Abraham Lincoln & The Civil War
We offer these special packages as a great way to acquire a collection of newspapers that cover the scope of the American Civil War. To learn more about newspapers from this era and to shop individual issues, be sure to visit our main Civil War newspapers page.Abraham Lincoln & The Civil War
We offer these special packages as a great way to acquire a collection of newspapers that cover the scope of the American Civil War. To learn more about newspapers from this era and to shop individual issues, be sure to visit our main <a href="http://www.rarenewspapers.com/entry/civil_war">Civil War newspapers</a> page.
War in the nation's harbors...
Item #172514
October 26, 1861
HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, October 26, 1861 The front page has: "A Night Reconnaissance on the Potomac" and a print of: "Lieutenant Braine, U.S.N., Commanding the 'Monticello' ". Other prints inside include: "Grand Cavalry & Artillery Review at Washington" "The 'Monticello' Shelling the Rebels Near Hatteras" "Camp of the Si... See More
The Civil War in Kentucky...
Item #172512
October 19, 1861
HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, October 19, 1861 Front page has "The Rebel Ex-Governor Jackson, of Missouri, Addressing Colonel Mulligan's Troops After the Surrender at Lexington" as well as prints of: "Colonel Mulligan" and "Lieutenant Russell, U.S.N., Who Burned the 'Judith' at Pensacola".
Prints inside include: "Cannonading on the Outposts of... See More
Union Generals... Battle of Lexington Missouri...
Item #172510
October 12, 1861
HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, October 12, 1861 The full front page is taken up with 3 prints: "Burning of the Privateer 'Judith' at Pensacola", "Brigadier-General Sturgis" and "The Rebel General Price".
Other prints inside include: "Major-General Fremont and Staff Inaugurating Camp Benton, at St. Louis, Before Starting for Lexington" "Ch... See More
Sharpshooters in the Civil War...
Item #172508
October 05, 1861
HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, Oct. 5, 1861 The full front page is taken up with: "The New Hampshire Sharp-Shooters - The Telescopic Rifle" which has 6 prints of the "Berdan Sharpshooters at Weehawen" led by Capt. A. B. Jones.
Other prints inside include: "The Men-of-War in Our Harbor" "Munson's Hill, the Advanced Post of the Rebel Army on the Potomac&... See More
The Second Wisconsin Volunteers... The Second Buffalo Regiment...
Item #172506
September 28, 1861
HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, September 28, 1861 One of the prime features of this issue is Walt Whitman's first Harper's Weekly appearance: "Beat! Beat! Drums!"
Additional content includes: the full front page is a scene of the: "Gallant Exploit of Captain Strong of the Second Wisconsin Volunteers". The many prints inside include a very small: "Plan of the... See More
General George McClellan...
Item #172504
September 21, 1861
HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, September 21, 1861 The full front page shows: "The Army Forge". Inside has several half page prints including: "Hqts. of Major-General Fremont's Bodyguard at St. Louis, Missouri" "Camp Blood Near Pilot Knob, Missouri" "Gallant Exploit of Aid-de-camp Fiske at the Bombardment of Fort Hatteras" "View of Fort H... See More
The Southern expedition under General Butler...
Item #172502
September 14, 1861
HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, Sept. 14, 1861 The front page has: "Bombardment of Forts Hatteras & Clark by the U.S. Fleet under Flag Officer Stringham" and prints of: "Flag Officer Stringham" and "Major-General Butler". Inside pages include: "Brig. Gen. Rosecrans, U.S.A., Commanding U.S. Forces in Western Virginia" "Rebel Prisoners Leav... See More
A map of the Civil War...
Item #172500
September 07, 1861
HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, Sept. 7, 1861 Full front page: "A Female Rebel In Baltimore" shows a woman in a fancy dress with soldiers around her. Prints inside include: "Preparing Merchant Vessels for the Blockade" which has 4 prints; "Bar of the Spottswood House, Richmond, Virginia" "Brig. General Franz Siegel" "The Rebel General Ben. McCulloc... See More
Lt. General Scott and the major generals...
Item #172498
August 31, 1861
HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, Aug. 31, 1861 Nice full front page print of: "General Lyons At the Battle of Springfield" showing him on horseback. Full pg: "Lt. General Scott & the Major Generals of the United States Army" showing McClellan, Dix, Scott, Fremont, and Banks. Halfpg: "The 14th Massachusetts Regiment Marching up Pennsylvania Ave., Washington, in a Storm&qu... See More
A dramatic naval battle...
