Black Americana

Black Americana

Web Results (1361)



Panama Canal...

Item #177425

December 29, 1906

HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, December 29, 1906   There is a front page illustration, "'Constructions of the Constitution will be Found to Vest the Power Where it will be Exercised--In the National Government'" by W. A. Rogers. There are photos of "Two of the Photographs, Dealing with the Vital Question of the Sanitation of the Canal Zone, Whic... See More  

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James Bryce in America....

Item #177435

March 09, 1907

HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, March 9, 1907  There is a front page illustration, "As Taught at Groton, Massachusetts, "Rub Them Out, Obliterate the Lines"" by W. A. Rogers. There are photos of "The Arrival of the New British Ambassabor, Mr. James Bryce, in America"; "The Japanese Squadron that will Visit American Waters"; "Our Navy&... See More  

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Item #177439

April 06, 1907

HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, April 6, 1907  There is a front page illustration, " 'Do You Think You Could Fly, Bill?' " by W. A. Rogers. There are articles of "Thomas Bailey Aldrich, 1836-1907" by Henry Mills Alden; "Jackson and Roosevelt A Parallel"; and there are photos of "Supply and Demand" and "... See More  

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Mr. Cleveland, Ex-President....

Item #177443

May 04, 1907

HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, May 4, 1907 There is a front page illustration, "Patriotism---Conspiracy" by W. A. Rogers. There are photos of "the Only Living Ex-President and His Family"; a double page photo spread of "Blazing New Trails for a City's Needs"; and an illustrations of "The Waning Theatrical Season" by Hamilton... See More  

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Coal Shortage....

Item #177458

August 17, 1907

HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, August 17, 1907  There is a front page illustration, "The Peace Conference in Session" by W. A. Rogers. There is an article and photos of "The Menace of a Coal Shortage" by George H. Cushing. The illustration of "At Least That Long!" by W. T. Smedley is included as well as photos of "Close Hauled" which is a... See More  

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Item #177487

March 14, 1908

HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, March 14, 1908  There is a front pg. illustration, "In Tribute" by W. A.. Rogers. in this issue, there are photos of "The Conquest of the Hudson"; a double pg. illustration of "The Pie-Eyed Piper of Politics" by Grill; a full pg. illustration of "The Gentle Art of Self-Defence; a illustration of "Three's... See More  

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Joe Louis becomes Champion...

Item #582761

June 22, 1937

LEOMINSTER DAILY ENTERPRISE, Massachusetts, June 22, 1937


* Joe Louis to win World Boxing Heavyweight title (day of)
* James Braddock - pre fight reporting

This 8 page newspaper has two column headlines on page 7: "JOE LOUIS FAVORED IN PRE-FIGHT DOPE IN CHICAGO TONIGHT" and "Negro Believed to Pack to Much Wallop for Aged Champion..."  This was to be
... See More  

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Chester PA race riot in 1917....

Item #583985

July 28, 1917

SPRINGFIELD REPUBLICAN, Springfield, Massachusetts, July 28, 1917

* Race riots in Chester PA

* Mob - Negroes

This 16 page newspaper has one column headlines on the front page that include: "MOB BEATS NEGRO", "ANOTHER NEAR DEATH",  "Riots In Chester, PA.", "Authorities Are Taken by Surprise in Night Attack by Several Thousands", and more. See phot... See More  

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Arming the slaves?...

Item #592074

February 24, 1865

THE NEW YORK TIMES, February 24, 1865

* General William T. Sherman march up the coast

* Arming the slaves? South's last hope

This genuine newspaper has a wealth of Civil War reporting from during Abraham Lincoln's administration. Among the one column headlines on the Civil War are: "THE SOUTH", "Rebel News, Rumors and Speculations", "THE MILITARY SITUATION&... See More  

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Haywood Patterson death sentence... Scottsboro Boys....

Item #636799

December 02, 1933

THE NEW YORK TIMES, December 2, 1933

* Scottsboro  Boys rape case

* Haywood Patterson death sentence

The front page has a one column heading: "SCOTTSBORO NEGRO AGAIN CONDEMNED" with subheads. (see) First report coverage on Haywood Patterson sentenced to death for rape in the famous Scottsboro Boys case. Always nice to have notable events in history reported in this World famo... See More  

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Beauregard is reported as 'crazy'...

