Black Americana

Black Americana

Web Results (1361)



Inkster, Michigan Ford Motor employees recovery...

Item #685747

December 17, 1931

THE NEW YORK TIMES, December 17, 1931

* Inkster, Wayne County, Michigan

* Henry Ford Motor Company employees

* African American Detroit suburb experiment

* The Great Depression era

The top of the front page is a two column heading: "Ford Acts to Aid Debt-Ridden Workers; Begins Rehabilitation of a Whole Village" (see) First report coverage on Henry Ford trying an experiment in In... See More  

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Jesse Owens wins Olympic tryouts...

Item #651457

July 10, 1936

THE NEW YORK TIMES, July 10, 1936 

* Jesse Owens broad jump w/ photo

* Pre-Olympic games in Berlin Germany

* To be in front of Adolph Hitler & Third Reich

The sport's section (page 23) has a two column heading: "Owens Rated in Class by Himself For Olympic Broad-Jump Laurels" with subhead and photo. (see) The Olympics would begin just a few weeks later.

A sidebar to ... See More  

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Rosa Jordan shot deasd... Montgomery bus boycott...

Item #693048

December 21, 1956

THE DETROIT NEWS, December 29, 1956 

* Black pregnant woman Rosa Jordan shot dead

* Martin Luther King Jr. becoming known

* Montgomery, Alabama bus segregation ending

A landmark decision by the United States Supreme Court outlawed bus segregation throughout the country, doing much to create defiant reactions throughout the South. The new law went into effect on Dec. 21st.

The front p... See More  

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Green Bay Packers wins NFL championship...

Item #691880

December 14, 1936

ST. LOUIS POST-DISPATCH, December 14, 1936

* Green Bay Packers victorious

* Boston Redskins (Washington)

* NFL football championship

* Jesse Owens wins best athlete award

Page 3 of section II has a two column heading: "Green Bay's Passing Attack Nets Victory In "Pro" Title Game" with stats and lineups. (see)

The top of the same page has another two column heading:... See More  

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18th century Baltimore... slavery ads...

Item #689239

May 04, 1796


* Rare 18th century American title

* (2) slaves related advertisements

* Land for sale along the Potomac River

The full ftpg. is taken up with advertisements including 14 illustrated ship ads. The back page has 2 runaway slave ads. Also a land for sale for the Washington D.C. area. (see)

Four pages, nice condition.... See More  

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1965 Martin Luther King Jr...

Item #689270

October 06, 1965


* Martin Luther King Jr. civil rights rally

* Crawfordville , Taliaferro co., Georgia

* re. desegregation in Southern schools

The top of page 10 column heading: "King Enters Georgia School Row" with lead-in: "Threatens March On Capital" and photo. (see)

Complete with 30+ pages, tiny binding holes along the spine, generally very nice.... See More  

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The Union League Building, Philadelphia, PA...

Item #666770

August 19, 1865

FRANK LESLIE'S ILLUSTRATED, New York, Aug. 19, 1865  The ftpg. has a financial scene on Bleecker St. in New York City. Other prints inside include the; "Union League Building, Broad St., Phila." "The Hospital Buildings & Ferry, Ward's Island, East River"; a fullpg. of the scene where the "...Powder Mine, under the Rebel Entrenchments Before Petersburg, Was... See More  

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Alamo, Tennessee Negro lynching...

Item #686373

May 30, 1929

THE NEW YORK TIMES, May 30, 1929 

* Joe Boxley Negro lynching in Alamo, Tennessee

Page 21 has one column headings: "NEGRO, 19, LYNCHED BY TENNESSEE MOB" "Youth Accused of Attacking Woman Is Taken From Jail at Alamo and Hanged" "SHERIFF'S HOME STORMED" First report coverage on the lynching of Negro Joe Boxley in Alamo, Tennessee. Always nice to have nota... See More  

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John Menard, African-American congressman from Louisiana...