Item #172496
August 24, 1861
HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, Aug. 24, 1861 Half of front page shows: "Presentation of Prince Napoleon by Secretary Seward to the President", which shows Abraham Lincoln. Other prints within include a full page: "General McClellan & His Staff" & fullpg: "Splendid Charge of U.S. Cavalry at the Battle of Dug Spring, Missouri" & "Scenes in the Bro... See More
A stampede of slaves...
Item #172494
August 17, 1861
HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, Aug. 17, 1861 The front page shows: "The Wounded Zouave In the Hospital at Washington--The Hospital for the Wounded at Washington." Inside has individual prints of: "General McDowell" "General Mansfield" "Colonel Blair" and "Flag-Officer Stringham". Also a full page of: "A New Regiment of Mass. Volunteers P... See More
Many prints on the battle of Bull Run...
Item #172492
August 10, 1861
HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, Aug. 10, 1861 The front page includes a print of "Sir Edward Bulwer Lytton". Inside has a full page: "Retreat of Our Troops from Bull Run, by Moonlight, Colonel Blenker's Brigade Covering" and a very dramatic full page: "Charge of the Black Horse Cavalry Upon the Fire Zouaves at the Battle of Bull Run"; a full page map: &... See More
Scenes of the Battle of Bull Run...
Item #172490
August 03, 1861
HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, Aug. 3, 1861 The front page features two prints on the Civil War, captioned: "The Death of the Rebel General Garnett, at the Battle of Laurel Hill" and "Bringing in the Misses Scott as Prisoners to Fall's Church, Va." with a related article.
Inside includes a print of "Major-General McClellan", a nearly half pg: "Presenta... See More
Louisiana Zouave Prisoners… Fortress Monroe…
Item #172488
July 27, 1861
HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, July 27, 1861 The front page is taken up with prints of "General Prentis" "Brigadier-General Williams" and a scene of: "Departure of General Lyon & His Command from Boonville, Missouri, for the Arkansas Border."
Other prints inside include: "The Battle of Rich Mountain" & another full page of "Wilson's Z... See More
Homer print on the front page...
Item #172486
July 20, 1861
HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, July 20, 1861 The full front page is a print of: "Filling Cartridge at the U.S. Arsenal at Watertown, Mass." done by famed artist Winslow Homer.
Other prints within include 5 scenes of: "The Eleventh Indiana Regiment of Zouaves, Colonel L. Wallace", and another full page with 8 prints of: "Scenes About Camp". A half page shows: &q... See More
Great slave auction print... Winslow Homer print...
Item #172484
July 13, 1861
HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, July 13, 1861 The front page features: "Battle of Boonville, Missouri" and smaller illustrations of: "Brigadier-General Lyon, U.S.A." and "The late Captain Ward".
Inside prints include a full page: "The Cabinet at Washington" showing Abraham Lincoln and the others. Also featured is a full page Winslow Homer print: "Crew o... See More
Harper's Ferry...
Item #172482
July 06, 1861
HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, July 6, 1861 The full front page is a print: "Constituent Convention of Virginia Assembled in the Custom House at Wheeling, Ohio Co." Among the full page prints within are: "Birds-Eye View of the Mississippi River & the Adjacent Country From St. Louis to the Gulf of Mexico"; "Scenes of Camp & Army Life in General Williams&... See More
Wealth of Civil War prints...
Item #172478
June 22, 1861
HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, June 22, 1861 The front page shows: "Wm. Russell, Correspondent of the London Times ". Inside has a satirical print of both sides of the: "Designs for A New Coin For the C.S.A.".
Other full page prints within the issue include: "The Eleventh Indiana Volunteers Swearing to Remember Buena Vista, at Indianapolis" & "Tenth Re... See More
Murder of Ellsworth... Events in Virginia & Florida...
Item #172476
June 15, 1861
HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, June 15, 1861 Most of the front page is a three-part print captioned: "Secessionist Prisoner Captured at Alexandria--The Marshall House at Alexandria" with some front page text headed: "The Murder of Ellsworth".