Item #682974

February 25, 1865

THE WORLD, New York, Feb. 25, 1865  

* Battle of Wilmington - North Carolina

* Admiral David Dixon Porter victory

Formatted very much like its competitors, the Times, Tribune & Herald.  

Among the front page first column heads on the Civil War: "THE SOUTH" "Indications of a Panic in Richmond" "Beauregard Reported Crazy" "Gen. Lee's Reaso... See More  

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A pro-South newspaper in the North...

Item #666538

June 22, 1864

THE CRISIS, Columbus, Ohio, June 22, 1864  Among the articles within are: "President Lincoln in Philadelphia" "Negro Troops" "War News of the Week" "Affairs in Kentucky" "Are You For Peace of War?" and much more.

Eight pages, never bound nor trimmed so it folds out to one large sheet, good condition.

Described as "The Hottest Rebel Sh... See More  

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A pro-South newspaper from the North...

Item #666542

August 17, 1864

THE CRISIS, Columbus, Ohio, Aug. 17, 1864  Among the articles on the ftpg. are: "Monstrous Impudence" "Another Account--A Letter to General Lee" "Horrible Crimes of Negro Soldiers" "The American Union Passing Away" and more.

Articles within: "A General Who Fights Women & Children" "Gen. Paine and the She Secesh" "News From ... See More  

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Impeachment and Reconstruction reports...

Item #692696

May 22, 1868

WILMINGTON JOURNAL, North Carolina, May 22, 1868  Among the articles: "Will Impeachment Succeed" "Probability of the Acquittal of the President--Senators Grimes, Fessenden, Trumbull & Henderson Against Conviction--Extraordinary Excitement in Washington..." "Anarchy in the South--'Somebody's Got to Leave' " "The Defeat of Impeachment" &qu... See More  

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The Clerkenwell Prison outrage...

Item #173164

January 18, 1868

HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, January 18, 1868  The front page features a 2/3 page illustration of "Ruins of the Wall of Clerkenwell Prison, London, Immediately After the Explosion" (which was in regards to Michael Barrett's efforts to free Richard O'Sullivan-Burke). Inside are two 1/2 page illustrations pertaining to "First and Second Floors - A Study for Bachelors.&q... See More  

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Nast print...

Item #174496

October 09, 1880

HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, October 9, 1880  Front full pg. illus. of "The Democratic Axe Grinder." Inside is a full pg. illus. of "A Hopeless Undertaking." Full pg. Nast illus. entitled "A Financial Mistake."

Doublepage centerfold by Nast entitled "Another Kind of 'Silent (Democratic) Majority'." Two 1/2 pg. illus. pertaining to "Not a... See More  

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Rugby, Tennessee... Lenox Library, New York City...

Item #174504

November 06, 1880

HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, November 6, 1880  Full ftpg. Nast political cartoon: "The North means business". Fullpg: 'In & About Rugby--The English Colony in Tennessee'. Fullpg: 'Hqts. of the National Republican Committee, Fifth Ave., N.Y.' & halfpg: 'The Lenox Library, Fifth Ave., New York City'.

Full page: "Call You That Backing Of Your Fri... See More  

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Summer on Coney Island... Thomas Nast political cartoons...

Item #174584

August 06, 1881

HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, August 6, 1881  Full front page political cartoon by Thomas Nast: "Plucked of His Plumage (Or Patronage)". Prints inside include: "The cyclone at New Ulm", Minnesota, includes  6 scenes. "Sketches In The Azores" has 5 prints; the doublepage centerfold: "Unsavory Hunter's Point--The Factories & Refineries on Newtown... See More  

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The Klondike gold fields...

Item #176274

October 16, 1897

HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, October 16, 1897  Full front page portrait of "Seth Low." Inside are two full pg. illus. of "Decorative Paintings by C. Y. Turner in the Dining Room of the Astoria Hotel, New York" and "Decorative Painting by Edwin Howland Blashfield for the Astoria Hotel, New York." "Full pg. illus. of "On the Way to the Klondike Gold Fie... See More  

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Item #177320

September 02, 1905

HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, September 2, 1905  Front page "The Gateway of Peace" by W. A. Rogers; The First Photographs Taken of the Recent Meeting of the Zemstvoists in Moscow, Held in Defiance of the Police; Snap-Shots of Some of the Japanese and Russian Representatives at Portsmouth During the Peace Conference; The National Shooting Tournament at Sea Girt; Double pag... See More  

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Slave ships arrive at Galveston... A Proclamation by the President...

