Washington signs an Act of Congress... Creating a home for the President and Congress...
Item #704771
March 30, 1791
GAZETTE OF THE UNITED STATES, Philadelphia, March 30, 1791 The front page has continued discussion in Congress concerning: "The Bank Bill Under Consideration" carrying over to take most of page 2.
Page 3 has a notable report from Phila: "The House of Representatives of this state have appointed a committee to bring in a bill to appropriate a sum of money for the purpose of bu... See More
First Hebrew Free School in New York City... Reconstruction...
Item #704758
June 16, 1865
NEW YORK HERALD, June 16, 1865 The front page has a great amount of content on the Reconstruction process in the South including: "Reconstruction Gossip at the National Capital" "The People of the South Converted by the Sword to the Northern Version of the Constitution" "They Accept the Overthrow of Southern Dogmas and the Institution of Slavery as Effective &a... See More
Jacob Furth, a notable Jew...
Item #704729
December 21, 1893
Of special note is an article: "Notable Jews--Jacob Furth" which includes a photo of him & an article on his life.
The ftpg. has an illus: "Opera In New York" & inside has a nice full page: "The Work of the Salvation Army in the Slums of New York" which shows a Christmas tree. Other prints & p... See More
First boat to traverse the new Erie Canal...
Item #704720
November 05, 1825
NILES' WEEKLY REGISTER, Baltimore, Nov. 5, 1825 Perhaps the most notable event reported is headed: "FROM BUFFALO" which tells of the first vessel--The Seneca Chief--to traverse the new Erie Canal. Although brief, the event was quite historic.
Other news found within include an early American execution, cannibalism, a mention of German-Jews, a letter from John Quincy Adams, The... See More
Creating a Jewish city in the Niagara River...
Item #704719
September 24, 1825
NILES' WEEKLY REGISTER, Baltimore, Sept. 24, 1825 One of the articles on an inside page reads in its entirety: "The ceremony of laying the corner stone, of what is to be a city of the Jews, on Grand Island, N.Y. took place on the 14th instant, and Mr. Noah, editor of the New York National Advocate, governor and judge of Israel, has issued a proclamation which for the ridiculous, may... See More
Creating a Jewish city in the Niagara River...
Item #704718
September 24, 1825
NILES' WEEKLY REGISTER, Baltimore, Sept. 24, 1825 One of the articles on an inside page reads in its entirety: "The ceremony of laying the corner stone, of what is to be a city of the Jews, on Grand Island, N.Y. took place on the 14th instant, and Mr. Noah, editor of the New York National Advocate, governor and judge of Israel, has issued a proclamation which for the ridiculous, may... See More
Jewish synagogue on Clinton Street...
Item #704613
May 07, 1853
ILLUSTRATED NEWS, New York, May 7, 1853 Formatted very much like Harper's Weekly although predating it by four years, with the masthead featuring a nice engraving of the New York skyline at the time. P.T. Barnum was a "Special Partner" in this publication.
Various illustrations within including a small one of the: "Exterior View of the Jewish Synagogue, Clinton St." ... See More
1961 Ran Eliran wedding in Greenwich Village...
Item #704590
July 06, 1961
THE VILLAGE VOICE (weekly), Greenwich Village, New York City, July 6, 1961
* Ran Eliran wedding in Greenwich Village
* "Israel's Ambassador of Song" Israeli singer
* Jews - Jewish - Judaica - born in Haifa, Palestine
Page 6 has a small heading: "Israeli Folk Singer Weds at Cabaret Here" with report. (see image)
I suspect this to be an extremely rare item because t... See More
Two Acts of Congress signed by George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, and John Adams...
Item #704528
April 02, 1791
GAZETTE OF THE UNITED STATES, Philadelphia, April 2, 1791
* President George Washington
* John Adams & Thomas Jefferson
* Two Acts of United States Congress
The front page has reporting on: "The Bank Bill under Consideration".