Three-quarters of a page shows: "Company of Secession Cavalry Surrendering to Colonel Wilcox of the First Michigan Regiment, ... See More
Troops encamped in the nation's capital... Jefferson Davis...
Item #172472
June 01, 1861
HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, June 1, 1861 The front page is entirely taken up with a print of: "Major-General Benjamin F. Butler, U.S.A." along with a biography of him. Inside has a full page print of: "The Cabinet of the Confederate States at Montgomery" including Jefferson Davis & Alexander Stephens. Smaller prints show: "Luther C. Ladd, A Mass. Vol. Killed at Balt... See More
The New York Fire Zouaves...
Item #172470
May 25, 1861
HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, May 25, 1861 The full front page is a dramatic print: 'Willard's Hotel, Washington, Saved by the N.Y. Fire Zouaves' showing fireman battling the blaze.
Other prints within including a full page with 2 view of: "Camp Cameron, Georgetown, D.C.", a three-quarter page print: "Evening Parade at Fort Pickens--Col. Brown Announcing to His M... See More
Several naval prints on the Civil War...
Item #172468
May 18, 1861
HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, May 18, 1861 The front page shows: "The 'Lady Davis', Two Guns, Captain Enger, Ship of War of the Southern Confederacy" and "Rhode Island Artillery Landing from the Steamer 'Bienville' at Washington Arsenal...".
Inside has several full page prints including: "Colonel Ellsworth's New York Fire Zouaves", "Co... See More
Many Civil War related prints...
Item #172466
May 11, 1861
HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, May 11, 1861 The front page has prints of: "Colonel Ellsworth of the Fire Zouaves" and "Colonel Wilson of Wilson's Brigade" with related text.
Inside has many war-related prints including: "View of Fort McHenry, Baltimore" "The Burning of the Bridge at Canton, Maryland, by the Mob" "The Rendezvous of the Virgini... See More
View of Charleston during the bombardment of Ft. Sumter...
Item #172464
May 04, 1861
HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, May 4, 1861 The full front page is taken up with a famous print: "The House-Tops in Charleston During the Bombardment of Sumter" showing men & women viewing the battle in the harbor.
Inside has a full page: "Map of Part of Maryland and Virginia Showing the Probable Theatre of the War", and "The Great Meeting In Union Square, New Yo... See More
Bombardment of Fort Sumter...
Item #172462
April 27, 1861
HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, April 27, 1861 The front page shows: "General Thomas Swearing In the Volunteers Called Into the Service of the United States at Washington, D.C." plus there is also text on: "The Bombardment of Fort Sumter".
Inside includes a dramatic full pg: "The Interior of Fort Sumter During the Bombardment" and also a full page: "Map of ... See More
Great, Navy-themed centerfold...
Item #172460
April 20, 1861
HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, April 20, 1861 The front page shows: "Hon. Charles F. Adams, U.S. Minister to England" as well as a view of: "The Confederate Batteries Opposite Fort Pickens, Florida". Inside has a full page 5 panel print of: "Commander Dahlgren, U.S.N. and the Dahlgren Gun", and a full page of: "The Washington Navy-Yard With Shad Fisheries I... See More
Preparations for Civil War...
Item #172458
April 13, 1861
HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, April 13, 1861 The front page has a print of: "Mrs. General Gaines" as well as a view of "Point Isabella, Texas, with the 'Daniel Webster' sailing with U.S. Troops on Board". The doublepage centerfold shows six "American Home Scenes", which includes prints of "The Applecut" "The Dance" "Quilting&quo... See More
Military scenes in Florida: preparing for the Civil War...
Item #172456
April 06, 1861
HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, April 6, 1861 The full front page is a print of: "Hon. William H. Seward, Secretary Of State" taken from a Brady photograph. Inside includes a two-thirds page vertical print of: "The United States Gun-boat 'Wyandotte' Firing a Salute on Washington's Birthday in Pensacola Harbor", plus a nearly half page of: "The Flag-Staff B... See More
Vassar Female College...
Item #172454
March 30, 1861
HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, March 30, 1861 The full front page is a print titled: "April Fool's Day In New York, Opposite the Astor House". Inside has a page with prints of New Orleans: "View In French Quarter" & "The Crescent City" from the docks; and "The Levee" and 2 scenes of: "Lafayette Square". Also inside are a two-thirds pr... See More
The Civil War in Texas... The Alamo...
