Newspapers from the 1700s

The eighteenth century saw the heyday of the Age of Reason, and the rising popularity and increased distribution of newspapers played a key role in deepening and expanding public discourse. We carry only absolutely authentic original newspapers, and there's no better way to discover the history of the 1700s than to hold a newspaper from that century in your own hands.

Newspapers from the 1700s

The eighteenth century saw the heyday of the Age of Reason, and the rising popularity and increased distribution of newspapers played a key role in deepening and expanding public discourse. We carry only absolutely authentic original newspapers, and there's no better way to discover the history of the 1700s than to hold a newspaper from that century in your own hands.
Web Results (1482)



Torture device illustrated... Madras, India...

Item #609768
THE GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE, London, February, 1747 One page has an interesting engraving of: "...a cruel machine...supposed to be made use of by the rebels to extort confession..." with the text going on to describe its use (see). Another page has a print of: "...a Stone found in Cast Steeds Garden..." with an inscription (see).

Another page is taken up with: "A Suc
... See More  

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John Peter Zenger & freedom of the press...

Item #607276
THE GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE, London, December, 1737

* Ad regarding John Peter Zenger's "freedom of the press" trial

The back page has a small note of the publishing of a book, reading: "The Tryal of John Peter Zenger, who was lately tried & acquitted for printing and publishing a Libel against the Government." This is the famed Zenger trial--publisher of the New... See More  

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Toasts to America & patriotism...

Item #607081

January 09, 1796

THE WEEKLY MUSEUM, New York, Jan. 9, 1796  Page 3 has a report from the Society of Mechanics & Tradesmen of New York which includes a list of 15 toasts, beginning with one for the President (see).

Four pages, 9 3/4 by 12 inches, bit of foxing, nice condition.

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Item #606596

January 02, 1796

THE WEEKLY MUSEUM, New York, Jan. 2, 1796  Page 3 has various news items including reports from Portland, Boston, Augusta, Charleston and Newark.

Four pages, 9 3/4 by 12 inches, bit of foxing, nice condition.

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Relations with America...

Item #606551

June 09, 1780

THE EDINBURGH ADVERTISER, Scotland, June 9, 1780  The bottom of the front page begins a letter which takes two-thirds of pg. 2 concerning relations with America, beginning; "I shall wave mentioning any thing with regard to the American war; so much has been said pro and con by men of superior abilities...this is not my design, but I shall confine myself to a few of the most notorious rec... See More  

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Firepower for the "approaching season"...

Item #605766

January 12, 1799

COLUMBIAN CENTINEL, Boston, Jan. 12, 1799  Page 2 has a lengthy speech by the Mass. governor, signed in script type: Increase Sumner. The back page features a very interesting & unusual illustrated ad for "Gunnery Articles Suitable for the Approaching Season". One wonders what the season is, as the illustration shows a cannon (see).

Four pages, wear at the margins with minimal ... See More  

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Proclamation signed by John Jay...

Item #605650

December 06, 1797

THE SPECTATOR, New York, Dec. 6, 1797  Close to half of the first column of the back page is taken up with: "A Proclamation" concerning state law & prisoners, signed in type by the governor: John Jay.

Four pages, minor loss to an upper corner, never bound nor trimmed, minor foxing.

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From the Revolutionary War...

Item #605484
THE GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE, London, March, 1780  A fine opportunity to purchase a magazine from during the Revolutionary War at a reasonable price, as there is very little American content in this issue. Just one report in the "Historical Chronicle" with two items: "There have been no material advices from America that can be rely'd on. A vague report...that two French sh... See More  

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From the Revolutionary War...

Item #605483
THE GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE, London, March, 1780 

* American Revolutionary War

* From the enemy

A fine opportunity to purchase a magazine from during the Revolutionary War at a reasonable price, as there is very little American content in this issue. Just one report in the "Historical Chronicle" with two items: "There have been no material advices from America that can ... See More  

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Item #605140

April 20, 1796

THE NEW YORK WEEKLY MAGAZINE, April 20, 1796  An eight page literary newspaper, measuring 8 by 10 inches. Some foxing stain otherwise good.

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On the death of King George II...

Item #605020

October 30, 1760

THE LONDON CHRONICLE, England, October 30, 1760  Page 2 has: "The Lord Marshal's Order for a General Mourning for his late Majesty King George the Second.' (see)  Also a report from the "London Gazette Extraordinary" headed: "A Proclamation Requiring all persons being in Office of Authority of Government at the Decease of the late King, to proceed in the Execu... See More  

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An address to the President, with his response...

