Reports from South Carolina, St. Augustine, and Georgia... slavery...
Item #642712
THE GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE, London, June, 1739 Near the back is the: "Historical Chronicle" with news from England & other parts of Europe. One of the reports is from Switzerland & notes: "...people who went from this country to inhabit the British colonies of Carolina and Georgia are returning from thence, the climate not agreeing with them."
... See More
Alfred Dreyfus affair verdict...
Item #642645
September 11, 1899
THE GLOBE, Bethlehem, Pennsylvania, September 11, 1899
* Dreyfus Affair sentenced (Judaica)
* Political scandal in France
* Miscarriage of justice
The top of the front page has one column headings that include: "CAPT. DREYFUS' SENTENCE" "Some Believe He Will Not Serve The Ten Years" and more. (see)
Other news and advertisements of the day. Complete in 4 pages, ligh... See More
Jewish Holocaust... public reality... Nazi atrocities...
Item #642382
May 22, 1944
THE NEW YORK TIMES, May 22, 1944
* Jewish Holocaust being known for the 1st time
* Nazi-occupied Europe exterminations
Page 5 has one column headings: "NAZIS BAR RESCUE OF 1,350 ORPHANS", "Refuse Safe-Conduct for Ship to Carry Jews Whose Parents Were Murdered in Balkans". See images for coverage on the ongoing atrocities in Nazi-occupied Europe. Rare to find such reports... See More
Gangster Dutch Shultz re-arrested & jailed...
Item #640268
September 27, 1935
THE NEW YORK TIMES, September 27, 1935
* Arthur Dutch Schultz Flegenheimer jailed
* Jewish-American gangster - beer baron
The top of page 8 has a one column heading: "SCHULTZ IS JAILED; BAIL SET AT $75,000" with subheads. (see) Always nice to have notable events in history reported in this World famous publication, especially on this topic.
Other news, sports and advertisements o... See More
Bootlegger Dutch Schultz indicted.... Jewish persecution...
Item #640264
October 10, 1935
THE NEW YORK TIMES, October 10, 1935
* Dutch Schultz - Arthur Simon Flegenheimer
* New York City bootlegger - racketeer - gangster
* Jewish Holocaust - Jews persecution in Germany
The front page has a one column heading: "SCHULTZ INDICTED ON 11 NEW COUNTS" with subheads. (see) First report coverage on famous New York City gangster Dutch Schultz's indictment for income tax eva... See More
American response to the Holocaust ?...
Item #639287
April 21, 1945
* Jewish Holocaust realization
With much of the front page taken up by recent military events during World War II, there is a one column heading: "U. S. Planning To Get Data on Nazi Atrocities" (see) This was when the Jewish Holocaust was finally being realized with the Allied gains in Germany.
Other news, sports and advertisements of the ... See More
The Jews & Christianity... Andy Jackson's state-of-the-union address...
Item #639131
December 14, 1831
BOSTON RECORDER, Dec. 14, 1831
* President Andrew Jackson
* State of the Union Address
* Jews & Christianity relation
The front page has about half a column headed: "The Jews--Their Relation to Christianity". Pages 2 and 3 contain the: "President's Message" being the annual state-of-the-union address, signed in type: Andrew Jackson.
Four pages, never boun... See More
MS St. Louis ocean liner... Jewish refugees...
Item #638872
June 06, 1939
THE NEW YORK TIMES, June 6, 1939..
* German Ocean Liner MS St. Louis
* Jewish refugees are refused in Cuba
* "Voyage of the Damned" - Jews
The front page has a one column heading: "CUBA OPENS DOORS TO 907 ON ST. LOUIS" with subhead. (see)
Other news, sports and advertisements of the day. Complete in 36 pages, this is the rare rag edition that was produced on very high ... See More
Dutch Schultz trial ends in a deadlock..
