Abraham Lincoln & The Civil War

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Abraham Lincoln & The Civil War

We offer these special packages as a great way to acquire a collection of newspapers that cover the scope of the American Civil War. To learn more about newspapers from this era and to shop individual issues, be sure to visit our main <a href="http://www.rarenewspapers.com/entry/civil_war">Civil War newspapers</a> page.
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The final rebel invasion...

Item #681988

July 17, 1864

NEW YORK HERALD, July 17, 1864  Among the front page column heads on the Civil War are: "The Rebel Invasion" "Skirmishing With the Enemy's Rear Guard" "Gen. Grant's Plans for Capturing the Invaders" "The Fight Near Jackson, Miss." "The Rebels Repulsed in All of the Engagements" and much more.

Eight pages, very nice condition.

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1864 Sherman's Atlanta campaign...

Item #681987

July 16, 1864

NEW YORK HERALD, July 16, 1864

* General William T. Sherman

* Pre-march to the sea Atlanta

Among the front page column Civil War heads are: "SHERMAN" "Additional of the Union Army at the Defences of Atlanta" "Additional Details of the Crossing of the Chattahoochee" "Rebel Speculations as to Sherman" with more war reports inside as well.

Eight pages, ... See More  

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Rebels advancing upon Washington, D.C...

Item #681984

July 13, 1864

NEW YORK HERALD, July 13, 1864  

* Rebels 2nd Northern attack

* Washington D.C. captured ?

Nearly two-thirds of the first column is taken up with nice Civil War heads including: "INVASION" "Rumored Attack on the Northern Defenses of Washington by 15,000 Rebels" "Fighting at Silver Springs, Near Washington" "Reported Cavalry Fight at Westminster" ... See More  

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Great reports on Sherman, Sheridan, and Grant...

Item #681976

June 19, 1864

NEW YORK HERALD, June 19, 1864  Among the front page column heads on the Civil War are: "SHERMAN" "The Campaign In Georgia" "The Battle of Resaca" "Retreat of the Rebels" "Hot Pursuit by Our Forces" "SHERIDAN!" "Brilliant Victory Near Gordonsville" "Complete Rout of the Rebel Cavalry" and then: "GRANT" &... See More  

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Second Battle of Petersburg... Civil War...

Item #681973

June 18, 1864

NEW YORK TRIBUNE, June 18, 1864 Among the front page column heads on the Civil War are: "THE GREAT CONTEST" "Grant's Rapid Progress" "Capture of Petersburg" "Retreat of the Rebels Across the Appomattox" "Bravery of the Negro Troops" "Rebels Abandon their Fortifications in Front of Bermuda Hundred" "Details of Grant's Gre... See More  

Item from Catalog 343 (released for June, 2024)

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Nice stack of Civil War headlines...

Item #681972

June 17, 1864

NEW YORK TRIBUNE, June 17, 1864  

* Second Battle of Petersburg

* General Ulysses S. Grant

* Battle of Marietta, Georgia

* General William T. Sherman

Among the many great column heads on the Civil War are: "FROM GEN. SHERMAN" "Eight Days of Battle" "Gallant Fighting of the Union Army" "Johnston Fallen Back to the Chattahoochee" "Sherman No... See More  

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Movements of General Grant...

Item #681969

June 28, 1864

NEW YORK HERALD, June 28, 1864  Among the front page column heads on the Civil War are: "GRANT" "They Cross the James with All Their Trains" "Gradual but Sure Advance of General Grant's Circumvaliating Lines" "Fierce Assaults by the Rebels...Repulsed by Our Forces" "Additional Rebel Accounts" & more.

Eight pages, very nice condition.... See More  

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Rebels claim victory...

Item #681968

June 27, 1864

NEW YORK TRIBUNE, June 27, 1864 

* Siege of Petersburg, Virginia beginning

Among the first column Civil War heads on the front page are: "THE GREAT CONTEST" "Rebels Attempt to Drive Back the 18th Corps" "Our Losses Insignificant" "Hoke's Rebel Brigade Used Up" "Rebel News to Thursday morning" "The Victories They Claim" &quo... See More  

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U.S. Grant near Petersburg...

