Web Results (395)



1st around the World airplane flight begins...

Item #583257

June 24, 1931

MEMPHIS EVENING APPEAL, Memphis, Tennessee, June 24, 1931

* Wiley Post and Harold Gatty - 1st airplane flight around the World begins 

* Monoplane Winnie Mae (early same day report)

This 18 page newspaper has five column headline on the front page: "American Fliers Land in Berlin". Other news of the day including period advertising. This issue has light browning with little... See More  

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1945 Potsdam Conference...

Item #583250

July 17, 1945


* Potsdam Conference (Germany)

* The Big Three meeting

* Harry Truman, Joseph Stalin, & Winston Churchill

This 10 page newspaper has a two column headline on the front page: "TRUMAN CALLS ADMIRAL LAND" with subhead: "Urgent Summons Cabled From Potsdam, Sees Berlin Ruins".

Other news of the day including sports advertis... See More  

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Amanullah Khan enters Berlin...

Item #583138

February 23, 1928

THE NEW YORK TIMES, February 23, 1928

* Amanullah Khan enters Berlin, Germany

* Emir & Shah of Afghanistan

This 44 page newspaper has one column headlines on page 9 that include: "AFGHAN KING ENTERS BERLIN AMID POMP",

"Hindenburg Welcomes Him at the Station as a 21-Gun Salute Is Fired"
and more (see photos).

Other news, sports and advertisements of the day throu... See More  

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Iron Cutain speech...

Item #582769

March 05, 1946

FITCHBURG SENTINEL, Massachusetts, March 5, 1946

* Winston Churchill - re. Iron Curtain Speech

* Fulton, Missouri

This 12 page newspaper has a one column heading on page 7: "Fulton Makes Ready For Churchill Visit"

There is other news of the day including period advertising. This issue has minor margin wear, but is otherwise in good condition.

wikipedia notes: Use of the ter... See More  

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Flight around the World in 1931...

Item #582713

July 02, 1931

THE OMAHA BEE-NEWS, Omaha, Nebraska, July 2, 1931

* Wiley Post and Harold Gatty...  1st flight around the World in airplane ends

* Hero's welcome in New York City

This 24 page newspaper has a five column headline on the front page: "MILLIONS ACCLAIM AIRMAN" with subhead: "Heroes Ride In Confetti Blizzard" with related photo.

Other news, sports and advertiseme... See More  

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Elephants from Calcutta... The Royal Wedding...

Item #581614

February 20, 1858

THE ILLUSTRATED LONDON NEWS, England, February 20, 1858  The front page of the this issue features a halfpage illustration "The Royal Bridal Tour - The Prince and Princess Frederick William at the Window the King's Palace, Potsdam". Within the issue is: "Effects of the Late Earthquake in Naples"; "The Bridal Tour - Arrival of the Prince and Princess Frederick Will... See More  

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Flight around the World in 1931...

Item #580479

July 02, 1931

MEMPHIS EVENING APPEAL, Tennessee, July 2, 1931

* Wiley Post and Harold Gatty...  1st flight around the World in airplane ends

* Hero's welcome in New York City

This 22 page newspaper has one column headlines on the front page:

"WILD OVATION GREETS FLIERS IN MANHATTAN" "New York Accords Heroes' Welcome to Post, Gatty After Record World Hop" with related pho... See More  

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1st around the World airplane flight begins...

Item #580341

June 23, 1931

MEMPHIS EVENING APPEAL, Tennessee, June 23, 1931

* Wiley Post and Harold Gatty - 1st airplane flight around the World begins 

* Monoplane Winnie Mae ( early same day report)

This 22 page newspaper has a nice banner headline on the front page:

"WORLD FLIERS HOP OFF FOR BERLIN" with subheads (see photos). Nice to have this report on the front page and very unusual for such a... See More  

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Prelude to the Third Reich... Nazis...