Item #638745
April 28, 1935
THE NEW YORK TIMES, April 28, 1935
* Dutch Schultz trial ends in a deadlock
* Jewish gangster - beer baron - bootlegger
The top of the front page has a one column heading: "DEADLOCK OF JURY ENDS SCHULTZ TRIAL; 7 TO 5 AT THE END" with subheads. (see) First report coverage on the end of Arthur 'Dutch Schultz' Flegenheimer's trial for income tax evasion that resulted in a... See More
Creating a Jewish city in the Niagara River...
Item #638114
September 10, 1825
NILES' WEEKLY REGISTER, Baltimore, Sept. 10, 1825 One of the brief articles on the back page reads in its entirety: "An Hebrew city, to be called Ararat is to be laid off on Grand Island, N.Y., on the 15th or 18th instant, with masonic and military ceremonies. It will be located to face the mouth of the great canal." This was the project of newspaper publisher Mordecai Manuel N... See More
Boston report... A Jew is baptized...
Item #638036
February 25, 1765
LLOYD'S EVENING POST, London, Feb. 25, 1765 The front page begins with a report headed: "America - Boston (New England)" concerning the loss of a ship in a storm. A brief item begins: "They write from Prague that Nowel Naski, the most learned Jew in that city, has abjured Judaism & was baptized...".
Eight pages, 8 1/2 by 10 1/2 inches, very nice condition.... See More
Sandy Koufax wins NL MVP.... LA Dodgers...
Item #637808
October 31, 1963
THE SPRINGFIELD UNION, Massachusetts, October 31, 1963 This 52 page newspaper has a three column headline in the sport's section (page 44): "Koufax Completes Sweep Of Honors With MVP Win" with photo. Nice coverage on Los Angeles Dodgers' pitcher Sandy Koufax winning the National League Most Valuable Player award for the 1963 baseball season.
Koufax is remembered as one of ... See More
Dr. Stephen S. Wise calls for Palestine homeland for Jews...
Item #637564
September 27, 1945
NEW YORK JOURNAL AMERICAN, September 27, 1945 The back of the front page has a 4-column heading: "Rally Will Demand Palestine As a Haven to Homeless Jews", which includes in part: "The council co-chairman, Dr. Abba Hillel Silver of Cleveland and Dr. Stephen S. Wise of New York, today declared: 'In spite of the unequivocal resolution adopted by the British Labor Party confe... See More
Nazi treatment of Jews considered re. Olympics...
Item #637441
June 04, 1934
THE NEW YORK TIMES, June 4, 1934
* 1936 Olympics to be boycotted ?
* Persecution of Jews in Nazi Germany
The top of page 21 has a banner headline: "Nazi Stand on Jews to Be Studied Further Before U. S. Takes Olympic Action" with subheads and photo of Avery Brundage. Unusual finding a headline in the sport's section that relates to the treatment of Jews in Nazi Germany.
Other ... See More
Stephen Samuel Wise honored... Reform rabbi...
Item #637263
March 20, 1934
THE NEW YORK TIMES, March 20, 1934
* Stephen Samuel Wise honored - Jewish
* Reform Judaism rabbi - Zionist leader
The top of page 11 has a one column heading: "RABBI WISE HAILED AS 'GREAT CITIZEN'" with subheads. (see) First report coverage on the honoring of Zionist leader, Stephen Samuel Wise, at a birthday dinner in NYC.
Other news, sports and advertisements of the day... See More
Ullstain Verlag is Aryanized....
Item #636733
November 02, 1933
THE NEW YORK TIMES, November 2, 1933
* Ullstein Verlag publishing company of Germany
* Seized by the Nazis - Aryanization (Nazism)
the top of the front page has a one column heading: "NAZIS SWALLOW UP ULLSTEIN PRESS, LARGEST IN REICH" with subheads. (see) First report coverage on the Jewish Ullstein family being disseized by the Nazi authorities and their business "aryanized&... See More
Item #636518
August 22, 1933
THE NEW YORK TIMES, August 22, 1933
* Chancellor Adolph Hitler
* Jewish Friends ? Jews
The top of page 12 has an interesting article headed: "Hitler Condemned Progroms as Young Man; Had Jewish Friends, Companion Relates" (see) Total opposite to what laid ahead.
