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Winslow Homer: "On The Beach--Two Are Company, Three Are None."
Winslow Homer: "On The Beach--Two Are Company, Three Are None."
Item # 173644
August 17, 1872
HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, Aug. 17, 1872 The full front page is a Thomas Nast political cartoon: "Will the Senator From Massachusetts Do This to Make His Words Good?", plus there is another Nast cartoon inside: "Romish Politics--Any Thing To Beat Grant" & yet another Nast, this one a doublepage centerfold: "Satan, Don't Get Thee Behind Me! Any Thing to Get Possession." showing Greeley pleading with the devil. "Also a half page: "Ten Acres of Fire" and a nearly full page: "Training Carrier Pigeons".
But certainly the most desired print in this issue is the full page by famed artist Winslow Homer, captioned: "On The Beach--Two Are Company, Three Are None."
Category: 1870-1879