Item #579354

January 15, 1920

NEW YORK TRIBUNE, January 15, 1920

* Reichstag Building riot

* Prelude to Nazi Germany ?

This 20 page newspaper has a nice banner headline on the front page: "Forty-Two Killed, 105 Wounded, in Berlin Uprising; Martial Law Now in Effect Throughout Germany" with subheads (see photos). This tells of a riot in front of the Reichstag Building. See photos for some text here. Was this th... See More  

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Adolph Hitler's return to Berlin in 1938...

Item #579087

May 11, 1938

THE NEW YORK TIMES, May 11, 1938

* Adolph Hitler returns to Berlin, Germany

* Successful occupation of Austria celebration

This 42 page newspaper has one column headlines on page 12 that include: "BERLIN IN ECSTASY AS HITLER RETURNS", "500,000 Acclaim Him Amid Cascades of Bengal Fire and Bursting of Rockets", "Italian Flags Are Flown" and more. This tells of Ad... See More  

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1929 Hermann Oberth... early rockets...

Item #578831

September 15, 1929

THE NEW YORK TIMES, September 15, 1929

* Hermann Oberth

* Space travel? moon?

This 100+ page newspaper has small one column headings on page 3:  "To Aim Rocket Into Space", "Prof. Oberth of Berlin Will Design Projectile to Leave the Earth".

Other news of the day throughout including various advertisements. Rag edition in great edition.

source: wikipedia: Her... See More  

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Max Valier... Rocket propulsion...

Item #578685

April 12, 1931

THE NEW YORK TIMES, April 12, 1931

* Rocket car

* Paul Heylandt

This100+ page newspaper has one column headlines on page 8: "NEW ROCKET MOTOR HAS 400-POUND PUSH" and "Liquid Oxygen and Alcoholic Liquid Are Mixed for Fuel in Device tried Out in Berlin".

This tells of Paul Heylandt testing his new rocket automobile with liquid fuel. See photos for text.

Other news o... See More  

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1930 Max Valier... Rocket propulsion...

Item #578556

April 18, 1930

THE NEW YORK TIMES, April 18, 1930

* Max Valier

* Rocket car

This 52 page newspaper has one column headlines on page 11: "VALIER SHOWS BERLIN NEW GAS-ROCKET CAR",

"German Believes He Has Made Propulsion by Recoil From Explosions Practical". Tells of Austrian Max Valier testing his new rocket automobile. See photos for text.

Other news of the day throughout including ... See More  

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James Naismith death... Father of basketball...

Item #577454

November 28, 1939

LEOMINSTER DAILY ENTERPRISE, Massachusetts, November 28, 1939

* James Naismith death (1st report)

* "Father of Basketball"

* Springfield, Massachusetts

This 10 page newspaper has a one column heading on the front page:  "Inventor of Basketball Dies Today" which tells of the death of James Naismith, known as the "Father of Basketball". A small report here ... See More  

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Kaiser Wilhelm II of Germany dies in 1941...

Item #576848

June 04, 1941

LEOMINSTER DAILY ENTERPRISE, Massachusetts, June 4, 1941

* Wilhelm II, Emperor of Germany death report

This 8 page newspaper has a two column headline on the front page:  "Ex-German Kaiser, 82, Dies Today at His Holland Estate", with subheads (see images). Tells of the death of Wilhelm II, German Emperor. Other news of the day. Minor spine wear, otherwise in good condit

... See More  

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1934 Marinus Van Der Lubbe executed....

Item #576715

January 11, 1934

THE NEW YORK TIMES, January 11, 1934

* Marinus Van Der Lubbe is guilty

* Reichstag fire suspect... executed by guillotine

This 42 page newspaper has one column headlines on the front page that include: "VAN DER LUBBE DIES ON NAZI GUILLOTINE", "Germany Beheads Reichstag Incendiary in Lepzig, Taking the World by Surprise", "He Goes To Fate Silently", and more. Re... See More  

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1956 Hudsonville, Michigan tornado disaster...