Other news, sports and advertisements of the day. Complete in 36 pages, rag edition, some spine wear, otherwise very nic... See More
One of the "Notable Jews" issues...
Item #636435
March 30, 1893
FRANK LESLIE'S ILLUSTRATED, New York, March 30, 1893 Of special interest is installment #7 of "Notable Jews - Adolph S. Ochs" which also includes a photograph of him. This is a series which ran in Leslie's for much of the year (others available: inquire). Ochs was publisher if the famous New York Times.
This is also the: "Easter Number" issue which has a special ... See More
1933 Holy Fire miracle in Jerusalem....
Item #636230
April 16, 1933
THE NEW YORK TIMES, April 16, 1933
* "Holy Fire" miracle in Jerusalem
* Church of the Holy Sepulchre
* Orthodox Christians - Easter
The top of page 5 has a one column heading: "JERUSALEM VIEWS RITE OF HOLY FIRE" with subheads. (see)
Other news of the day. Complete 1st section only with 30 pages, rag edition in nice condition.... See More
Évian Conference opens.... Jewish refugees...
Item #636074
July 06, 1938
THE NEW YORK TIMES, July 6, 1938
* Evian Conference in France opens
* President Franklin D. Roosevelt
* Jewish refugees fleeing Nazi Germany
The front page has a one column heading: "32 NATIONS GATHER TO HELP REFUGEES" with subhead. (see) First report coverage on the opening of the Evian Conference in France. This was to discuss the plight of the increasing numbers of Jewish refu... See More
Évian Conference opens.... Jewish refugees...
Item #636072
July 07, 1938
THE NEW YORK TIMES, July 7, 1938
* Evian Conference in France opening day
* President Franklin D. Roosevelt
* Jewish refugees fleeing Nazi Germany
The top of the front page has a one column heading: "U.S. SPURNS NATIONS TO PROMPT ACTION AT REFUGEE PARLEY" with subheads. (see) First report coverage on opening day of the Evian Conference in France. This was to discuss the plight of... See More
Lion Feuchtwanger's home ransacked....
Item #634202
March 18, 1933
THE NEW YORK TIMES, March 18, 1933
* Lion Feuchtwanger - German-Jewish novelist
* Persecution by the Nazis
Near the bottom of the front page is a two column heading: "Nazis Raid Home of Lion Feuchtwanger; Seize Manuscript of His Novel on Hitler" (see)
Other news, sports and advertisements of the day. Complete in 30 pages, this is the rare rag edition that was produced on very hig... See More
Jewish Times report...Westinghouse Brake...
Item #633385
July 22, 1872
THE CIRCULAR, Oneida, New York, July 22, 1872 This issue contains an article from the "Jewish Times, commenting upon the report of Professor Gratz and two merchants who have lately returned from an extensive tour in Palestine." Another article is "The Westinghouse Air-Brake" which was being used on the railroad.
A tabloid size newspaper from the famous Oneid
... See More
A tabloid size newspaper from the famous Oneid
Louis Marshall memorial tribute...
Item #632909
November 11, 1929
THE NEW YORK TIMES, November 11, 1929
* re. Louis Marshall death
* Jewish community leader
* Minorities advocate
Page 23 has one column headings: "2,500 PAY TRIBUTE TO LOUIS MARSHALL" "Memorial for Jewish Leader is Attended by Delegates of More Than 76 Societies" and more. (see) I suspect this is one of the few publications to report this particular event as other title... See More
Night of the Long Knives aftermath...
Item #632039
July 05, 1934
ALBANY EVEING NEWS, New York, July 5, 1934
* Night of the Long Knives aftermath
* Adolph Hitler - Franz Von Papen
The front page has a three column headline: "VON PAPEN'S OUSTER SURE, NAZIS REPORT, WHILE STRIFE THREATENS WHOLE NATION" with subheads that include: "Anti-Jewish Feeling Revives--Farmers' Attitude Uncertain" and more.
Complete in 36 pages, some spine... See More
Irma Grese and Josef Kramer death sentence.........
