1918 Hammond Circus Train Wreck...
Item #712816
June 23, 1918
* Hammond Circus Train Wreck
* Hagenbeck-Wallace Circus disaster
* Michigan Central Railroad - Indiana
The top of the front page has a one column heading: "CIRCUS TRAIN IS SMASHED IN WRECK" with subheads. (see images)
Complete with 16 pages, light toning and minor wear at the margins, generally in good condition.
wikipedia notes: T... See More
Walt Whitman's "Two Rivulet's"... First appearance...
Item #698387
February 19, 1876
NEW YORK TRIBUNE, Feb. 19, 1876 Page 4 has: "WALT WHITMAN'S POEMS" which are per-publication extracts from his famous work: "Two Rivulets," and are believed to be their first appearance.
Included are "Eidolons" "Freedom" and "To A Locomotive In Winter" with additional Whitman thoughts on his writing and on the Centennial.
Twelve p... See More
Sherman's Christmas present to President Lincoln and the nation...
Item #688778
December 26, 1864
NEW YORK TRIBUNE, Dec. 26, 1864 An historic issue reporting the fall of Savannah to the Union forces, with one of the more notable quotes part of the headlines, with ftpg: "CAPTURE OF SAVANNAH" "Hardee's Army Make Their Escape" "150 Guns, 13 Locomotives, 190 Cars & 33,000 Bales of Cotton Taken" "and more.
The most historic part of the report is Sherman... See More
Bridge over Harlem River... Heaviest locomotive...
Item #683304
July 17, 1897
A detailed account of Mosby's famous "Greenback Raid", in a Confederate newspaper.....
Item #679256
October 18, 1864
DAILY DISPATCH, Richmond, Virginia, Oct. 18, 1864
* John S. Mosby - Guerrilla leader
* 43rd Battalion, Virginia Cavalry
* From the capital of the Confederacy
This newspaper from the capital of the Confederacy has much reporting on the Civil War, but perhaps the most significant is a front page account with heads: "Mosby On the Grand Round" which begins: "Mosby is again... See More
Color Illustrations from 1906...
Item #678661
July 29, 1906
SAN FRANCISCO CHRONICLE SUPPLEMENT, California, July 29, 1906 This unique color cover supplement has several interesting illustrations starting with a full front page illustration of "A STUDIO AT THE BOTTOM OF THE SEA".
The inside pages have the following articles and illustrations of interest: "THE MOST VALUABLE CAT IN AMERICA", "ENOUGH ROPE TO HANG THE WORLD... See More
From the capital of the confederacy...
Item #678017
August 26, 1862
RICHMOND WHIG AND PUBLIC ADVERTISER, Virginia, Aug. 26, 1862 The front page has an editorial: "The Defensive Policy". There is also the business of the "Confederate Congress" and various war reports, including: "Retreat Of Pope's Army Capture Of A Yankee Guard And Two Locomotives".
Page 2 has an editorial: "The Financial Aspects of the War", plus:... See More
Early railroad report... The "Pennsylvania"...
Item #672072
June 22, 1833
NILES' WEEKLY REGISTER, Baltimore, June 22, 1833 A report inside begins: "A New Locomotive Engine, constructed by Mr. R. L. Stevens, was lately placed on the Camden and Amboy railroad, and works beautifully." Some details about the speed, plus mention that: "The capacity to generate steam has, also, been much improved...and it is hoped that anthracite coal may be used..
... See More
Prepping for launching the "Akron"... Antarctic Expeditions...
Item #671700
November 11, 1911
SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN magazine from New York, dated Nov. 11, 1911 An inside page has: "Preparations for Launching the 'Akron' for Its Trial Trip--Preliminaries for a More Complete Test", which includes a photo. Quite early for dirigibles. The front page has: "Antarctic Expeditions, Past and Present", which continues on an inside page. Other coverage includes: "... See More
Hydraulic locomotive...
Item #671162
February 10, 1877
SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN, New York, February 10, 1877 The front page has a very interesting illustration captioned: "Novel Hydraulic Railway Locomotive" showing what essentially looks like a paddlewheel-powered flume ride. A related front page article as well.
