Newspapers from the 1700s

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Newspapers from the 1700s

The eighteenth century saw the heyday of the Age of Reason, and the rising popularity and increased distribution of newspapers played a key role in deepening and expanding public discourse. We carry only absolutely authentic original newspapers, and there's no better way to discover the history of the 1700s than to hold a newspaper from that century in your own hands.
Web Results (1482)



Selling 18th century land in Philadelphia...

Item #594497

March 09, 1792

DUNLAP'S AMERICAN DAILY ADVERTISER, Philadelphia, March 9, 1792  Page 2 has an illustration of "Thirty-Six Lots of Ground" to be sold in Philadelphia, bounded by Spruce, Madison, & Twelfth Streets, as well as Twenty-Feet Alley. Other news of the day and many ads, including a back page "War Department" notice signed by: H. Knox, Secretary at War.

Four pages, nice c... See More  

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18th century Philadelphia....

Item #594495

March 07, 1794

DUNLAP & CLAYPOOLE'S AMERICAN DAILY ADVERTISER, Philadelphia, March 7, 1794  Page 3 has an: "Extract of a Letter from the Island of Bermuda" plus various other news of the day. A large number of ads including 5 illustrated ship ads on the front page.

Four pages, light foxing, very nice condition.

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A letter signed by John Jay...

Item #594434

April 05, 1779

EDINBURGH EVENING COURANT, Scotland, April 5, 1779 

* Revolutionary War 

* John Jay letter

Page 2 has a letter from Congress, prefaced with a note of explanation signed in type by: John Jay, concerning disavowing a publication which appeared in the Penna. Packet newspaper (see photos). Also a report from the Boston Gazette that: "General Washington, upon application to ... See More  

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The ship United States...

Item #594338
THE GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE, London, May, 1784  Near the back under "American News" is an extract from the Journals of Congress concerning papers provided to the ship United States, owned by James Moore & commanded by capt. Thomas Bell, that it: " of the United States of America...where the said James Moore shall arrive with his vessel and cargo, that they may please ... See More  

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Describing the Hudson Bay region...

Item #594190

October 20, 1791

THE DIARY OR WOODFALL'S REGISTER, London, Oct. 20, 1791  The back page has a nice, detailed article taking most of a column: "Description Of the Country Lying Round Hudson's Bay".

Four pages, nice condition.

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18th century America....

Item #593957

June 24, 1797

COLUMBIAN CENTINEL, Boston, June 24, 1797  Inside has various news reports from both Europe & America, as well as news items from Congress. Pages 3 & 4 are mostly taken up with ads.

Four pages, never-trimmed margins, very nice condition.

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Details on the Treaty of Aix la Chapelle...

Item #593905
THE GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE,  London, October, 1748  One of the better items in this issue is discussion of the proceedings at Aix la Chapelle towards the treaty that would end tthe War of the Austrian Succession in Europe. A bit further on is: "The Substance of the Articles of the Definitive Treaty of Peace" which takes over a full page.

Lacking the plate and map called for.... See More  

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Early news from America...

Item #593903
THE GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE, London, November,1748  The most significant content in this issue would be the "General & Definitive Treaty of Peace", more commonly known as the Treaty of Aix la Chapelle which ended the War of the Austrian Succession. This treaty takes five pages.

Other items in this issue are: "A Pulmonic Machine" with a print of it, appearing to be mu... See More  

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On the Roberts & Carlisle treason... Discussion of the American war...

Item #593710
THE GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE, London, January, 1779

* Abraham Carlisle & John Roberts

* Treason trials - Revolutionary War

The first article: "Summary of Proceedings in the Present Parliament" takes ten pages and includes much talk of the on-going Revolutionary War, bits including: "...He enumerated a black catalogue of crimes committed by the leaders of the American rebe... See More  

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Foldout plate of a castle...

Item #593600
GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE, London, May, 1770  Within this issue are 3 1/2 pages on: "A Curious Description of Dalkey and Its Seven Castles" which is accompanied by a foldout print of one of the castles. This print measures 8 by 10 inches & is in very nice condition (see). Also in this issue: "On the Disparity of the Language of N. and S. Wales" and much more.