The back page has two Acts of Congress headed with an engraving of a heraldic eagle, each signed in block type by: George Washington, Thomas Jef... See More
A Jewish view of Jesus...
Item #704493
February 26, 1871
NEW YORK TIMES, Feb. 26, 1871 The back page contains a fascinating article under the heading: "The Origin Of Christianity" "Rev. Dr. Wise, of Cincinnati, on the Apostle Paul--The Religion of Jesus from a Jewish Point of View" beginning: "The last of an interesting series of lectures by Rev. Dr. Wise, of Cincinnati, an eminent Jewish rabbi, on the origin of Christiani... See More
Significant Washington letter to the Jewish congregation of Newport...
Item #704389
September 15, 1790
GAZETTE OF THE UNITED STATES, New York, Sept. 15, 1790
* President George Washington
* Letter to the Jewish congregation
* Newport, Rhode Island - Jews
* Historic Judaica item - Moses Seixas
The back page contains one of the more significant Judaica items found in an American newspaper.
It presents the full text of the: "Address Of The Hebrew Congregation in Newport, Rhode Isl... See More
Jewiish activist Herman Bernstein death...
Item #704355
September 01, 1935
THE NEW YORK TIMES, September 1, 1935
* Herman Bernstein death
* Jewish activist - Jews
The top of page 18 has a one column heading: "HERMAN BERNSTEIN DIES IN BERKSHIRES" with subheads and photo. (see) First report coverage on the death of Herman Bernstein, American journalist, poet, novelist, playwright and Jewish activist. He was the founder of the Jewish newspaper, The Day (Der... See More
A Jewish view of Jesus...
Item #704297
February 20, 1871
NEW YORK TRIBUNE, Feb. 20, 1871
* Jewish perspective of Jesus - Jews
* Rabbi Isaac Mayer Wise lecture
* Ernest Renan theory unsupported ?
The back page contains a fascinating article under the heading: "Religious", titled: "A Jewish View of Jesus", with a preface which includes: "Rabbi Isaac M. Wise delivered the first lecture of the course on the Talmud and ... See More
Russia recognizes Israel as a new state...
Item #704239
May 18, 1948
TAUNTON DAILY GAZETTE, Massachusetts, May 18, 1948
* Russia recognizes Israel as a new State
The front page has a two column head: "Jews Say Acre Surrenders, 500 Arab Troops Drown" with notable text that includes: "Russia recognized Israel...".
History would show Russia to be the first major power to formally recognize Israeli statehood.
Complete in 12 pages, nic... See More
A 1871 Jewish view of Jesus...
Item #704236
February 26, 1871
NEW YORK TIMES, Feb. 26, 1871
* Jewish perspective of Jesus - Jews
* Rabbi Isaac Mayer Wise lecture
The back page contains a fascinating article under the heading: "The Origin Of Christianity" "Rev. Dr. Wise, of Cincinnati, on the Apostle Paul--The Religion of Jesus from a Jewish Point of View" beginning: "The last of an interesting series of lectures by Rev.... See More
Creating a Jewish city in the Niagara River...
Item #704169
September 24, 1825
THE WEEKLY REGISTER, Baltimore, Sept. 24, 1825
* Jewish city creation
* Grand Island, New York
* Niagara River
One of the articles on an inside page reads in its entirety: "The ceremony of laying the corner stone, of what is to be a city of the Jews, on Grand Island, N.Y. took place on the 14th instant, and Mr. Noah, editor of the New York National Advocate, governor and judge of Isra... See More
1918 Krazy Kat & Abie The Agent comic strips...
Item #704144
May 23, 1918
EVENING TRIBUNE, San Diego, May 23, 1918
* Early "Krazy Kat" comic strip
* Cartoonist George Herriman
* "Abie the Agent" Jewish car salesman
* Harry Hershfield "the Jewish Will Rogers"
Pages 12 & 13 have four early comic strips titled: "Baron Bean", "Abie The Agent" & "Krazy Kat". See images for the full "Krazy Kat&q... See More
Synagogues hold memorial services... Much on the assassination & funeral of Lincoln...