Item #604887

October 10, 1798


* President John Adams

Page 2 has and: "Address" prefaced with: "Among the numerous addresses presented to the President few, if any, have been better expressed than the following." signed: James Oliver. This is followed by the President's reply signed: John Adams (see).

Four pages, never bound ... See More  

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A 1790's literary newspaper...

Item #604149

May 18, 1796

THE NEW YORK WEEKLY MAGAZINE, May 18, 1796  Basically a literary newspaper, page 2 has: "The Fatal Effects of Indulging the Passions".

Eight pages, 8 1/4 by 10 inches, nice condition.

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Dismissing an agent...

Item #603435

April 02, 1767

THE LONDON CHRONICLE, England, April 2, 1767  Inside has an "Extract of a Letter from Boston (New England)" concerning the dismissal of Mr. Jackson as an agent, signed by the governor: Fra. Bernard (see).

Eight pages, 88 1/4 by 11 inches, some damp staining & minor margin wear.

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England, France, and America...

Item #603321

January 01, 1796

LLOYD'S EVENING POST, London, Jan. 1, 1796 

* Rare 18th century title

Page 4 has: "Extracts From An American Journal" which concerns the relations among England, France, and the United States.

Four pages, 8 1/2 by 11 1/2 inches, wear at the margins, minor foxing.

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Note from President Washington...

Item #602434

September 26, 1795

COLUMBIAN CENTINEL, Boston, Sept. 26, 1795  Page 3 has a small item prefaced with: "The following is the concluding paragraph of the answer of the President of the United States to the Chairman of the Norfolk meeting against the Treaty:" and what follows is the paragraph, signed in type: G. Washington.

Four pages, never bound nor trimmed, various small tears & archival mends ne... See More  

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The best of patriots...

Item #602351

September 13, 1774

THE LONDON CHRONICLE, England, Sept. 13, 1774  Inside has a lengthy letter sent to America, by a "...a noble Lord in a very high office" (see). It also has a letter from New York which begins: "Every body here, high and low, are in a combustion. Those who have nothing to lose are our warmest Patriots & declare they will hazard their All for their dear country..." with ... See More  

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18th century Boston...

Item #602180

February 03, 1798

COLUMBIAN CENTINEL, Boston, Feb. 3, 1798  The front page has: "American and France" Also a letter headed: "Intercepted Letter" which is signed: James Monroe. Other news & ads of the day.

Four pages, a few small & very discrete archival mends, some light damp staining, nice condition. 

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The Aurora Borealis...

Item #602163
THE GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE, London, November, 1792  Among the articles of interest are: "Continuation of Two Months Tour in Scotland", "Report on Pendulums", "Virtues of the Coffee Drink", "The regular Appearance and Departure of Swallows" "Query on the Aurora Borealis", and much more. Near the back are various news reports under: "Inte... See More  

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The Aurora Borealis...

Item #602162
THE GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE, London, November, 1792  Among the articles of interest are: "Continuation of Two Months Tour in Scotland", "Report on Pendulums", "Virtues of the Coffee Drink", "The regular Appearance and Departure of Swallows" "Query on the Aurora Borealis", and much more. Near the back are various news reports under: "Inte... See More  

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The Bennington Mob... Gage coming to America...

Item #602070

April 07, 1774

THE LONDON CHRONICLE, England, April 7, 1774  Page 2 has an item noting: "Yesterday some dispatches arrived in town from Governor Hutchinson, of Massachusetts Bay...We hear that Lieut. General Gage is preparing to embark for Boston in New England in consequence of his appointment to succeed Governor Hutchinson during his Majesty's pleasure." A fateful decision that would set the... See More  

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Creating Trumbull County...

Item #602021

March 03, 1774

THE LONDON CHRONICLE, England, March 3, 1774  An inside page has over a full column concerning how to deal with the American situation. See photos for the full text.

Another page has reports from Boston and New York headed "America" and includes: "...on Thursday last the Tea, which was saved out of Capt. Loring's brigantine, was landed at the Castle by order of the Officer... See More  

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Mostly literary content...

Item #601976

November 21, 1795

THE WEEKLY MUSEUM, New York, Nov. 21, 1795  Basically a literary-themed newspaper, but page 3 has reports from Philadelphia, New Haven, London, & Cork.

Four pages, 9 1/2 by 12 inches, scattered foxing, generally nice.

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News from America...

Item #601642

September 10, 1765

THE LONDON CHRONICLE, England, Sept. 10, 1765  Page 7 has a: "...Letter from a Person of the First Distinction in Virginia to his Friend in London", and the back page has some reports from America as well.

