Abraham Lincoln & The Civil War
We offer these special packages as a great way to acquire a collection of newspapers that cover the scope of the American Civil War. To learn more about newspapers from this era and to shop individual issues, be sure to visit our main Civil War newspapers page.Abraham Lincoln & The Civil War
We offer these special packages as a great way to acquire a collection of newspapers that cover the scope of the American Civil War. To learn more about newspapers from this era and to shop individual issues, be sure to visit our main <a href="http://www.rarenewspapers.com/entry/civil_war">Civil War newspapers</a> page.
Civil War map of the Yorktown vicinity...
Item #690272
May 09, 1862
* Siege of Yorktown ends
* Battle of Williamsburg, Virginia
* New Orleans LA Louisiana
The front page is dominated by a nice Civil War map headed: "The Defenses Of Yorktown" (see photos). There are nice one column heads also: "The Advance of McClellan's Army" "The Enemy Still In Full Retreat" "The Battle of Williams... See More
From the capital of the Confederacy...
Item #690211
September 08, 1864
RICHMOND EXAMINER, Virginia, Sept. 8, 1864
* From the Confederate capital
* Fall of Atlanta, Georgia
The issue includes: "The War News" "Wheeler's Movements" "Grant & His Family--Operations on James River" "From Georgia--Wheeler's Operations--From Mobile" "Additional From the North--The Fall of Atlanta" "The President... See More
The war for the Union...
Item #690091
August 27, 1861
NEW YORK TRIBUNE, Aug. 27, 1861 Much war reporting on inside pages including: "THE WAR FOR THE UNION" "Affairs In East Tennessee" 'Operations of the Navy Dept." "A Plank of Gen. McClellan Divulged" "Name of Those Sent to Dry Tortugas" and more.
Eight pages, some foxing, good condition.
From the capital of the Confederacy...
Item #689974
July 27, 1864
RICHMOND EXAMINER, Virginia, July 27, 1864
* From the Confederate capital
* General Robert E. Lee dispatch
This issue has: "The War News" which begins: "The most important news we have is the report of a complete victory by our forces in the Valley, near Winchester...". It also includes a letter on the battles signed in type: R. E. Lee, General.
Other items inclu... See More
Advancing upon the Battle of Bull Run...
Item #689844
July 20, 1861
NEW YORK TIMES, July 20, 1861
* First Battle of Bull Run beginning - Manassas
* 1st major battle of the American Civil War
Close to half of the first column is taken up with a stack of headlines including: "THE ADVANCE" "Movements of the National Army" "Skirmishing at Bull's Run" "8000 Troops Engaged" "The Rebels Retire from their Posit... See More
Guerrilla camps are broken up...
Item #689843
October 29, 1863
PHILADELPHIA INQUIRER, Oct. 29, 1863 Among the front page column heads on the Civil War: "THE LATEST NEWS!" "Affairs On The Potomac" "The Rebels at Winchester & Upperville, Virginia" "General Lee to Winter In Gordonsville" "The War In Tennessee--Guerrilla Camps Broken Up" "Excitement In Baltimore" "Affairs at Sharpsburg&quo... See More
Robert E. Lee is advancing northward...
Item #689842
October 14, 1863
PHILADELPHIA INQUIRER, Oct. 14, 1863 Among the front page column heads on the Civil War: "The Latest From Meade's Army" "Lee Advancing Northward" "Our Forces Retiring" "Latest From the Southwest" "Interesting From Washington" "The Army of the Potomac" "Lee Attempts to Outflank Meade" "Brilliant Conduct of Our Cava... See More
Rebels are routed in Tennessee...
Item #689838
November 12, 1864
THE PHILADELPHIA INQUIRER, Nov. 12, 1864 Among the front page column heads on the Civil War are: "The Rebels Routed in East Tennessee" "Favorable News From General Sherman" "Gen. Hood's Whereabouts Unknown" "Worthlessness of Confederate Money" "How the Currency Depreciated" "The People Have No Faith in the Promises of the Government&... See More
Peace talks... Lee is after Sherman...
