE RUINED HOMES IN TRAIL OF DELUGE" "Big Force of Police Fails to Check Robbery; Passes Required for All in Devastated Area" and more. (see)

Tells of the S... See More  

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Watts riots of 1965...

Item #565144

August 12, 1965

LEOMINSTER ENTERPRISE, Leominster, Massachusetts, August 12, 1965

* Watts Riots

* Los Angeles, California

This1 page newspaper has a two column headline on the front page: "Eyewitness-Victim Tells Of Los Angeles Rioting".

Tells of the Watts riots in Los Angeles California. Other news of the day.

Minor spine wear, otherwise in good condition.

wikipedia notes:
The riots be... See More  

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Miss Julie Opp.... Automobile Number... James Montgomery Flagg...

Item #177352

January 02, 1909

HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, January 2, 1909  There is a color cover on this issue with an illustration called "Automobile Number." The front page of this issue has a photo of "The Next Secretary of State."

This issue has an illustration of "The New Light" and a photo of "Miss Julie Opp." There is also a double page illustration by James ... See More  

Please Read Note Concerning HW Images & Supplements!

(Alert: Jan. & Dec. HW's have more than typical wear.)

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Women's Motorcycle Tour of 1916...

Item #221073

September 14, 1916

THE NEW YORK TIMES, Sept. 14, 1916

* Women's Motorcycle Tour of America
* Augusta and Adelina Van Buren

Page 7 contains a somewhat brief yet significant article on the "motorcycle tour of 1916", headed: "4,000 Miles By Motyor Cycle" "New York Women Reach San Diego--Climbed Pike's Peak on Machines" with the dateline of San Diego, and the text reading: "After a motorcyc
... See More  

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Early motocycle... The Philippines...

Item #176484

October 21, 1899

HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, October 21, 1899  full front page illus. of "The Philippines - Maddened Carabaos Charging Our Advanced Firing Line." Inside is a 1/4 pg. portrait of "Lieutenant-General Sir Redvers Henry Buller." Three small portraits of "Rt. Hon. Joseph Chamberlain, M. T. Steyn, and General Piet Joubert." 1/3 pg. "Map Showing Position of Natal... See More  

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