Item #704120
April 21, 1865
NEW YORK HERALD, April 21, 1865
* Rare 1st-page mentions of Synagogue services
* Re: Abraham Lincoln's assassination & funeral
* Black mourning borders on all eight pages
Perhaps the most noteworthy coverage is the front-page details regarding various services being held at local synagogues - which includes the congregations at "B'nai Israel," "Bikur Cholim... See More
Kissinger - 1st Jewish American Secretary of State... Jim Croce 's death...
Item #703969
September 22, 1973
THE NEWS AND OBSERVER, Raleigh, North Carolina, September 22, 1973
* Kissinger - 1st Jewish-American & 1st Naturalized Citizen to become U.S. Secretary of State
* Jim Croce dies in plane crash
The front page has a three-column heading: "Kissinger Confirmed In 78-7 Senate Vote", which tells of ... See More
Seccession Bill passed...
Jewish refugee vessel, Exodus 1947, seized by British...
Item #703917
July 19, 1947
THE NEW YORK TIMES, July 19, 1947
* Exodus 1947 - Jewish refuge vessel boarded - 3 killed
* Presidential Succession Act of 1947
The front page has: "3 Slain on Zionist Vessel As Refugees Fight British," which continues on an inside page. Page 5 has: "SILVER ASSAILS SEIZURE - Zionist Hopes U.N. Will Not Tolerate British Action," and, "AMBUSHED BRITON SLAIN IN PALESTI... See More
Jewish soldiers of the Revolutionary War honored...
Item #703873
May 31, 1939
THE NEW YORK TIMES, May 31, 1939
* Jewish soldiers honored - Memorial Day celebration
* First Shearith Israel Graveyard
* George Washington's letter to the Touro Synagogue mentioned
The top of page 3 has a one column heading: "JEWISH WAR DEAD OF 1776 EXTOLLED", with multiple subheadings and 8 paragraphs of text. Noteworthy is the mention of President George Washington's h... See More
1964 Ben Shahn drawing of Barry Goldwater...
Item #703779
October 29, 1964
THE VILLAGE VOICE (weekly), Greenwich Village, New York City, Oct. 29, 1964
* Ben Shahn - American Jewish artist
* Social realism - left wing political views
* Barry Goldwater as a baby etching - cartoon
* Republican presidential candidate
* "Vote for Lyndon Johnson" campaign
The front page has a pro-Lyndon Johnson and anti-Barry Goldwater drawing by artist Ben Shahn which is... See More
Proposing a new Amendment to the Constitution... Three Acts of Congress...
Item #703194
March 12, 1791
GAZETTE OF THE UNITED STATES, Philadelphia, March 12, 1791
* United States Constitution amendment proposed
* George Washington - John Adams - Thomas Jefferson
Inside has more than a full column taken up with: "Amendment to the Constitution of the United States, Laid on the Clerk's Table by Mr. Benson, to her Proposed by Congress to the Legislature's of the Several States&... See More
Death of Marvin Gaye in a Los Angeles newspaper... Jerusalem attacked...
Item #703109
April 02, 1984
LOS ANGELES TIMES, April 2, 1984
* Marvin Gaye's death report
* Soul and R&B singer & songwriter
* "Prince of Motown"
* His father held as killer
* Jerusalem is attacked by terrorists
The middle of the front page has a two column head announcing the death of Marvin Gaye, one of the greats of music who helped shape the sound of Motown in the 1960's: "... See More
1974 War of Attrition in the Bashan Salient...
Item #702874
April 15, 1974
CHICAGO SUN-TIMES, April 15, 1974
* War of Attrition in the Bashan Salient
* Israel Jews Jewish vs. Syria Syrians
The front page has a banner headline: "Big Mt. Hermon battle; Israelis and Syrians fight hand-to-Hand" (see images)
Complete with 112 pages, tabloid size, nice condition.
The inauguration of Joe Biden and Kamala Harris...
