

Web Results (725)



Jews boycott on German goods... tensions brewing... early Nazi Germany.

Item #654944

July 21, 1933

THE NEW YORK TIMES, July 21, 1933

* Jews persecuted under Hitler's rule

* Pre Holocaust era

The front page has one column headings regarding the tensions between the people of Germany and the Jewish population there. The headings include: "WORLD JEWS PUSH BOYCOTT OF REICH FOR 'INHUMAN' ACTS" "Wide Affects Reported" and more. (see) 1933 was a very tumultuous ... See More  

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Jews not to take Hitler seriously in 1933 ?...

Item #654872

June 05, 1933

THE NEW YORK TIMES, June 5, 1933

* Very bad advice given to Jews

* Jewish persecution at it's beginning

The top of page 9 has a one column heading: "HITLER IS 'FOOLISH,' VAUCLAIN ASSERTS" with subheads and more. (see)

Other news, sports and advertisements of the day. Complete with all 32 pages, rag edition in nice condition.... See More  

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Jewish persecution.. public reality... Nazi atrocities...

Item #654746

March 20, 1933

THE NEW YORK TIMES, March 20, 1933

* Jewish persecution becoming known Worldwide

During the rise of Adolph Hitler & the Third Reich

The front page has one column headings that include: "GERMAN FUGITIVES TELL OF ATROCITIES AT HANDS OF NAZIS" "Americans Bear Out Tales of Outrages and Cruelties in Racial 'Purging'" "Jews Flee Persecution" "All N... See More  

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Jewish holocaust... seizure of businesses....

Item #654663

November 27, 1938

THE NEW YORK TIMES, section 4 only, November 27, 1938

* The Jewish Holocaust in progress

* Eviction of Jews from area villages

* Jewish wealth studied

Page 5 of this section has a two column headline: "NAZIS IN FINAL PHASE OF THEIR WAR ON JEWS" with subhead: "Program of Ruthless Expropriation Before Expulsion From Germany Is Being Swiftly Carried Out". See images for c... See More  

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Dr. Solis Cohen, a notable Jew... Columbian Exposition...

Item #654418

August 17, 1893

FRANK LESLIE'S ILLUSTRATED, New York, Aug. 17, 1893 

* Jacob da Silva Solis-Cohen

Full ftpg. shows a scene at: "The World's Columbian Exposition at Chicago". Also a great doublepg. centerfold: "The Architecture of the World's Columbian Exposition--Striking Panoramic Effect of the Fair Buildings as seen from the South Colonnade".

Of special note is an art... See More  

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1936 Kurt Tucholsky suicide death... Jewish writer..

Item #654383

January 10, 1936

THE NEW YORK TIMES, January 10, 1936

* Kurt Tucholsky suicide

* German-Jewish - Jews

* Anti-Nazis journalist

The top of age 6 has a one column heading: "KURT TUCHOLSKY, NAZIS' FOE, SUICIDE" with subheads. (see) First report coverage on the suicide death of German-Jewish journalist, Satirist and writer, Kurt Tucholsky.

Other news, sports and advertisements of the day. Complet... See More  

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Jewish Holocaust... public reality... Nazi atrocities...

Item #654206

June 16, 1942

THE NEW YORK TIMES, June 16, 1942

* Jewish Holocaust becoming reality to the public

* Nazi-occupied extermination of Jews

* Vilna Ghetto - Vilnius Lithuania

Page 6 has one column headings: "VILNA MASSACRE OF JEWS REPORTED" "60,000 Slain in Two Weeks by Police Under Nazis, Polish Refugee in Sweden Says" and more. See images for coverage on the ongoing atrocities in Nazi... See More  

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Theodor Lessing assassination...

Item #653792

August 31, 1933

THE NEW YORK TIMES, August 31, 1933

* Theodor Lessing assassination

* German Jewish philosopher 

* Self-hating Jew - antisemitic

Near the bottom of the front page has a two column heading: "Lessing, German Refugee, Slain in Prague; Attacks on Others Abroad Are Feared" (see) First report coverage on the assassination of Theodor Lessing.

Other news, sports and advertisements... See More  

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President Bush supports Israel in United Nations speech...