Item #657925

August 08, 1818

NILES' WEEKLY REGISTER, Baltimore, Aug. 8, 1818  Page 6 has: "General Jackson's Campaign" which lists the number of: "...The Indians inhabiting the country lying between Georgia & the Mississippi river..." totaling 11,000 warriors. It notes: "This force, if embodied and hostile, would e serious enemy to the United States...".

The bkpg. has: "A P... See More  

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Descriptive article on a trip to Colorado... General Custer... Indian issues...

Item #675680

July 11, 1866

NEW YORK WEEKLY TRIBUNE, July 11, 1866  The conclusion of the Civil War brought with it an interest in expending west, so it would not seem unusual that articles that read like a 19th century travelogue would appear in newspapers of the day.

This issue has one on page 5, which was part of a larger series: "A Trip To Colorado--On The Frontier" with a dateline from Junction City, Kan... See More  

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Osawatomie, Kansas and John Brown...

Item #174176

September 22, 1877

HARPER'S WEEKLY, Sept. 22, 1877 Full ftpg: 'The Last Rose of Summer' is a great illus. show many birds. Fullpg: 'Creedmoor-Bird's-Eye-View of the Ground' dblpgctrfld: 'Creedmoor--The British & American Teams in the International Rifle Match' fullpg: 'The John Brown Monument, Osawatomie, Kansas' & nice fullpg: 'Street Vendors of Fruits & Veget... See More  

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Trial of Jefferson Davis...

Item #173098

June 01, 1867

HARPER'S WEEKLY, June 1, 1867 Full ftpg: 'Jeff Davis Leaving the Court House at Richmond--Demonstration of the Rebel Citizens'. Great fullpg: 'Trial of Jeff Davis--Mr. O'Connor Moving for his Release on Bail'

Complete in sixteen pages.

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Execution of a Negro in 1869...

Item #704714

May 29, 1869


* African American Execution - hanging

* Frederick County, Maryland

Page 3 has an article headed: "The Death Penalty" "Execution in Frederick, Md., of a Negro for the Murder of a White Man" and more. (see images) Lengthy text takes up almost 2 full columns.

Other news of the day. Complete with all 12 pages, good condition.... See More  

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The famous negro pianist - Blind Tom... Academy of Music print...

Item #172962

February 10, 1866

Harper's WEEKLY, New York, February 10, 1866  This issue contains many displayable prints, which include: Full front page: 'The Princess of Wales with the Infant Prince Albert Victor'. Full page: 'The Grand Charity Ball at the Academy of Music, N.Y.' & fullpg: 'Leaving the Matinee'. Full page: 'The Great Skating Rink at Chicago'. Illustration of
... See More  

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Thomas Nast prints...

Item #173400

April 16, 1870

HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, April 16, 1870  The front page features a 2/3 pg. portrait of "General Prim." Inside is a full pg. illus. of "Watching for the Missing." 1/4 pg. illus. of "Prince Henri De Bourbon." 1/2 pg. illus. of "The New Fire Alarm Telegraph-Single Box." Also, a full pg. Nast illus. of "The Creek Slave" (Tammany). Full pg. N... See More  

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Tompkins Square, New York...

Item #173756

September 13, 1873

HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, September 13, 1873  Full front page illustration: 'Return of our Artist with His Summer Sketches'; Full page: 'Tompkins Sq., N.Y.' & 'The Italian Boys in N.Y.--Torture of the Training Room'; Half page: 'Inspection of Fruit in N.Y. Markets by the Board of Health'; 1/3 page: 'Don Carlos, the Priests' Cand... See More  

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Slave-catching by soldiers...

Item #596252

December 13, 1861

NEW YORK TRIBUNE, Dec. 13, 1861  Page 5 has: "THE WAR FOR THE UNION" "Slave-Catching by Soldiers" "The New Fugitive Slave Law" "The Confiscation Bill Safe" "The Case of Commander Poor" "Traitors in the Land Office Yet". Page 4 has: "Arming Negroes" and other war news.

Eight pages, very nice condition.

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Refitting a yacht for continued slave trading...

Item #689216

January 12, 1859

THE NEW YORK TIMES, January 12, 1859

* The Wanderer (slave ship)

Page 3 has about 1/2 of a column of text headed: "The 'Wanderer' Africans Westward-Bound-Curious Scenes" and more which concerns the yacht Wanderer possibly being involved with the African slave trade.