Item #681962

June 24, 1864

NEW YORK HERALD, June 24, 1864 

* General Ulysses S. Grant

* Overland Campaign

* White House Landing

Among the front page column heads on the Civil War are: "THE WAR" "The Latest from General Grant's Forces Near Petersburg, Va." "Attack of Fitzhugh Lee and Wade Hampton at the White House" "The Rebels Repulsed & Driven Back by Union Gunboats&q... See More  

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Civil War map shows from Richmond to Petersburg...

Item #681961

June 23, 1864

NEW YORK TRIBUNE, June 23, 1864 

* Second Battle of Petersburg w/ map

* Ulysses S. Grant vs. Robert E. Lee

The front page is dominated by a nice & very detailed Civil War map headed: "From Richmond To Petersburg".

The first column has war-related heads: "THE GREAT CONTEST" "From Gen. Grant's Army" "No Heavy Fight Since Saturday" "Sk... See More  

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Civil War map of Sherman in Georgia...

Item #681960

June 23, 1864

NEW YORK HERALD, June 23, 1864 

* General William T. Sherman

* Pre March to the Sea operations

The prime feature of this issue is the nice ftpg. Civil War map headed: "SHERMAN'S OPERATIONS IN GEORGIA--Scene of Our Advance from June 12, to June 20".

Among the many front page one column heads are: "SHERMAN" "Brisk Fighting" "The Enemy Driven Back&q... See More  

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Civil War news from Grant's army...

Item #681959

June 22, 1864

NEW YORK TRIBUNE, June 22, 1864  

* Second Battle of Petersburg - Virginia

Among the front page column heads on the Civil War are: "FROM GRANT'S ARMY" "A Quiet Sunday" "Rebel Night Attack Repulsed" "A Flag of Truce Refused" "Dispatch fro Beauregard" "From the Mississippi" "Story of a Black Refugee" & more. War... See More  

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Huge Civil War map of Petersburg...

Item #681950

June 22, 1864

NEW YORK HERALD, June 22, 1864 

* Second Battle of Petersburg, Virginia

* Ulysses S. Grant vs. Robert E. Lee

The front page is dominated by a huge Civil War map headed: "PETERSBURG. The Three Rebel Lines of Intrenchments." Plus the first column has nice war heads: "WAR" "Operations Around Petersburg" "Appearance of the Rebel Rams on the James River&qu... See More  

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Featuring two Civil War maps...

Item #681948

June 21, 1864

NEW YORK HERALD, June 21, 1864  

* Second Battle of Petersburg

* U.S. Grant vs. Robert E. Lee

* Battle of Trevilian Station

* Two Civil War maps

The front page features a very nice Civil War map headed: "The Struggle At Petersburg--Lines of Rebel Intrenchments Carried by Our Troops."

Also nice first column heads: "THE WAR" "Operations At Petersburg" &qu... See More  

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Rebels are beaten and routed...

Item #681947

June 20, 1864

NEW YORK TRIBUNE, June 20, 1864 

* Second Battle of Petersburg

* Ulysses S. Grant vs. Robert E. Lee

Over half of the first column is taken up with a nice stack of Civil War heads including: "THE GREAT CONTEST" "Petersburg Not Yet Occupied" "Rebel Outer Works Captured" "Gen. Butler Moves Towards the Railroad" "Rumor that He is Driven Back by ... See More  

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The New York City draft riots, and more...

Item #681946

July 15, 1863

SPRINGFIELD DAILY REPUB LICAN, Massachusetts, July 15, 1863  Among the various Civil War accounts inside are: "The Draft in Progress" "The War - From the Upper Potomac" "Lists of the Drafted" "From Fortress Monroe" "The New York Riot" "Further Retreat of Bragg - Chattanooga Abandoned" and more.

Four pages, very nice condition.

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Follow-up reports on Gettysburg & Vicksburg...

