Notable cartoon on the plight of Jewish refugees...
Item #679880
July 03, 1938
NEW YORK TIMES, July 3, 1938
* Jewish refugees political cartoon
* Escaping Adolph Hitler & Nazi Germany
The top of an inside page (E-3) has a very notable political cartoon concerning the plight of Jewish refugees trying to flee Nazi Germany, notable enough that it is a feature display in the National Holocaust Museum in Washington, D.C.
This cartoon was created in anticipation... See More
1935 Gangster Dutch Shultz NYC Funeral...
Item #679315
October 29, 1935
THE NEW YORK TIMES, October 29, 1935
* Arthur Dutch Schultz Flegenheimer funeral
* Jewish gangster - beer baron - racketeer
The top of page 2 has a one column heading: "SCHULTZ FUNERAL IS HELD SECRETLY" with subheads. (see) Always nice to have notable events in history reported in this World famous publication, especially on this topic.
Complete with 42 pages, light toning at the... See More
Adolf Hitler opens the 1936 Summer Olympics...
Item #679222
August 01, 1936
FITCHBURG SENTINEL, Fitchburg, Massachusetts, August 1, 1936
* Olympics open in front of the Nazi Party
The front page has a three column, three line headline: "Olympic Games Given Rousing Sendoff Today At opening Ceremonies", with subheading: "Huge Throngs Pack Stadium Despite Heavy Downpour; Roar Greeting to Hitler", and more. Coverage continues on an inside page... See More
Consecrating a Jewish synagogue in London...
Item #678988
April 19, 1851
ILLUSTRATED LONDON NEWS, England, April 19, 1851
* Rare Jewish synagogue illustration
* Western Synagogue, St. Albans Place, London
* Judaica - Jews
The front page shows; "Good Friday Cross Buns". Inside has a half page print: "Consecration of the Jewish Synagogue, St. Albans Place, St. James's" in London, with a related article. This is the Western Synagogue... See More
Oliver Twist and Fagin the Jew...
Item #678986
March 02, 1872
HARPER'S WEEKLY, March 2, 1872 Two front 1/4 pg. portraits of "The Rev. Theodore L. Cuyler" and "Miss Sarah F. Smiley, the Quakeress Preacher."
Inside is a 2/3 pg. illus. of: "The British Exlipse Expedition in India-Incident at Bakul"; one-third pg. illus. of: "Entrance to the Ancient Jewish Catacombs at Rome"; small portrait of "Pa-Ha-Uzah-T... See More
1947 Acre Prison break...
Item #678457
May 05, 1947
* Acre Prison break
* Irgun - Zionist paramilitary
* British Mandate of Palestine
The front page has a one column heading: "Jews Blast Into Prison, Free 227" with subhead. (see) First report coverage on the famous Acre Prison break by the Irgun in Palestine.
Thirty pages, some heavy browning to front page only (see image), some spine wear, otherwise... See More
Crystal Night (Kristallnacht)...
Item #678257
November 14, 1938
FITCHBURG SENTINEL, Massachusetts, November 14, 1938
* re. Crystal Night (Kristallnacht)
* The night of broken glass
* Persecution of Jews
This 12 page newspaper has a three column headline on the front page: "Strong British Protest Sent Germany Against Attacks By Reich Press" with subheads. (see)
Other news of the day throughout.
Lightly browned, otherwise in good conditio... See More
1936 Wilhelm Gustloff assassination...
Item #678113
February 05, 1936
THE KNICKERBOCKER PRESS, Albany, February 5, 1936
* Wilhelm Gustloff assassination
* Nazi leader in Switzerland
* Croatian Jewish student
Near the top of page 2 is a one column heading: "SWISS NAZI HEAD SLAIN BY STUDENT" with subhead. (see) First report coverage on the assassination of Wilhelm Gustloff, Nazi leader in Switzerland, by David Frankfueter, a Croatian Jewish student.... See More
Fund-raising event to support what is now Mount Sinai Hospital...
Item #677753
October 29, 1858
NEW YORK HERALD, Oct. 29, 1858
* Early Mount Sinai Hospital (Manhattan)
Of special note is a back page article taking three-quarters of a column headed: "The Jews' Hospital" "Dinner and Ball in Aid of Its Funds".
This hospital is now known as Mount Sinai, one of the more notable hospitals in the world. It was dedicated just 3 years previous, with mention in th... See More
America prohibits the importation of slaves (1807)...
Item #677725
THE GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE, London, England, March, 1807 Under: "Abstract of Foreign Occurrences" is a brief yet notable report: "The American Congress has passed a bill for the abolition of the slave trade, by a majority of 24---the numbers being ayes 73, noes 49." This refers to the significant "Act Prohibiting Importation of Slaves" which was signed into la... See More
Mobster Kid Cann acquitted of murder....
Item #677684
February 19, 1936
CHICAGO DAILY TRIBUNE, February 19, 1936
* Kid Cann - Isadore Blumenfeldd
* Jewish-American mobster - gangster
* Minneapolis, Minnesota organized crime
The front page has a five column heading: "Acquit Cann in Liggett Slaying" with subheads. (see) Related photo is on the back page. First report coverage continues on page 2 with photo of Isadore Blumenfeld.
Other news, sports and... See More
1896 Troy, New York clothing factory fire...
Item #677437
February 18, 1896
DAILY GLOBE, Bethlehem, Penn., February 18, 1896
* Troy, New York
* Clothing factory fire
* Sewing girls disaster
The top of page 3 has s one column heading: "A HOLOCAUST AT TROY" with subheads. (see)
Four pages, light toning, a little irregular along the spine, generally nice.
1910 expulsion of Jews in Kiev, Ukraine......
Item #676778
May 05, 1910
THE EVENING TRIBUNE, San Diego, May 13, 1910
* Purge on Jews - Jewish - Judaica
* Kiev of Kyiv - Ukraine - Russia
The top of the front page has a three column headline: "EXPULSION OF JEWS FROM KIEV, RUSSIA, WILL BE RESUMED BY AUTHORITIES" with subheads. (see) Surprisingly this issue is in good condition being from the "wood pulp" era. Very hard to find issues that are n... See More
Nazis suggest what Gentiles need to know... Jews are not gentle victims...
Item #676706
May 26, 1944
THE STAR, Island of Guernsey (in the English Channel), May 26, 1944 A very curious issue, as Guernsey, an English-speaking island, was occupied by the Germans during WWII so all the news was pro-Nazi.
Among the front page reports are: "Italian Battle Grows In Intensity" "Heavy Anglo-American Tank Losses" "German Population Undaunted" "Anglo-Americans Talks... See More
A Nazi newspaper from a British island...
Item #676703
May 19, 1944
THE STAR, Island of Guernsey (in the English Channel), May 19, 1944
* Rare German occupation title
* World War II - WWII - pre D-Day
A very curious issue, as Guernsey, an English-speaking island, was occupied by the Germans during WWII so all the news was pro-Nazi.
Among the front page reports are: "Cassino Evacuated for Better Strategic Position" "Judo-Bolshevism I... See More
Friendly address to the Jews... Capitulation of Guadalupe...
Item #676665
THE GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE, London, June, 1759 Among the articles are a continued: "Life of Mary Stuart, Queen of Scotland" "Friendly Address to the Jews" which takes a full page; "Articles of Capitulation between their Excellencies & the Inhabitants of Guadelupe, etc." and "Gazette Account of the Taking of Guadaloupe" which takes more than ... See More
Pre-Holocaust plea for Jewish homeland...
Item #676509
June 19, 1936
THE SCRANTON TIMES, Pennsylvania, June 19, 1936
* David Lloyd George appeals for Jewish homeland
* Former Prime Minister of England
The front page has: "PLEA IS MADE BY LLOYD GEORGE IN BEHALF OF JEWS", with subhead: "SAYS ENGLAND SHOULD CARRY-OUT PLEDGES - RECALLS AID GIVEN TO ALLIES DURING WAR", with considerable supporting text. See images for details.
The front page... See More
British Jew Bill... Louisiana explored... Carolina bird plate...
Item #676497
* Jewish Naturalization Act
(excludes plate of St. Philip's Church in Charleston) Among the articles is: "The Bill Permitting the Jews to be Naturalized by Parliament..." which was a significant event in Judaica history and takes over a full page of text.
* Jewish Naturalization Act
(excludes plate of St. Philip's Church in Charleston) Among the articles is: "The Bill Permitting the Jews to be Naturalized by Parliament..." which was a significant event in Judaica history and takes over a full page of text.
There is also a full page taken up with text and
... See More
Hebrew customs discussed...
Item #676466
THE GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE, London, January, 1740 An article of note is: "Discourse on Hebrew Customs Concluded" - which is a continuation from the previous issue.
Under the "Historical Chronicle" near the back is a report which includes: "...Being a general fast was observed with great decency & solemnity throughout the city, & by the Jews also in the
... See More
Under the "Historical Chronicle" near the back is a report which includes: "...Being a general fast was observed with great decency & solemnity throughout the city, & by the Jews also in the
MS St. Louis ocean liner... Jewish refugees...
Item #675706
June 06, 1939
* German Ocean Liner MS St. Louis
* Jewish refugees are refused in Cuba
* "Voyage of the Damned" - Jews
The top of page 4 has a one column heading: "Jews On Roving Ship Win Right To Land In Cuba" with subhead. (see) Always nice to have notable events in history reported in this World famous publication.
Other news, sports and adver... See More
A Jewish homeland in Ethiopia?... Doc Barker killed...
Item #674550
January 15, 1939
PACIFIC EMPRESS, "A Newspaper Printed & Published Daily Aboard Canadian Pacific Steamships", Jan. 15, 1939 A rather rare, small newspaper with the bkpg. having: "Jews Reject Il Duce's Offer of Aid" which was his proposal for establishing a Jewish state in Italian Ethiopia.
Also a report that outlaw Doc Barker, son of Ma Barker & brother of Fred Baker, was kil... See More
A very uncommon title...Religious magazine...
Item #673730
May 01, 1828
NEW JERUSALEM MAGAZINE, (Boston), October, 1827 Although the Boston imprint does not appear on the ftpg., we include a copy of the volume's title page which verifies the city of publication.
A religious publication with contents including: "Salvation In the Commandments" "Revelation & Reason" "Nature & Efficacy of True Prayer" and more.
Complete in... See More
Roosevelt backs Jews...
Item #673711
November 17, 1938
THE GREENSBOROUGH PATRIOT, (Greensboro), North Carolina, Nov. 17, 1938 Front page coverage has a one column heading: "ROOSEVELT HAS SHARP REBUKE FOR JEW HATERS", with a subheading, "Says Public Opinion Deeply Shocked By German Atrocities; 50,000 Jews Held as Hostages". The article goes on to quote Roosevelt: "I myself could scarcely believe that such things coul... See More
Nazi guards kill 12 Jews...
Item #673710
November 24, 1938
THE GREENSBOROUGH PATRIOT, (Greensboro), North Carolina, Nov. 24, 1938 Front page coverage has a one column heading: "DEATH GANTLET OF NAZI GUARDS KILLS 12 JEWS ", with subheading: "Group of 62 Beaten with Spades, Whips and Club on Arrival At Concentration Camp.". The article goes on to state in part, "...12 of a group of 62 well-to-do Jews, allegedly were beate... See More
Hitler backs Mussolini... The Jewish question...
Item #673516
February 02, 1939
THE GREENSBORO PATRIOT, North Carolina, Feb. 2, 1939 The banner headline declares: "HITLER PROMISES SUPPORT FOR MUSSOLINI" with subheads including: THE REICHSTAG HEARS DEMAND OF CHANCELLOR FOR LAND, TRADE", "Fuehrer Warns The United States Not To Interrupt Nazi Program in South America, Raps Ickes".
Included in the article is a list of Declarations including: "... See More
Rochard Strauss and the Nazis re. Jews....
Item #672628
July 13, 1935
* Richard Strauss and Nazi Germany
* German composer, conductor & pianist
* Resigns because a Jew wrote his opera
The front page has a one column heading: "Richard Strauss Out In Row With The Nazis" with subhead: "In Hot Water Because Jew Wrote Opera Libretto, Composer Resigns" (See)
Complete with 18 pages, light toning at the... See More
Hitler runs for the Presidency...
Item #672430
February 23, 1932
THE DETROIT FREE PRESS, February 23, 1932
* Adolph Hitler runs for president (1st report)
* The beginning of his rise to power
* Platform: banishment of all Jews
This 22 page newspaper has one column headlines on the front page: "HITLER TO RUN FOR PRESIDENT", "Leads Nazis Against Von Hindenburg" with smaller subheads that include: "Hitler Pl... See More
Initiating the historic Maryland Jew Bill...
Item #672090
December 19, 1818
NILES' WEEKLY REGISTER, Baltimore, Dec. 19, 1818
* Maryland Jew Bill Initiated
Inside has a brief yet notable item with a small head: "Maryland Legislature" which includes in part: "...A committee was appointed to bring in a bill to extend the same civil privileges to persons professing the Jewish religion as are enjoyed by those of any other religious sect..."... See More
Shavuot begins... 1872 Jewish holiday...
Item #672037
June 13, 1872
THE NEW YORK HERALD, June 13, 1872
* Shavuot - Feast of Weeks - Pentacost
* Jews - Jewish holiday - Hebrew festival
Page 4 has an article headed: "The Jewish Feast Of Pentacost" with subhead. (see)
Complete with 10 pages, nice condition.
Published by P. T. Barnum... View of Concord, New Hampshire...
Item #669880
January 29, 1853
THE ILLUSTRATED NEWS New York, Feb. 12, 1853 Among the prints in this short-lived paper (lasted just 48 issues) are: "Floating Mortar" "Astor Place Opera House" "Ladies Presenting the Great Temperance Petition at Albany" "The Seals of Jerusalem".
Also a nice nearly half page overview of the city of: "Concord, New Hampshire" "... See More
Published by P.T. Barnum...
Item #669878
ILLUSTRATED NEWS, New York, Jan. 22, 1853 * Published by P. T. Barnum
Among the prints are: "Captain Ericsson Explaining His Invention to the Editors of New York" "Floating Mortar" "Astor Place Opera House" "Ball of the New York Fire Department..." "The Seals of Jerusalem" a nice town view of: "Concord, New Hampshire with 5 smaller... See More
1945 Irma Grese captured photo...
Item #669724
April 23, 1945
* Female SS guard Irma Grese photo
* Bergen-Belsen concentration camp
* Jewish Holocaust - exterminations - atrocities
While the front page has a nice banner headline concerning the last days before Germany would surrender, the back page has a somewhat famous photo showing Irma Grese during here capture by British troops. (see)
Other news, spor... See More
Surrender of Belgrade...
George Whitefield... Methodism... Hebrew customs...
Item #669527
THE GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE, London, England, September, 1739* Historical Jewish and Christian content
* George Whitefield
* Surrender of Belgrade
One of the articles within is headed: "Continuation of the dissertation begun in our Last Whether the Hebrews Borrow'd any Customs from the Heathens" which takes over 1 1/2 pages (see photos for portions). Another article ... See More
1873 Congregation Emanu-EL of New York...
Item #669414
December 14, 1873
THE NEW YORK HERALD, Dec. 14, 1873
* Congregation Emanu-El of New York - temple
* First reform Jewish congregation of NYC
* Rabbi Gustav Gottheil - Jews - Judaica
The top of page 7 has a one column heading: "Temple Emanuel" with subhead. (see)
Other news of the day. Complete with 16 pages, minor spine wear, nice condition.... See More
1869 Rosh Hashanah - Jewish New Year...
Item #669107
September 05, 1869
THE NEW YORK HERALD, Sept. 5, 1869
* Rosh Hashanah - High Holy Days
* Jewish New Year - Jews - Judaica
Page 8 has an article headed: "Rosh-Hoshono" "Opening of the Festive Season of the Jews..." (see)
Other news of the day. Complete with all 12 pages in nice condition.... See More
Rabbi Kagan's (Chofetz Chaim) memorial service...
Item #668678
September 24, 1933
NEW YORK TIMES, September 24, 1933
* Yisrael Meir Kagan (The Chofetz Chaim)
* Rabbi Kagan death memorial - Musar movement
While this issue provides a significant amount of content regarding the affairs and progress of the Nazi party on Germany, the most significant content is the page 37 memorial service report on Chofetz Chaim with a one column heading: "Chofetz Chaim Rites Pla... See More
Commenting on the Maryland "Jew Bill"...
Item #667762
January 14, 1826
THE NILES WEEKLY REGISTER, Baltimore, Jan. 14, 1826
* Maryland Jew Bill becomes law
Under the heading "Maryland" is a very nice, editorialized report acknowledging the very recent approval of the "Jew Bill" which allowed--for the first time--Jews to hold public office in the state of Maryland.
The report reads in part: "The affairs of our state begin to... See More
Lengthy Judaica item, plus the founding of Georgia...
Item #667378
THE GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE, London, February, 1731 There are several notable articles in this issue, including over a full page on: "...an Historical and Law-Treatise Against Jews and Judaism, published some years since."Another significant item is one of the earliest reports to be had on what would be the creation of the Georgia colony, headed: "A true Account of a new Co... See More
Daniel Frohman, a notable Jew...
Item #666772
November 02, 1893
Of special note is an article: "Notable Jews--Daniel Frohman" which includes a photo of him & an article on his life.
The ftpg. has an illus: "Farewell to the World's Columbian Exposition at Chicago". Inside has two pages taken up with bird's-eye views of the Columbian Exposition.
Reunification of Jerusalem... Israel...
Item #664942
June 28, 1967
THE RUSSELL DAILY NEWS, Kansas, June 28, 1967
* Reunification of Jerusalem
* East Jerusalem
The front page has a one column heading: "Israel Annexes City of Jerusalem" (see) First report coverage on reunification of Jerusalem, establishing Israeli control over the "Old City".
Complete with 8 pages, a few small binding holes along the spine, nice condition.... See More
Jewish Holocaust becomes a public reality... Nazi atrocities...
Item #664525
April 05, 1943
THE NEW YORK TIMES, April 5, 1943
* Jewish Holocaust becoming reality to the public
* Nazi-occupied Europe exterminations
* Help on the way ?
This 36 page newspaper has one column headlines on page 14: "JEWISH CONGRESS ASKS AID IN EUROPE", "Chicago Division to Push Succor Programs for the 5,000,000 Jews There" and more (see photos). See photos fo... See More
Rabbi Menachem Schneerson's funeral...
Item #664200
June 13, 1994
LOS ANGELES TIMES, June 13, 1994
* Menachem Mendal Schneerson death funeral
* Orthodox Jewish rabbi - Jews - Judaica
The front page has a large photo with a one-column heading: "Famed Rabbi's Funeral Draws Thousands", with more on an inside page which include a small photo of him. Considerable details regarding his life are included. See images for details.
Other news of the ... See More
Jewish State... Bob Feller's no-hitter.....