Item #653775

September 24, 1991

LOS ANGLES TIMES, September 24, 1991

* President Bush speaks before the United Nations

* Has blunt warning for Iraq

* Urges U.N.to Repeal Zionism-Racism Resolution

The front page has two articles related to President Bush's speech before the United Nations, which tells of his warning to Iraq regarding the detained United Nations inspectors, and his urging of the United Nations to repea... See More  

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Persecution of Jews begin in Czechoslovakia in 1939....

Item #653773

March 19, 1939

THE NEW YORK TIMES, March 19, 1939

* Persecution of Jews begin - Jewish - Judaica

* Total occupation of Czechoslovakia by Germany

* Pre-World War II Europe in chaos - disharmony

The top of page 39 has a one column heading: "NAZIS BAR VIOLENCE ON THE CZECH JEWS" with subheads. (see) Coverage on the persecution of Jews beginning in recently occupied Czechoslovakia by Adolph Hitler... See More  

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President G. W. Bush speaks before the Israeli Knesset...

Item #653772

May 16, 2008

LOS ANGLES TIMES, May 16, 2008

* President Bush speaks before the Israeli Knesset

* Condemns Hamas and Hezbollah - labels as terrorists

* Uses language similar to that used to Nazis before WW2

Page 17 has, "Bush derides terrorism 'appeasement'," which tells of his speech before the Israeli Knesset, and includes excerpts and a photo. Page 4 has the related, "In Israel... See More  

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Graf Zeppelin... around the World.....

Item #653702

August 29, 1929

ALBANY EVENING NEWS, Albany, New York, August 29, 1929

* LZ 127 Graf Zeppelin

* 1st to fly around the World (historic)

* Hugo Eckener

This 34 page newspaper has a seven column headline on the front page: "Air Epic Completed as Zeppelin Lands Safely" with subheads that include: "DARING DASH ROUND WORLD ESTABLISHED NEW RECORDS" and more. (see)

Other news of the day in... See More  

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Jews to systematically emigrate from Berlin in 1939....

Item #653681

February 23, 1939

THE NEW YORK TIMES, Feb. 23, 1939

* Jewish persecution in Nazi Germany

* 100 Jews each day must leave Berlin

* Judaica community to produce names

The front page has a one column heading: "100 JEWS EACH DAY MUST LEAVE REICH" with subhead. (see) Coverage on the ongoing persecution of Jews in Nazi Germany.

Other news of the day. Complete 1st section only with all 42 pages, rag edit... See More  

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Nazis ease persecution of Jews in 1939 ?...

Item #653678

February 12, 1939

THE NEW YORK TIMES, February 12, 1939

* Persecution of Jews in Germany

* Nazis to ease restrictions ?

* World War II looms

The top of the front page has a two column headline: "GERMANY TO PERMIT JEWS TO RE-ENTER TRADE FIELDS UNTIL THEY CAN EMIGRATE" with subheads. (see) Things would only get worse for the Jews in Germany with World War II starting in about 7 months.

Other news ... See More  

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1938 Jewish street signs altered in Germany....

Item #653469

November 28, 1938

THE NEW YORK TIMES, November 28, 1938

* The Jewish Holocaust in progress

* Street signs changed from Jewish names to German

* Eviction of Jews from area villages - Jewish wealth studied

Page 6 has one column headings: "REICH JEWS' FLATS CAUSING SCRAMBLE" "Authorities Swamped by Pleas From 'Aryans' for Homes. Council Patience" "80 Street Designations Tha... See More  

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How the people of Germany feel about Jews in 1938....

Item #653439

December 19, 1938

THE NEW YORK TIMES, Dec. 19, 1938

* Jewish persecution in Nazi Germnay

* How the German population perceive it

The top of the front page has a two column heading: "Many in Reich Deplore Excesses, But Fear Keeps Them Muzzled" with subhead. (see) A interesting take on how the citizens of Germany really feel about the Jewish population there.

Other news, sports and advertisements of... See More  

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1942 Heinrich Himmler orders extermination of Jews.....

Item #653391

November 24, 1942

TAUNTON DAILY NEWS, Mass., November 24, 1942

* The Jewish Holocaust in progress

* Extermination of Polish Jews ordered

* Heinrich Himmler - trains packed

The bottom of the front page is a two column heading: "Assert Himmler Order Extermination of Half Of Jews in Poland" with subhead. (see)

Other news, sports and advertisements of the day with much on other World War II events. ... See More  

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Anschluss... Austria annexation... Adolph Hitler...

Item #653381

April 22, 1938

FITCHBURG SENTINEL, Mass., April 22, 1938

* Post Anschluss - annexation

* Nazis occupy Austria

* Adolph Hitler in control

* Eyewitness account

The front page has a two column heading: "Jewish-Austrian Refugee Who Escaped 'Death Trap' Fears For Son In Vienna" (see) A interesting eyewitness account of the takeover of Austria at the time it was happening.

Other news, spor... See More  

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FDR greets Rosh Hashanah in 1938....

Item #653347

September 26, 1938

THE NEW YORK TIMES, Sept. 26, 1938

* Rosh Hashanah - Jewish New Year begins

* Jews - Judaica - Judaism holiday

* Franklin D. Roosevelt - FDR

The back page has a one column heading: "PRESIDENT GREETS JEWS ON NEW YEAR" with subheads that include: "HOPE VOICED IN SERMONS" and more. (see) The Jews in certain parts of Europe were being persecuted during this time in history.... See More  

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Charles Lindbergh receives Nazi medal...

Item #653270

October 20, 1938

THE NEW YORK TIMES, October 20, 1938

* Charles Lindbergh a Nazi sympathizer ?

* Receives: "Service Cross of the German Eagle"

* Field Marshall Hermann Goering - Adolph Hitler

Near the bottom of the front page is a two column heading: "Hitler Grants Lindbergh High Decoration After Bitter Attacks on Flier by Russians" (see) First report coverage on Hermann Goering presen... See More  

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Morris Lichtenstein death... Jewish Science founder....

Item #653241

November 07, 1938

THE NEW YORK TIMES, November 7, 1938

* Morris Lichtenstein death (1st report)

* Society of Jewish Science founder

* Jews - Judaica - Judaism - Rabbi

The top of page 19 has a one column heading: "DR. M. LICHTENSTEIN IS DEAD HERE AT 48" with subheads and photo. (see) I suspect this is one of the few publications to report this particular event as other titles in our inventory do no... See More  

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Polenaktion.... Jews expelled from German Reich...

Item #653239

October 29, 1938

THE NEW YORK TIMES, October 29, 1938

* Polenaktion "Polish Action" (1st report)

* Arrests and expulsion of Jews in Germany

* Jewish persecution - pre-holocaust

The top of the front page has a one column heading: "GERMANY DEPORTS JEWS TO POLAND; SEIZES THOUSANDS" with subheads. (see) Always nice to have notable events in history reported in this World famous publication.... See More  

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Oscar Strauss... First Jew selected for Presidential Cabinet...

Item #652983

October 24, 1906

WELLSVILLE DAILY REPORTER, New York, October 24, 1906 

* Oscar Strauss (politician)

* 1st Jew in presidential cabinet

* Jewish - Judaica - Hebrew

The front page has the 2-line, 2-column heading: "SEVERAL CHANGES IN THE CABINET," followed by the mention of Oscar Strauss - who was the first Jew (excluding Judah Benjamin who served in the Cabinet of the Confederacy). The covera... See More  

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Eradication of Jews in Vienna, Austria....

Item #652564

April 27, 1938

THE NEW YORK TIMES, April 27, 1938

* Vienna, Austria Jewish population

* Businesses owned by Jews to be eradicated

The top of page 11 has a one column heading: "NAZIS INSIST JEWS QUIT VIENNA BY '42" with subheads. (see)

Other news, sports and advertisements of the day. Complete with all 44 pages, rag edition in nice condition.... See More  

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"First they came for the Socialists... then they came for me."

Martin Niemöller freed & rearrested in Berlin....

Item #652462

March 03, 1938

THE NEW YORK TIMES, March 3, 1938

* Reverend Martin Niemöller rearrested

* Ant-Nazi theologian and Lutheran pastor

* Famous "First they came..." statement fame

Near the bottom of the front page is a two column heading: "Niemoeller Freed in Reich, Then Rearrested; Is Seized After Conviction at Sedition Trial" First report coverage on anti-Nazi theologian, Reverend M... See More  

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Violence related to the seizing of "Exodus 1947"...

Item #651981

July 20, 1947

THE NEW YORK TIMES, New York, July 20, 1947

* "Exodus 1947" - violence breaks out

* 28 Jewish refugees in hospital... British constable shot


The front page, under: "World News Summarized," has the brief mention of two Judaica related items which appear in detail on pages 22 and 23. Page 22 has: "BRITISH CONSTABLE SHOT DEAD IN HAIFA," which tells of hostil... See More  

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Steamer "Island Queen" disaster...

Item #651971

September 10, 1947

THE NEW YORK TIMES, New York, September 10, 1947 

* "Exodus 1947" Jewish refugees relocated to Germany

* 24 refuges hurt, 50 ringleaders are jailed

* Excursion steamer "Island Queen" disaster

The front page has a historic report regarding the arrival of the Jewish refuges from the Exodus 1947 vessel, which had been captured by the British outside of Palestine. In a... See More  

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GM grants their 1st cost of living raise...

Jerusalem Fighting Is Still Heavy... 1948 Arab-Israeli War...

Item #651922

May 12, 1948

THE RALEIGH TIMES, North Carolina, May 25, 1948  The front page has: "JERUSALEM FIGHTING IS STILL HEAVY," with subhead, "Arabs Meet To Study Truce Plan," and, "Is Britain Helping The Arabs With American Recovery Funds." Both articles provide details regarding the 1948 Arab-Israeli War (see images for details). Also present is, "GM Grants 11-Cent Pay Raise,&q... See More  

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Death of Col. Anthony J. D. Bidlle...

Jewish Forces Surrender In Jerusalem... 1948 Arab-Israeli War...

Item #651914

May 28, 1948

THE RALEIGH TIMES, North Carolina, May 28, 1948  The front page has: "Bitter Two-Week Struggle Ends: Last-Ditch Jewish Forces Surrender In Jerusalem," with related text providing details regarding the 1948 Arab-Israeli War, and the unrelated, "Famed Marine Succumbs After Long Illness," which tells of the death of the beloved Col. Anthony J. D. Biddle, one of the world'... See More  

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Arabs Open Attack In Modern Jerusalem... 1948 Arab-Israeli War...

Item #651911

May 29, 1948

THE RALEIGH TIMES, North Carolina, May 29, 1948  The front page has: "Jews Blockaded: Arabs Open Attack In Modern Jerusalem," with related text providing details regarding the 1948 Arab-Israeli War, and the unrelated, "CHRYSLER WORKERS BACK ON THE JOB," which tells of the end of the labor dispute which resulted in General Motors offering, for the first time, cost of living... See More  

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Heavy Fighting In Jerusalem... 1948 Arab-Israeli War...

Item #651883

May 19, 1948

THE RALEIGH TIMES, North Carolina, May 19, 1948  The front page has: "Heavy Fighting In Jerusalem," and: "Arabs Form Ring Of Steel Around City." Both articles provide details regarding the 1948 Arab-Israeli War. See images for details. Other news of the day is found throughout.

Complete in 14 pages, some mildewing and dampstaining, slightly rough left spine (see images)... See More  

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Russia becomes 1st major power to recognize Israel...

All-Arab Town Surrenders... 1948 Arab-Israeli War...

Item #651881

May 18, 1948

THE RALEIGH TIMES, North Carolina, May 18, 1948  The front page has: "ALL-ARAB TOWN SURRENDERS," and: "Jews Claim Victory At Acre." Both articles provide details regarding the 1948 Arab-Israeli War. However, the prime content within this issue is: "Reds Recognize State Of Israel," which tells of Russia becoming the *second world power to formally recognize the ne... See More  

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Palestine Fighting Rages On... 1948 Arab-Israeli War...

Item #651877

June 03, 1948

THE RALEIGH TIMES, North Carolina, June 3, 1948  The front page has: "PALESTINE FIGHTING RAGES ON," and: "Britain Stops Supplying Arabs." Both articles provide details regarding the 1948 Arab-Israeli War. See images for details. Other news of the day is found throughout.

Complete in 16 pages, some mildewing and dampstaining, slightly rough left spine (see images).... See More  

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Jew claim truce is broken... 1948 Arab-Israeli War...

Item #651876

June 02, 1948

THE RALEIGH TIMES, North Carolina, June 2, 1948  The front page has: "JEWS CLAIM TRUCE IS BROKEN," and: "Egyptians Reported Attacking." Both articles provide details regarding the 1948 Arab-Israeli War. See images for details. Other news of the day is found throughout.

Complete in 14 pages, some mildewing and dampstaining, slightly rough left spine (see images).... See More  

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UN Cease fire accepted by Israel... 1948 Arab-Israeli War...

Item #651875

June 01, 1948

THE RALEIGH TIMES, North Carolina, June 1, 1948  The front page has: "UN Cease Fire Appeal Accepted By Jewish State," and: "Arabs Plot Strategy." Both articles provide details regarding the 1948 Arab-Israeli War. See images for details. Nice for display and/or research. Another front page article tells of the elections being held in Cuba (same day report) which would event... See More  

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Jewish newspaper from Poland...

Item #651751

January 01, 1861

JUTRZENKA, Warsaw, Poland, 1861  A rare & early Jewish newspaper from Poland, the title translates to "Morning Star". This rare newspaper lasted only three years, and reflects the trends among the Jewish intelligentsia at that time. Measures 8-1/4 by 10-1/2 inches, has 6 pages, in nice condition.

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1978 South Lebanon conflict...

Item #651692

March 15, 1978

LOS ANGELES TIMES, March 15, 1978

* 1978 South Lebanon conflict begins

* Israel Defense Forces vs. PLO

The front page has a nice banner headline: "ISRAEL HITS PLO BASES" with subhead, related photo and map. Nice for display.

Complete 1st section only with all 26 pages, nice condition.

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Doctors' trial ends... Nazi human experimentation...

Item #651550

August 20, 1937

THE NEW YORK TIMES, August 20, 1947

* Doctors' trial ends w/ guilty verdicts

* United States of America v. Karl Brandt

* Nazi human experimentation - Jewish holocaust

The front page has a two column heading: "Hitler's Doctor, 14 Others Guilty In Medical Experimentation Trial" First report coverage continues inside with photo of Dr. Karl Brandt.

Other news, sports and adv... See More  

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Jewish boycott continues....

Item #651522

March 12, 1937

THE NEW YORK TIMES, March 12, 1937

* Jewish boycott to intensify

* Beginning of the Holocaust

* Wilhelm Frick

The front page has a one column heading: "NAZIS TO INTENSIFY BOYCOTT OF JEWS" with subheads. (see)

Other news, sport and advertisements of the day. Complete in 48 pages, rag edition in nice condition.
... See More  

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Rhythm Night Club fire disaster...

Item #651521

April 24, 1940

THE NEW YORK TIMES, New York, NY, April 24, 1940

* Rhythm Club fire disaster (1st report)

* Natchez, Mississippi - Negroes

* Dance hall holocaust

Near the bottom of the front page is a two column heading announcing: "100 to 150 Negroes Die in Fire at Natchez; Trapped as Flames Sweep a Dance Hall" First report coverage on the fire at the Rhythm Night Club which would kill 209.

O... See More  

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Holocaust beginning in Austria....

Item #651221

May 23, 1938

THE NEW YORK TIMES, May 23, 1938

* Vienna, Austria holocaust beginning

* Jews and Catholics persecuted

* Nazis arresting citizens at random

The top of the front page has a two column heading: "Organized Nazi Terrorism Goes On Secretly in Vienna" with subhead. (see) Lengthy text continues inside.

Other news, sports and advertisements of the day. Complete in 36 pages, rag edition ... See More  

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Joseph Goebbels & the holocaust beginning...

Item #650976

August 05, 1935

THE NEW YORK TIMES, August 5, 1935

* The Jewish Holocaust

* Joseph Goebbels

The top of the front page has a one column heading: "GOEBBELS WARNS OF GREATER DRIVE ON FOES ON NAZIS" with subheads that include: "Jews, Catholics, Protestants, Masons and Foreign Press Attacked by Minister" and more. (see)

Other news, sports and advertisements of the day. Complete in 32 pages,... See More  

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Jewish Holocaust... public reality... Nazi atrocities...