Eight pages, 8 1/4 by 11 1/4 inches, minor foxing at the margins, generally nice.

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Captured by Indians...

Item #601603

September 24, 1792

DUNLAP'S AMERICAN DAILY ADVERTISER, Philadelphia, Sept. 24, 1792  The front page features 19 illustrated ship advertisements. Page 3 has a curious article from Pittsburgh concerning a man captured by Indians near Grave Creek in Ohio County.

Four pages, very nice condition.

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A literary newspaper...

Item #601599

April 06, 1796

THE NEW YORK WEEKLY MAGAZINE, April 6, 1796  This is primarily a literary newspaper. Articles include: "On Ambition" "Caroline's History" "The Victim of Magical Delusion" & more.

Eight pages, 8 by 10 inches, nice condition.

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News from Quebec...

Item #601561

July 11, 1765

THE LONDON CHRONICLE, England, July 11, 1765  Page 2 has a letter from Quebec telling of the activities there, noting: "...We have had balls, assemblies, etc. in town; sleighing, bear-hunting & fishing in the country...General Murray intends to establish a playhouse..." with more (see).

Eight pages, 8 1/4 by 11 1/4 inches, nice condition.

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Great report on non-importation in Boston...

Item #601354

November 30, 1769

THE LONDON CHRONICLE, England, Nov. 30, 1769 

* Non-Importation agreement

Page 6 has most of a column headed: "America" with reports from Boston, New Haven and Williamsburg, the former having a great report concerning non-importation, including: "We are assured that the merchants of this town, considering that the period to which their late agreement to withhold the impor... See More  

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Americans resolved not to submit to the yoke of oppression...

Item #601345

November 09, 1769

THE LONDON CHRONICLE, England, Nov. 9, 1769  Page 6 has a great letter from a gentleman in Boston to a friend in London, beginning: "The Americans are firm & resolved not to submit to the yoke of ministerial oppression: All the merchants have entered now into bonds not to import any goods from England upon any terms whatsoever..." with more (see).

Eight pages, 8 by 11 1/4 inche... See More  

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Side effects of the Revenue Acts...

Item #601336

October 19, 1769

THE LONDON CHRONICLE, England, Oct. 19, 1769  The back page has a letter from Philadelphia which includes: "It is with much pleasure I acquaint you the Act of Parliament imposing a duty on paper, glass, etc. imported from Great Britain into the American provinces operates in the most profitable manner for them...Our farmer wives, daughters & servants now employ that time in carding, ... See More  

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News from Charleston and Boston...

Item #601333

October 10, 1769

THE LONDON CHRONICLE, England, Oct. 10, 1769  Page 6 has a brief report from Charleston concerning: "...the Indians in that quarter behave with much insolence since the King's troops have been withdrawn...". The back page has a letter from Boston.

Eight pages, 8 by 11 1/4 inches, very nice condition.

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Angry that the governor dissolved the General Assembly...

Item #601268

August 26, 1769

THE LONDON CHRONICLE, Aug. 26, 1769  Page 2 has most of a column taken up with reports headed "America" with Boston, Williamsburg, and Philadelphia datelines. The Boston report ends with: "...Resolved...when the governor of the Province had wantonly dissolved the General Assembly & arbitrarily refused to call another upon the repeated dutiful petition of the people." T... See More  

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A large & decorative masthead... Avoiding taxation...

Item #601262

December 24, 1723


* Great masthead engraving 

* Very rare title

A rare title with the text running continuously from issue to issue, the lead sentence is the completion of the last sentence from the previous issue. This was done by several periodicals during this period to avoid the tax on newspaper... See More  

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Non-importation in South Carolina...

Item #601145

August 12, 1769

THE LONDON CHRONICLE, England, Aug. 12, 1769  Half of page 6 is taken up with a very nice report from South Carolina concerning the work of that colony to compel all residents & merchants to abide by a non-importation agreement, and also that they will: "...encourage & promote to the utmost of our power, the use of the North American manufactures in general, and those of this pro... See More  

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Peace with the Indians at Detroit...

Item #601128

July 25, 1769

THE LONDON CHRONICLE, England, July 25, 1769  Page 2 has reports headed: "America" with datelines from Philadelphia & New York, the latter noting: "...the disputes with the Indians at Detroit were amicably adjusted & peace again settled...".

Eight pages, 8 1/4 by 11 1/4 inches, very nice, clean condition.

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Essay II from Atticus on tensions between England & America...