Item #574410

April 04, 1956

THE SPRINGFIELD UNION, Massachusetts, April 4, 1956 

* Hudsonville, Michigan tornado disaster 

* Berlin, Wisconsin 

This 40 page newspaper has a five column headline on the front page: "45 DEAD, 185 INJURED IN SERIES OF STORMS" with subheads and related photo showing tornado damage in Berlin, Wisconsin. (see)

Tells of the 1956 Hudsonville-Standale tornado disa... See More  

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Fall of the Berlin Wall.....

Item #573845

November 10, 1989

DER TAGES SPIEGEL--EXTRABLATT, Berlin, Germany, November 10, 1989   This four page "Extra" edition is devoted to the opening of the Berlin Wall. The entire front page is a huge photo of people standing on the Wall at the Brandenburg Gate with a banner headline (translated): "The Night They Opened The Border In Berlin".

Much more on page 2 & 3 with more photos and... See More  

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1927 Clarence Chamberlin...

Item #573113

June 07, 1927

CHRONICLE AND NEWS, Allentown, Pennsylvania, June 7, 1927 

* Clarence Chamberlin 

* Bellanca monoplane Columbia 

* Transatlantic flight - Atlantic Ocean

This 20 page newspaper has a nice banner headline on the front page: "CHAMBERLIN LANDS IN BERLIN; COMPLETES FLIGHT" with subheads and related pictorial. (see)

Light browning, otherwise good.

wikipedia ... See More  

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Erwin Rommel death...

Item #571616

October 16, 1944

THE BOSTON POST, Massachusetts, October 16, 1944

* Erwin Rommel death 

* The Desert Fox 

* World War II field Marshall

This 14 page newspaper has two column headlines on the front page: "GERMANY ADMITS ROMMEL'S DEATH" "State Funeral Ordered by Hitler for 'Desert Fox'---Wounds in Strafing by Allied Fliers Fatal"

Tells of the death of famou... See More  

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Adolph Hitler assassination attempt...

Item #569089

November 11, 1939

THE SPRINGFIELD UNION, Massachusetts, November 11, 1939 

* Adolph Hitler assassination attempt 

* Johann Georg Elser  

This 20 page newspaper has one column headlines on the front page that include: "MISSILE THROWN AT HUGE PICTURE OF ADOLPH HITLER" "Window Before It in Berlin Store of Fuehrer's Photographer Smashed" and more. (see)

Other news of... See More  

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Germany bombs London, England...

Item #568012

September 12, 1940

LEOMINSTER DAILY ENTERPRISE, Massachusetts, September 12, 1940 

* The Blitz (1st Phase)

* Germany bombs London, England

* Adolph Hitler

This 12 page newspaper has a banner headline on the front page: "RAF Planes Shower Fire Bombs On Berlin and Coast Ports" with subheads that include: "LONDON RAIDS ARE CONTINUED BY GERMANS" and more.

Other news of the day throug... See More  

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Nazi Saboteurs...

Item #567784

August 09, 1942

THE SPRINGFIELD UNION, Massachusetts, August 9, 1942

* Nazi Saboteurs

* Ex parte Quirin

* World War II original

This 30+ page newspaper has a three column headline on the front page: "Six Nazi Saboteurs Die in Electric Chair; Two Get Jail Terms" with subheads. (see)

Other news of the day with much on World War II. Light browning, otherwise in good condition.

wikipedia notes... See More  

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Jesse Owens at Berlin Olympics........

Item #567588

August 08, 1936

LEOMINSTER DAILY ENTERPRISE, Leominster, Massachusetts, August 8, 1936  This 8 page newspaper has one column headlines on page 5:"OWENS WILL RUN IN 400 METER RELAY" "Will Have Chance at Fourth Gold Medal and Is Well Pleased" with other Olympics reporting. Other news of the day.
Light browning with minor margin wear, otherwise in good condition.
... See More  

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Mischa Levitzki death...