Inside the issue is "Guardiola's Sugar and Coffee Machinery" "Blaisdell's Upright Moulding Machine... See More
1916 color print of multiple locomotives...
Item #657742
July 01, 1916
SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN, July 1, 1916 The cover has a wonderful and highly displayable color cover of a set of three trains, as seen from the point of view of a 4th locomotive's engineer, with steam rising in the foreground. The print shows passengers standing at the back of the caboose of one of the trains the locomotive is trailing. Additional unrelated prints (automotive ads, ... See More
Nice front page print of an early locomotive...
Item #648398
February 20, 1892
SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN, New York, Feb. 20, 1892 The ftpg. features a great illustration captioned: "Compound Locomotive Made by the Rhode Island Locomotive Works" with a related article.
Inside prints include a fullpg. of: "The World's Columbian Exposition" "The Proposed Odd Fellows' Temple at Chicago" and more.
Sixteen pages, never bound or trimmed, good... See More
Locomotives and automobiles...
Item #646310
March 06, 1915
SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN, New York, March 6, 1915 The front cover is a dramatic illustration of a locomotive rushing over a damaged bridge (see). Inside has many photos of the latest military-related items, plus some nice automobile advertisements as well, including a color back cover ad for the "Oldsmobile" (see).
Complete in 32 pages plus covers, two minor repairs at the blank spine... See More
Early automobiles... horseless carriage...
Item #644846
May 03, 1902
SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN, New York, May 3, 1902 The front page features six illustrations of "Some Continental Underground Roads (subways)" with an accompanying article inside. Articles within the issue are: "An Aeroplane Airship under Construction for the British War Office"; "Powerful Locomotive for Suburban Service"; Zuni, An Ancient City of The Pueblos"; and... See More
Vacuum tube lightning...
Item #640321
March 09, 1907
SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN, New York, March 9, 1907 The cover has "The Telharmonium - An Apparatus for the Electrical Generation and Transmission of Music" with accompanying article. Also inside is: "The Passing of American Square--Rigged Vessels"; "A High-Speed Bavarian Locomotive"; "The Opium Industry"; and more articles, illustrations and advertisements.
... See More
A new iron-clad torpedo boat...
Item #636488
November 16, 1878
SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN, New York, Nov. 16, 1878 The front page has a nice print of: "Captain Ericsson's New Torpedo Boat, the Destroyer" with a detailed article as well. Many other unrelated prints inside as well including several of early engines, a nice print of the: "Locomotive for the Metropolitan Elevated Railway, New York City" "Some Modifications of the Micro... See More
Winslow Homer print...
Item #636433
HARPER'S NEW MONTHLY MAGAZINE, New York, March, 1879 * Winslow Homer print
* Breezing Up (A Fair Wind)
Featured is an article" "Present Tendencies of American Art" in which an illustration by Winslow Homer entitled "Sail-Boat" is included. Other articles are: "A Few Sea-Birds" "The Coast Survey" "The English Home of the Washington... See More
WWI warfare...
Item #635861
December 04, 1915
SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN, New York, December 4, 1915 The color-cover is an illustration of soldiers using a searchlight to find zepplins. Inside the issue is: "The Intermittent Waterfall"; "Recent German Naval Construction"; The Future of Radio Telephony"; "The Passing of the Steam Locomotive"; "The Manufacture of English 12-Inch Guns"; "Electricity in ... See More
American racing cars...
Item #634621
May 27, 1905
SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN, New York, May 27, 1905 The front cover has "The Start of the 3,000-Mile Ocean Cup Race" with an accompanying article. Inside the issue is: "The First Oregon Locomotive"; "The Cobra"; "The Renaissance of the Bayonet"; "American Racing Cars for the International Cup Race"; and more articles, illustrations and advertisements... See More
Aerial ascensions...
Item #633772
March 12, 1892
SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN, New York, March 12, 1892 The front cover has "A Fast Locomotive of Forty Years Ago" with an accompanying article. Inside the issue is: "Hanlon's Automatic Water Feeder for Low Pressure Steam Boilers"; "Hill Terraces, California"; "Parmenter's Railroad Signal"; "Apparatus for Aerial Ascensions, Designed in 1849"; a... See More
Transporting by cableway... Curacao...