Item #702868
January 21, 2021
NEW YORK POST, Jan. 21, 2021
* A day of "firsts"
* Joe Biden sworn in as oldest president to-date
* Kamala Harris 1st female, 1st black, 1st South-Asian Vice-President
* Doug Emhoff 1st "second Gentleman" and first Jewish-American married to a President or Vice-President
The entire front page and pages 3-13 tell of the inauguration of Joe Biden as the 46th President an... See More
1918 Krazy Kat & Abie The Agent comic strips...
Item #702720
June 28, 1918
EVENING TRIBUNE, San Diego, June 28, 1918
* Early "Krazy Kat" comic strip
* Cartoonist George Herriman
* "Abie the Agent" Jewish car salesman
* Harry Hershfield "the Jewish Will Rogers"
Pages 14 & 15 have four early comic strips titled: "Baron Bean", "Abie The Agent" & "Krazy Kat". See images for the full "Krazy Kat&... See More
Jews ordered to turn over their valuables...
Item #702699
February 24, 1939
NEW YORK TIMES, Feb. 24, 1939
* The Jewish Holocaust in progress
* Jews ordered to give up valuables
* Hermann Goering - Adolf Hitler
The top of page 3 has a one column head: "Reich Orders Jews To Cede Valuables" with subheads: "German or Stateless Ones Must Turn In All Precious Metals and Stones in Fortnight" "'Compensation' To Be Set" "Mov... See More
1957 Gaza Strip riots...
Item #702643
March 11, 1957
* Arabs riot and lynchings
* Jews - Jewish - Israel
* U.N. troops in Gaza Strip - Palestine
* Return of Egyptian administration
The front page has a nice banner headline: "ARAB RIOTERS STONE U.N. POLICE IN GAZA" with subheads. (see images)
Complete with 48 pages, light toning at the margins, small binding holes along the spine, small libr... See More
Jewish refugees - Exodus 1947's seizure...
Item #702603
July 21, 1947
NEW YORK TIMES, New York, July 21, 1947
* SS Exodus 1947 seized by British w/ considerable details
* Jewish refugee packet steamship travesty - Aliyah Bet
* Frankie Frisch becomes 1st switch-hitter to make H.O.F.
The front page has: "JEWS SHIPPED BACK TO PORT IN FRANCE, PALESTINE REPORTS," with subhead, "Soldier Killed, Policeman Shot, Others Hurt In Retaliation for Ac... See More
Touro Synagogue honored....
Item #702585
March 09, 1946
THE NEW YORK TIMES, March 9, 1946
* Touro Synagogue in Newport, Rhode Island
* Declared a National Historic Site
Page 15 has one column headings that include: "NATION SETS APART TOURO SYNAGOGUE" "Shrine of Judaism at Newport, Oldest in Country, Designated as a Historic Site" "Relic Of Colonial Beauty" "Clergy of Other Faiths Join in Extolling Memorial to E... See More
Death of actor/dancer Danny Kaye, in a Los Angeles newspaper...
Item #702577
March 04, 1987
LOS ANGELES TIMES, March 4, 1987
* Danny Kaye death (1st report)
* Hollywood movie film comedian actor
* American-Jewish singer and dancer
* Best title to be had ?
The top of the front page features three photos of iconic film star & dancer Danny Kaye, beneath which is a one column heading: "Danny Kaye, 74, Dies; World Was His Stage". The article carries over to ... See More
"First they came for the Socialists... then they came for me."
Martin Niemöller sent to a concentration camp....
Item #702576
March 04, 1938
* Reverend Martin Niemöller sent to a concentration camp
* Anti-Nazi theologian and Lutheran pastor
* Famous "First they came..." statement fame
The front page has a two column-wide article headed: "Niemöller Sent to Prison Camp," followed by considerable text (see images). The report speaks of the anti-Nazi theolog... See More
Hitler drafts Jews for work... Gandhi weakens during his fast...
