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Capture of Pensacola Florida... Seminole War...

Item #704372

July 25, 1818

NILES' WEEKLY REGISTER, Baltimore, July 25, 1818 

* Battle of Penscacola

* Spanish West Florida

* First Seminole War

* General Andrew Jackson

Featured in this issue is a detailed report of the capture of Pensacola, Florida during the Seminole Indian war.  Also a report on the death and funeral of General Richard Montgomery.

Sixteen pages, 6 by 9 1/2 inches, some foxing, gen... See More  

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Early article on horse racing in America...

Item #698141

July 04, 1818

COLUMBIAN CENTINEL, Boston, July 4, 1818  The front page has not only an unusually lengthy article headed: "Horse-Racing" but a very early one as well, as horse racing in the States did not become popular until many years later.

Four pages, several foxing spots, generally nice condition.

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On the flag of the United States...

Item #695906

May 01, 1818


* United States Flag revision

The back page has over 2 columns taken up with a very lengthy list of Acts of Congress which were recently passed. Included very inconspicuously within the list is: "To establish the flag of the United States--House, April 4, 1818." (text of the Act not included)

This was the historic Act which formalized how the ... See More  

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Eli Whitney invents the cotton gin...

Item #689390

May 23, 1818

NILES' WEEKLY REGISTER, Baltimore, May 23, 1818 

* Inventor Eli Whitney

* Cotton Gin invention

An extremely significant back page report is headed: "Labor Saving Machinery" which notes: "There is now annually raised...with Mr. Whitney's machine, about one hundred millions of pounds of short staple cotton. To pick that quality by hand...before his invention would ... See More  

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Formalizing the United States flag... One new star for each new state...

Item #683178

May 09, 1818

NILES' WEEKLY REGISTER, Baltimore, May 9, 1818  The last two pages contain a rather inconspicuous yet very historic report from Congress, being a printing of: "An Act to Establish the flag of the United States" with the text including in part: "...the flag of the United States be thirteen horizontal stripes, alternate red and white, that the union be twenty stars, white in ... See More  

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Formalizing the United States flag... One new star for each new state...

Item #683176

May 09, 1818

NILES' WEEKLY REGISTER, Baltimore, May 9, 1818 

* United States Flag revision

The last two pages contain a rather inconspicuous yet very historic report from Congress, being a printing of: "An Act to Establish the flag of the United States" with the text including in part: "...the flag of the United States be thirteen horizontal stripes, alternate red and white, that ... See More  

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Unusual tightrope walking print ad...

Item #680731

July 15, 1818


* Tightrope walking ad

* Boston circus

News of the day with many ads throughout. The most interesting content is a page 3 illustrated advertisement for "Mr. Vilallave" and his tightrope walking exhibition, which includes a print of him on the wire.

Four pages, nice condition.... See More  

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Indian troubles in Georgia... Buonaparte...

Item #673103

May 22, 1818

NEW YORK SPECTATOR, May 22, 1818  Page 2 has various reports from Europe with some content concerning Bonaparte, including comments on his exile at St. Helena. Also: "Voyage to the North Pole". Pg. 4 has nearly a full column concerning: "Destruction of the Chehaw Village" in Georgia, and another report: "Expedition Against the Chehaws" Indians.

Four pages, nice ... See More  

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Initiating the historic Maryland Jew Bill...

Item #672090

December 19, 1818

NILES' WEEKLY REGISTER, Baltimore, Dec. 19, 1818 

* Maryland Jew Bill Initiated

Inside has a brief yet notable item with a small head: "Maryland Legislature" which includes in part: "...A committee was appointed to bring in a bill to extend the same civil privileges to persons professing the Jewish religion as are enjoyed by those of any other religious sect..."... See More  

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Early St. Louis in 1818...

Item #665929

October 10, 1818

COLUMBIAN CENTINEL, Boston, Oct. 10, 1818 

* Building St. Louis, Missouri

A pg. 2 report from Missouri datelined St. Louis says that: "...three millions of bricks...have been laid here since...April...", and that there is a printing office and two banks there, it is situated near rich lead runs, enjoys a great commerce with the Indians, has a population of 2000 and a b
... See More  

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Very early guitar advertisement... Gaines fights the Indians...

