Black Americana
Black Americana
From the Confederate Congress...
Item #645701
January 27, 1862
DAILY RICHMOND EXAMINER, Virginia, Jan. 27, 1862
* From the Confederate capital
A nice newspaper from the capital of the Confederate states with the front page taken up various advertisements and news, including; "The Northern Congress" "The Emancipation Question" "The Only Compromise With the Rebels" as well as "Notes Of The War".
The inside pa... See More
Confederate newspaper from near the end of the war...
Item #704637
February 03, 1865
THE DAILY PROGRESS, Raleigh, North Carolina, Feb. 3, 1865 Raleigh was one of the last major cities of the South to fall into the hands of Sherman, surrendering on April 13, 1865, just one day before Lincoln was assassinated. This rare Confederate title is from just over 2 months before surrendering.
The top of the front page has an item from the Confederate Congress which begins: "The ... See More
From Confederate New Orleans...
Item #688131
February 18, 1862
THE DAILY DELTA, New Orleans, Feb. 18, 1862
* Rare Confederate publication from the deep South
Truly Confederate newspapers from New Orleans are very difficult to find, as Admiral Farragut entered the mouth of the Mississippi in mid-April, 1862 and finally took New Orleans on April 28. Shortly thereafter Benjamin Butler moved in and took control of the city, it surrendering without a f... See More
George Washington signs an Act of Congress...
Item #688477
June 18, 1796
* President George Washington
Page 2 has an entire column taken up with: "AN ACT Making Provision for the Payment of Certain Debts of the United States" which is signed in type by the President: Geo. Washington.
The back page has an ad for: "Negro Tom" describing: "A Black Man, about 5 f... See More
1947 Jackie Robinson receives hate mail....
Item #695475
May 10, 1947
THE NEW YORK TIMES, May 10, 1947
* Jackie Robinson - Brooklyn Dodgers
* 1st Negro MLB baseball player
The sport's section (page 16) has one column headings: "ROBINSON REVEALS WRITTEN THREATS" Dodgers' Negro Star Told in Anonymous Letters to 'Get Out of Baseball'" See images for text here. This event was mentioned in the blockbuster movie "42". Always... See More
Jesse Owens: 'Happiest day of my life'...
Item #704736
August 04, 1936
SAN FRANCISCO CHRONICLE, California, Aug. 4, 1936 The bottom of the front page has a bordered report "Olympics" beginning; "Jesse Owens, American Negro, won the Olympic 100 meter final today..." with more.
The front page of the sports section has much on the Olympics in Berlin, Germany, including a banner headline: "OWENS, METCALF, WYKOFF 1 2 - 4 IN 100 FINAL",... See More
1931 Chicago housing protests... race riot...
Item #688598
August 04, 1931
* 1931 Chicago housing protests
* Eviction of Diana Gross - Negro
* Africans Americans vs. police
* Unemployment - Great Depression
The front page has a nice banner headline: "REDS RIOT; 3 SLAIN BY POLICE" with subheads. (see) Nice for display. A few related photos are on the back page. Great to have in this Chicago publication. Very rare as... See More
Two Remington soldier prints...
Item #175954
September 22, 1894
HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, Sept. 22, 1894 Full ftpg. is a dramatic cavalry charge showing one soldier: 'Down!'. Fullpg. view of : 'The New Public Library, Boston' & 'Midsummer Jinks of the Bohemian Club of San Francisco in the Redwoods'. Nice dblpgctrfld: 'U.S. Senate in Session'. Two Remington soldier prints.
Complete issue.... See More
On the Presidential election, in a Confederate newspaper...
Item #691526
November 12, 1864
DAILY DISPATCH, Richmond, Virginia, Nov. 12, 1864
* re. Abraham Lincoln 2nd election victory
A wealth of war-related reports on the front page including: "THE WAR NEWS" with subheads: "From Petersburg--From the Valley--Georgia". Also: "The Yankee Presidential Elections" notes frustration in not knowing the outcome.
Other front page reports: "Additio... See More
First African-American judge in the United States...
Item #701427
July 24, 1939
* Jane Bolin 1st day as judge (NYC)
* 1st African-American black Woman
The top of page 9 has a very notable item, being a report of the first African-American woman judge in the United States.
The article features a photo of Jane Bolin headed: "Negro Woman Justice Puts Sympathy First as Her Guide" with subhead. (see images) ... See More
War news from this notable Confederate city...