Item #631654
November 18, 1945
THE NEW YORK TIMES, November 18, 1945
* Josef Kramer & Irma Grese death sentences
* Bergen-Belsen concentration camp leaders
* Jewish Holocaust - exterminations - atrocities
Near the bottom of the front page is a two column heading: "Kramer and Irma Grese Will Die With 9 Others for Reich Murders" (see)
Other news, sports and advertisements of the day. Complete in 46 p... See More
Solly Joel death... Wiley Post announces flight...
Item #630290
May 23, 1931
THE NEW YORK TIMES, May 23, 1931
* Solomon "Solly" Joel death
* Jewish - Judaica
* South African diamonds king
Page 3 has a one column heading: "OKLAHOMA INDIAN PLANS GLOBE FLIGHT" with subheads. (see)
Page 17 has a one column heading: "SOLLY JOEL IS DEAD; 'KING OF DIAMONDS'" with subheads and photo. (see) First report coverage on the death of Solomon... See More
Donald Forbes, "Scotland's Most Dangerous Man" - sentenced...
Item #629408
September 22, 1970
EVENING CITIZEN, Glasgow, Scotland, September 22, 1970
* Donald Forbes, "Scotland's Most Dangerous Man", sentenced to life in jail
* Reprieved from life sentence in 1958, he kills again
* The PFLP declares hostages to be POW's
The front page has the one-column heading: "Reprieved Killer Murders Again" (with photo), which tells of the 2nd murder and convict... See More
Albert Einstein celebration...
Item #629363
April 17, 1929
THE NEW YORK TIMES, April 17, 1929
* Albert Einstein celebrated
* Metropolitan Opera House
* 50th birthday celebration
* Jewish National Fund
Page 7 has a one column heading: "EINSTEIN IS HONORED AT MEETING HERE" with subheads. (see) Probably can only be found in NYC papers.
Other news, sports and advertisements of the day. Complete in 56 pages, a little irregular at the spine,... See More
Partition of India in 1947...
Item #629006
August 16, 1947
THE KNICKERBOCKER NEWS, Albany, August 16, 1947.
* Partition of Palestine
* Judaica - Jewish
Page 2 has a one column heading: "India Next On Russia's Schedule" (see)
Other news, sports and advertisements of the day. Complete in 24 pages, minor margin wear, generally nice.
Kerns Hotel fire... Lansing, Michigan...
Item #628871
December 12, 1934
THE COMMERICAL APPEAL, Memphis, December 12, 1934
* Kerns Hotel fire holocaust (1st report)
* Lansing, Ingham County, Michigan
The front page has a three column headline: "14 Dead, 30 Missing In Hotel Holocaust; Toll May Reach 40" with subheads. (see) First report coverage on the Kerns Hotel fire disaster in Lansing Michigan.
30 pages, loose along the spine, som... See More
Warsaw Ghetto uprising...
SS Normandie salvage completed...
Item #628331
October 28, 1943
THE NEW YORK TIMES, New York, October 28, 1943
* Warsaw Ghetto Uprising
* German occupied Poland... Jewish resistance
* SS Normandie salvage completed
This 48 page newspaper has an editorial on page 22 with heading: "Supermen At Warsaw". See photo for text on the Warsaw Ghetto uprising. Also a a two column headline on page 25: "Great Ship That Burned and Capsized in Fe... See More
Jewish Holocaust... public reality... Nazi atrocities...
Item #628264
June 26, 1942
THE NEW YORK TIMES, June 26, 1942
* Jewish Holocaust being known for the 1st time
* Nazi-occupied Europe exterminations
* Lezaky, Czech Republic razed to the ground
Page 5 has one column headings: "GERMANS WIPE OUT A 2D CZECH TOWN" "All Men and Women Are Killed at Levsaky--Others Put to Death in Country" "Many Sent to Have Been Sent Out of Slovakia--Massacre o... See More
Tobacco... Judaica...
Northwest Passage through America...