Item #665090

January 31, 1818

COLUMBIAN CENTINEL, Boston, Jan. 31, 1818  The back page a rather small ad with a small heading: "GUITAR" reading: "For sale cheap--a new, elegant and superior toned English Guitar, together with instruction book, strings, etc. Inquire at the Centinel Counting Room".

Have you ever seen an earlier ad for a guitar?

The ftpg. has: "Indian War" being a lengthy repo... See More  

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Slave ships arrive at Galveston... A Proclamation by the President...

Item #657925

August 08, 1818

NILES' WEEKLY REGISTER, Baltimore, Aug. 8, 1818  Page 6 has: "General Jackson's Campaign" which lists the number of: "...The Indians inhabiting the country lying between Georgia & the Mississippi river..." totaling 11,000 warriors. It notes: "This force, if embodied and hostile, would e serious enemy to the United States...".

The bkpg. has: "A P... See More  

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James Madison's Address to the Agricultural Society of Albermarle...

Item #654178

July 18, 1818

NILES' WEEKLY REGISTER, Baltimore, July 18, 1818  Of importance is the multi-page printing of former President James Madison's Address to the Agricultural Society of Albermarle.

The Wiley Online Library, in regards to this lengthy address, states the following: "James Madison's 1818 Address to the Albemarle Agricultural Society offers new insight into the diverse historiogra... See More  

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The diminishing American Indian... States to join the Union...

Item #647605

November 14, 1818

NILES' WEEKLY REGISTER, Baltimore, Nov. 14, 1818  The first 3 ages contains a very interesting article on the American Indians, titled; "The American Aborigines" and beginning: "This people is rapidly passing away. Treaty after treaty & cession after cession, curtains the extent of their domain. The wild animals of the forest, on which they mainly depended for food, ret... See More  

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Monroe's state-of-the-union address...

Item #647604

November 21, 1818

NILES' WEEKLY REGISTER, Baltimore, Nov. 21, 1818  Inside has 6 pages of detailed charts on the various imports into the United States. Further on is the: "Message" of the President to Congress, being the annual state-of-the-union address signed in type: James Monroe. This address takes nearly 4 pages.

Complete in 16 pages, 6 1/4 by 9 1/2 inches, in general very good condit... See More  

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Early expedition to the Yellowstone...

Item #625194

December 29, 1818

NATIONAL INTELLIGENCER, Washington, D.C., Dec. 29, 1818  The middle of the front page has an interesting article: "Of The Yellow Stone Expedition" "Extract of a Letter dated Martin Cantonment, 380 Miles up the Missouri River...from an Officer of the Yellow Stone River Expedition to a Gentleman in St. Louis". The letter has some fascinating first-hand reporting on this earl... See More  

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President James Monroe....

Item #538704

June 11, 1818



* President James Monroe 

* Early 19th century original

On the front page under The Presidents Tour is a letter from the mayor of Annapolis to the President, followed by a gracious reply, signed in type: James Monroe

Other news of the day with several advertisements. Some lite foxing, but none in this content, otherwise in ... See More  

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Early Pittsburgh... Smithfield Street Bridge opens...

Item #538699

December 21, 1818


* Very early Pittsburgh Pennsylvania

* Smithfield Street Bridge

A page 2 report says: 

* "A splendid Bridge has been erected over the Monongahela, near Pittsburg. On the first day of its being opened for passengers, the flooring was covered with several thousands delighted inhabitants of Pittsburg. This was the Monongahela Brid... See More  

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God's hand of judgement?

Item #222711

October 17, 1818

COLUMBIAN CENTINEL, Boston, Oct. 17, 1818.

* Early 18th century view of breaking the Sabbath...

A front page report from Buffalo says that a sailboat returning from a party of pleasure overturned Sunday and a young man drowned, although his four companions survived. Concludes by stating: "An extraordinary fatality appears to attend Sabbath-breakers." A pg. 2 item says:
... See More  

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Early St. Louis in 1818...

Item #219636

October 10, 1818

COLUMBIAN CENTINEL, Boston, Oct. 10, 1818.