Item #697661
October 06, 1864
THE CHARLESTON MERCURY, South Carolina, Oct. 6, 1864
* Rare Confederate publication
* Origin of the American Civil War
Among the front page reports on the Civil War are: "Vice President Stephens and Reconstruction" "Letter from Richmond" "Affairs on Morris Island--A Yankee Description of the 'Pen' and its Occupants" "The President and the Army"... See More
Jesse Owens ties World record in high school...
Item #695984
June 18, 1933
SPORT'S SECTION ONLY of the The Detroit News, June 18, 1933
* Jesse Owens ties World record in High School
* East Technical High School, Cleveland, Ohio
* Soldier's Field national track meet - 100 yards dash
Page 2 of this section has a one column heading: "CLEVELAND BOY TIES DASH MARK" with subhead: "Jesse Owen Captures Three Events as Team Takes Scholastic Title&qu... See More
Confederate reports from Charleston...
Item #693154
February 27, 1863
CHARLESTON DAILY COURIER, South Carolina, Feb. 27, 1863
* From the origin of the Civil War
This was one of just a few newspapers which printed: "Confederate States Of America" in the masthead.
Among the small heads on the front page are: "Yankee Iron-Clad Gunboat Indianola Captured--The Capture Made with Confederate Steamers Queen of the West & Webb--Her Officers &a... See More
Civil War map... Lincoln plans for his Emancipation Proclamation...
Item #702657
August 22, 1862
NEW YORK TRIBUNE, Aug. 22, 1862
* First Battle of Rappahannock Station close
* Abraham Lincoln prepares emancipation proclamation
The front page is dominated by a large Civil War map headed: "THE SEAT OF WAR IN VIRGINIA." Among the column heads on the front page are: "General Pope Falling Back" "Stonewall Jackson Advancing" "Richmond Abandoned... See More
The South to force slaves into the military...
Item #694453
December 20, 1864
DAILY EXAMINER, Richmond, Virginia, Dec. 20, 1864
* Rare rebel publication
Not just a newspaper from the Confederacy, but from the capital of the Confederate states.
The front page has: "The War News" with subheads "Southwestern Virginia" & "Savannah". Also: "City Intelligence" "A Timely Invention" "The Soldiers' Christma... See More
Booker T. Washington... Tuskegee...
Item #176056
September 14, 1895
HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, September 14, 1895 Full front pg. illus. of "Wasting Spite on Waring." Inside is a full pg. with six illus. of "With the World's Transportation Commission in India - The Great Military Railway." Four illus. of Libraries in the West.
Most of a doublepage centerfold shows: "General View of the Cotton States and International Ex... See More
A map of Mississippi... Black Americana print...
Item #172952
January 06, 1866
HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, Jan. 6, 1866 Full front page print: 'The Last Chattel' shows an elderly Black man looking over the ruins of his home.
The doublepage centerfold is: "Emigration to Washington Territory of 400 Women on the Steamer Continental" which has five scenes. Also a fullpg: "Map of Mississippi" with a decorative heading. Thee is also a small print of... See More
Jackie Robinson's baseball debut...
Item #680662
April 19, 1946
THE BETHLEHEM GLOBE-TIMES, Pennsylvania, April 19, 1946
* Jackie Robinson breaks the color barrier
* Baseball debut (1st report)
Page 12 has a small one column headline: "Robinson Has Field Day In Making Debut". Brief but historic coverage on Jackie Robinson breaking the color barrier. A historic report in both baseball and black americana.
Complete with 22 pag... See More
Marian Anderson sings at Lincoln Memorial...
Item #690064
April 10, 1939
* Marian Anderson
* African American Contralto
* Famous Lincoln Memorial concert
The top of page 9 has a two column photo with heading: "Marian Anderson Sings Despite D.A.R." Also a one column heading: "Marian Anderson Expected to Sing For King and Queen" with subhead. Also a one column photo of Anderson (see)
Complete with 28 pa... See More
The Million Man March at the nation's capital...
Item #684965
October 17, 1995
LOS ANGELES TIMES, Oct. 17, 1995
* Million Man March
* African Americans
* Louis Farrakhan
* National Mall - Wash. D.C.
The nice headline reports on the Million Man March on Washington with: "Black Men, in Show of Unity, Join in 400,000-Strong March". This event was a gathering of African-American men at the National Mall, called by Louis Farrakhan. Also on the ftpg: "... See More
Early and rare from Florida... Start of the Mexican War...