Item #681942

July 10, 1863

SPRINGFIELD DAILY REPUB LICAN, Massachusetts, July 10, 1863 

* Robert E. Lee's Southern retreat

* Post Battle of Gettysburg, Penn.

Various Civil War reports including follow-up events from the Battle of Gettysburg & the capture of Vicksburg.

Column heads include: "The Fall of Vicksburg" "The War - Lee's Campaign" "The Draft" "The Retreat ... See More  

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The Civil War would begin on this day...

Item #681927

April 12, 1861

SPRINGFIELD DAILY REPUBLICAN, Massachusetts, April 12, 1861  With this being the day the Civil War would formally begin with the bombardment of Fort Sumter, articles are reflective of the mood of the day: "No Fighting at Fort Sumter" "Peaceful Order form Jeff Davis""Very Latest from Fort Sumter - Federal Vessels in Sight - Mustering of the Secession Clans" "... See More  

Item from Catalog 344 (released for July, 2024)

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Abraham Lincoln & Habeas Corpus...

Item #681903

September 16, 1863

SPRINGFIELD DAILY REPUBLICAN, Massachusetts, Sept. 16, 1863  

* Abraham Lincoln proclamation

* Habeas Corpus suspended

The back page begins with: "News From Washington - Suspension of the Habeas Corpus - A Proclamation by the President" signed in type: A Lincoln.

The doctrine of habeas corpus is the right of any person under arrest to appear in person before the court, to en... See More  

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Lincoln's Proclamation calling for 300,000 soldiers...

Item #681896

October 19, 1863

SPRINGFIELD DAILY REPUBLICAN, Massachusetts, Oct. 19, 1863

* President Abraham Lincoln

* Proclamation for more soldiers

The back page begins with: "News From Washington - A Call for Three Hundred Thousand Men" with the full text of the Proclamation signed in type: Abraham Lincoln.

Page 2 has a nice editorial on the Proclamation: "Three Hundred Thousand More--Vo
... See More  

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The Gettysburg Address...

Item #681893

November 20, 1863

THE SPRINGFIELD DAILY REPUBLICAN, Massachusetts, Nov. 20, 1863  

* President Abraham Lincoln's famous speech

* Gettysburg Address at battlefield cemetery

It would be difficult to argue for a more historic or significance speech from the 19th century, let alone the Civil War. As it was not printed in all newspapers of the day, this report with the full text of Lincoln's Gettysbu... See More  

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Large Civil War map: Battle of Spotsylvania Court House...

Item #681890

May 14, 1864

NEW YORK TRIBUNE, May 14, 1864

* Battle of Spotsylvania Court House

* Ulysses S. Grant vs. Robert E. Lee

* Civil War Overland Campaign w/ map

The front page is dominated by a large & detailed Civil War map headed: "THE CAMPAIGN IN VIRGINIA".

Most of the first column is a long stack of Civil War heads including: "THE GREAT CONTEST" "Comes Up With Lee's Rear... See More  

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Chattanooga... Treatment of Negro soldiers...

Item #681877

September 25, 1863

NEW YORK HERALD, Sept. 25, 1863  Among the front page column heads on the Civil War are: "General Grant's Department" "Change in the Military Policy of the Rebels" "The Contraband Negroes in Arkansas" "Their Treatment By Our Troops" "The Plantation Free Labor System" "The Butchery of the Beckham Family" "Three of the Negro P... See More  

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Lincoln suspends Habeas Corpus...

Item #681868

September 16, 1863

NEW YORK HERALD, Sept. 16, 1863 

* Abraham Lincoln proclamation

* Habeas Corpus suspended

Being a "triple sheet" issue the entire ftpg. is taken up with advertisements. Inside has much reporting on the Civil War including: "Charleston" "A White Flag Flying Over the Shattered Walls of Fort Moultrie" "Union Forces in Possession of Half of James Island&q... See More  

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Rebel currency & a rebel bank... Battle at Culpepper...

