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Inauguration of President Buchanan... Dred Scott Decision...
Inauguration of President Buchanan... Dred Scott Decision...
Item # 172030
March 14, 1857
HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, March 14, 1857 A vol. 1 issue. Inside has 8 illustrations regarding 'Our 18th Inauguration Day', including an illustration of George Washington, Mount Vernon, & James Buchanan & John Adams. But the prime content here is the text of the Dred Scott decision given by Chief Justice Taney. Very significant.
Also featured is an article on A Nutmeg Plantation which features a vignette illustration entitled "Pictorial History of the Nutmeg".
Complete in 16 pages, in good condition as shown and contains additional prints and/or related reports.
Category: 1857-1860