Item #601087

July 08, 1769

THE LONDON CHRONICLE, England, July 8, 1769  The front page has half a column headed: "America" with datelines from Boston, Charleston & Philadelphia. The Boston report concerning exposing those merchants who chose not to conform to the non-importation agreement, noting in part: "Inasmuch as some persons among us have...preferred their own supposed private advantage to the ... See More  

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Just before the Revolutionary War...

Item #600928

December 14, 1772

THE DAILY ADVERTISER, London, Dec. 14, 1772  True to its name this newspaper is almost entirely filled with advertisements save for a column of news on the front page.

Four pages, folio size, slightly close-trimmed at the bottom of pages 1 & 2, very nice condition.

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From New York, 1796...

Item #600856

June 22, 1796

THE NEW YORK WEEKLY MAGAZINE, June 22, 1796  Filled almost entirely with various literary items. The front page has: "Reflections On The Milky Way" and "Miscellaneous Reflections". Eight pages, 8 1/2 by 10 1/2 inches, nice condition.

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18th century balloning...

Item #600205

April 19, 1790


* Jean-Pierre Blanchard 

* Ballooning

A very nice full folio-size newspaper of 4 pages with the entire front page taken up with ads. Pages 2 & 3 have various news of the day with the back page having mostly ads.

Page 3 has a report on Jean-Pierre Blanchard planning a balloon flight.

Nice condition.... See More  

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18th century boxing.......

Item #600204

April 13, 1790


* 18th century boxing

A very nice full folio-size newspaper of 4 pages with the entire front page taken up with ads. Pages 2 & 3 have various news of the day with the back page having mostly ads.

Page 2 has a report on a upcoming boxing match. See image for text.

Nice condition.... See More  

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Executions for burglary.......

Item #600203

April 08, 1790


* 18th century executions

A very nice full folio-size newspaper of 4 pages with the entire front page taken up with ads. Pages 2 & 3 have various news of the day with the back page having mostly ads.

Page 3 has a report on two men that were executed for the crime of burglary. See image for text here.

Nice condition.... See More  

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Man of 137 years ?.......

Item #600202

March 24, 1790


* Man of 137 years

A very nice full folio-size newspaper of 4 pages with the entire front page taken up with ads. Pages 2 & 3 have various news of the day with the back page having mostly ads.

Page 3 has a report on a man from Aldborough, North Yorkshire who recently turned 137 years old. See image for text here.

Nice condi... See More  

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Painter Joshua Reynolds...

Item #600198

February 15, 1790


* Joshua Reynolds 

* English painter

A very nice full folio-size newspaper of 4 pages with the entire front page taken up with ads. Pages 2 & 3 have various news of the day with the back page having mostly ads.

Page 2 has report on famous English painter Joshua Reynolds retiring from the Royal Academy.

... See More  

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The manumission of slaves... Marquis La Fayette...

Item #600170

November 15, 1788

THE LONDON CHRONICLE, November 15, 1788 Page 5 has nearly two columns with various reports from American regarding American Indians, as well as a brief article from New York from: "...The Society for promoting the manumission [freeing]of slaves, and protecting such of them as have been or may be liberated...", which mentions the presence of Marquis La Fayette among others.

Eight pages, ... See More  

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Reports from America...

Item #599705

January 09, 1773

THE LONDON CHRONICLE, England, Jan. 9, 1773  Inside has most of a column headed: "America" with two reports datelined New York and one from Boston (see).

Eight pages, 8 1/2 by 11 inches, some fold foxing, nice condition.

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News from France...

Item #599623

September 19, 1795

THE WEEKLY MUSEUM, New York, Sept. 19, 1795  Much literary content but page 3 has various news reports, one from Bordeaux noting: "The people of France in general think well of the new constitution, and it is thought it will be adopted." Other news from France as well.

Four pages, 9 1/2 by 12 inches, bit of foxing, generally nice.

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President Adams concerning trade with France...

Item #599357

July 07, 1799

COLUMBIAN CENTINEL, Boston, July 7, 1799 

* President John Adams

* Trade with France

Page 2 has: "A Proclamation" by the President of the United States concerning the ending of trade with France, signed in script type: John Adams (see). Also a brief item: "Naval Affairs" which notes the President offers thanks to Capt. Truxton & crew of the Constellation for the... See More  

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18th century Philadelphia...

Item #599315

May 06, 1788

PENNSYLVANIA PACKET & DAILY ADVERTISER, Philadelphia, May 6, 1788  Although mostly filled ads with news on pages 2 & 3 including datelines from Philadelphia, