Black Americana

Black Americana

Web Results (1361)



1872 Horace Greeley death...

Item #594367

December 04, 1872

THE WORLD, New York City, December 4, 1872 

* Horace Greeley death 

* Liberal Republican Party founder

The front page has one column headings: "HONORS TO THE DEAD", "Forty Thousand Persons View The Remains Of Horace Greeley" and "Final Preparations For The Obsequies To-day".

Also a a lengthy report on a Negro lynching in Woodford, Kentucky (see... See More  

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Trial of the Andersonville prison warden...

Item #679994

October 03, 1865

NEW YORK TRIBUNE, Oct. 3, 1865 

* Andersonville prison trial

* Henry Wirz

The front page has: "Andersonville" "The Wirz Trial Yesterday--Gen. Bragg Relieve from Duty as a Member of the Commission--Obstreperous Conduct of Counsel Baker". Inside has: "Alabama on the Negro".

Eight pages, uncut and untrimmed, a little light foxing, generally very nice.... See More  

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Sickening revelations at the Wirz Andersonville Prison trial...

Item #684454

September 08, 1865

NEW YORK HERALD, Sept.  8, 1865 

* Andersonville Prison - Camp Sumter

* Captain Henry Wirz trial - Georgia

The back page has half a column with: "THE WIRZ TRIAL" "Continuation of the Sickening Revelations" "Early Adjournment of the Court on Account of Wirz's Illness".

The front page has much under: "National Politics" including: "M... See More  

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Walk-in-the-Water Steamship in 1820....

Item #218009

June 24, 1820



* 1st Steamship on Lake Erie

* Walk-in-the-Water reporting

A page 3 report from Buffalo states that: The Steam-Boat Walk-in-the-Water, left this place...for Mackina [sic], with a full freight and about 50 passengers....her freight consisted...of goods belonging to the American Fur Company, amounting in value of upwards of 100,000 dollars. Othe
... See More  

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Hanover Court House....

Item #540554

May 28, 1862

NEW YORK DAILY TRIBUNE, New York City, New York, May 28, 1862      

* Hanover, Virginia... 

* Baltimore, Maryland...  

This 8 page newspaper is in good condition (except for little margin wear) due to the use of cotton and rag paper during this very historic time in U.S. history. This issue is loaded with advertisements and Civil War reports throughout fr... See More  

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Jesse Owens as Ohio State track star...

Item #670256

June 02, 1935

THE NEW YORK TIMES, sport's section only, June 2, 1935

* Jesse Owens on the World stage

* Ohio State Buckeyes track star

* Leading candidate for Berlin Olympics

Page 2 of the section has a two column heading: "Owens's record-Breaking Feats Presage Brilliant Olympic Mark" with subhead and photo of Owens crossing the finish line. (see) This was just a week after his famous ... See More  

Discounted by 50% (as shown) through Thursday, August 15, 2024!

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Vicksburg, Mississippi...

Item #220886

April 02, 1864

THE NEW YORK TRIBUNE, April 2, 1864  The front page features many one column headlines covering events of the Civil War including:  "From Vicksburg", "The Abolition of the Slave Trade", "The Rebel Naval Report", and much more. There is additional war-related text on the inside and back pages as well.

Complete in 8 pages, generally in nice condition due
... See More  

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Carbondale, Illinois negro lynching...

Item #602390

February 06, 1874

EVANSVILLE DAILY JOURNAL, Evansville, Indiana, February 6, 1874

* Terre Haute, Indiana ghost

* Carbondale, Illinois negro lynching

This uncommon title has news of the day with several interesting advertisements.

The front page has one column headings: "LYNCH LAW" "Hanging, by a Mob, of a Negro Murderer at Carbondale..." See image for text.

Page three has one column hea... See More  

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Search for Dr. King's Killer...

Item #207198

April 13, 1968

LEOMINSTER ENTERPRISE, April 13, 1968, from Leominster, MA.  Front page two-column wide headline "FBI Is Silent In Search For Dr. King's Killer" with a subhead within the article of "Warrant Rescinded". This is the full issue and is in nice condition with slight browning around the edges. See photos for full details.

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Slaves of the captured Amistad slave ship...

Item #683756

October 09, 1839

NILES' NATIONAL REGISTER, Baltimore, Feb. 29, 1840  Near the top of the front page is a small heading: "The Amistad Schooner" which reports on the case of the Amistad slave ship, made famous recently by the 1997 Stephen Spielberg movie of the same name.

The article mentions: "The British government...have been actively interposing in the affairs of the in... See More  

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Protecting the Negro troops...