Item #663827
May 01, 1946
NEW YORK TIMES, May 1, 1946
* Bob Feller no-hitter at Yankee Stadium
* Cleveland Indians - MLB baseball
* Jewish Statehood sought
The front page has a three column headline: "JOINT PALESTINE BODY BARS A JEWISH STATE, BUT URGES ENTRY OF 100,000 REFUGEES" with subheads.
Page 34 has one column heads which include: "FELLER TOPS YANKS WITH NO-HITTER, 1-0" "Six Re... See More
1948 Hadassah medical convoy massacre...
Item #663573
April 14, 1948
THE NEW YORK TIMES, April 14, 1948
* Hadassah medical convoy massacre
* Mount Scopus, Northeast Jerusalem
* Jewish doctors, nurses - Jews - Judaica
The top of page 6 has a one column heading: "34 JEWS ARE SLAIN IN HOSPITAL CONVOY" with subheads and 2 related photos. (see) First report coverage on the Hadassah Medical convoy massacre on Mount Scopus in Jerusalem during the 1947-4... See More
Kristallnacht in Nazi Germany...
Item #662954
November 15, 1938
NEW YORK WORLD-TELEGRAM, November 15, 1938
* Kristallnacht - crystal night
* Persecution of Jews
A follow up to "Kristallnacht" or Night of Broken Glass, a coordinated attack upon Nazi Jews which resulted in 91 deaths and over 30,000 being sent to concentration camps. The 3 line headline reads: "U. S. PLAN TO MOVE 600,000 JEWS REPORTED ACCEPTED BY BRITAIN" with sub... See More
Jewish Holocaust becomes a public reality...
Item #662864
November 27, 1940
THE NEW YORK TIMES, Nov. 27, 1940
* Jewish Holocaust being known for the 1st time
* Nazi-occupied Poland exterminations - atrocities
The top of page 8 has a one column heading: "WOMAN OF POLAND DEPICT ITS MISERY" with subhead: "EXTERMINATION HELD AIM" and more. See images for coverage on the ongoing atrocities in Nazi-occupied Poland where extermination of the Jewish pop... See More
Reunification of Jerusalem... Israel...
Item #662695
June 29, 1967
THE SPRINGFIELD UNION, Massachusetts, June 29, 1967
* Reunification of Jerusalem
* East Jerusalem
The front page has three column headline: "Divided Jerusalem Made Single City; U. S. Won't Recognize Hasty Action" with subhead.
Also on the front page: "Israeli Annexation Felt Violation of Confidence" with caption: "Washington Deplores Move"
1st repor... See More
Rose Gruening death... Jewish settlement founder...
Item #662681
August 01, 1934
THE NEW YORK TIMES, August 1, 1934
* Jewish settlement founder Rose Gruening death
* Camp Moodna, Mountainville, New York
The top of page 17 has a one column heading: "'GRAND ST. ANGEL' IS DEAD AT CAMP" with subheads and photo. (see) First report coverage on the death of Rose Gruening, founder of the Camp Moodna at Mountainville, New York.
Other news, sports and advertise... See More
A Nazi newspaper from an English island...
Item #662513
May 19, 1943
EVENING PRESS, Guernsey, Channel Islands, May 19, 1943 Among the front page reports are: "Britain's Right to Rule World Sacrificed to the Jews" "U-Boats Attack Meat Convoy in North Atlantic" "U.S. Covets Canada" and much more.
Four pages, great condition.
This newspaper was published on this island in the English Channel and was occupied by the Germans during ... See More
1938 Jewish holocaust... seizure of businesses....
Item #662471
November 20, 1938
* The Jewish Holocaust in progress
* Eviction of Jews without belongings
* Post Kristallnacht era
The front page has a two column heading: "'Jehovah' Banned, Property Seized" with caption: "Germany Widens Pogroms".
Complete with all 40+ pages, light toning at the margins, small library stamp within the masthead, ... See More
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