Item #702548
March 06, 1939
NEW YORK TIMES, March 6, 1939
* Mahatma Gandhi - "Fast Unto Death"
* Jews and Aryans - separated at work
Two notable front-page reports, the first with two column heads: "Germany Drafts Jews for Work; Sets Them Apart from 'Aryans' " "Aim Is to Meet Pledge Made to Rublee and to Free 'Germans' for 'State-Political' Jobs---'100-a-... See More
Lewis Yelland Andrews assassination in Nazareth...
Item #701921
September 27, 1937
THE NEW YORK TIMES, Sept. 27, 1937
* Lewis Yelland Andrews assassination
* Killed by Arab at Nazareth, Israel
The top of the front page has a two column heading: "British Chief in Galilee Killed By Arabs Near Nazareth Church" with subhead. (see) First report coverage on the assassination of Lewis Yelland Andrews, British District Commissioner for the Gaillee during the British Ma... See More
1938 Sholomo Ben-Yosef execution... Jewish... Jews...
Item #701872
June 30, 1938
* Shlomo Ben-Yosef hanging
* Revisionist Zionist - Irgun
* 1st Jew executed by British
* Mandatory Palestine
* Jewish - Jews - Judaica
The front page has one column headings: "Holy Land Is Put Under Army Rule" "Jews Protest British Execution of Youth" (see image) First report coverage on the execution of Shlomo Ben-Yosef.
Complet... See More
1956 Suez Crisis... Jews-Arabs...
Item #701360
October 31, 1956
MIRROR NEWS, EXTRA, Los Angeles, October 31, 1956
* Suez Canal Crisis
* Second Arab-Israeli War
The front page has a nice banner headline: "CAIRO BOMBED; British, French Launch Air, Naval Attack on Suez" with subheads. (see images)
Complete 1st section only with all 20 pages, minor margin wear, generally in good condition.
... See More
Joe Louis vs. Max Schmeling... Rematch...
Item #701348
June 22, 1938
* Joe Louis (Brown Bomber)
* Max Schmeling (German fighter)
* Famous rematch - boxing (day of)
* Joseph Goebbels speech in Berlin
* Rid Germany of the Jewish population
The front page has a heading: "$1,000,000 Fight Gate !" with subheads. The front page of the sport's section has a banner headline: "IT'S ON TONIGHT! SCHMELIN... See More
Yom Kippur War begins in 1973...
Item #701218
October 11, 1973
THE SPRINGFIELD UNION, Mass., Oct. 11, 1973
* Valley of Tears - Golan Heights
* Yom Kippur War beginning
* Israel vs. Egypt - Syria & more
* Arab-Israeli conflict - Arab States
* Jews - Jewish - Judaica
The front page has a three column heading: "Israel Claims Golan Control" and related photo. (see images) More inside.
Complete 1st section only with 12 pages, nice conditio... See More
Reports from the closing months of the Revolutionary War...
Item #701131
April 09, 1783
THE FREEMAN'S JOURNAL, Philadelphia, April 9, 1783
* American Revolutionary War
* Closing events - John Dickinson
Fully half of the front page is a lengthy letter: "To His Excellency John Dickinson, esq., President" of Pennsylvania, which relates to the paper currency of America. The balance of the front page is a letter: "To Robert Morris" that begins: "M... See More
2002 Hebrew University of Jerusalem bombing...
Item #701014
August 01, 2002
* Hebrew University of Jerusalem
* Mount Scopus bombing - massacre
* Palestinian militant group Hamas
The top of the front page has a two column headline: "Blast Kills 7 at University in Jerusalem" with subhead and 2 related photos. (see images) More on page A10.
Complete with all sections (100+ pages), great condition.... See More
Illustrated newspaper before Harper's Weekly...
Item #700689
December 23, 1854
GLEASON'S PICTORIAL, Boston, Dec. 23, 1854 In the format of the Illus. London News and the later Harper's Weekly, with a very ornate masthead engraving of the harbor at Boston.