Item #632299
May 24, 1913
SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN, New York, May 24, 1913 The front cover has "Transporting a Locomotive on a Cableway" with accompanying article. Inside the issue is: "Seeing Under Water"; "The Anesthetizing Machine of Prof. Dubois": "Agriculture, Electricity and Irrigation"; "Improving a Harbor of Curacao"; and other illustrations, articles and advertise... See More
Locomotives at the exposition...
Item #632115
January 27, 1894
SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN, New York, January 27, 1894 The front cover has "The Baltimore & Ohio Railroad Company's Exhibit at the World's Columbian Exposition at Chicago" with an accompanying article. Inside the issue is: "Columbia Bicycle, Model 34"; "Chicago Cable Cars on Chicago Day"; "Manufacture of Pulled Wool"; and more illustrations, articles an... See More
Columbian Exposition... Edison law suit...
Item #632036
August 05, 1893
SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN, New York, August 5, 1893 The front cover has "The World's Columbian Exposition - The French Locomotive Exhibit - The Bethlehem Iron Co.'s Exhibit" (Pennsylvania) with an accompanying article. Inside the issue is: "The Edison Electric Light Suits" the recent ruling on the patent; "The Desroziers Dynamo"; "The World's Co... See More
Masonry bridges at Constantine and Ronda...
Item #631936
July 09, 1910
SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN, New York, July 9, 1910 The front page has "The Two Highest Masonry Bridges in the World" with an accompanying article. Inside the issue is: "A Colossal Illuminated Advertising Display"; "Novel Electric Towing Locomotive for Canal Locks"; and more illustrations, articles and advertisements.
Complete in twenty pages, never bound, in very good... See More
Niagara River... fire escape...
Item #631902
December 01, 1883
SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN, New York, December 1, 1883 The front page has "The Great Cantilever Bridge over Niagara River" with an accompanying article. Inside the issue is: "Cassedy's Fire Escape"; "Locomotive with Electric Head Lights and Electric Machine"; and more illustrations, articles and advertisements.
Complete in sixteen pages, never bound, in nice condi... See More
Proposed bridge at 69th Street, New York City...
Item #631898
June 16, 1894
SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN, New York, June 16, 1894 The front page has "Proposed Bridge over the Hudson River, at New York" with an accompanying article. Inside the issue is: "Hendrich's Unicycle"; "The Fireproof building Construction of the New Jersey Wire Cloth Company"; "Crane's Oscillating Device for Vehicles"; "A New Compound Locomotive"... See More
Locomotive steam bell...
Item #631819
January 17, 1885
SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN, New York, January 17, 1885 The front page has "The Stiles Improved Press" with an accompanying article. Inside the issue is: "Smith's Ice Planing and Ridging Machine"; "Road Bridge Over the Ouse at Bedford"; "Locomotive Steam Bell"; and more illustrations, articles and advertisements.
Complete in sixteen pages, never bound,&nb... See More
Breech-loading guns... London's gigantic wheel...
Item #631812
June 02, 1894
SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN, New York, June 2, 1894 The front page has "An Illustrated History of Breech-Loading Guns" with an accompanying article. Inside the issue is: "The London Gigantic Wheel"; "Triple Boiler Locomotive, Belgian State Railway"; and more illustrations, articles and advertisements.
Complete in sixteen pages, never bound, in nice condition.
Steam from locomotives...
Item #631502
July 06, 1895
SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN, New York, July 6, 1895 The front page of the issue has "A Steam Supply From Combined Locomotives" with an accompanying article. Inside the issue is: "The Tube Redrawing Industry"; "Relics of a Cuban Insurrection"; "The Annealing of Armor Plates by Electricity"; and more articles, illustrations and advertisements.
Complete in sixte... See More
Windmill at Laramie, Wyoming Territory...
Item #628008
May 08, 1869
LESLIE'S ILLUSTRATED, New York, May 8, 1869 Prints within include: "Marketing At The Five Points, New York"; a full page with two illustrations: "The Strike Of The 2nd Avenue R. R. Drivers -- The Resumption Of Travel -- Scene At The Depot" and "Windmill At Laramie, Wyoming Territory, For Supplying The Locomotives Of The Union Pacific RR With Water".