Item #625448
THE GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE, London, England, February, 1744
* Judaica mention
* Tobacco is not a poison
* Exploring a northwest passage through America
Of greatest interest are: "Of a North-West Passage, Probability of it allowed by Mr.Dobbs & Capt. Middleton" which takes over 3 pages with much great text on exploring America, "Tobacco not a Poyson [sic
... See More
* Judaica mention
* Tobacco is not a poison
* Exploring a northwest passage through America
Of greatest interest are: "Of a North-West Passage, Probability of it allowed by Mr.Dobbs & Capt. Middleton" which takes over 3 pages with much great text on exploring America, "Tobacco not a Poyson [sic
1947 Haifa oil refinery massacre...
Item #624043
December 31, 1947
THE NEW YORK TIMES, December 31, 1947
* Haifa oil refinery massacre (1st report)
* Jewish - Jews - Judaica - Arabs
The front page has a 2 column heading: "41 Jews Stabbed to Death After Bomb Kills Six Arabs" (see) 1st report coverage on the Haifa Oil Refinery Massacre.
Other news, sports and advertisements of the day. Complete in 32 pages, this is the rare rag edition that was p... See More
William Joyce "Lord Haw-Haw" execution...
Item #623374
January 04, 1946
THE NEW YORK TIMES, January 4, 1946
* William Joyce executed (1st report)
* Lord Haw-Haw
* Nazi propaganda broadcaster
Page 7 has one column headings announcing: "LORD HAW HAW DIES ON LONDON GIBBET" "Britain's Despised Traitor Is Hanged After Reaffirming His Nazi Beliefs" (see)
Other news, sports and advertisements of the day. Complete in 38 pages, this is the &quo... See More
Franklin Prophecy antisemitic speech....
Item #623320
March 10, 1937
THE NEW YORK TIMES, March 10, 1937
* Benjamin Franklin "Prophecy" "Forgery"
* Antisemitic speech - Jewish - Jews
* Charles A. Beard expose
Page 9 has one column headings that include: "FRANKLIN FORGERY EXPOSED BY BEARD" "Anti-Semitic 'Prophecy' Cited in Germany Was Discredited by Historian 2 Years Ago" and more. (see)
Other news, sports and ... See More
Item #621920
January 18, 1787
MORNING POST & DAILY ADVERTISER, London, Jan. 18, 1787 Page 2 has a brief Judaica item mentioning: "...lately took in an unguarded Israelite...most cursedly; and they are so charitably disposed as to be always ready to take in either Jew, Turk, Heathen, or Infidel." Much typical news reporting of the day.
Four pages, two small wear holes near the middle of first leaf, otherwis... See More
New Jewish synagogue...
Item #621379
August 06, 1860
NEW YORK TIMES, August 6, 1860
* New Jewish synagogue consecrated
* B'nai Israel in New York City
The front page has: "Consecration of a Jewish Synagogue--Interesting & Imposing Ceremonies--Addresses of Rev. Dr. Raphall and Rev. Messrs. Isaacs and Bondi" which begins: "The consecration services of the new synagogue of the congregation B'nai Israel, situated ... See More
Jews on the continent...
Item #621264
May 31, 1845
NATIONAL INTELLIGENCER, Washington, D.C., May 31, 1845
* Judaica - Jewish
* Slave for sale ad
The front page has nearly half a column headed: "The Jews On The Continent" (see ) followed by an ad: "A Private Sale, a Negro Boy 18 years old...". Much other news of the day.
Four pages, some front page staining & a bit irregular at the spine.... See More
Judaica report...
Item #621243
July 14, 1847
EVENING POST, New York, July 14, 1847 Page 2 has a report with a small heading: "The Jewish Sabbath" which reports: "The Journal des Debats publishes a letter dated in Konigsburg, May 6th, which states that 700 Jews of that city had agreed to transfer...their Sabbath from Saturday to Sunday. This measure is regarded as...proof of the tendency felt by Jews to assimilate themsel... See More
Interesting Jewish newspaper...