Among the prints within: "The Holy Land" "Church of the Holy Sepulcher, at Jerusalem"; four prints on the: "Siege of Sebastopol" "The Croton Aqueduct" which supplied wa... See More
Yom Kippur War begins in 1973...
Item #700540
October 11, 1973
THE SPRINGFIELD UNION, Mass., Oct. 11, 1973
* Valley of Tears - Golan Heights
* Yom Kippur War beginning
* Israel vs. Egypt - Syria & more
* Arab-Israeli conflict - Arab States
* Jews - Jewish - Judaica
The front page has a four column heading: "Israel Reclaims Heights; Egyptians Pour Into Sinai" and related photo. (see images)
Complete with 76 pages, minor spine wear, gen... See More
Anwar Sadat to recognize Israel as a nation...
Item #700363
November 20, 1977
THE NEW YOK TIMES, Nov. 20, 1977
* Egypt to recognize Israel
* Anwar Sadat visits Jerusalem
* Israeli-Palestine peace process
The front page has a banner headline: "SADAT ARRIVES TO WARM WELCOME IN ISRAEL; SAYS HE HAS SPECIFIC PROPOSALS FOR PEACE" with subheads and 3 related photos. (see images) More inside.
Complete with 76 pages, good condition.... See More
Yom Kippur War in 1973...
Item #700279
October 12, 1973
THE NEW AND OBSERVER, Raleigh, North Carolina, Oct. 12, 1973
* Yom Kippur War - Syrian border
* Israel vs. Egypt - Syria & more
* Arab-Israeli conflict - Arab States
The front page has a four column headline: "Israelis Cross Syrian Border" with related map. (see images)
Complete with 40 pages, four binding holes along the spine, nice condition.... See More
King Ibn Saud & the Palestine situation....
Item #700278
November 21, 1945
THE NEW YORK TIMES, November 21, 1945
* Ibn Saud statement
* King of Saudi Arabia
* Palestine - Jews & Arabs
Page 6 has a one column heading: "IBN SAUD CAUTIONS LONDON ON ZIONISM" with subhead. (see)
Other news, sports and advertisements of the day shortly after World War II. Complete in 36 pages, rag edition, nice condition.... See More
Anwar Sadat to recognize Israel as a nation...
Item #700192
November 20, 1977
LOS ANGELES TIMES, Nov. 20, 1977
* Egypt to recognize Israel
* Anwar Sadat visits Jerusalem
* Israeli-Palestine peace process
The front page has a headline: "Israel Euphoric as Sadat Arrives---With Peace Plan" with subhead and 3 related photos. (see images) More inside.
Complete 1st section only with 30 pages, nice condition.... See More
Anwar Sadat to recognize Israel as a nation...
Item #700191
November 18, 1977
LOS ANGELES TIMES, Nov. 18, 1977
* Egypt to recognize Israel
* Anwar Sadat to visit Jerusalem
* Israeli-Palestine peace process
The front page has a banner headline: "Israelis Cheer Egyptians" with subhead and related photo. (see images) More inside.
Complete 1st section only with 28 pages, nice condition.... See More
1872 Portland, New York train wreck disaster....
Item #700085
December 25, 1872
THE NEW YORK HERALD, December 25, 1872
* Christmas eve train wreck disaster
* Cross Cut Railroad - Portland, New York
* Phineas Barnum Circus Museum Fire
The top of page 5 has a one column heading: "RAILROAD HOLOCAUST" with subheads. (see images)
The top of page 3 has a one column heading: "BURNING OF BARNUM'S" with subheads. (see images)
Other news of the d... See More
1946 Tel Aviv car park raid...
Item #700065
April 26, 1946
THE NEW YORK TIMES, April 26, 1946
* Tel Aviv - Israel car park raid
* Jewish insurgency in Mandatory Palestine
* Zionist underground groups - Lehi militants
Page 8 has a one column heading: "6 Britons In Tel Aviv Slain By Extremists" (see images)
Complete with 44 pages, light toning and minor wear at the margins, generally very nice.
wikipedia notes: On 25 April 1946, a Lehi... See More
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