Item #689837
February 04, 1865
* Hampton Roads Conference
Among the front page column heads on the Civil War are: "The Question Of Peace" "Secretary Seward & the Commissioners" "They Meet at Anchor in Hampton Roads" "Speculations As To the Result" "Mr. Lincoln at Fortress Monroe" "Lee Reported Sending Troops South"... See More
General Forrest retreating thru Tennessee...
Item #689832
April 05, 1864
THE PHILADELPHIA INQUIRER, April 5, 1864 Among the front page first column heads on the Civil War are: "Gen. Grant's Return to Washington" "The War In The Southwest" "Forrest Retreating through Tennessee" "Grierson's Cavalry In Pursuit" "Union Victory in Connecticut" and more.
Eight pages, never bound nor trimmed, minor foxing & ... See More
The last battle of the Civil War... Trial of Lincoln's conspirators...
Item #689704
May 28, 1865
NEW YORK HERALD, New York, May 28, 1865
* Kirby Smith Surrenders
* Formal end of Civil War
* Trial of the conspirators
Among the first column heads reporting on the trial of those who conspired to murder the President: "THE TRIAL" "Atzerott Prowling About for President Johnson" "Efforts to Impeach the Credibility of the Witnesses for the Prosecution" &q... See More
Rare mention of Kit Carson...
Item #689679
September 04, 1863
NEW-YORK TRIBUNE, Sept. 4, 1863
* Kit Carson fights the Navajo Indians
Page 5 has a brief but notable report headed: "Victory of Kit Carson Over the Indians" about the defeat of a group of: " ...Navajoe Indians beyond fort Canby..." by part of the 1st New-Mexican Regiment led by Kit Carson.
Quite rare to see a report mentioning this famous Old West scout and explor... See More
Civil War map of Mobile Bay...
Item #689671
June 17, 1862
NEW YORK TRIBUNE, June 17, 1862 The front page is dominated by a nice map headed: "The Approach To Mobile" and also: "Vicinity of Forts Morgan & Gaines and the Entrance To Mobile Bay."
Among the ftpg. column heads on the Civil War: "The Attack on Charleston" "Continued Fighting" "A Georgia Colonel & Sixty men Killed" "Battle In ... See More
Map of the scenes of battle in Florida...
Item #689669
February 20, 1864
NEW YORK HERALD, Feb. 20, 1864 (erroneously printed as 1863 on pgs. 1 & 5) The ftpg. is filled with ads being a "triple sheet" issue.
Much Civil War reporting on pages 3+ with a map headed: "The Campaign In Florida" with much detail, showing from St. Mary's to Ocala & much in between. Also a smaller map showing the Natchez, Mississippi, vicinity.
Among the c... See More
Fall of Richmond, the capital of the Confederacy...
Item #689661
April 04, 1865
NEW YORK HERALD, April 4, 1865
* Fall of Richmond VA Virginia
* Civil War nearing the end
First column heads on the front page about the fall of Richmond: "GRANT" "Richmond Ours" "Weitzel Entered the Rebel Capital Yesterday Morning" "Many Guns Captured" "Our Troops Received with Enthusiasm" "The City On Fire" "Pe
... See More
* Fall of Richmond VA Virginia
* Civil War nearing the end
First column heads on the front page about the fall of Richmond: "GRANT" "Richmond Ours" "Weitzel Entered the Rebel Capital Yesterday Morning" "Many Guns Captured" "Our Troops Received with Enthusiasm" "The City On Fire" "Pe
The Monitor versus the Merrimac... Lincoln's strategy for emancipation...
Item #689605
March 15, 1862
* Abraham Lincoln on Emancipation
* Battle of the Monitor and Merrimack (CSS Virginia)
A wonderful issue on the historic naval battle between the Monitor & the Merrimack, with much on other war reports as well.
The front page has a nice Civil War map: "Field Of Operations On the Potomac" with related reports as well as: "Captu... See More
The Emancipation Proclamation... Lincoln suspends the Writ of Habeas Corpus...