Item #698899

January 23, 1869

HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, January 23, 1869  The full front page is a print of: "The Harp Girl." Inside is a one-third page print of: "Hon. William Claflin, Governor of Massachusetts" plus a half page print: "The Fur Trapper"; a quarter page print of: "Hon. John W. Menard, Colored Congressman from Louisiana" with a small accompanying article. 

... See More  

Item from Catalog 344 (released for July, 2024)

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1963 Sidney Poitier movie opening ad...

Item #704050

October 03, 1963

THE VILLAGE VOICE (weekly), Greenwich Village, New York, Oct. 3, 1963

* Lilies of the Field opening day premiere

* Actor Sidney Poitier - comedy-drama

* First African American to win best actor

Page 12 has a 4 1/2 x 4 inch advertisement for the World premiere of "Lilies of the Field" This movie was first shown in New York City on the day this issue was published. The film was ma... See More  

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Sohn Kee-chung (Son Kitei) wins 1936 gold medal...

Item #688692

August 10, 1936

THE KNICKERBOCKER PRESS, Albany, New York, Mass., Aug. 10, 1936

* Sohn Kee-chung - Son Kitei

* Wins gold medal in marathon

* 1936 Berlin Summer Olympics

* Jesse Owens vs. Nazi Germnay fame

The top of the front page has a one column heading: "RECORD MADE IN MARATHON BY JAPANESE" with subhead. (see) More in the sport's section.

Complete with all 18 pages, light toning and a l... See More  

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Jefferson versus Callender...

Item #666988

August 03, 1802

THE BALANCE & COLUMBIAN REPOSITORY, Hudson, New York, August 3, 1802 

* President Thomas Jefferson

* James Callender squabble

Inside has about a full page of interesting content on the on-going feud between Thomas Jefferson and James Callender, including a lengthy letter signed by the latter.

Callender had a reputation as a "scandalmonger", due to the content of some of ... See More  

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Lincoln's Proclamation calling for more soldiers...

Item #666541

July 27, 1864

THE CRISIS, Columbus, Ohio, July 27, 1864 

* Abraham Lincoln call for troops

* Pro Confederate publication

Among the articles on the ftpg. are: "President Lincoln Figuring on the Peace Question!--The Negro Only in the Way!" "Correspondence the Peace Proposition" includes letters signed by Horace Greeley and one by Abraham Lincoln.

Articles within: "An Infamous... See More  

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1945 concentration camp for children liberated...

Item #696900

April 24, 1945


* Concentration camp for children found

* Jewish holocaust realization

The front page has a two column heading: "Camp of 'Slave Children' Freed by Russian Troops" First report coverage of a concentration camp for children that was found by Russian troops in Poland. What better evidence to confirm of what really happened then havi... See More  

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Marvin Griffin and the 1956 Sugar Bowl controversy...

Item #659527

December 03, 1955

THE SPRINGFIELD UNION, Mass., Dec. 3, 1955

* Georgia Governor Marvin Griffin

* Southern Armageddon at Sugar Bowl ?

* Bobby Grier - 1st African American ?

The sport's section (page 33) has a two column heading: "Governor's Bowl Stand Is Opposed by Regents" with subhead and related pictorial. (see)

Complete with all 40 pages, light toning and minor wear at the margins, gen... See More  

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Advertisement for a Frederick Douglass speech on the Civil War, plus a war map...

Item #689524

February 08, 1862

NEW YORK TRIBUNE, February 8, 1862

* Frederick Douglass speech on civil war

* Cooper Institute advertisement (eve of event)

The bottom of the first column on page 2 has a interesting advertisement for "A Black Man on The War!! Frederick Douglass Lecture at Cooper Institute..." with the date & time noted (see image).

Various Civil War reports on pages 5, 6 and 8 with 2 related... See More  

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1930 Darien, Georgia Negro lynchings...

Item #675023

September 09, 1930

CHICAGO DAILY TRIBUNE, September 9, 1930 

* George Grant & Willie Bryan Negro lynchings 

* Darien, McIntosh County, Georgia martial law

The top of page 5 has a one column heading: "NEGRO LYNCHED AS SLAYER; CALL GEORGIA TROOPS" with subhead. (see) First report coverage on the lynching of Negroes George Grant & Willie Bryan at Darien, Georgia. Always nice to have ... See More  

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Earl Wilson throws 1st African American no-hitter...

Item #637096

June 27, 1962

THE SPRINGFIELD UNION, Massachusetts, June 27, 1962

* Earl Wilson throws no-hitter

* Boston Red Sox

* 1st African American in AL

* Major League Baseball - MLB

The very top of the front page has a banner headline: "Wilson Hurls No-Hitter for Boston Red Sox" with subheads and photo. (see) First report coverage on Boston Red Sox pitcher, Earl Wilson, pitching the very no-hitter for... See More  

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The fall of Manilia... African-American regiment at the charge of San Juan Hill...

Item #176378

October 15, 1898

HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, October 15, 1898  Full front page illus. of "The Fall of Manila." Inside has two full pages showing: "Scenes Attending the Surrender of Manila." 1/2 pg. of illus. of "Launch of the United States Battle Ship 'Illinois' at Newport News, Virginia, October 4, 1898." Full pg. illus. of "Our Occupation of Puerto Rico."

... See More  

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Discussing the Jay Treaty... Troubles around Detroit...

Item #684631

May 24, 1796


* Rare 18th century American publication

Page 2 and a bit of page 3 are mostly taken up with a report from Congress: "On motion for making provision for carrying into effect the treaty with Great Britain." which refers to the controversial Jay Treaty.

Page 3 has a report headed: "Pittsburg" no... See More  

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'Bleeding Kansas' and the Osawattamie Massacre

Item #696517

June 06, 1856

NEW YORK TRIBUNE, June 6, 1856 

* Battle of Osawatomie, Kansas

* Abolitionist John Brown

* Free-Staters vs. Border Ruffians

* Fight for pro and anti-slavery

Scattered throughout the issue are various reports on the growing tensions within Kansas over the slavery issue. Shall Kansas be a free or slave state?

One great letter datelines from Osawattamie begins: "The plot thickens... See More  

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Front page Civil War map of Florida...

Item #595931

January 31, 1862


* Cedar Keys Florida

* Civil War map

The front page has a Civil War map headed: "Cedar Keys and Its Railroad Connection to Fernandina, Florida". Maps of the Civil War showing the greater portion of Florida are very uncommon. There are nice first column heads as well including: "War Against Treason!" "Rebel Steamer &#... See More  

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Sugar Ray Robinson vs. Jake Lamotta...

Item #621748

February 06, 1943

THE TIMES-PICAYUNE, New Orleans, February 6, 1943

* Sugar Ray Robinson vs. Jake Lamotta

* 2nd fight - Robinson's 1st ever loss

* Boxing - Boxers

This 22 page newspaper has one column headlines on page 9: "ROBINSON WIN STRING BROKEN" and "La Motta Floors Negro as He Takes Decision". This was the famous second fight in which LaMotta beat Robinson.

Other news, sports... See More  

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John James Audubon... The Comanche Indians... The California Gold Rush...

Item #686985

May 02, 1849

DAILY NATIONAL INTELLIGENCER, Washington D.C., May 2, 1849  

* John James Audubon

* American ornithologist

Page 3 has a report beginning: "Col. Webb, commander of a large California expedition...They give quite a gloomy account of their adventures. Mr. Audubon remained behind, and had determined to prosecute his journey towards California with a party..." with more.

Also on ... See More  

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Death of Cab Calloway, in a Los A ngeles newspaper...

Item #644760

November 20, 1994

LOS ANGELES TIMES, November 20, 1994

* Cab Calloway death (1st report)

* African American jazz - scat singer

* Cotton Club, Harlem, New York City

Neat the bottom of the front page is a two column heading: "Cab Calloway, Legendary Hi De Ho Man of Jazz, Dies" with photo. (See) Nice to have this report in a newspaper from the capital of the entertainment industry.