Item #619838
January 31, 1928
JEWISH DAILY BULLETIN, New York, Jan. 31, 1928 An uncommon title of 4 pages, filled mostly with Jewish-related news, both in the U.S. and in Europe. Particularly interesting in light of anti-Semitic concerns growing in Europe at the time. The front page has: "British Colonial Secretary Pleads with American Jews to Continue Support For Palestine Work" and: "Soviet's Plan Fo... See More
B'nai B'rith...
Item #619738
January 25, 1881
CLEVELAND DAILY HERALD, Ohio, January 25, 1881
* B'nai B'rith service organization
* Jew - Jewish - Judaica
This uncommon 8 page issue has news of the day with several interesting advertisements throughout.
Page 3 has one column headings: "B'NAI B'RITH" "'A Day of Willing Labor in the Great Cause," "And a Night of Unalloyed Pleasure" and m... See More
Jewish Warsaw Ghetto established...
Item #617735
December 15, 1940
THE NEW YORK TIMES, December 15, 1940
* Warsaw, Poland Ghetto established
* Jewish - Jews - Judaica
* Nazi-occupied Europe
This 80+ page Sunday edition newspaper has small one column headlines on page 7 that read: "New Warsaw Ghetto Described In Berlin" and "Jews May Leave Walled Area Only With Nazi Permit". Brief coverage on establishment & description of the large... See More
Jefferson Davis' death... Judaica content...
Item #616770
December 11, 1889
DESERET EVENING NEWS, Salt Lake City, Utah Territory, Dec. 11, 1889
* Jefferson Davis death
* Confederate president - Confederacy
A "territorial" newspaper from seven years before Utah would be come a state. The ftpg. has: "Jefferson Davis' Remains - Views Yesterday by Some 70,000 Persons" with various subheads (see). Other ftpg. articles include: "A Dasta... See More
Early periodical from Western Pennsylvania...
Item #616729
August 01, 1822
THE PITTSBURGH RECORDER, Pennsylvania, August 1, 1822 The volume 1 number 28 issue of a quite uncommon and very early periodical from Western Penna. Content is primarily religious & includes: "Palestine Mission - Journal of Mr. Parsons, from The Time When He left Jerusalem"; "Naval and Military Bible Society"; "London Female Penitentiary"; Reformation ... See More
Yitzhak Den-Zvi elected 2nd president of Israel...
Item #616635
December 09, 1952
NEW YORK TIMES, Dec. 9, 1952
* Yitzhak Ben-Zvi elected 2nd president of Israel
* Labor Zionist leader
A two column headline: "Ben-Zvi Elected President Of Israel in Dramatic Vote" with subhead: "Successor to Weizmann Wins on 3d Ballot After Leftists Shift to Him" and a one column photo of Ben-Zvi.
Complete in 68 pages, light browning, otherwise in good condition.... See More
Jews permitted to live in Utrecht, however...
Item #616587
March 23, 1789
* Jews - Jewish - Judaica
* Utrecht, Netherlands
Page 2 has a paragraph noting: "At Utrecht the Jews have received permission to reside & trade, on condition that the chiefs of their different tribes give security to answer for all the robberies and other crimes they commit." (see). Also an article noting: &... See More
Jewish Holocaust... Jews segregated....
Item #615821
March 04, 1939
THE NEW YORK TIMES, March 4, 1939
* Mahatma Gandhi's "Fast Until Death"
* The Jewish Holocaust in progress
* Jews being segregated
The front page has a two column headline: "Gandhi's 'Fast Until Death' Starts in Rajkot As Protest Against State's Autocratic Rule"
Also one column headlines on page 2 include: "EVIAN PLAN ACTION DECIDED IN BERLIN&... See More
Persecution of Jews in 1938 Berlin....
Item #615817
November 24, 1938
THE NEW YORK TIMES, November 24, 1938
* Post Crystal Night (Kristallnacht)
* Persecution of Jews continues
* Jewish property in jeopardy
The front page has one column headings: "REICH LEVIES 20% ON JEWS' PROPERTY", "Taxes Holdings of All Worth More Than 5,000 Marks to Meet Huge Fine" Coverage on the ongoing persecution of Jews shortly after Kristallnacht (nig... See More
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