Item #689603
September 27, 1862
NEW YORK WEEKLY TRIBUNE, September 27, 1862
* Emancipation Proclamation
* President Abraham Lincoln
Page 2 contains the full texts of the Emancipation Proclamation, perhaps the most significant Presidential pronouncement of the entire Civil War wherein Lincoln declared all slaves free.
Headed: "A Proclamation By the President of the United States" the document begins at the... See More
Four maps on the Civil War...
Item #689602
March 29, 1862
NEW YORK WEEKLY TRIBUNE, March 29, 1862 Page 3 has a Civil War map: "The Attack Upon Island No. 10" and another one column illustration: "The Mississippi": with related reporting.
Page 4 has a small print showing Island #10 in the Mississippi, and page 5 has a map: "The Battle-Field At New Bern".
There is a wealth of Civil War reporting throughout.
Eigh... See More
Five issues with a Civil War-related print...
Item #689583
November 22, 1862
SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN, New York A nice lot of 5 different issues from 1863 & 1864, each contains within a print related to the Civil War as well as a wealth of other prints not war-related.
Additionally there are news items from the war.
Each issue complete in 16 pages and in nice condition.
Fort McAllister, Georgia map....
Item #689540
February 13, 1863
NEW YORK TRIBUNE, Feb. 13, 1863 The front page features a nice Civil War map headed: "The Attack On Fort McAllister". Various front page column heads including: "The Department Of The South" "Landing of Gen. Foster's Forces" "Visit to the Interior by the Generals" "The Attack on Fort McAllister" and more. Page 3 has the "Evening Edit... See More
John Wilkes Booth appears at Ford's Theater...
Item #689534
November 05, 1863
DAILY NATIONAL INTELLIGENCER, Washington, D.C., Nov. 5, 1863
* John Wilkes Booth as an actor
* Rare appearance at Ford's Theatre
A terrific issue with one of the more ironic twists of history, and only to be found in a newspaper from Washington, D.C.
Near the top of the front page is an article headed: "Ford's New Theatre--The Lady of Lyons". The writer reports on t... See More
Latest Civil War news from the Confederate capital...
Item #689496
December 01, 1863
DAILY DISPATCH, Richmond, Virginia, Dec. 1, 1863
* Capital of the Confederacy
A wealth of front page Civil War reporting--from the Confederate perspective--including: "Latest From General Bragg" "The Late Battle" "Affairs on the Rapidan--No Battle Yet" "More Burning in Charlestown" "The Shelling of Charleston" "From East Tennessee... See More
Latest Civil War news from the Confederate capital...
Item #689493
September 13, 1862
DAILY DISPATCH, Richmond, Virginia, Sept. 13, 1862
* From the capital of the Confederacy
A wealth of front page Civil War reporting--from the Confederate perspective--including: "From Our Army" "Confederate Congress" "Position of the Union Cause--Plain Talk for a Northern Latitude" "An Interesting Journey" "From The West - Kentuckians Rally... See More
Latest Civil War news from the Confederate capital...
Item #689492
September 12, 1862
DAILY DISPATCH, Richmond, Virginia, Sept. 12, 1862
* From the capital of the Confederacy
A wealth of front page Civil War reporting--from the Confederate perspective--including: "From Our Army In Maryland" "Letter From Mississippi" "Yankee Treatment of Their Prisoners" "The Dash Into Williamsburg" "Confederate Congress" "Further F... See More
Three letters signed: R. E. Lee... An Address signed: Jefferson Davis...
Item #689479
August 19, 1862
DAILY DISPATCH, Richmond, Virginia, Aug. 19, 1862
* From the capital of the Confederacy
* General Robert E. Lee & Jefferson Davis
Over a full column of the front page is taken up with: "President's Message - To the Senate & House of Rep. of the Confederate States" being a nice report on the current war situation. One bit notes: "The gallantry and good... See More
Early print of the Yosemite Valley...