The complete firs... See More  

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Slave ads in this antebellum Louisiana newspaper...

Item #684374

August 03, 1850

THE DAILY DELTA, New Orleans, Aug. 3, 1850  Newspapers from the pre-Civil War South are rather difficult to find. Here is one from Louisiana.

Among the front page ads is one headed: "Slaves! Slaves! Slaves!" which notes in part: "The subscribers are prepared to receive, on consignment, for sale in this market, any number of slaves, having one of the best showrooms in the city,... See More  

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Slave ads in this antebellum Louisiana newspaper...

Item #684368

December 03, 1850

THE DAILY DELTA, New Orleans, Dec. 3, 1850 

* Rare antebellum publication

* Runaway slaves & for sale ads

* From the deep South

Newspapers from the pre-Civil War South are rather difficult to find. Here is one from Louisiana.

Among the many inside page ads is one headed: "Slaves! Slaves! Slaves!" which notes in part: "The subscribers are prepared to receive, on co... See More  

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Details on the slave ship Haidee...

Item #683854

October 06, 1858

DAILY NATIONAL INTELLIGENCER, Washington, D.C., Oct. 6, 1858  The top of page 3 has an article: "Arrest Of The Montauk Point Slavers" which reports on a slave ship, mentioning in part: "...a vessel had been sunk off Montauk Point...had been of the scuttled vessel is Haidee...sailed from New the coast of Africa, where she took in a cargo of 900 slaves. ... See More  

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Dr. Joseph Priestley... France eliminates knighthood...

Item #686807

September 28, 1791

COLUMBIAN CENTINEL, Boston, Sept. 28, 1791  A page 3 report says: "A subscription was opened in London, before Capt. Scott sailed, for the purpose of building a large and elegant Chapel for the Rev. Dr. Priestley." Joseph Priestley is credited with the discovery of oxygen.

There is much concerning the French Revolution including a page 2 item: "National Assembly - Abolition Of... See More  

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First mention (?) of Jackie Robinson in 1939...

Item #676739

October 29, 1939

CHICAGO SUNDAY TRIBUNE, section 2 (sports) only, Oct. 29, 1939

* Jackie Robinson 1st mention (?) on the national stage

* UCLA Bruins college football

* 1st Negro in MLB baseball fame

This is a significant issue for any Jackie Robinson collector, as this is the very first mention of him in the prestigious Chicago Daily Tribune. The report is actually of a U.C.L.A. football game as he was a ... See More  

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Colonel Mosby hangs six prisoners....

Item #177340

December 09, 1911

HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, December 9, 1911 (our last issue)

The front page of this issue is a photo of "The American Who May Cause War."

This issue is has an article with some illustrations of "Sizing Up the Presidential Timber" by McKee Barclay. There is a double page illustration of "Mosby's Death Raffle" by Sidney w. Riesenberg and there is a full pa... See More  

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Early Flight...

Item #177637

November 05, 1910

HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, November 5, 1910  Full front page photo: "Aviation Meet at Belmont Park, Long Island", with a crowd of spectators. Fullpg. inside has nine photos from the Aviation Meet. Other photos and illustrations with text throughout this 32 page issue.

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Ulysses. S. Grant & the battle at Fort Donelson...

Item #172552

March 08, 1862

HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, March 8, 1862  The entire front page is a nice print captioned: "Major-General Ulysses S. Grant, U.S.A. The Hero of Fort Donelson" with a related article inside.

Other prints in this issue include a full page: "The Hand-to-Hand Fight Over Schwartz's Battery at Fort Donelson"; a full pg: "Seeking For The wounded by Torch-Light, After... See More  

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Jesse Owens wins olympic gold in 1936....