Item #565174

January 03, 1941

THE NEW YORK TIMES, New York, NY, January 3, 1941

* Mischa Levitzki death

* Russian Pianist composer

This 40 page newspaper has one column headlines on page 19 that include: "MISCHA LEVITZKI NOTES PIANIST, DIES", "Known As Child Prodigy", "Composer, 42, Made His Debut Here in 1916 After Giving Many Recitals in Europe" and more with one column photo. Other news ... See More  

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Germany is unified once again...

Item #564673

October 04, 1990

BILD, Berlin, Germany, October 4, 1990 

* East & West Germany are unified

* Great title to have in ( in German language)

This newspaper announces the historic unification of East & West Germany to become "Germany", with the banner headline across the top of the front page proclaiming: "Germany! My God, is Ready". There is also a color photo showing a huge c... See More  

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Brandenburg Gate is open... In a Berlin newspaper!

Item #564662

December 23, 1989

B-Z, Berlin, Germany, December 23, 1989  A great issue on the fall of the Berlin Wall, with a banner headline proclaiming (translated): "Berlin, Rejoice!" The front page photo shows a huge crowd at the Brandenburg Gate, apparently oblivious to the rain & storm of that day, as they prepare to celebrate Christmas without the Wall.

Some very nice photos on pages 2-5, two showing r... See More  

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Peter Fetcher Berlin Wall murder....

Item #564501

August 21, 1962

FITCHBURG SENTINEL, Massachusetts, August 21, 1962

* Peter Fechter murder

* Berlin Wall - Germany

This 20 page newspaper has a two column headline on page 4: "Brandt To Ask West Aid Berliners At Wall".

Tells of the the tensions around the Berlin wall soon after the shooting death of 18 year old Peter Fechter. (is mentioned)

Other news of the day. Minor spine wear, otherwise... See More  

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Majorie Gestring gold medal in diving...

Item #563675

August 13, 1936

THE NEW YORK TIMES, New York, August 13, 1936

* Majorie Gestring

* Springboard diving - Olympics

* Youngest gold medal winner

This 40 page newspaper has a four column headline on page 13: "Women Divers of U.S. Score Olympics Sweep" with subheads that include: "13-YEAR OLD GIRL WINS IN OLYMPICS" "Marjorie Gestring Leads U.S. to Sweep in Dive---Miss Rawls, Mrs. Hill ... See More  

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Sevastopol captured by the Nazis...

Item #561918

July 02, 1942

THE NEW YORK TIMES, New York, July 2, 1942

* Sevastopol captured by the Nazis

* Crimean Peninsula

* World War II original

This 44 page newspaper has a six column headline on the front page: "GERMANS REPORT CAPTURE OF SEVASTOPOL" with subheads that include: "NAZIS CLAIM PORT" "Crimean Base Captured After 25-Day Assault, Berlin Asserts" and more with related ma... See More  

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Wiley Post and Harold Gatty...

Item #557262

June 28, 1931

THE KNICKERBOCKER PRESS, Albany, New York, June 28, 1931

* Wiley Post and Harold Gatty

* 1st airplane flight around the World (during flight)

This 30 page newspaper has one column headlines on the front page that include:


* First Bad Landing IS Made at Blagoveshchensk as Ship Hits Mire, but Fliers Will Continue at Once

* 'Winnie Mae' Is Far... See More  

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Wiley Post and Harold Gatty... 1st flight around the world...

Item #556574

July 02, 1931

TAUNTON DAILY GAZETTTE, Massachusetts, July 2, 1931

* Wiley Post and Harold Gatty become national heroes

* 1st airplane flight around the World (ends)

This 28 page newspaper has two column headlines on the front page that include: "GREAT WELCOME FOR GATTY AND POST AT END OF WORLD TRIP" and more.