Item #220880

May 07, 1864

THE NEW YORK TRIBUNE, May 7, 1864  The front page features many one column headlines covering events of the Civil War including:  "Naval Operations on the Red River", "From East Tennessee", "Protection of Colored Troops", and much more. There is additional war-related text on the inside and back pages as well.

Complete in 8 pages, generally in nice cond
... See More  

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1903 color comics... Punch and Judy...

Item #600947

December 06, 1903

THE SUNDAY PRESS, Philadelphia, Dec. 13th, 1903

* Punch and Judy - Negro

* Billy Bounce

Children's and Comic Section. The front page of this section has two color comics with one titled: "Punch And Judy Up To Date" The back side of this section has two color comics titles: "The Teasers: Bobby Gets Himself Into More Trouble" and "Billy Bounce Team Rolls A Race&q... See More  

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A racist newspaper on the post-war events...

Item #680219

August 26, 1865

NEW YORK WEEKLY DAY-BOOK CAUCASIAN, Aug. 26, 1865  A decidedly racist newspaper which began well before the Civil War & lasted a few years after. As such their reporting on events of the day provide a contrasting perspective beyond most other Northern newspapers.

Among the articles: "Hon. Alexander H. Stephens" "State Suffrage Law" "Indian Life in the West - The ... See More  

Item from Catalog 343 (released for June, 2024)

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Early Balloon Voyage In 1859...

Item #210878

August 09, 1859

NEW-YORK DAILY TRIBUNE, Aug. 9, 1859 Back page has: Narrative Of Professor Wises 231st Aerial Voyage Made from St. Louis, Mo., July 30, 1859, accompanied by his son, Chas. E. Wise. Also has: Blondins Greatest Feat He Stands On His Head re. his third tight rope performance above the Niagara River. Both are quite detailed. Other news of the day includes: "THE NEW SLAVE-TRADE" "The Kansas G... See More  

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Lengthy report on the national currency... Seizure of Florida...

Item #638180

March 18, 1820

NILES' WEEKLY REGISTER, Baltimore, March 18, 1820  Taking over 3 pages is a continued report from the  Secretary of the Treasury on the "National Currency". Also within is over a page on the: "Seizure of the Floridas", followed by: "The Slave Question". Nearly 4 pages of reports from "Congress" as well.

Sixteen pages, 6 by 9 1/4 inches, good c... See More  

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Nearing the end of the Civil War...

Item #682238

February 27, 1865

NEW YORK TIMES, Feb. 27, 1865 

* General William T. Sherman

* Gen. Joe Johnston

* Final months of the Civil War

Among the one column headlines on the Civil War are: "SOUTHERN NEWS" "The Military Situation" "Anticipated Movement by Gen. Grant" "General Johnston to Command the Army opposed to Sherman" "Disposal of the Slave-Soldier Question&q... See More  

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First African-American President of the United States...

Item #629582

November 05, 2008

USA TODAY, November 5, 2008  This 48 page newspaper has a nice two line banner headline on the front page: "America makes history, Obama Wins! " with subheads and nice color photo of Obama with family. Much more on the inside pages in the 1st section. (see)

Nice condition.

Our post on the History's Newsstand Blog:

Regardless of your view on the recent U.S. election, one

... See More  

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James Earl Ray wanted by FBI...

Item #637758

May 14, 1968

THE PRATT TRIBUNE, Pratt, Kansas, May 14, 1868  Page 6 carries a 3 1/2 x 8 1/2 inch advertisement "WANTED BY FBI" for James Earl Ray and the list of all of his aliasas. "James Earl Ray, a Missouri prison escapee, sought under the alias Eric Starvo Galt in connection with the gunshot slaying of civil rights leader Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., is one of the FBI's 'Ten Mos... See More  

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Governor Simon Snyder... Runaway ad...

Item #547685

December 21, 1815

NATIONAL INTELLIGENCER, from Washington D.C., dated December 21, 1815.

* Pennsylvania Governor Simon Snyder

On pg. 2 under “Pennsylvania” is the “Governor’s Message”, signed in type: Simon Snyder. The back page has a reward ad for a runaway “Negro Man named David”.

Other news of the day includes: "Congress" "Banking Fraud" &quo... See More  

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Slave population...

Item #208596

October 13, 1801

MERCURY AND NEW ENGLAND PALLADIUM, Boston, Oct. 13, 1801  Brief item on pg. 2 says: "The slaves form about one sixth part of the population of the United States; and three fifths, the number represented in Congress, about one tenth." Bkpg. ad headed: Spermaceti and Whale Oil with details.