Item #689453
November 21, 1863
FRANK LESLIE'S ILLUSTRATED, New York, Nov. 21, 1863 The front page has a print of: "The War in Tennessee--Attempt of the Rebels to Blow up a Supply Train near Cumberland Tunnel" and a small print of: "Rockville, A Deserted Village Near Charleston".
The tipped-in centerfold is a nice print of the: "Grand Ball at the Academy of Music, New York...".
Other pri... See More
Abraham Lincoln's 1st speech upon being re-elected...
Item #689182
November 11, 1864
NEW YORK TRIBUNE, Nov. 11, 1864
* Abraham Lincoln address
* "In Response to a Serenade"
* Jefferson Davis & arming of slaves ?
Page five has column heads: "UNION REJOICES" "Serenading the President and Cabinet - Speeches of Mr. Lincoln, Mr. Seward, and Others."
The article includes one of the most humble calls for unity given by Lincoln: "The P... See More
Full front page Civil War map of the Mississippi Valley...
Item #689179
March 08, 1862
NEW YORK HERALD, March 8, 1862
* Rare full front page Civil War map - Mississippi Valley
* Missouri, Tennessee, Illinois, Arkansas, Kentucky and more
The front page is entirely taken up with a map headed: "THE MISSISSIPPI VALLEY; The Points of Interest Between Nashville, Tennessee and Arkansas, and the Gibraltars of the Rebels". Also a small page 3 map titled: "Sce... See More
Kit Carson fights the Navajo Indians... Lincoln's famous rally-letter endorsed...
Item #689176
September 04, 1863
NEW YORK TIMES, Sept. 4, 1863
* Kit Carson
* Abraham Lincoln
Although much of the front page is taken up with reports from the Civil War, perhaps the most interesting item is the brief page 5 item headed: "Victory of Kit Carson Over the Indians", reading in part: "...had a fight with the Navajoe Indians beyond Fort Canby. The Indians were defeated with the loss of 13 ki... See More
Fort Donelson, and two great Civil War maps, The "War Supplement"..
Item #689145
March 15, 1862
FRANK LESLIE'S ILLUSTRATED, New York, March 15, 1862 The front page has: "The War In Tennessee--Group of Rebel Prisoners Captured at Fort Donelson". Other prints within including: "Major-Gen. Ulysses S. Grant..." "Approach of the U.S. Gunboats to Fort Henry, Tenn. River", a terrific & very dramatic centerfold: "Storming of Fort Donelson...". Al... See More
The Monitor vs. the Merrimac, & much more...
Item #689144
March 22, 1862
FRANK LESLIE'S ILLUSTRATED, New York, March 22, 1862
* Battle of Hampton Roads, Virginia
* Battle of the Monitor and Merrimack (CSS Virginia)
* Civil War ironclads clash w/ illustrations
The front page has a print of a soldier shooting, as well as a lengthy article: "The Naval Battle in Hampton Roads" which featured the historic battle between the Monitor & the Merr... See More
Many war-related prints...
Item #689143
February 07, 1863
FRANK LESLIE'S ILLUSTRATED, New York, Feb. 7, 1863 The front page shows: "The Night Burial At Sea--Funeral Rites to a Dead Volunteer...".
Prints within include: "Grand Requiem Mass In St. Patrick's Cathedral" "The Capture of Galveston--Blowing Up of the U.s. Gunboat Westfield..." "Butchering & Dressing Cattle for Distribution to the Union... See More
Emaciated Union soldiers... Battle of Resaca...
Item #689085
June 18, 1864
FRANK LESLIE'S ILLUSTRATED, New York, June 18, 1864 The front page is mostly taken up with 8 prints of very emaciated: "Union Prisoners as They Appeared on Their Release from the Rebel Prisons".
Prints within include: "The War in Georgia--Battle of Resaca" "The War in Louisiana...Confederate Batteries on Red River." "Grant's Campaign in Virgi... See More
Civil War map of Eastern Virginia...
Item #689080
May 26, 1862
NEW YORK TRIBUNE, May 26, 1862
* First Battle of Winchester VA Virginia
The front page features a large and very detailed map headed: "THE SEAT OF WAR IN EASTERN VIRGINIA."