This was the very first time a airplane flew around the World. (historic) Other new... See More  

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Pre-depression era... New Berlin, New York...

Item #556511

August 28, 1926

THE NEW BERLIN GAZETTE, New York, August 28, 1926 

* Pre depression era 

* New Berlin, New York 

This 4 page newspaper has news of the day with many interesting advertisements.

Lightly browned with vertical and horizontal folds, otherwise nice.

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Death of George M. Cohan...

Item #556216

November 06, 1942

THE NEW YORK TIMES, November 6, 1942

* Death of song writer George M. Cohan

This 42 page newspaper has two line, one column headline on page 20: "GEORGE M. COHAN, 64, DIES AT HOME HERE," with subheads that include: "Original Yankee Doodle Boy Composed 'Over There' and 'It's a Grand Old Flag'" and more.

Also a nice pictorial of Cohan on the same page ... See More  

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Displayable issue... Early automobile...

Item #177836

September 03, 1910

HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, September 3, 1910  The dblpg. centerfold is a print: "Late For Church" showing a family, in a car, rushing down the road. Many additional prints, news of the day, and period advertisements are present as well. The issue is complete but without the color cover, and is in good condition.

Note: The original color cover showing a man on horseback watchi... See More  

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Brandenburg Gate is open...

Item #550494

December 23, 1989

B-Z, Berlin, Germany, December 23, 1989

* Berlin Wall falls

* Brandenburg Gate opens

* Helmut Kohl & Hans Modrow

See the photo below for the dramatic and historic front page--in a newspaper from Berlin, Germany!

Translates to: "Berlin Wall, Enjoy Yourself!" with a front page photo of a huge crowd at the Brandenburg Gate, apparently oblivious to the rain & storm of that... See More  

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Jack Lovelock wins gold medal...

Item #549362

August 06, 1936

THE SCRANTON TIMES, Pennsylvania, August 6, 1936.

* Jack Lovelock wins gold medal

* 1936 Olympics in Berlin Germany

This 32 page newspaper has a two column headline on the front page, "LOVELOCK WINNER OF 1,500-METER OLYMPIC", with subhead.

Other news of the day throughout.

Some margin wear, mostly along the spine. Otherwise nice.

source: wikipedia: The highlight of Love... See More  

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Item #177020

December 25, 1915

HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York City, New York, December 25, 1915

This issue has a color cover page before the title page which has an illustration titled "'Stick Around'" by Morris. On the back of the cover page there is a photo of "Christmas in Berlin."

In this issue, there are several articles including "Mr. William Barnes, Aristocrat and Philosopher" by Jesse Lee ... See More  

Please Read Note Concerning HW Images & Supplements!

(Alert: Jan. & Dec. HW's have more than typical wear.)

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Item #547724

March 24, 1944

PM DAILY, New York, N.Y., dated March 24, 1944.

Headlines on the frontpage read "The Story of Raider Carlson: Gung Ho! Works - Marines Shelve It" "Jap Food Riots" "Winchell Can't Mention Dies Sunday" "RAF Smashed 326 Factories in Berlin" "Willkie Gains In West" "Dewey & Farley - What a Team!" . The paper features other war news a... See More  

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Item #547713

March 10, 1944

PM DAILY, New York, N.Y., dated March 10, 1944.

Headlines on the frontpage read "Russian Victory" "Japs Open Offensive" "Women 'Spank' Taber" "Allies Find Poverty, Black Markets in Italy" "Rayburn Kills Hope for Real GI Vote Bill" "Berlin Still Burning" "Soviet May Not Get Italian Ships". The paper features other war news a... See More  

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Item #547712

March 09, 1944

PM DAILY, New York, N.Y., dated March 9, 1944.

Headlines on the frontpage read "And Some People Want To Stop Bombing Berlin" "Liberals Call New Protest On Badoglio" "Soldier Tells of Nazis Training U.S. Bundists" "2 N.Y. Bills Would Ban Job Discrimination"". The paper features other war news and stories of the day.