Ftpg. has some ink stains in the left margin, some foxing.

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Andrew Jackson in 1832...

Item #219656

January 30, 1832


* Andrew Jackson
* The Sugar Tax

Beginning at the bottom of the last column on the front page is a letter from the citizens of Philadelphia presenting a set of astral lamps made of coal to the President. Concludes on page 2, followed by a gracious reply signed in type: Andrew Jackson. Other news of the day includes: "The Sugar T
... See More  

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Emancipation of slaves anniversary...

Item #599761

April 17, 1872

THE NEW YORK TIMES, April 17, 1872

* Emancipation of slaves

* District of Columbia

* Slavery anniversary

The front page has one column headings: "Emancipation Proclamation" "Celebration of the Abolition of Slavery in the District of Columbia"

Other news of the day. Complete in 8 pages, nice condition.

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Bobo Beamon long jump record...

Item #565605

October 19, 1968

LEOMINSTER ENTERPRISE, Massachusetts, October 19, 1968 

* Bob Beamon record long jump 

* 1968 Olympics 

* Mexico City 

This 8 page newspaper has a four column headline on page 3:

"United States Takes The Lead In Medal Race At Mexico Olympics"

Included in the text is the 1st report of Bob Beamon's famous record breaking long jump. (see)

Other news of... See More  

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Memoirs of John Carter, John Duckworth, & F.A.S. & Count de Choiseul-Gouffier...

Item #647109
THE GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE, London, October, 1817

Whereas the issue includes reports from the Americas, including one from Haiti mentioning the building of a college with recommendations by William Wilberforce, perhaps the most interesting material are the multi-page memoirs of sculpture/architect John Carter, F.A.S., Admiral John Duckworth & Auguste de Choiseul-Gouffier. Also included are ... See More  

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Marianna, Florida Negro lynching... Claude Neal...

Item #670707

October 27, 1934

CHICAGO DAILY TRIBUNE, October 27, 1934 

* Claude Neal Negro lynching

* Marianna, Jackson County, Florida

The front page has a one column heading: "Lynch Negro In Florida as Girl's Slayer" (see) First report coverage on the lynching of Claude Neal at Marianna, Florida

Complete with all 30 pages, rag edition in great condition. A few small binding holes along the spine.

... See More  

Discounted by 50% (as shown) through Thursday, August 15, 2024!

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Sympathetic to the plight of African Americans...

Item #153028

January 01, 1888

THE AFRICAN'S FRIEND, Philadelphia, 1888  Subtitled: "For the Promotion of Religion & Morality". The title would suggest that it was sympathetic to the plight of the African Americans from not long after the Civil War.

Note that the photo is "generic" and the issue you get will not have this specific date but will have the format as shown. Four pages, 11 by 9 inch... See More  

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Jackie Robinson's 1st MVP award....

Item #668715

November 19, 1949

LEOMINSTER DAILY ENTERPRISE, Mass., November 19, 1949 

* Negro star Jackie Robinson

* NL baseball MVP award (1st report)

* 1st Negro to win - Brooklyn Dodgers

Page 11 has a one column heading: "Robinson Is Voted Most Valuable" (see) First report coverage on Jackie Robinson winning the NL baseball MVP award, the first black player so honored.

Other news, sports and advertise... See More  

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Jesse Owens as Ohio State track star...

Item #670681

June 23, 1935

THE NEW YORK TIMES, sport's section only, June 23, 1935

* Jesse Owens on the World stage

* Ohio State Buckeyes track star

* Leading candidate for Berlin Olympics

The front page of ths section has a one column heading: "OWENS REGISTERS FOUR-EVENT SWEEP" with subheads. (see) Coverage continues on page with photo. (see)

Other sporting news of the day. Complete sport's secti... See More  

Discounted by 50% (as shown) through Thursday, August 15, 2024!

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Stephensport, Kentucky Negro lynching....

Item #591511

July 19, 1904

ALLEGANY COUNTY REPORTER, Wellsville, New York, July 19, 1904

* Stephensport, Kentucky

* Negro lynching

This 8 page newspaper has a small one column heading on the front page: "Negro Murderer Killed". See photo for the brief 1st report on the lynching of a Negro in Stephensport, Kentucky.

Other news and advertisements of the day. Light browning, otherwise in good cond... See More  

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Nashville, Tennessee Negro lynching...

Item #599989

March 26, 1872

THE NEW YORK TIMES, March 26, 1872

* Negro lynching

The front page has a small one column heading: "A Negro Robber and Murderer Lynched in Tennessee" 1st report coverage on the lynching of Negro, David Jones, at Nashville, Tennessee"

Other news of the day. Complete in 8 pages, minor spine wear, nice condition.