Other news of the day. Eight pages, nice condition.

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Dogs... India...

Item #172110

December 19, 1857

HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, December 19,1857  Front half-page illustration of "General Sir Henry Havelock at the Head of His Staff." Inside two illustrations of dogs including "The Great American Dog, 'Prince' and 'Bill' the London Fire-Escape Dog." Two illustrations pertaining to "Travel Notes in Bible Lands" including "The Tomb of Saint ... See More  

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Tichborne trial...

Item #173738

July 12, 1873

HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, July 12, 1873  Comical full ftpg: 'Looking into the Lawn Globe and What They Saw There'. Halfpg: 'Washington's Head-Quarters at Newburgh, New York'. Halfpg: 'Underground Life in New York - Health Officers Clearing Out a 'Dive' '. The doublepage centerfold 'The Trial of the Tichborne Claimant - General View of the Court Dur... See More  

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Harbor of Charleston...

Item #174424

January 31, 1880

HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, January 31, 1880  Full ftpg. Nast cartoon: 'Another Investigation Committee' shows a Black man in Kansas holding a bag reading: 'Exodus from the South'. Nearly halfpg: 'Whale Captured in the Harbor of Charleston, S.C.'. Illus. of 'The Late Frank Leslie'. Several illustrations of: 'Paris Under the Snow'. Another fullpg. Nas... See More  

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A Valentine's Day print... Nova Scotia...

Item #174430

February 21, 1880

HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, February 21, 1880  Halfpg: 'Sketches on the Ice' shows ice skating. Halfpg: 'Gen. Grant In Florida--Reception at Key West' plus another of him: 'The Visit to Orange Park'. Fullpg. Valentine theme: 'A Romance of Other Days'. Very somber fullpg: 'A Negro Funeral in Virginia' is by A.B. Frost. Nearly fullpg: 'Canoeing In ... See More  

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Yacht racing... Distributing Rations...

Item #173982

November 13, 1875

HARPER'S WEEKLY, Nov. 13, 1875 Full ftpg. Nast political cartoon: "The Elective System: or Master & Slave". Fullpg: "The Ocean Yacht Race" & fullpg: "The Revivalists in Brooklyn". Halfpg: "An Indian Agency--Distributing Rations"

Complete in sixteen pages.

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Charles Dickens... Slave ship captured...

Item #615503

May 22, 1841

THE NEW WORLD, New York, May 22, 1841 

* Charles Dickens

* African slave trade

Primarily a literary newspaper with several pages containing a chapter of "Barnaby Rudge, by Charles Dickens". The back page has a brief article: "Slavers Captured" which mentions: "...with upwards of one thousand slaves on board..." (see).

Sixteen pages, 10 by 14 1/2 inches, n... See More  

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Horace Greeley goes west....

Item #221294

August 17, 1859

THE NEW-YORK TRIBUNE, August 17, 1859  Page 6 has: "An Overland Journey. XX. The Emigration". Initialed at the end: H.G. Takes a little more than two columns.

Horace Greeley, founder & editor of the New York Tribune, visited the Yosemite Valley in 1859 during his trip to the West. The series of 34 travelogue articles is significant as it was the first widely-distr
... See More  

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Item #160846

May 11, 1963

DETROIT NEWS, May 11, 1963 Two line, 6 col. head: "Racial Pact Hit By Ala. Mayor, Officials" with one column subheads: "Dr. King Claims Triumph" "City's Leaders Call Business Heads Spineless" and more on page 2. Complete issue in nice condition.

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Murder in Utah... Haiti...

Item #172236

February 26, 1859

HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, February 26, 1859. The front page features a halfpage illustration entitled "The Ball of the Season". Two illustration of 'The Murder of the Deaf and Dumb Boy in Utah' and 'The Consummation of the Murder'. An article "Mr. Aspinwall's Gallery" also has two nearly halfpage illustrations. Two pages with 6 illustrations of: 'Th... See More  

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Wagga-Wagga, Australia...

Item #173602

March 23, 1872

HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, March 23, 1872  Front full pg. Nast illus. entitled "Much Ado About Nothing." Inside: A 1/6 pg. illus. of "Between Decks." 1/4 pg. illus. of "Landing at Havana." Two small illus. entitled "Sugar Making" and "Auction of the Sick and Lame." 2/3 pg. illus. of "New Academy of the Brooklyn Art Association." ... See More  

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A trip to San Diego....