Item #681867

September 15, 1863

NEW YORK HERALD, Sept. 15, 1863 

* Battle of Culpeper Court House

* Charleston SC South Carolina

Among the war-related reports inside: "The Rebel States" "Proposal For a Confederate Bank" "Depreciation of Rebel Currency" "Meade's Army" "Brilliant Cavalry Fight at Culpepper" "Charleston" "The Evacuation of Morris Islan... See More  

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Tennessee redeemed... Front page map...

Item #681857

September 06, 1863

NEW YORK HERALD,  Sept. 6, 1863  

* Tennessee Map - Kingston

* Charleston, South Carolina

The front page is dominated by a large Civil War map headed: "ALL TENNESSEE REDEEMED. The Capture of Kingston--Chattanooga & Knoxville Outflanked...".

Various column heads on the Civil War as well including: "Charleston" "The Rebels Have Fifteen-Inch Guns" &... See More  

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New York City draft names... Yankees victorious in Charleston Harbor...

Item #681800

August 29, 1863

NEW YORK HERALD, Aug. 29, 1863  

* Completed New York City draft list

* Second Battle of Charleston Harbor

Almost the entire front page is taken up with a huge list of names from New York City pulled for the controversial draft. A terrific list for genealogical purposes.

War reports inside include: "Latest News from Charleston" "Forts Sumter & Wagner Occupied by Gen... See More  

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Charleston in flames, Beauregard wants a truce, which is denied...

Item #681799

August 28, 1863

NEW YORK HERALD, Aug. 28, 1863  The front page has a nice print of: "THE REBEL TORPEDOES" with 3 views of it.

First column heads include: "CHARLESTON" "Sumter a Mass of Rubbish" "Shelling of Charleston & Forts Moultrie, Gregg and Beauregard" "The City In Flames" "Indignation of Beauregard" "Application for a Truce..." ... See More  

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Diagram of historic Fort Sumter in Charleston harbor...

Item #681797

August 26, 1863

NEW YORK HERALD, Aug. 26, 1863  

* Fort Sumter diagram

* Charleston, South Carolina

* Artillery strikes

The top of the front page features a: "Diagram Of Fort Sumter" with the "References" beneath.

Nice first column related heads including: "CHARLESTON" "Very Late & Very Important" "The City of Charleston Shelled" "Fort Sumte... See More  

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Siege of Fort Sumter... War events near Chattanooga...

Item #681796

August 25, 1863

NEW YORK HERALD, Aug. 25, 1863  Among the front page column heads on the Civil War are: "SIEGE OF FORT SUMTER" "Interesting Correspondence Between General Gilmore and General Beauregard" "Details of the Bombardment of the 18th Inst." "Important From Tennessee" "General Rosecrsans' Army in Front of Chattanooga" "Fire Opened on the City... See More  

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New York City draft... Civil War events...

Item #681792

August 21, 1863

NEW YORK HERALD, Aug. 21, 1863  Among the one column headlines on the Civil War are: "THE DRAFT IN NEW YORK" "'All Quiet Along The Lines'" "Order Reigns Supreme" "Several Colored Men Drawn" "NEWS FROM THE SOUTHWEST" "Arrival of Sick Soldiers from Vicksburg" "The Siege Of Charleston" and more.

Eight pages,... See More  

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Rebels to evacuate Gordonsville...

Item #681789

August 18, 1863

NEW YORK HERALD, Aug. 18, 1863  Among the front page column heads on the Civil War are: "THE SIEGE OF CHARLESTON" "Our Batteries Have Breached Fort Sumter" "Meade's Army" "Probable Evacuation of Culpepper & Gordonsville by the Enemy" "Reported Revolt of the N. Carolina Troops" & more.

Eight pages, very nice condition.

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Much Civil War action in Charleston harbor...

Item #681785

August 14, 1863

NEW YORK HERALD, Aug. 14, 1863

* Second Battle of Charleston Harbor

* Fort Sumter & more bombardment

 Among the front page column heads on the Civil War are: "Important From Charleston" "Preparations for the Grand Bombardment" "The Fall of Forts Wagner, Cummings' Point, and Sumter Considered Certain" "The Rebels Anticipate the Capture of Sumte... See More  

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Latest from the Civil War...