Near the ... See More  

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Death of Governor Increase Sumner...

Item #592853

June 08, 1799

COLUMBIAN CENTINEL, Boston, June 8, 1799  All of pages 2 & 3 are black bordered in mourning rules because of the death of Massachusetts governor Increase Sumner reported at the top of page 2 with: "Grievous Mortality" which begins: "The painful talk has devolved on us to announce an event which...will not be read without the most painful regret. Yesterday the unsp... See More  

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Item #592640

October 17, 1793

THE STAR, London, Oct. 17, 1793  The top of page 2 has a report headed: "American States" which tells of charges of piracy leveled against three men (see). Four pages, nice red tax stamp on the front page, very nice condition.

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Carolinas & Georgia now support the King...

Item #592610

February 01, 1779

THE EDINBURGH EVENING COURANT, Scotland, February 1, 1779 

* Rare Revolutionary War title

* North & South Carolina - Georgia support king ?

Page 2 has a letter from New York which notes: "It gives me great pleasure to inform you that the face of affairs seems to be changed; the two Carolinas & Georgia having revolted from the Congress, give fresh spirits to the friends of... See More  

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Duel of Generals Lee and Clarkson... Washington at West Point...

Item #592340

December 03, 1779

THE EDINBURGH ADVERTISER, Scotland, Dec. 3, 1779  Inside has: "...Our fleet and army at New York have had a happy escape from the vengeance D'Estaing pronounced against them...passenger...says that every thing was quiet when he came from New York excepting some little skirmishing in the back settlements...repulsing an attack on Long Island & making a descent in the Jersies where ... See More  

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A four page "Extra" issue...

Item #592292

May 19, 1798

CENTINEL EXTRA, (Boston), May 19, 1798  This is an uncommon 4 page "Extra" issue of the famous Columbian Centinel newspaper. Almost the entire issue it taken up with a lengthy document continued from the "regular" issue of Wednesday, concerning relations with France. Close-trimmed at the bottom of pages 2 & 3 cause some loss, otherwise in nice condition.

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Justifying Memorial of the King of Great Britain...

Item #592266

November 05, 1779

THE EDINBURGH ADVERTISER, Scotland, Nov. 5, 1779  The entire front page and half of page 2 are taken up with: "The Justifying Memorial of the King of Great Britain in answer to the Exposition of the Court of France" which relates in part to the French involvement in the Revolutionary War (see for portions).

Eight pages, 8 1/2 by 11 1/4 inches, nice condition.

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Frustration with lost reinforcements...

Item #592265

November 02, 1779

THE EDINBURGH ADVERTISER, Scotland, Nov. 2, 1779  The entire front page and a bit of pg. 2 are taken up with: "The Justifying Memorial of the King of Great Britain in Answer to the Exposition of the Court of France". This lengthy piece concerning the French involvement in the Revolutionary War, a few bits noting in part: "...During the disputes that had arisen between Great Bri... See More  

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Plans for a peace proposal... Rev. War...

Item #592263

October 22, 1779

THE EDINBURGH ADVERTISER, Scotland, October 22, 1779 

* Revolutionary War peace plan ? 

Page 3 has a report of some hope for peace in the Revolutionary War, headed: "Proposals for the final Settlement & Pacification of  the Troubles in America..." which includes 6 points as printed here, the first: "Required that commissioners be appointed to treat, consult,... See More  

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British defeat in the South...

Item #592256

August 24, 1779

THE EDINBURGH ADVERTISER, Scotland, Aug. 24, 1779  Most of the first column on the front page is taken up with a piece from the book of Genesis prefaced with: "The following beautiful Apologue in the Eastern stile was written by Dr. Franklin some years ago, with a view of reclaiming his countrymen in New England from that spirit of intolerance and religious persecution which were then so... See More  

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How Virginia dealt with patriots & traitors...

