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Brigham Young... San Francisco... Mormon Temple...
Brigham Young... San Francisco... Mormon Temple...
Item # 699111
July 11, 1857
HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, July 11, 1857
* Mormons - Mormonism - Brigham Young
* Very early view of San Francisco
* Salt Lake Tabernacle under construction
Front page shows: "Camp of the Pilgrims to the Jordan" and a half page: "Valley of the Jordan and Dead Sea" with a related article: "Travel Notes in Bible Lands". Small print of: "John P. Durbin, D.D." Nice two-thirds page print: "The City of San Francisco, California".
Nice article: "Salt Lake and Its Rulers" includes prints of "Governor Brigham Young, of Utah Territory" and "Elder Heber Kimball" and a one-third page "View of Salt Lake" and another one-third page view of "Salt Lake City, Utah Territory" and an illustration of the "New Temple to be Built at Salt Lake City" plus smaller prints of "Council House", and "The Tabernacle" and a "Mormon Theatre".
Sixteen pages, great condition.
Category: 1857-1860