Item #704508
May 16, 1846
THE FLORIDIAN, Tallahassee, Florida, May 16, 1846 Nineteenth century newspapers from Florida are uncommon, particularly those from before the Civil War. Here is such an issue from the capital city of Florida, seven years before the Civil War.
The key content in this is breaking news headlines on page 3 from the start of the Mexican War: "From The Army" "Glorious News!" "G... See More
Charles Carroll & the Declaration of Independence...
Item #696996
July 19, 1828
NILES' WEEKLY REGISTER, Baltimore, July 19, 1828
* Charles Carroll of Carrollton
* Declaration of Independence signer
The front page has: "Charles Carroll" which gives details of the last surviving signer of the Declaration of Independence presenting a copy of The Declaration to the mayor of New York City, along with a copy of a letter written in his own hand which state... See More
Protection for Negro soldiers...
Item #682231
March 03, 1864
DAILY RICHMOND EXAMINER, Virginia, March 3, 1864
* Negro soldiers
A nice newspaper from the capital of the Confederate States of America. The front page includes: "The Raids Around Richmond--Surprise Of the Enemy's Camp at Atlee--Retreat of the Yankees Across the Pamunkey--Incidents, etc." which takes two columns. Also: "From The Peninsula" "Allowance of Ra... See More
Early report on the slave trade in America...
Item #699115
September 05, 1765
THE LONDON CHRONICLE, England, Sept. 5, 1765 Pages 1 and 2 have reports headed: "America" with Charleston datelines. The first report is quite notable, as it is a very early reference to the importation of slaves.
It reads: "The value of the negroes imported into this province since the passing of the act for laying an additional duty, to take place the 1st of January nest, i... See More
Scenes of the Battle of Bull Run...
Item #172490
August 03, 1861
HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, Aug. 3, 1861 The front page features two prints on the Civil War, captioned: "The Death of the Rebel General Garnett, at the Battle of Laurel Hill" and "Bringing in the Misses Scott as Prisoners to Fall's Church, Va." with a related article.
Inside includes a print of "Major-General McClellan", a nearly half pg: "Presenta... See More
Charles Carroll & the Declaration of Independence...
Item #697002
July 19, 1828
NILES' WEEKLY REGISTER, Baltimore, July 19, 1828
* Charles Carroll of Carrollton
* Declaration of Independence signer
The front page has: "Charles Carroll" which gives details of the last surviving signer of the Declaration of Independence presenting a copy of The Declaration to the mayor of New York City, along with a copy of a letter written in his own hand which state... See More
Odell Waller final words... Battle of El Alamein...
Item #678283
July 03, 1942
THE NEW YORK TIMES, July 3, 1942
* Odell Waller final words
* Battle of El Alamein
* World War II Egypt
Page 19 has the final words of Odell Waller, an African-American sharecropper from Gretna, Virginia, executed for the fatal shooting of his white landlord (source wiki). Additionally, the front page has a five column headline: "BRITISH SWEEP AROUND AXIS FLANK IN EGYPT, U. S. AND R... See More
Abolishment of slavery, and the backlash from Jamaica...
Item #667090
June 15, 1833
NILES' WEEKLY REGISTER, Baltimore, June 15, 1833 has over half a page headed: "Slavery in the British West Indies" which reports on the: "...deputation in favor off the immediate emancipation of negro slavery within the British dominions..." which includes the full text on the 5 "Resolutions", signed in type by: Samuel Gurney as the chairman. The same page h... See More
George Washington provides a patent...
Item #684602
June 13, 1796
* President George Washington
* Patent signed in type
* Inventor Robert Dawson
* Improvement in bolting cloths
Page 2 has a document headed: "The United States of America...Letters Patent..." which is signed in type by the President: Go. Washington. The document notes a patent has been given to: &quo... See More
Frederic Remington illustration... Ismay of Titanic infamy...
Item #175592
April 04, 1891
HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, April 4, 1891 Full front page Frederic Remington print: "Big Fishing--Indians Hauling Nets On Lake Nepigon". Inside is a half page "The Government's Exhibit at the Columbian Exposition"; 1/4 page "The Government Building for the Columbian Exposition"; a full page "The City of St. John's, Newfoundland" and "Th... See More
African-American soldiers... Cricket match...