Sixteen... See More
Very scarce title...
Item #619281
January 15, 1847
MONTHLY BULLETIN, New York, Jan.15, 1847
* Early locomotive engraving
Actually a quite scarce title as Gregory (Union List of American Newspapers) notes it began March 15, 1846 but doesn't know when it ended. Only the American Antiquarian Society records any issues of this title and it has but three.
Various news & literary items, nice engraving of an early railroad engine in ... See More
Amelia Earhart's Pittsburgh welcome...
Item #618062
July 25, 1928
THE NEW YORK TIMES, July 25, 1928
* Aviatrix Amelia Earhart
* Post Atlantic Ocean flight
* Airplane "Friendship"
* Pittsburgh welcome
Page 5 has one column headings: "Miss Earhart Rides In Locomotive Cab" "Dons Cap and Overalls at Pittsburgh After Being Welcomed by City"1st report coverage on Amelia Earhart being Pittsburgh's guest of honor after her famo... See More
Dinosaurs - Extinct Monsters...
Item #615414
March 04, 1893
SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN, New York, March 4, 1893 The front page of this issue features "The Mexican Central Railway's Monster Locomotive -- Designed by F. W. Johnstone". Within the issue is "The Manufacture of Dynamite"; "Raising the Flag on the Steamship New York"; "Extinct Monsters" which are of several dinosaurs; "The World's Columbian Exposition... See More
1854 Germantown, Ohio...
Item #614637
November 09, 1854
TWIN VALLEY LOCOMOTIVE, Germantown, Ohio, November 9, 1854
* Uncommon title
Nice masthead engraving (see), news of the day with several advertisements.
Complete in 4 pages, a little irregular along spine, nice condition.
Locomotive print...
Item #614515
May 16, 1885
SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN, New York, May 16, 1885 The front page has a large illustration "Standard Passenger Locomotive of the New York, New Haven, and Hartford R.R." and has an accompanying article. Inside the issue is: "Nixon's Course Reading Attachment for Transits"; "Whale Captured at Vadso, August 15, 1884"; and other illustrations, articles, and adv
... See More
Edison's Railway Telegraphy...
Item #614510
February 20, 1886
SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN, New York, February 20, 1886 The front page has illustrations of "the Hoboken Inclined Cable Railway" and an associated article. Inside the issue is: "The Ingersoll Stone Channeling Machine"; "Benson's Improved Farm Locomotive"; "The Edison System of Railway Telegraphy"; and more illustrations, articles and advertisements.
This... See More
Hydraulic locomotive...
Item #612651
February 10, 1877
SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN, New York, February 10, 1877 The front page has a very interesting illustration captioned: "Novel Hydraulic Railway Locomotive" showing what essentially looks like a paddlewheel-powered flume ride. A related front page article as well.
Inside the issue is "Guardiola's Sugar and Coffee Machinery"; "Blaisdell's Upright Moulding Machin... See More
Fireless locomotive...
Item #611414
October 20, 1877
SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN, New York, October 20, 1877 The front cover continues a halfpage illustration "Fireless Locomotive For Street Railways" which has an accompanying article. Inside the issue is: "The Baromotor"; "Root's Blower for Mine Ventilation"; "Automatic Fire Extinguisher"; "Small Geared Locomotives"; and more illustrations, articl... See More
Peter Cooper death...
Item #605489
April 05, 1883
THE NEW YORK TIMES, April 5, 1883
* Peter Cooper death
* 1st Steam locomotive in U.S.
The front page has one column headings: "DEATH OF PETER COOPER" "A Great Philanthropist At Rest After Ninety-Two Years" and more (see photos). This includes lengthy text. Nice to have in this venerable newspaper title.
Other news of the day throughout. Complete in 8 pages, light brow... See More
Italian composer Giuseppe Verdi...
Item #601908
December 01, 1900
SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN SUPPLEMENT, New York, December 1, 1900 The front cover of the issue features an illustration of "Giuseppe Verdi - Italy's Greatest Living Composer". Inside the issue is a small accompanying article. Also inside the issue is "Light Railway Locomotives in France"; "Details of Electric Clock"; "Mummified Peruvian Head - Three Quarter an... See More
Locomotives... Making of golf clubs...
