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Nice tennis print... Great centerfold: "From Mine To Mill"...

Item # 698671

September 14, 1878

HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, September 14, 1878  The full front page illustration is captioned: "Is Sercierty to be Reorganized? Is the Wurkin'-man to Hev His Rights? That's Wot I Wants to Know!". Inside prints include a full page: 'Picking Peaches in Delaware'. There is a very dramatic and displayable doublepage centerfold captioned: 'From Mine to Mill'. Great fullpg. print: 'Lawn Tennis' and nice fullpg: "At Washington Market, New York".
Other news and advertisements of the day are included. Complete in 16 pages, never bound nor trimmed, no binding holes at the centerfold, very nice condition.

Category: 1870-1879