This is a complete issue and i... See More  

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Item #547709

March 07, 1944

PM DAILY, New York, N.Y., dated March 7, 1944.

Headlines on the frontpage read "'Debunking Race Superiority" "Russian Victory" "What Happened to U.S. Magnesium" "U.S. Bomers Rock Berlin, Lose 68" "Axis Radio Calls Hearst Great Help" "Federal Ballot Extended GIs of 2 States" . The paper features other war news and stories of the day.

... See More  

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Philippine Sea Naval Battle 1944...

Item #546980

June 23, 1944

THE NEWS, Frederick, Maryland, June 23, 1944

* Philippine Sea Naval Battle

* World War II

This 12 page newspaper has a headline on the front page:

"Japs On Saipan Run Short of Drinking Water - U.S. Lures 'Em" with subheads that include: "American Voice, Speaking in Japanese, Gets Enemy Out With Promise, of Thirst Quencher", "Oust Japs from Shweli R
... See More  

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Item #545525

November 04, 1923

THE CLEVELAND SUNDAY NEWS-LEADER, from Cleveland, OH, dated November 4, 1923.

* 'Von Knilling Has Fallen' is rumor

This features a banner headline "BAVARIANS READY TO MARCH" with a subhead "'Von Knilling Has Fallen,' Is Berlin Rumor - Munich Says Fascisti Threaten Advance".

This is a complete issue, is browned at the edges and is also chipping at the edges/corners.

... See More  

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Christmas issue....

Item #177681

December 14, 1912

HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, Dec. 14, 1912 (with color cover) This issue is a Christmas issue and has a color cover sheet over it. The front page of this issue has an illustration called "A National Calamity."

In this issue there are many short stories and illustrations including "Stories of the Christ-Child" by Charles Johnston; "Treasure Trove" by Madison Cawein ... See More  

Please Read Note Concerning HW Images & Supplements!

(Alert: Jan. & Dec. HW's have more than typical wear.)

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Humpty Dumpty...

Item #177678

November 23, 1912

HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, November 23, 1912  This issue has a color cover.  The front page is a photo of: "Britain's New Ambassador."

In this issue there is an illustration called "Humpty Dumpty sat on the wall. Humpty Dumpty had a bad fall. All the ex-bosses And Bully Moose men, Can never put Humpty up again." by Kemble. There is a photo spread called "... See More  

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Item #177672

August 31, 1912

HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, August 31, 1912

This issue has a color cover sheet over it and the front page of this issue has a photo called "The Man Higher Up."

In this issue there is an article called "Progress of the Campaign." The double page illustration is called "Passing On the Ballots--'A Vote for Taft is a Vote for Sherman'--'A Vote for Roosevel... See More  

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Item #177370

May 04, 1912

HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, May 4, 1912

The front page of this issue is a photo of "Acting Again."

This issue has an illustration of "All Hail!" by Kemble. There are articles of "The Kaiser's Motor-Cars" by Theodore M. R. Von Keler and "The Surgeons of the Fleet" by Walter Scott Meriwether plus much more.

Other advertisements of the day ... See More  

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The sinking of the "Maine"....

Item #177650

March 23, 1912

HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, March 23, 1912

The front page of this issue is a photo of "A New Masterpiece For America."

This issue has an illustration of "The Issue" by Kemble and photos of "One Kind of Recall" which says that "Judge Thornton Massie, Attorney William Foster and Sheriff Lew Webb were shot down and killed in the county court-house at Hillsv... See More  

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Governor Foss....

Item #177620

September 02, 1911

HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, September 2, 1911

This issue has a full, color cover before the front page. The front page of this issue is a photo of "The End of a Record-Breaking Flight."

This issue has an article which includes "A Woodcut in an Issue of "Harper's Weekly" of the Period" of "After Bull Run" by James Barnes. There is a full page ill... See More  

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