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Ironton, Missouri Negro lynching...

Item #600728

July 31, 1882

THE CLEVELAND LEADER, Cleveland, Ohio, July 31, 1882

* Ironton, Missouri

* Negro lynching

The front page has a one column heading: "A Negro Lynched for Attempting in Outrage an Old Lady". Actual report is on page 2 under: "Negro Lynched". See images for text. Other news and advertisements of the day. Complete in 8 pages, minor margin wear, otherwise in good con... See More  

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Red Hill, South Carolina Negro lynching...

Item #599206

July 28, 1876

THE DAILY JOURNAL, Wilmington, North Carolina, July 28, 1876 

* Red Hill, South Carolina 

* Negro lynching

An uncommon title from the South during the post Civil War reconstruction era. Contains news of the day with many interesting advertisements.

The front page has one column headings that include: "Lynch Law and Robbery In South Carolina" and more. 1st report c... See More  

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Woman slave case...

Item #600274

July 25, 1837

SALEM GAZETTE, Salem, Massachusetts, July 25, 1837

* Slave case

This issue contains news of the day with several interesting advertisements throughout. Page 3 has a small one column heading: "A Slave Case" See image for text here.

Complete in 4 pages, minor foxing spots, nice condition.

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1889 Federal execution by hanging...

Item #592341

May 18, 1889

THE WHEELING INTELLIGENCER, West Virginia, May 18, 1889 

* Negro hanging for murder 

The front page has one column headliones: "HANGED BY THE NECK", "Nelson Colbert Executed for Killing Phillip Wentzell", "At The National Capital" and more. 1st report coverage on the federal execution of Negro, Nelson Colbert, at Washington D.C. for murder.

Other ne... See More  

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East Feliciana Parish, Louisiana....

Item #599087

July 28, 1875

THE DAILY JOURNAL, Wilmington, North Carolina, July 28, 1875

* East Feliciana Parish Negro uprising

An uncommon title from the South during the post Civil War reconstruction era. Contains news of the day with many interesting advertisements.

The front page has one column headings that include: "Threatened Uprising Of The Negroes At East Felicia" and more. 1st report coverage on a ... See More  

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Walton, Kentucky Negro lynching....

Item #600413

September 06, 1879

THE CLEVELAND LEADER, Ohio, September 6, 1879

* Walton, Kentucky

* Negro lynching

This uncommon 8 page issue has news of the day with several interesting advertisements throughout.

The front page has one column headings: "Twenty Shots In His Body" "While Tied To A Tree By A Posse Of Citizens" See image for text.

Complete, a little margin wear, otherwise in good con... See More  

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1st Negro high school in Kentucky...

Item #602369

October 08, 1873

EVANSVILLE DAILY JOURNAL, Evansville, Indiana, October 8, 1873

* 1st Negro high school

* Louisville KY Kentucky

This uncommon title has news of the day with several interesting advertisements.

The front page has one column headings: "Kentucky" "The First Colored High School in Kentucky". See image for text.

Complete in 8 pages, minor spine wear, otherwise in nice condi... See More  

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Johnson Chestnut Whittaker...

Item #600343

April 09, 1880


* Johnson Chestnut Whittaker 

* West Point military academy 

* Negro cadet case

The front page has small one column headings: "The Colored Cadet" and"Did He Commit the Outrage on Himself?"

Other news and advertisements of the day throughout. Complete in  8 pages, minor margin wear, otherwise nice.... See More  

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Friars Point, Mississippi Negro lynchings...

Item #600572

January 17, 1876

THE CLEVELAND LEADER, Cleveland, Ohio, January 17, 1876

* Friars Point, Mississippi

* Negroes - lynchings

This 8 page issue has news of the day with several interesting advertisements throughout.

Page 5 has one column headings: "Mississippi Justice" "Four Negroes Lynched at Friars' Point" See image for text here.

Complete, a little spine wear, otherwise in good con... See More  

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Kentucky Martial Law ends...

Item #555916

October 13, 1865

NEW YORK HERALD, New York, NY, October 13, 1865

* Post civil war Kentucky

The front page has: "Washington" "Martial Law No Longer in Force in Kentucky" "The President's Proclamation" "The Status Of Kentucky". Proclamation concerning martial law in Kentucky is signed in type: Andrew Johnson.

Other news of the day throughout this 8 page issue. Mino... See More  

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Turn of the century....