Among the front page column heads are: "The Gallant Action of Col. Crook" "Details of the Rebel Defeat" "We Whipped them Three to One" "Occupation of Raleigh, N.C."... See More
Civil War map shows Maryland & Virginia...
Item #689077
July 22, 1862
NEW YORK TRIBUNE, July 22, 1862
* General John Pope vs. Robert E. Lee
* Northern Virginia Campaign map
The front page is dominated by a nice & very detailed Civil War map headed: "The Field Of Gen. Pope's Operations".
Among the ftpg. column heads are: "Return of a Flag of Truce with Sick & Wounded" "Shocking Treatment of Union Prisoners" &quo... See More
Fort McAllister, Georgia CW era map....
Item #689074
February 13, 1863
NEW YORK TRIBUNE, Feb. 13, 1863
* Battle of Fort McAllister - Georgia
The front page features a nice Civil War map headed: "The Attack On Fort McAllister". Various front page column heads including: "The Department Of The South" "Landing of Gen. Foster's Forces" "Visit to the Interior by the Generals" "The Attack on Fort McAllister"... See More
Perhaps the best graphic Lincoln newspaper to be had...
Item #689046
March 09, 1861
* Perhaps the best graphic Lincoln newspaper to be had...
The front page has text on: "Our Portrait of the President" which relates to the terrific double page centerfold captioned: "Portrait of Abraham Lincoln, President elect of the United States of America, With Scenes & Incidents in His Life."
The larg... See More
Great Civil War prints... Rolla (MO)... Beaufort (SC)... Camp Alexander...
Item #689024
February 01, 1862
FRANK LESLIE'S ILLUSTRATED, New York, Feb. 1, 1862 The ftpg. shows: "Campaign on the Potomac--Guard House Near Langley, Virginia, with Rebel Prisoners".
Inside a fullpg. print shows: "Port Royal Expedition--Scene in the Military Market at Beaufort" showing many African-American slaves.
Other prints include: "Encampment of the National Army Near Rolla", Mis... See More
Killing of Booth & the Lincoln funeral...
Item #688987
May 13, 1865
* Killing of John Wilkes Booth
* President Abraham Lincoln funeral
* Prints - illustrations - wood engravings
The front page shows: "Sergeant Boston Corbett, the Man who shot Booth" as well as a dramatic print of: "The Killing of Booth, the Assassin--The Dying Murderer drawn from the Barn where he had Taken Refuge.... See More
Sherman's Christmas present to President Lincoln and the nation...
Item #688778
December 26, 1864
NEW YORK TRIBUNE, Dec. 26, 1864 An historic issue reporting the fall of Savannah to the Union forces, with one of the more notable quotes part of the headlines, with ftpg: "CAPTURE OF SAVANNAH" "Hardee's Army Make Their Escape" "150 Guns, 13 Locomotives, 190 Cars & 33,000 Bales of Cotton Taken" "and more.
The most historic part of the report is Sherman... See More
Jefferson Davis' proclamation for a day of "Humiliation and Prayer, with Thanksgiving"...
Item #688735
February 02, 1865
CHRISTIAN OBSERVER, Richmond, Virginia, Feb. 2, 1865
* Jefferson David proclamation
* Confederate Day of Thanksgiving
Has mostly religious-related content on the front page save for a war item: "First Virginia Artillery" "Stray Leaves from a Soldier's Artillery". On the reverse under "General Intelligence" are various news reports from the war.
Also ... See More
Sherman, Grant, and battles near Atlanta...
Item #688721
August 03, 1864
SPRINGFIELD DAILY REPUBLICAN, Massachusetts, Aug. 3, 1864
* Atlanta, Georgia campaign
* Battles before the city
* General William T. Sherman
Page 4 has: "From Sherman's Army" "Sherman Continues Victorious" "The Late Battles Near Atlanta" "From Gen. Grant" "Details of Recent Movements" "The Mine Before Petersburg" "... See More
Item #688715
December 17, 1862
WESTERN CHRISTIAN ADVOCATE, Cincinnati, Ohio, Dec. 17, 1862 Although the title would suggest mostly religious content, there is also much reporting on the on-going Civil War.