Item #680481

August 04, 1936

THE BETHLEHEM GLOBE-TIMES, Pennsylvania, August 4, 1936

* Jesse Owens Olympic gold 

* United States dominance 

* In front of Adolph Hitler & Reich

This 18 page newspaper has one column headlines on the front page that include: "JESSE OWENS BREAKS BROAD JUMP RECORD" "Leaps 26 Feet 5 1-3 Inches Beating Record of Edward Hamm in 1928". More Olympic news ... See More  

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Annual Message... President James Buchanan...

Item #678326

December 07, 1858

THE NEW YORK HERALD, Dec. 7, 1858.


* President James Buchanan

* State of the Union Address

* Much regarding slavery, the slave states, Kansas, etc.

The first column of the front page has: "NATIONAL AFFAIRS", "THE PRESIDENT'S MESSAGE", "New Political Epoch in the United States", and more, which provide the text followed by commentary regardin

... See More  

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America prohibits the importation of slaves (1807)...

Item #677725
THE GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE, London, England, March, 1807  Under: "Abstract of Foreign Occurrences" is a brief yet notable report: "The American Congress has passed a bill for the abolition of the slave trade, by a majority of 24---the numbers being ayes 73, noes 49." This refers to the significant "Act Prohibiting Importation of Slaves" which was signed into la... See More  

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A slave uprising on board a slave ship...

Item #679848

August 20, 1772

THE LONDON CHRONICLE, England, Aug. 20, 1772  The back page has a: "...Letter from on Board the Louisa, Capt. Laurence Hill, dated at James Town in Virginia" which begins: "We set sail from this place on the 2d of April bound to the Guinea coast for slaves..." when they came upon a boat crowded with men, very emaciated, rescued them, and inquired as to their situation. The... See More  

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On the John Brown Harper's Ferry invasion... Fugitive slave Columbus Jones...

Item #690299

November 16, 1859

NEW YORK TRIBUNE, Nov. 16, 1859 

* John Brown's insurrection - invasion - raid

* Harpers Ferry WV West Virginia

Among articles are: "The John Brown Fund" "JOHN BROWN'S INVASION--Expulsion of Strangers" which takes a full column; "Southern Protest Against The Virginia View of Harper's Ferry" taking half a column.

Page 5 has a report of noted fu... See More  

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Much on John Brown's funeral, etc...

Item #678210

December 12, 1859

NEW YORK TRIBUNE, Dec. 12, 1859 

* Post John Brown execution (hanging)

* Much on the funeral services - burial

Almost the entirety of page 6 is taken up with: "The Burial Of John Brown" "The Passage of the Body to North Alba" "The Funeral" "Speeches of Mr. McKim and Mr. Phillips" "John Brown's Last Will" "Charlestown Intelligen... See More  

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Amazing Grace... Abolishing slavery (British) discusion...

Item #648711
THE GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE, London, England, January, 1807  Within this 90+ page issue is a report headed: "Proceedings In the First Session of the Third Parliament of the United Kingdom of Great Britain & Ireland, 1806", which begins: "Lord Grenville brought in a Bill for abolishing the Slave Trade, which was read the first time." This brief report was the init... See More  

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Kit Carson fights the Navajo Indians... Lincoln's famous rally-letter endorsed...

Item #689176

September 04, 1863

NEW YORK TIMES, Sept. 4, 1863 

* Kit Carson

* Abraham Lincoln

Although much of the front page is taken up with reports from the Civil War, perhaps the most interesting item is the brief page 5 item headed: "Victory of Kit Carson Over the Indians", reading in part: "...had a fight with the Navajoe Indians beyond Fort Canby. The Indians were defeated with the loss of 13 ki... See More  

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Reporting on John Brown's raid...

Item #689619

October 22, 1859

DAILY NATIONAL INTELLIGENCER, Washington, D.C., Oct. 22, 1859 

* John Brown's insurrection - invasion - raid

* Harpers Ferry, West Virginia Negroes

Page 3 has a column headed: "The Harper's Ferry Fugitives" with related reports headed: "Arrest of Counterfeiters" and: "Gov. Wide at Richmond" as seen in the photos.