Item #592255

August 20, 1779

THE EDINBURGH ADVERTISER, Scotland, Aug. 20, 1779  Page 3 under "America" has a report from the Committee of the House of Delegates in Virginia, which includes: "...those inhabitants of this state who were beyond sea at the commencement of hostilities at Lexington, & have not since by overt acts adhered to the public enemy, ought still to be deemed citizens of this commonwe... See More  

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From the Revolutionary War era...

Item #592230
THE GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE, London, May, 1779  A fine opportunity to purchase a magazine from during the Revolutionary War at a reasonable price, as I find almost no American content in this issue. At the back under the "Historical Chronicle" is mention that the New York, Quebec & Newfoundland fleets have set sail under the convoy of Admiral Arbuthnot. The balance of the news ... See More  

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Crushing the rebellion in the South...

Item #592044

March 30, 1781

THE EDINBURGH ADVERTISER, Scotland, March 30, 1781  Page 3 has: "The station his Majesty's forces have now taken in the southern colonies must be the means of entirely crushing the rebellion here, as it is impossible the rebels can have any communication with the north but by a round of several miles through swamps & other places as disadvantageous." (see) The rest of the co... See More  

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Revolutionary War era....

Item #592043

March 09, 1781

THE EDINBURGH ADVERTISER, Scotland, March 9, 1781

* Uncommon title

A nice newspaper from the closing months of the Revolutionary War, however I find no American content. All the news reports seem to be European in focus. Many ads as well.

Eight pages, 8 1/2 by 11 1/4 inches, nice condition.

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Terminating the "present commotions"...

Item #591949

June 04, 1779

THE EDINBURGH ADVERTISER, June 4, 1779  Page 3 includes: "...The open assistance given by the natural rivals & enemies of Great Britain to the rebellious colonies of North America has united all ranks of men in zeal for the common cause. They rejoice in the success which attends your Majesty's arms...and they, trusting in the Almighty, look forward with the solicitude of good cit... See More  

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General John Burgoyne...

Item #591927

May 25, 1779

THE EDINBURGH ADVERTISER, Scotland, May 25, 1779  Most of page 2 is taken up with further discussions in the House of Commons on the conduct of General Howe. Page 3 has from the "House of Commons: "General Burgoyne rose and recapitulated the whole of the American war in which he had been concerned...". An update notes: "...from Virginia...brings advice that nothing had yet... See More  

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Reflecting upon the events of the on-going war...

Item #591924

May 14, 1779

THE EDINBURGH ADVERTISER, Scotland, May 14, 1779 

* Rare Revolutionary War era title

Inside has a lengthy discussion in the "House of Commons" concerning the actions of General Grey and Howe in the Revolutionary War, bits including: "...That the southern expedition was the only effectual diversion of Gen. Washington's army in favour of our northern forces...harassed b... See More  

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Item #591745

January 15, 1779

THE EDINBURGH ADVERTISER, Scotland, Jan. 15, 1779  Although from the middle of the Revolutionary War I find very little--if any--reference to it, this issue filled primarily with European reports. Complete in 8 pages, measures 8 1/2 by 11 inches, light wear to folds, generally nice condition.

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Item #591744

January 12, 1779

THE EDINBURGH ADVERTISER, Scotland, Jan. 12, 1779  Although from the middle of the Revolutionary War I find very little--if any--reference to it, this issue filled primarily with European reports. Complete in 8 pages plus also included is the single page "Supplement" issue. Measures 8 1/2 by 11 inches, light wear to folds, generally nice condition.

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If England would agree to the independence of America...

Item #591619

November 16, 1780

THE GLASGOW MERCURY, Scotland, Nov. 16, 1780 

* Independence of America question

* Revolutionary War

A quote from the House of Commons report notes: "...He had said that if Parliament would agree to acknowledge the independence of America, we might begin a treaty to-morrow...Lord George Germaine said...that if we were inclined to acknowledge the independence of America, we might b... See More  

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Mention of "The Pretender"...

The Count of Albany's death report... woodcut ad...

Item #591473

March 09, 1784

THE EDINBURGH ADVERTISER, Edinburgh, March 9, 1784 Within this issue is a report of the death of the Count of Albany, which makes reference to The Pretender.  Also included is a decorative woodcut ad for "Improved Milk of Roses".  News of the day with period advertising are present throughout.  Measures approximately 8 1/2 by 11 1/2 inches, complete in 8 pages, in good con... See More  

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Detecting conterfeit gold... a King's patent woodcut...