Among war-related reports are: "Latest From Burnside" "The War For the Union" & "The Crossing of the Rappahannock Accomplished".
Eight pages, nice condition.
Battle of Fredericksburg...
Item #688714
December 24, 1862
WESTERN CHRISTIAN ADVOCATE, Cincinnati, Ohio, Dec. 24, 1862
* Battle of Fredericksburg, Virginia
* Robert E. Lee vs. Ambrose E. Burnside
Although the title would suggest mostly religious content, there is also much reporting on the on-going Civil War.
The front page has: "The Great Battle At Fredericksburg" which takes nearly 3 columns with many subheads including: "Sc... See More
Mary & Abe Lincoln afflicted over the death of Willie...
Item #688712
April 02, 1862
WESTERN CHRISTIAN ADVOCATE, Cincinnati, Ohio, April 2, 1862
* re. the William Wallace "Willie" Lincoln death
* Abraham & Mary Todd Lincoln's distress
Although the title would suggest mostly religious content, there is also much reporting on the on-going Civil War.
The front page has: "Great Battle At Winchester, Va." "A Visit to the Monitor" &q... See More
Follow-up to the Second Battle of Bull Run...
Item #688664
September 06, 1862
NEW YORK TIMES, Sept. 6, 1862
* Second Battle of Bull Run # 2
* Manassas, Virginia
* Confederate victory
Most of the front page is taken up with follow-up reports on the Second Battle of Bull Run (Manassas). Front page column heads include: "THE WAR IN VIRGINIA" "Gen. McClellan's Orders on Assuming His Command" "Latest Reports of Rebel Movements&
... See More
* Second Battle of Bull Run # 2
* Manassas, Virginia
* Confederate victory
Most of the front page is taken up with follow-up reports on the Second Battle of Bull Run (Manassas). Front page column heads include: "THE WAR IN VIRGINIA" "Gen. McClellan's Orders on Assuming His Command" "Latest Reports of Rebel Movements&
Harvard's 'special' commencement on the end of the Civil War... Slavery abolished in Georgia...
Item #688527
July 25, 1865
NEW YORK TIMES, July 25, 1865
* Harvard University commencement
* Georgia no longer a slave state
* Post civil war reconstruction era
The entire front page features the coverage of "HARVARD" "Culmination of the Grand Commencement" which concludes on the back page.
Although the Civil War had not formally concluded, Harvard's Commencement Week, celebrated th
... See More
From the Confederacy... Did Tennessee secede from the Union...
Item #688494
May 03, 1861
THE DAILY JOURNAL, Wilmington, North Carolina, May 3, 1861
* Rare Confederate title from North Carolina
The front page is entirely taken up with ads. War related items are on the inside pages including a notable item headed: "Secession of Tennessee" which includes: "...that the Legislature of Tennessee...had passed the ordinance of secession by an almost unanimous vote..... See More
The Battle of Antietam... Confederate newspaper printed in Grenada, Mississippi...
Item #688401
September 22, 1862
THE MEMPHIS DAILY APPEAL, Grenada, Mississippi, Sept. 22, 1862 If the title and city of publication seem to be in conflict, they are not. This newspaper had a fascinating history during the Civil War. See the details at the bottom of this listing.
The back page contains an early report on the Battle of Antietam, containing some sketchy, early reports, with: "Later--Another Battle In Ma... See More
North Carolina secession report in a North Carolina newspaper...
Item #688320
May 22, 1861
THE DAILY JOURNAL, Wilmington, North Carolina, May 22, 1861
* North Carolina secession
* American Civil War
Certainly the most notable report is the pg. 2 news headed: "Secession Of North Carolina!" "One of The Confederates States" "North Carolina Free--Lincoln's Military Despotism Repudiated" which also includes the two "Ordinance" reports ... See More
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