Item #596554

July 12, 1800

WEEKLY MUSEUM, New York, July 12, 1800  Various news of the day. Page 2 has a poem titled: "The Slave". Four pages, some staining, generally good.

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1913 Jack Johnson flees to Canada...

Item #670654

June 27, 1913

EVENING TRIBUNE, San Diego, June 27, 1913

* Jack Johnson - World Heavyweight Champ

* 1st African American to hold title (1910)

* Flees U.S. w/ Lucille Cameron to avoid jail

The top of the front page has a one column heading: "CONVICTED NEGRO PUGILIST MAKES GOOD ESCAPE TO CANADA" with subheads. (see)

Complete with 18 pages, small library stamp within the masthead, irregular alon... See More  

Discounted by 50% (as shown) through Thursday, August 15, 2024!

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Jesse Ownes is suspended... Berlin Olympic games come to an end...

Item #670305

August 17, 1936


* Negro star athlete Jesse Owens suspended

* Berlin Olympic games come to an end

The front page of the sport's section (inside) has a one column heading: "OWENS IS BARRED BY A.A.U.; READY TO BECOME A PRO" with subhead. (see) Also a two column heading: "Olympic Games End With Dramatic Flag Ceremony" (see)

Complete in 30 page... See More  

Discounted by 50% (as shown) through Thursday, August 15, 2024!

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1864 Springfield, Massachusetts...

Item #221400

July 23, 1864

SPRINGFIELD DAILY REPUBLICAN from Massachusetts and dated July 23. 1864.

* Joe, Johnston

* Atlanta, Georgia

This 8 page newspaper is in nice condition due to the use of cotton and rag paper during this very historic time in U.S. history. This issue is loaded with advertisements and Civil War reports throughout from the day it was first reported which includes reports on: General Joe
... See More  

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Andrew Jackson addresses the people of Florida...

Item #643243

November 10, 1821

THE WEEKLY REGISTER, Baltimore, Nov. 10, 1821  Perhaps the best item in this issue is the report headed: "General Jackson" which is his address to the citizens of Florida in which he announces the temporary organization of the government of Florida. This address takes over a full page and is signed by him in type: Andrew Jackson, Gov. of the Floridas.

Among the other reports in thi... See More  

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Signed by Governor Sam Adams...

Item #669093

March 22, 1797

THOMAS'S MASSACHUSETTS SPY, OR THE WORCESTER GAZETTE, March 22, 1797  Beginning on the front page & ending on pg. 4 signed: Samuel Adams is "An Act ...Respecting Highways" in the state of Mass. Page 2 has: "Slave Trade"

Four pages, good condition.

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Columbia, Tennessee Negro lynching...

Item #670697

December 16, 1933

CHICAGO DAILY TRIBUNE, December 16, 1933 

* Cord Cheek - Negro lynching

* Columbia TN Tennessee

The top of page 9 has a one column heading: "Lynching Tennessee Negro; Tell Sheriff To Come And Get Him" (see) First report coverage on the lynching of Cord Cheek , Negro, in Columbia, Tennessee. Always nice to have notable events in history reported in this World famous publicatio... See More  

Discounted by 50% (as shown) through Thursday, August 15, 2024!

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1935 Wiggins, Mississippi Negro lynching...

Item #670676

June 23, 1935

THE NEW YORK TIMES, June 23, 1935

* Wiggins, Mississippi

* Stone County MS

* Negro lynching

The top of page 21 has a one column heading: "NEGRO IS LYNCHED, ANOTHER WHIPPED" with subheads. (see)

Other news of the day. Complete 1st section only with all 30 pages, light toning at the margins, minor spine wear, generally very nice.... See More  

Discounted by 50% (as shown) through Thursday, August 15, 2024!

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Autherine Lucy attends University of Alabama...

Item #668447

February 08, 1956

THE DETROIT FREE PRESS, February 8, 1956 

* Autherine Lucy attending University of Alabama 

* 1st African American student at Tuscaloosa, Alabama

Near the bottom of the front page is a two column heading: "Demands Alabama U. Readmit Negro Girl" Two related photos are on the back page. Coverage on the 1st black student to attend the University of Alabama during the... See More  

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National Lord's Day Convention...

Item #563760

November 30, 1844

DAILY NATIONAL INTELLIGENCER, Washington D.C., November 30, 1844

* National Lord's Day Convention

* Slave trade

On pg. 3 under "National Lord's Day Convention" is a report about the evening session of the convention, followed by a list of the resolutions that were adopted at the session held the next morning. Printing crease affects about eight words in one of the resolves. ... See More  

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