Item #598981
August 23, 1902
SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN, New York, August 23, 1902 The front cover features six illustrations of "The Building of American Locomotives - II" which contains an accompanying article inside. Articles inside are: "Improved Picture Projecting Apparatus"; "Making of Golf Clubs" which includes six illustrations; "First Class Battleship 'Connecticut'";
... See More
The Wright brothers fly... A nice first report...
Item #177848
January 02, 1904
HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, January 2, 1904 The significance of this issue is the lengthier-than-most report on page 10 headed: "A Flying-Machine That Flies" which is the great and very historic report of the first successful flight of the Wright brothers at Kitty Hawk.
The article begins with a cautious note: "Stories of flying machines that fly are to be received w... See More
Ohio Railroad system....
Item #585728
June 04, 1880
CLEVELAND WEEKLY HERALD, Cleveland, Ohio, June 4, 1880
* Stephenson's Rocket steam locomotive print
Page 3 has a nice two column illustration of the "Stephenson's Rocket" steam locomotive with headline: "A History of the Ohio Railroad Company--The Forerunner, and What Might Have Been the Parent of the Present Lake Shore Railroad"
Other news and advertisements o... See More
Corning NY train wreck disaster...
Item #578201
July 05, 1912
THE ATLANTA CONSTITUTION, Atlanta, Georgia, July 5, 1912
* Corning NY train wreck (Gibson)
* Delaware, Lackawanna and Western Railroad Company
* Early 1st report
This 14 page newspaper has one column headlines on the front page that include: "42 PERSONS DEAD AND 60 INJURED", "As Result of Collision of Trains Near Corning, N. Y." and more. Early reporting on the ... See More
Powellton WV locomotive explosion...
Item #572204
December 27, 1934
ALBANY EVENING NEWS, Albany, New York, December 27, 1934 This 24 page newspaper has one column headlines on the front page that include: "13 ARE KILLED IN BLAST OF MINER ENGINE" "20 More Injured as Train Is Torn Asunder by Explosion" and more. (see)
This tells of the boiler explosion of miners' locomotive of the Koppers Coal Company in Powellton, West Virginia.
... See More
1951 Woodstock AL train crash...
Item #566624
November 26, 1951
LEOMINSTER DAILY ENTERPRISE, Massachusetts, November 26, 1951
* Woodstock AL Alabama
* Train - railroad - locomotives
This 8 page newspaper has a two column headline on the front page: "Search for Additional Victims In Wreck Which Takes 18 Lives"
Tells of the train collision at Woodstock Alabama.
Other news of the day. Light browning with minor spine wea... See More
1972 Chicago commuter rail crash....
Item #566171
October 31, 1972
LEOMINSTER ENTERPRISE, Massachusetts, October 31, 1972
* 1972 Chicago commuter rail crash (1st report)
This 24 page newspaper has a five column headline on page 3: "Chicago rail Tragedy kills 44" with caption: "Passengers tell of crash horror". Tells of the Chicago commuter rail crash. See photos for text.
Other news of the day. Some small binding holes along the spin... See More
Winby's Four-Cylinder English Express Locomotive...
Item #563958
May 27, 1893
SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN, New York, May 27, 1893
* Winby's Four-Cylinder English Express Locomotive
The front page has a large illustration: "The World's Columbian Exposition--Winby's Four-Cylinder English Express Locomotive." Report has the dimensions of the locomotive & more, concluding inside.
Other topics with prints throughout. 16 pages in nice co... See More
Industrial Series....
Item #177004
December 28, 1912
HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, December 28, 1912
This issue is an Industrial Issue and has a color cover sheet over it. The front page of this issue has a photo called "A Recent Ceremony at the Vatican."
In this issue there is an illustration called "Mere Man and the Suffragette" by Kemble. There are photos of "Strange Air and Sea Craft from Europe" and there ar... See More
Item #177669
August 10, 1912
HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, August 10, 1912
This issue has a color cover sheet over it and the front page of this issue has a photo called "A New Kind of Flying Boat."
In this issue there is an article called "Progress of the Campaign." The double page illustration is called "Mr. Taft Makes the First Drive" by Kemble and there is another article called "... See More
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