Item #681783

August 12, 1863

NEW YORK HERALD, Aug. 12, 1863  Among the front page column heads on the Civil War are: "Important from Charleston" "Progress of the Combined Military & Naval Operations" "Engagement Between the Ironsides & the Rebel Fort Wagner" and more.

Eight pages, nice condition.

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An appeal to the soldiers...

Item #681780

August 09, 1863

NEW YORK HERALD, Aug. 9, 1863  Among the front page column heads on the Civil War are: "News From the South" "The Appeal to the Troops" "Alabama Preparing for the Crisis" "Proclamation of Gov. Shorter" "The Last Dais of Vicksburg" "Interesting From Norfolk" "The Attack on Charleston" "Admiral Farragut En Route for New ... See More  

Item from Catalog 344 (released for July, 2024)

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Vicksburg, General Grant, Admiral Porter...

Item #681773

August 02, 1863

NEW YORK HERALD, Aug. 2, 1863  Among the front page column heads on the Civil War are: "The Western Navy" "Its Operations Before Vicksburg" "What Admiral Porter Says of General Grant" "The Surrender of Brashear City" "Anticipated Movements of General Grant" "Progress of the Siege of Fort Wagner" and much more.

Eight pages, very nice... See More  

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Battle map of Wapping Heights, Virginia...

Item #681772

August 01, 1863

NEW YORK HERALD, Aug. 1, 1863  

* Battle of Manassas Gap - Wapping Heights

The front page features a Civil War map headed: "The Fight At Wapping Heights. Locality of the Brilliant Union Charges by which the Heights Were Carried."

Among the front page column heads on the Civil War are: "The Battle of Wapping  Heights" "Operations of Buford's Cavalry...&... See More  

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Pursuing John Morgan... Civil War map...

Item #681766

July 22, 1863

NEW YORK HERALD, July 22, 1863 

* John Morgan guerrillas captured

* Siege of Port Hudson, Mississippi

Among the many front page one column heads are: "Capture of Morgan's Guerillas" "They Are Chased Over 50 Miles by Gen. Shackelford's Forces" "Sharp Battle & Surrender of the Most of Them" "Escape of Morgan with a Small Squad" "Hi... See More  

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Two front page Civil War maps...

Item #681765

July 21, 1863

NEW YORK HERALD, July 21, 1863  The front page is dominated vey not one but two Civil War maps, headed: "THE SEVERE BATTLES AT JACKSON, MISSISSIPPI" which shows many streets, the Capitol, etc. The other is headed: "The Advance of Gen. Rosecrans. The Importance of Rome, Georgia, in a Military Point of View".

Among the column heads on the Civil War are: "Charleston&quo... See More  

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Large map on the Yankee advance towards Charleston...

Item #681763

July 19, 1863

NEW YORK HERALD, July 19, 1863  

* First Battle of Fort Wagner

* Morris Island - Charleston Harbor

The front page features a large Civil War map headed: "THE ADVANCE ON CHARLESTON, The Capture of Morris Island--Its Importance in a Strategical Point of View."

Among the front page column heads on the Civil War are: "THE ADVANCE ON CHARLESTON" "Capture of the Gre... See More  

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Confederate newspaper...Sherman advancing towards Columbia...

Item #681741

October 31, 1864

THE DAILY SOUTHERN GUARDIAN, Columbia, South Carolina, Oct. 31, 1864 

* Rare Confederate publication

A rather rare title and great that it includes the word “Southern”.

The front page is mostly taken up with ads & military notices but there are also: "The Capture & Destruction of the New York Steamer Roanoke" "The War in the Southwest - From Mobile&qu... See More  

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The war for the Union...

Item #681706

March 06, 1862

NEW YORK TRIBUNE, March 6, 1862  Page 3 has column heads on the Civil War including; "THE WAR FOR THE UNION" "The New-Granada Commission" "Military Appointments" "Promotions for Gallant Service" "The War in the South-West" "Affairs in Nashville" "Union Men Declaring Themselves" and more.