Item #650974

November 08, 1943

THE NEW YORK TIMES, November 8, 1943

* Jewish Holocaust becoming reality to the public

* Nazi-occupied Austria exterminations

The top of page 6 has one column headings that include: "GERMANS WIPE OUT JEWS IN AUSTRIA" "Almost All the Original 200,000 Have Been Killed or Sent to Eastern Ghettos" "All Prisons Are Jammed" and more. (see) Coverage on the ongoing atr... See More  

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Jewish Holocaust... public reality... Nazi atrocities...

Item #650915

June 30, 1942

THE NEW YORK TIMES, June 30, 1942

* Jewish Holocaust being known for the 1st time

* Nazi-occupied Europe exterminations

Page 7 has small one column headings: "1,000,000 Jews Slain By Nazis, Report Says" "'Slaughterhouse' of Europe Under Hitler Described at London" See images for coverage on the atrocities in Nazi-occupied Europe. Rare to find such reports in news... See More  

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Julius Streicher & the holocaust beginning...

Item #650910

July 31, 1935

THE NEW YORK TIMES, July 31, 1935

* The Jewish Holocaust (early)

* Julius Streicher - antisemitism

The top of the front page has a three column headline: "NAZIS WIDEN RELIGIOUS WAR; U. S. REGRETS PERSECUTIONS; BERLIN PROTESTS RIOT HERE" with subheads that include: "Anti-Semitism Is Gaining" and more. (see) Much more on page 2.

Other news, sports and advertisements of t... See More  

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Joseph Goebbels & the holocaust beginning...

Item #650785

August 06, 1935

THE NEW YORK TIMES, August 6, 1935

* The Jewish Holocaust

* Movement against Catholics

* Joseph Goebbels & more

The top of the front page has a one column heading: "NAZI-CATHOLIC WAR OPENLY DECLARED; POPE SEES TROUBLE" with subheads. (see)

Other news, sports and advertisements of the day. Complete in 38 pages, this is the rare rag edition that was produced on very high quali... See More  

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MS St. Louis ocean liner... Jewish refugees...

Item #650598

June 06, 1939

THE SPRINGFIELD UNION, Massachusetts, June 6, 1939..

* German Ocean Liner MS St. Louis

* Jewish refugees are refused in Cuba

* "Voyage of the Damned" - Jews

The front page has a two column heading: "Wandering Liner Allowed To Land 907 Jews in Cuba" with subhead. (see)

Other news, sports and advertisements of the day. Complete in 20 pages, light toning and a little wear... See More  

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Wilhelm Frick to enforce Nuremberg laws...

Item #650580

January 19, 1936

THE NEW YORK TIMES, January 19, 1936

* Wilhelm Frick - Nazi Party politician

* Segregation in Germany - Germans & Jews

* Jewish persecution in it's early stages

The front page has a one column heading: "REICH JEWS' STATUS IS DEFINED BY FRICK" with subheads. (see)

Other news of the day. Complete 1st section only with all 40 pages, light toning at the margins, nice con... See More  

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Jewish Holocaust beginning....

Item #650552

March 26, 1933

THE NEW YORK TIMES, section 4 only, March 26, 1933

* Jewish boycott editorial

* Beginning of the Holocaust

The top of the front page of this section has a two column heading: "HERR HITLER'S NAZIS HEAR AN ECHO OF WORLD OPINION" with subheads. (see) The official start of the Jewish boycott would take place a few days later.

Complete section 4 only with all 8 pages, lig
... See More  

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Albert Einstein & Jewish citizenship....

Item #650537

July 27, 1933

THE NEW YORK TIMES, July 27, 1933

* Professor Albert Einstein

* Jewish citizenship bill

* Nazis persecution of Jews

Near the bottom of the front page is a two column heading that reads: "Einstein, in Commons Gallery, Extolled As Bill Offers German Jews Citizenship" (see)

Other news, sports and advertisements of the day. Complete in 36 pages, this is the rare rag edition that was... See More  

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