Item #645256
November 01, 1879
HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, Nov. 1, 1879 The full ftpg. is a Thomas Nast political cartoon showing Blacks & captioned: "The Next Debut - Now Let General M.C. Butler, of South Carolina, Show How Bulldozing Is Done."
Prints inside include a halfpg: "The Avery Institute, Charleston, S.C."; a fullpg: "International Cricket Match at Phila." "The Ute War-... See More
African-American jockey wins the Kentucky Derby...
Item #648552
May 14, 1891
THE OMAHA DAILY BEE, Nebraska, May 14, 1891
* 1891 Kentucky Derby victory
* Issac Burns Murphy - Negro jockey
Inside has a report of the running of the 1891 Kentucky Derby, won by the horse Kingman, ridden by Hall of Fame African-American jockey Isaac Burns Murphy.
The pg. 7 heads note: "Kingman's Easy Triumph" "He Wins the Kentucky Derby by Scarcely More Than a Ca... See More
Charles Carroll & the Declaration of Independence...
Item #697005
July 19, 1828
NILES' WEEKLY REGISTER, Baltimore, July 19, 1828 The front page has: "Charles Carroll" which gives details of the last surviving signer of the Declaration of Independence presenting a copy of The Declaration to the mayor of New York City, along with a copy of a letter written in his own hand which states in part: "Grateful to Almighty God for the blessings which, through J... See More
Jesse Owens wins gold at the Berlin Olympics...
Item #660776
August 05, 1936
* Jesse Owens shines in track & field
* Olympic games in Berlin Germany
* In front of Adolph Hitler & Third Reich
The front page has a three column heading: "OWENS CAPTURES 200 IN 20.7 TO SCORE OLYMPIC TRIPLE" with subheads. (See) Much more in the sport's section. A sidebar to the Olympic games was Adolph Hitler's refu... See More
Death of Napoleon Bonaparte... Slave trade... William Wilberforce...
Item #677871
September 08, 1821
THE WEEKLY REGISTER, Baltimore, Sept. 8, 1821 Beginning on page 2 is a report of the death of: "Napoleon Bonaparte" which is prefaced with: "The following particulars are interesting, and seem necessary to assist in affording an account of the exit of the man who, for so many years, had occupied the attention of all the civilized world..." with a subhead: "Official A... See More
Print of the first African-American to serve in the House...
Item #697296
January 14, 1870
* Joseph Rainey sworn in w/ illustration
* 1st African American to serve in U.S. Congress
Inside has a nice pint captioned: "Hon. J. H. Rainey, The First Colored American Representative--from a Photograph by Brady". There is a related article: "The Hon. Joseph H. Rainey" which notes in part: "...who was sworn i... See More
Jewish Holocaust... Nazi atrocities... Cold-blooded murder...
Item #686238
June 04, 1944
This issue is being offered as a piece of history. Issues with content related to the numerous atrocities perpetrated upon humanity during this era help to verify what some feebly attempt to deny. It's interesting to note that many such reports never made it to the front page... and in the case of numerous newspapers... never made it to print at all. We at Rare Newspapers offer such item... See More
Lincoln giving the Gettysburg Address...
Item #177031
February 10, 1900
HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, February 10, 1900 Full page Remington: "The War In South Africa - A Close Call For Rimington's Scouts". Doublepage centerfold illustration "Lincoln's Address At Gettysburg, November 19, 1863". This also contains numerous news articles of the day. See photos for full details.
Voice of the Nation of Islam... Stokely Carmichael... Mouhammad Ali...
Item #690547
April 21, 1967
MUHAMMAD SPEAKS, Chicago, Illinois, April 21, 1967
* Nation of Islam religious movement
* Elijah Muhammad - founder
* Fight for civil rights era original
This newspaper was one of the most widely-read ever produced by an African American organization. Nation of Islam leader Elijah Muhammad began the publication on May 1960 as a weekly publication. It was distributed nationwide by the... See More
Last sermon of Brigham Young before Utah... Nice on the capture of slave ships...
Item #704483
March 21, 1846
NILES' NATIONAL REGISTER, Baltimore, March 21, 1846 The front page has an editorial concerning the Mexican War: "Shall We Have Peace or War?" Page 3 has a report: "Slavers Captured" being an account of the capture of the slave ships Panther, Patuxent, and Pons. Note that although slavery continued until the Civil War, the importation of slaves was outlawed in 1808.