Item #591472

December 01, 1757

THE LONDON CHRONICLE, London, December 1, 1757  Within this issue is an ad for an instrument which helps detect fraudulent/counterfeit gold, which includes a nice illustrated woodcut of the patent for the device: "Bradford Darby & Hull's - by The Kings Patent".  News of the day with reports from throughout the world along with period advertising are present throughout.&... See More  

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Short-lived 18th century Boston magazine...

Item #590718
THE AMERICAN APOLLO, Boston, July 13, 1792  A 20 page magazine featuring a large engraving on the front page.

Near the back is the "American Intelligence" with various news reports, including datelines of Quebec, Kingston, Jamaica; Philadelphia, Albany, New York, Boston, and Niagara, the latter having a descriptive article on Niagara Falls.

A scarce periodical which lasted but 39 ... See More  

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The sport of boxing in 1790...

Item #590354

October 30, 1790

COLUMBIAN CENTINEL, Boston, October 30, 1790  Page 2 has an article: "Boxing" which is a very early report of the sport (see photos). Other items including a page 3 article on: "Duelling", "King of France's Demand", "the Art of Joking", "King of Sweden" and other items.

Complete in 4 pages, never-trimmed margins, great condition. The back... See More  

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Unique and rare title...

Item #590329

May 05, 1794

THE SALISBURY AND WINCHESTER JOURNAL, Salisbury, England, May 5, 1794 This issue is mostly taken up with ads but there are various news and war reports scattered throughout.

This is complete in four pages with slight discoloration along the left spine, untrimmed and in very good condition.

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Declaration of war... unusual obituary...

Item #590311

February 12, 1793

THE STAR, London, February 12, 1793  This features a decorative masthead. On page two under the heading of "British Parliament" is a heading "Declaration of War Against France" in which Lord Grenville brought the message from the King "...directed acts of hostility to be committed against the persons and property of his Majesty's subjects, in breach of the law of ... See More  

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Debating who will replace the President...

Item #589492

March 07, 1792

COLUMBIAN CENTINEL, Boston, Massachusetts, March 7, 1792

* Presidential Succession Act of 1792

The "Vacancy Bill" on pg. 2 says the Senate agreed to all the amendments, except one, regarding what officer should act as President in case of a double vacancy. It further states that the one amendment was receded and that: "The Bill now provides that the President of the Senate, pr... See More  

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John Paul Jones... Revolutionary War...

Item #588494

April 16, 1781

ARIS'S BIRMINGHAM GAZETTE, England, April 16, 1781  Page 2 has mention of the noted John Paul Jones, with: "Paul Jones arrived at Philadelphia the first of March with only a single frigate. It is said he brought some very important news which had not transpired..." and further on is a note from St. Eustatia: "The Americans that fled to the woods & attempted to make a st... See More  

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Plight of prisoners... Events at Skenesboro & St. Augustine, Florida...

Item #587975

September 02, 1777

THE LONDON CHRONICLE, England, Sept. 2, 1777  Page 2 has various content on the Revolutionary War including: "In America matters bear the aspect of being speedily brought to an issue. Ticonderoga is already in our possession, which is the key of all internal communication through the revolted colonies." and another item tells of the plight of prisoners with: "Sir, hard as my
... See More  

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Rare title from London...

Item #587909

November 24, 1772

THE MIDDLESEX JOURNAL OR UNIVERSAL EVENING POST, London, November 24, 1772  News reports from various places in Europe, with the back page having an item concerning crops in America.

Four pages, folio size, partial red tax stamp at the bottom of page 1, very nice condition.

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Talk of John Paul Jones...

Item #587845

June 10, 1780

THE LONDON CHRONICLE, England, June 10, 1780  Inside has a brief item concerning John Paul Jones, with a dateline of Paris and mentioning: "The celebrated Paul Jones is to sail from L'Orient with one frigate and three large privateers. He will carry back the Bostonians who have arrived here from Denmark within these eight or ten days. This intrepid Mariner must be highly gratified wi... See More  

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Critical of action in the war... Fall of Charleston...

