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1943 Potenji River Conference... FDR... WWII...
1943 Potenji River Conference... FDR... WWII...
Item # 701725
January 30, 1943
THE NEW YORK TIMES, Jan. 30, 1943
* Potenji River Harbor - Natal Conference
* Brazil role in World War II discussed
* President Getulio Vargas & Franklin D. Roosevelt
The top of the front page has a five column headline: "ROOSEVELT, VARGAS AFFIRM AIM TO MAKE ATLANTIC SAFE FOR ALL" with subheads. See below for further information.
Complete with all 30 pages, rag edition in great condition.
wikipedia notes: The Potenji River Conference, also known as the Natal Conference, was a meeting that took place on January 28 and 29, 1943 between the President of Brazil, Getúlio Vargas and the President of the United States, Franklin Delano Roosevelt. On his way back from the Casablanca Conference, the U.S. president paid a visit to the Brazilian president and inspected some of the military installations that were sending aircraft and equipment to the fronts in Africa and Asia. The visit also involved discussions of the ongoing support and role of Brazil in World War II. This conference between the presidents of the two countries took place aboard the USS Humboldt in the Potenji River harbor in Natal, Rio Grande do Norte and defined the agreements that led to the creation of the Brazilian Expeditionary Force.
Category: World War II