A... See More
From the Confederacy... Battle of Ball's Bluff
Item #685696
November 05, 1861
DAILY DISPATCH, Richmond, Virginia, Nov. 5, 1861
* Battle of Ball's Bluff
* Capital of Confederacy
Among front page items are: "Northern War News--The Great Naval Expedition--General Butler on the Recruiting Service..." "Secretary Cameron's Order Concerning Slave Deserters" and other subheads. Inside has: "Army Of The Potomac" 'From Norfolk&qu... See More
President Lincoln's appeal to the border states... Brady's photographs...
Item #693807
July 19, 1862
NEW YORK TRIBUNE, July 19, 1862
* Abraham Lincoln appeal to border states
* Pleads for emancipation of slaves - slavery
The back page begins with a very notable address by President Lincoln headed: "The President's Appeal To The Border States".
On July 12 Abraham Lincoln invited the senators and representatives from the border states to hear his offer of compen
... See More
Emancipation Remembered...
Item #177130
January 04, 1902
HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, Jan. 4, 1902 Frontpage photo "A Memory of Emancipation Day"; Ice Hocky and Its Players; a colored print "Jan Kubelik - The Bohemian Violinist Now Touring The United States"; a page of photos of Marconi's Latest Experiments in Wireless Telegraphy; a page of photos Winners at the First annual Sow of the Ladies' Kennel Association of Ame... See More
Mormons, slavery, and Dickens...
Item #705262
June 23, 1858
NEW YORK TIMES, June 23, 1858 Page 2 has two-thirds of a column taken up with a report headed: "The Mormons Flight and the Mormon Future--A New Power Among the Nations of Earth". The report begins by reflecting upon the founding of the Mormons noting: "...announcing the appearance & character of their 'Golden Bible' as the book was for a while commonly called...ref... See More
Thomas Nast political illustrations with Black Americana interest...
Item #173242
October 10, 1868
HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, October 10, 1868 The front page of this issue features a three-quarter page illustration entitled "The Water Drinkers in Spain". A full page features a halfpage "The South American Earthquakes - Wreck of the 'Wateree'" and "Yacht Race for Vice-Commodore Bennett's Prizes, September 22, 1868". A one-third page "The P... See More
Death of Coretta Scott King... MLK wife...
Item #707309
February 01, 2006
* Coretta Scott King death
* Martin Luther King's wife
* Civil Right activist
* African American equality
The front page has a two column heading: "She Built a Legacy by Preserving One" with subhead and photo. (see) Much more on pages 10 & 11 with 5 more related photos.
Complete with all section (90+ pages, great condition.
... See More
Montgomery bus boycott ends w/ integration...
Item #695134
December 21, 1956
THE RUSSELL DAILY NEWS, Kansas, Dec. 21, 1956
* Montgomery bus boycott ends
* Racial segregation to integration
* Civil rights movement - MLK
A landmark decision by the United States Supreme Court outlawed bus segregation throughout the country, doing much to create defiant reactions throughout the South. The new law went into effect on Dec. 21st.
The top of the front page has a one colum... See More
1963 Civil Rights March on Washington...
Item #696932
August 28, 1963
FITCHBURG SENTINEL, Massachusetts, Aug. 28, 1963
* Martin Luther King Jr.
* March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom
* "I Have A Dream" speech fame
Near the bottom of the front page is a six-column headline concerning this historic Civil Rights March on Washington, D.C.: "100,000 Turn Out For Capital March Before Noon" with subheads and related photo.
It was at ... See More
Winslow Homer... The city of Washington...
Item #172424
December 15, 1860
HARPER'S WEEKLY, Dec. 15, 1860 Ftpg. shows: "The City of Washington from the Dome of the Capitol" as well as "The National Capitol at Washington". Halfpg: "Departure of the St. Louis Bridge for Kansas" & one by Winslow Homer: "Expulsion of Negroes & Abolitionists from Tremont Temple, Boston" includes a related article mentioning Frederick Douglas... See More
News from the Confederacy...
Item #694166
April 28, 1864
DAILY RICHMOND EXAMINER, Virginia, April 28, 1864 Not just a nice newspaper from the Confederacy, but a nice issue from the capital of the Confederacy. The front page includes: "The War News" "The Five Dollar Notes" "City Intelligence" "The Health of the City" "Rencounter With Chicken Thieves" and more.
Nearly two columns on the back page ar... See More
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