Item #587837

May 23, 1780

THE LONDON CHRONICLE, England, May 23, 1780  Page 2 includes a report that: "...certainly various accounts in tow from very respectable quarters, all of which confirm Sir Henry Clinton's taking Charlestown [Charleston] by storm on the 7th of April after a great slaughter on both sides..." (see).

Fully 1 1/3 pages are taken up with "Letter V to the Right Hon. Lord Viscount ... See More  

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News on the Revolutionary War...

Item #587827

April 27, 1780

THE LONDON CHRONICLE, England, April 27, 1780 

* Revolutionary War Era

* 18th century America

* From The Enemy

Near the back is a column headed "America" with news taking over half the page & which includes: "Last Tues. night a party of the British troops embarked...they landed on the east side & surprised a body of the rebel troops, 34 of which were made priso... See More  

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A short-lived title 18th century title...

Item #587695

January 01, 1753

THE ADVENTURER, London, England, 1753

* Rare 18th century title

An uncommon essay-format bi-weekly newspaper addressed specifically to men, containing six pages & lasting only for 17 months from 1752 to 1753. While each issue varies, common contributors included John Hawkesworth and Samuel Johnson.

A decorative embellishment at the top of the front page is present on each issue. ... See More  

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1799 New York City....

Item #587525

June 01, 1799

WEEKLY MUSEUM, New York, June 1, 1799  Mostly taken up with literary items but page 3 does have some news items both from American and Europe. Four pages, water staining at the spine, 9 1/4 by 11 3/4 inches, generally good.

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Naval content from the Revolutionary War....

Item #587189

October 11, 1781

THE LONDON CHRONICLE, England, Oct. 11, 1781  Inside has a letter from New York which gives details of a naval battle, noting in part: "....the 29th of June we fell in with a rebel privateer of 22 guns...who engaged us for 3 hours and 20 minutes...The engagement was so excessively hot that for three quarters of an hour the muzzles of her guns & ours rubbed one another. We received so... See More  

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1773 Edinburgh, Scotland....

Item #587050

March 31, 1773

THE EDINBURGH EVENING COURANT, Scotland, March 31, 1773  Page 2 has a section headed: "America" with a New York dateline, concerning a naval encounter with Indians (see).

Four pages, light dirtiness to the ftpg., folio size, nice condition.

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News from Albany...

Item #587049

August 19, 1772

THE EDINBURGH EVENING COURANT, Scotland, Aug. 19, 1772  Page 2 has a piece headed: "America" from Albany with a story of a brave rescue of a child from falling overboard from a ship (see).

Four pages, folio size, nice condition.

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Proclamations by British officers...

Item #587016

August 21, 1781

THE LONDON CHRONICLE, England, Aug. 21, 1781  Much of the front page is taken up with naval reports from the Caribbean. Page 4 has a nice document from Charleston signed in type by both: Rawdon and N. Balfour, in which they note: "...attention to the general security of the province has obliged his Majesty's relinquish some of the upper parts of it...unnecessary for us to... See More  

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Benedict Arnold... Victory at Camden...

Item #586957

August 04, 1781

THE LONDON CHRONICLE, England, Aug. 4, 1781  Page 2 has a report which includes: "...that since some of Washington's letters were intercepted, discovering the intention of his army in conjunction with the French troops on Long Island to attack Gen. Clinton, a misunderstanding has taken place between Washington and the French General Rochambeau, which is expected will be of more good ... See More  

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Sam Adams... Building the frigate United States...

Item #586734

August 03, 1796

COLUMBIAN CENTINEL, Boston, August 3, 1796  The first column on the front page has an Act of the Mass. Legislature signed in type by: Samuel Adams. Page 2 has: "French Victory on the Rhine" concerning Buonaparte. Also: "Intercourse With Canada". Also a brief yet notable report from Philadelphia: "The building of the United States Frigate, now constructing in Southwark... See More  

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