* Early St. Louis Missouri growth

A pg. 2 report from Missouri datelined St. Louis says that ...three millions of bricks...have been laid here since...April..., and that there is a printing office and two banks there, it is situated near rich lead runs, enjoys a great commerce with the Indians, has a population of 2000 and a bit more. Anot
... See More  

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Giant Sawfish

Item #219553

September 19, 1818

COLUMBIAN CENTINEL, Boston, Sept. 19, 1818.

* Giant Sawfish Caught

* North Carolina
Pg. 2 has a report: A Saw Fish 13 feet 4 inches, with a saw of 28 teeth on each side, and upwards of 3 feet long, has been taken in one of the sounds in North Carolina, skinned and preserved. Other news of the day includes: "Exchange of Prisoners", "Connecticut Convention", and mor
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1818 Hartford CT.....

Item #217761

June 09, 1818

AMERICAN MERCURY, Hartford, June 9, 1818


* Nice eagle masthead

* 1818 Hartford Connecticut CT

* President James Monroe

The front page has five Acts and three declarations each signed in type: James Monroe. Other news of the day with several interesting advertisements. Some staining in one of the declarations, some foxing spots, otherwise in nice condition.
... See More  

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James Monroe Land Sales in 1818....

Item #217403

June 30, 1818

AMERICAN MERCURY, Hartford, June 30, 1818.


* James Monroe public land sales notices

* Hartford, Connecticut 1818

On the front page under a small woodcut of an eagle and shield are five separate Acts plus three notices for the sale of public lands, each signed in type: James Monroe. Another act and notice on pg. 4 are also signed in type by Monroe. Other news of the day inclu
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1818 Northwest Expedition

Item #213486

December 01, 1818

CONNECTICUT COURANT, Hartford, Dec. 1, 1818.

* Northwest Expedition

* Ship Isabella

* 1818
On page 3 under Northern Expedition is a very detailed letter from an officer aboard the ship Isabella, employed in the North-West Expedition. Mentions Wygatt Island, Greenland, Four Island Point, Disko, Riskoll, Woman Islands, Black Hook, and Sandersons Hope. Much about the weather c
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General Andrew Jackson...Indian Battles...

Item #201379

May 21, 1818


On pg. 2 under "Domestic" and "Of The Indian War" is an "intelligence" report from an officer about the operations of General Jackson. Mentions the conflagration of the Indian town Missiskauki and that Jackson "..proceeded to St. Marks--the Spanish garrison surrendered...and [he] had arrived at Pensacola.." The rep... See More  

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1818 Alexander Arbuthnot Court Martial..

Item #200019

December 15, 1818

NEW-ENGLAND PALLADIUM & COMMERCIAL ADVERTISER, Boston, Dec. 15, 1818 On the ftpg. under "Arbuthnot" are the charges and specifications pertaining to Alexander Arbuthots court martial ordered by Andrew Jackson. Rubbing and some lite dirtiness does not affect this report.

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Very early advertisement for a guitar...

Item #151073

January 31, 1818

COLUMBIAN CENTINEL, Boston, Jan. 31, 1818  This issue contains on the back page a rather small, classified-type ad with a small heading: "GUITAR" with the text of the ad reading: "For sale cheap--a new, elegant and superior toned English Guitar, together with instruction book, strings, etc. Inquire at the Centinel Counting Room".

Have you ever seen an earlier ad for a gui... See More  

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About events at New York City Hall...

Item #153083
THE NEW YORK CITY-HALL RECORDER, 1818  A small-size publication primarily dealing with legal matters involving city hall.

Note that the photo is "generic" and the issue you get will not have this specific date but will have the format as shown.

Measures 6 by 9 inches and contains about 40 pages.

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Niagara Falls...

Item #152875

September 05, 1818

BOSTON COMMERCIAL GAZETTE, Sept. 7, 1818 Pg. 2 has a brief item: "Falls of Niagara" noting: "The Projection called Table Rock, has...fallen in....the rock broke in pieces...and disclosed a great number of crystalline substances...".  Also word that the "...elegant steam-boat Walk-in-the-Water will be ready for sailing this week...".

Small piece missing at the bo... See More  

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