Item #172452
March 23, 1861
HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, March 23, 1861 The front page is taken up with: "Major Anderson's Command at Fort Sumter" which includes 9 officers, one of whom is "Capt. A. Doubleday".
Other prints inside include: "Fort Sumter, Charleston Harbor, South Carolina" "Surrender of Ex-General Twiggs, Late of the United States Army, to the Texan Troops in the... See More
Lincoln's inauguration... Winslow Homer print...
Item #172450
March 16, 1861
HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, March 16, 1861 The entire front page shows: "The Inaugural Procession at Washington Passing the Gate of the Capitol Grounds" which shows Abraham Lincoln & James Buchanan in the carriage.
Inside has a nearly half page print showing: "Presidents Buchanan and Lincoln Entering the Senate Chamber Before The Inauguration" with related text he... See More
Abraham Lincoln hoisting the American flag upon Independence Hall...
Item #172448
March 09, 1861
HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, March 9, 1861 The full front page is taken up with: "President Lincoln Hoisting the American Flag Upon Independence Hall'. Other prints inside include: "City & Garrison of Fort Smith, Arkansas" "United States Arsenal at Little Rock, Arkansas, Surrendered to the State Troops", a print of: "Miss Patterson, of Baltimore",... See More
President-Elect Abraham Lincoln's address from the Astor House balcony...
Item #172446
March 02, 1861
HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, March 2, 1861 The full front page is a very nice illustration captioned: "Abraham Lincoln, The President Elect, Addressing The People From the Astor House Balcony". Inside has a full page with 3 scenes: "Fort Moultrie, As Seen From Fort Sumter" "Morris Island, As Seen From Fort Sumter" and "Fort Johnson, As Seen From Fort Sumt... See More
Winslow Homer print... Map of the Northern & Southern states...
Item #172444
February 23, 1861
HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, Feb. 23, 1861 The front page is taken up with: "Chantrey's Statue of Washington, Now in the State House at Boston, Massachusetts". Prints within include: "Officers' Quarters at Fort Sumter", "Good-by to Sumter", and a quarter page print by famed artist Winslow Homer: "The Late Rev. Dr. Murray", plus a great full p... See More
Great Valentine's Day front page...
Item #172442
February 16, 1861
HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, Feb. 16, 1861 A very nice display issue for Valentine's Day as the entire front page is a handsome print titled: "Saint Valentine's Day" showing 6 vignettes (see).
Inside pages include a fullpg: "A ten-inch Mounted as a Mortar at Ft. Sumter"; a smaller print: "The Sally Port at Sumter--Interior"; a doublepage centerfold of... See More
The Alabama delegation secedes from the Union...
Item #172440
February 09, 1861
HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, Feb. 9, 1861 The full front page is a print of: "The Seceding Alabama Delegation In Congress" showing nine men. Text on the men takes over half of page 2.
Other prints within include: "Captain J. G. Foster, Engineer Corps U.S.A., On Duty at Fort Sumter" "Arrival of the United States Steam Sloop 'Niagara' At Jeddo, Japan, with t... See More
Homer print on the front page... Jefferson Davis...
Item #172438
February 02, 1861
HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, Feb. 2, 1861 The full front page shows "The Seceding Mississippi Delegation in Congress" done by famed artist Winslow Homer, showing among others Senator Jefferson Davis. Other prints inside include: "Sea Battery, Fort Monroe, Old Point Comfort, Va". The dramatic doublepage centerfold is: "Dream of a Secessionist--Washington and Valley Forge&... See More
Nice Charleston issue...
Item #172436
January 26, 1861
HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, Jan. 26, 1861 The front page shows: "The Prayer at Sumter". Other prints inside include: "Firing on the 'Star of the West' from the South Carolina Battery on Morris Island" "Group of Guns & Gun Carriages Dismantled by Major Anderson at Fort Moultrie" "Battery at Fort Moultrie, Bearing on Fort Sumter", a full p... See More
Prints regarding Charleston, South Carolina...
Item #172434
January 19, 1861
HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, January 19, 1861 The front page has 4 prints: "Hon. Francis W. Pickens, Governor of South Carolina" "Hon. Judge Magrath, Sec. of State of South Carolina" "Rev. Dr. Bachman Who Asked a Blessing on the Secession Ordinance" and "The Charleston Zouaves". Prints inside include: "Mr. Rarey and Cruiser (horse)"; a: &qu... See More
Fort Sumter...