Also on page 3 is half a column ... See More  

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Harding names negro for New Orleans Post; Senate Fight Coming; "Lily Whites" protest....

Item #673005

November 23, 1922

THE NEW YORK TIMES, November 23, 1922  The front page has a two column heading: "Harding Names Negro for New Orleans Post; Senate Fight Coming; "Lily Whites Protest". The coverage tells of President Harding's appointment of Walter L. Cohen, to this prestigious post - the first black man to ever hold this position. Quite historic.

Complete in 44 pages.  As per the era,... See More  

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Digging out a railraood in Colorado... Fire in the Adirondacks...

Item #174946

January 24, 1885

HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, January 24, 1885  Full front page Thomas Nast cartoon shows a white & black man knocking on the Liberty Bell: "Proclaim Liberty Throughout All The Land Unto All The Inhabitants Thereof".

Inside has dramatic full page print: "Snowed Under--Digging Out a Railroad in Colorado". Fullpg: "Forest Destruction in the Adirondacks" &... See More  

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First World Series to include African American comes to close...

New York Yankees Win World Series...

Item #601852

October 07, 1947

THE BETHLEHEM GLOBE-TIMES, Pennsylvania, October 7, 1947 

* New York Yankees Win World Series

* First World Series to include an African American

* Jackie Robinson - Brooklyn Dodgers

The sport's section (page 14) has a six column headline:

"N.Y. Pitching, Hitting, Deciding Factor"

with subheads, related photo and box scores. This was the first World Series to incl... See More  

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Fascinating slave case...

Item #698335

April 09, 1856

NEW YORK TRIBUNE, April 9, 1856  Page 5 has: "An Interesting Slave Case" concerning: "...a young colored woman & her children claimed as slaves..." and what follows are the details of a very fascinating case.

Eight pages, very nice condition.

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A centerfold view of Fredericksburg... Charles Dickens...

Item #172634

December 20, 1862

HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, December 20, 1862  The full front page shows: "Identification of Indian Murderers in Minnesota by a Boy Survivor of the Massacre". Other prints inside include: "Belle Plains, on the Potomac--Burnside's Principal Commissary Depot" showing a long wagon train. Fullpg. has three prints: "Seminary at La Grange, Tennessee, Now Used as a Pr... See More  

Please Read Note Concerning HW Images & Supplements!

(Alert: Jan. & Dec. HW's have more than typical wear.)

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The New York Stock Exchange... Golfing...

Item #177152

April 26, 1902

HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, April 26, 1902  Frontpage illustration "The Right of Way" by Mears; fullpage photos The President at the Charleston Exposition; fullpage photos The Coronation of the King of Spain; fullpage illustration "The New Home of the Stock Exchange" by Meeker; A Girl's Adventures in Cloudland with photos; The Drama of the Circus with photos; Openin... See More  

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Capture of a slave ship: deplorable condition of the slaves...

Item #690625

June 04, 1860

NEW YORK HERALD, June 4, 1860 

* Famous slaver "Wildfire" capture

* African slave trade print fame

Page 4 has a column headed: "Activity In The Slave Trade" "Additional Particulars of the Capture of the Bark Showing French Colors" "Condition of the Africans at Key West".

There are 4 reports here, taking almost an entire column, with subheads: &q... See More  

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Trouble with the Mormons in Illinois... Slave ships...

Item #685118

April 13, 1844

NILES' NATIONAL REGISTER, Baltimore, April 13, 1844 

* Mormons - Mormonism

* Nauvoo, Illinois

An inside page has a brief item discussed in the federal Congress with a small heading: "Mormons" noting: "Mr. Semple presented a memorial from the mayor & aldermen of Nauvoo, that a separate territorial government may be extended to that city; also from 3,419 citizens ... See More  

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