Eight pages, irregular at the spine... See More  

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Huge Civil War map...

Item #681652

June 16, 1864

NEW YORK HERALD, June 16, 1864 There are nice front page column heads on the Civil War: "GRANT" "The Union Forces on the South Side of Richmond" "Important From Gen. Sherman" "Rebel Bishop General Polk Killed" "The Rebel Guerillas" "Movements of the Guerillas in Kentucky" "Battle at Bayou Fish" and much more.

But the prime feat... See More  

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Great, Meade, and John Morgan...

Item #681649

June 13, 1864

NEW YORK HERALD, June 13, 1864  Among the front page one column Civil War heads are: "GRANT" "News from Meade, Sherman & Hunter" "Success of the Army of the Shenandoah" "MEADE" "Skirmishing Kept Up Along a Portion of the Line" "Both Armies Busily Engaged on the Earthworks" "The Kentucky Raid" "John Morgan In The Sa... See More  

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The latest from Ulysses S. Grant...

Item #681645

June 08, 1864

NEW YORK HERALD, June 8, 1864 

* Battle of Cold Harbor

* Battle of Piedmont

* Mechanicsville, Virginia

Among the front page column heads on the Civil War are: "GRANT!" "The Fighting On Sunday" "Attack on Our Lines by the Rebels" "Our Success" "Midnight Assault on Burnside's Corps on Monday" "Another Repulse of the Enemy" ... See More  

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Nice front page Civil War map of the events before Richmond...

Item #681639

June 03, 1864

NEW YORK HERALD, June 3, 1864  

* Battle of Totopotomoy Creek

* Cold Harbor - Hanover County, Virginia

* Ulysses S. Grant vs. Robert E. Lee

* American Civil War map

Dominating the front page is the nice Civil War map headed: "IN FRONT OF RICHMOND, The Battles on the Topopatomoy and at Coal Harbor".

First column heads on the Civil War include: "GRANT!"
... See More  

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Large Civil War map of Virginia...

Item #681635

May 30, 1864

NEW YORK HERALD, May 30, 1864  Most of the middle section of the front page is taken up with a large Civil War map headed: "THE MOVEMENTS IN VIRGINIA. The Flanking Operations of Grant--The Line of the Pamunkey".

The first column headlines include: "GRANT!" "The March of the Army of the Potomac" 'Lee Apparently Bothered by Grant's Flank Movements" &q... See More  

Item from Catalog 343 (released for June, 2024)

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Victorious march...

Item #681631

May 26, 1864

NEW YORK HERALD, May 26, 1864 

* Ulysses S. Grant - Spotsylvania victory

* Resaca Georgia Ga - William T. Sherman

Among the front page column heads on the Civil War are: "GRANT!" "Victorious March of the Army of the Potomac" "The South Anna River Reached by Our Troops" "One Thousand More Prisoners Captured" "Sheridan's Expedition" a... See More  

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Civil War map of Alexandria, Louisiana...

Item #681629

May 24, 1864

NEW YORK HERALD, May 24, 1864  

* Alexandria, Rapides Parish, Louisiana

* Battle of Spotsylvania Court House ends

The prime feature of this issue is the nice front page Civil War map headed: "IMPORTANT OPERATIONS ON RED RIVER--Release of the Union Gunboats--Splendid Achievement of Lt. Colonel Bailey of the 19th Army Corps".

Among the front page column heads: "GRANT!&qu... See More  

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Battle of Spotsylvania Court House ends...

Item #681628

May 23, 1864

NEW YORK HERALD, May 23, 1864  

* Battle of Spotsylvania Court House ends

* Ulysses S. Grant's overland campaign

Among the front page one column Civil War heads are: "GRANT!" "An Important Strategic Victory Gained" "Longstreet's & Ewell's Corps Moving Southward" "Entire Rebel Army Believed to Have Fallen Back" "Additional Poi... See More  

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