Item #174434

March 06, 1880

HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, March 6, 1880  Front full pg. illus. of "The Carnival in Havana - General Grant in the Procession." Inside are three 1/3 pg. illus. pertaining to "General Grant in Cuba - The Trip to San Diego." Full pg. Nast illus. entitled "Let Him Roar, Mr. Speaker." Full pg. illus. of "The Carnival in Central America." Full pg. Nast il... See More  

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Lucretia Mott...

Item #174512

December 04, 1880

HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, December 4, 1880  Front full pg. Nast illus. entitled "The Heat of the Last Political Campaign." Inside is a full pg. illus. of "Incidents of the Naval Review at Fortress Monroe." 2/3 pg. illus. of "The Naval Review at Fortress Monroe - Ceremonies During the President's Visit to the Flag Ship." Two full pg. illus. depicting &quo... See More  

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Atlanta International Cotton Expostition...

Item #174612

November 12, 1881

HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, November 12, 1881  Front page print: "The Atlanta International Cotton Exposition--Reception to Visiting Governors". Fullpg. with 7 illus. & text on: 'The New Harvard Gymnasium'. Fullpg: 'Sweeping Broadway at Night' & 'Shutting off the Croton at the Central Park Reservoir' & 'Raising Turkeys for Market' shows... See More  

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Frederic Remington...

Item #175688

March 05, 1892

HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, March 5, 1892 Full front page: 'The Elevated Railroad Bridge at Chatham Square'. Nice full page Remington print: 'U.S. Cavalry Hunting for Garza on the Rio Grande'. This issue also includes a small photo of the Alamo in an article: 'From San Antonio to Corpus Christi'. Various scenes in Paris.... See More  

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A transatlantic steamer on a winter voyage...

Item #175776

January 07, 1893

HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, Jan. 7, 1893  Full ftpg: "Rough Weather at Sea--Big Transatlantic Steamer on a Winter Voyage". Fullpg. with 11 sketches of those involved in: "The French Scandal". Nice fullpg. on laying the cornerstone of "The Cathedral of St. John the Divine". Fullpg. with 6 scenes of "The Amazonian Rubber Country"

Complete in sixteen p... See More  

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Golf at Newport... The bronco-buster...

Item #176066

October 19, 1895

HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, Oct. 19, 1895 Full front page "Hunting the Polar Bear" by A.B. Frost. Inside the issue is "With the World's Transportation Commission in Northwestern India - Agra"; an article "The 'Wasp' and the 'Frolic'" which includes a nearly half page illustration; a nice half page photo of "The Bronco-Buster" bronze by... See More  

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William McKinley...

Item #176138

June 27, 1896

HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, June 27, 1896  Full front page portrait of "William McKinley, Republican Candidate for President." Inside are three small portraits of "Garret Augustus Hobart, John M. Thurston, and Charles W. Fairbanks." Full pg. illus. of "Scenes at the Republican National Convention, St. Louis, Missouri."

Doublepage centerfold of "The Repub... See More  

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The war in the Philippines...

Item #176440

May 20, 1899

HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, May 20, 1899  Full front page illus. of "Brigadier-General Frederick Funston, U.S.V." Inside is a full pg. of illus. of "The Recent Experiments in Wireless Telegraphy by United States Army Officials at Washington."

Full pg. of illus. of "Opening the Ute Reservation in Southern Colorado to Settlement." Five illus. of "The Wardn... See More  

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Print of Notre Dame University... Stage coach robbery...

Item #638642

August 17, 1885


* Old West stage coach robbery

* University of Notre Dame

The ftpg. has some interesting articles including; "Battling With A Burglar" "Midnight Encounter with a Murderous Negro at Texarkana" "Slain by a Saloon-Keeper--Result of a Drunken Spree...".  "Daring Stage Robbery which is from Phoenix which reads... See More  

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Rev. Henry Ward Beecher...

Item #172172

July 17, 1858

HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, July 17, 1858  A front page illustration and article 'Rev. Henry Ward Beecher'. An article "The Boat and The Train" features two half page illustrations: 'Going On Board' and 'Waiting for the Train'. 'The Late Eruption of Vesuvius' features a half page illustration of the same plus a smaller illustration "A Crater i... See More  

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