Item #172432
January 12, 1861
HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, Jan. 12, 1861 Much of front page is taken up with a print of: "Major Anderson, U.S.A., Commanding At Ft. Sumter" with a biography of him. Also in this issue is a dramatic full page: "The Battle of New Orleans, Fought Jan. 8, 1815" & "Sketches of Ft. Moultrie" which has 5 prints; "Senator Seward's Arabian Horses--Maanak... See More
Two Winslow Homer prints, including a centerfold...
Item #172430
January 05, 1861
HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, Jan. 5, 1861 The full front page is by Winslow Homer & has: 'The Georgia Delegation in Congress' showing 10 men. Also by Winslow Homer is the doublepage centerfold: "Seeing the Old Year Out".
Other prints within include: "New Year's Eve in the Country", plus there is a serialized portion of "Great Expectations" by ... See More
Women's rights convention of 1859...
Item #172266
June 11, 1859
HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, June 11, 1859 The front page shows: 'The Talking Fish' and 'The Fighting Tiger of King of Oude'. A full page illustration of 'Ye May Session of Ye Woman's Rights Convention' [Mozart Hall in New York City]. Several illustrations regarding the war in Europe. Text and 3 illustrations on 'The Floating Hospital in the Lower Bay' [... See More
Quite uncommon from Wisconsin...
Item #153130
THE WISCONSIN CHIEF, Milwaukee and Fort Atkinson, 1861 A quite uncommon newspaper from Wisconsin with various news of the day (pre and early Civil War era news) & a wealth of ads. Note that the photo is "generic" and the issue you get will not have this specific date but will have the format as shown.
Measures 14 by 21 inches, never bound nor trimmed, 8 pages. Occasiona... See More
Ornate masthead...
Item #153123
ADVOCATE FAMILY GUARDIAN, New York, 1865 A rather ornate & decorative masthead in this small newspaper, filled primarily with literary & womanly concerns. Edited by Mrs. Sarah R. Bennett of the "American Female Guardian Society". Note that the photo is "generic" and the issue you get will be from 1865 & will have the format shown. Measures approximately 11 by ... See More
Famous anti-slavery newspaper...
Item #151887
THE LIBERATOR, Boston, MA 1861-65 (with minor water-staining or other minor imperfections which make them somewhat 2nd-rate)* Ornate masthead
* Anti-Slavery Title
* edited by William Lloyd Garrison
See the photo below for the terrific masthead of this famous anti-slavery title. The ornate woodcut in the masthead features three scenes: a slave auction, an image of Jesus breaking the bonds ... See More
Item #151690
April 05, 1864
WORCESTER DAILY TRANSCRIPT newspaper from Mass., dated April 5, 1864. See the photo below for the fascinating back page advertisement for "Indian Remedy For Females" with much detail on its uses. The full ad takes two-thirds of a column with much descriptive text. You get the complete 4 page issue--unusual item!
Item #151127
February 23, 1861
THE HOME JOURNAL, NY, Feb. 23, 1861. Has many topical reports, some literary content & ads. Very small hole in the second leaf, otherwise nice.
Item #150127
MARYLAND NEWS SHEET, Baltimore, Maryland, 1861 An uncommon Civil War newspaper. Folio-size, 4 pgs., with ftpg. war news. Some minor edge tears, generally in good condition.
Item #150060
November 07, 1863
NEW YORK TIMES, Nov. 7, 1863. See the photo below for the front page article regarding: "The Pennsylvania Coal Mines" and the trouble with the Molly Maquires. This report takes nearly 1-1/2 columns of text and includes a lengthy report from Beaver Meadows. A complete, 8 page issue, folio-size, nice condition. Early item!
Item #150053
HARPER'S NEW MONTHLY MAGAZINE, New York, August, 1862. The lead article in this issue is "A Flying Trip Through Norway" which includes 19 illustrations and about 21 pages of text. There is a lengthy article on "Charles Dickens". This is a disbound issue without the outer wrappers, otherwise measuring about 6 by 9 1/2 inches and containing over 130 pages. Quite nice conditio... See More
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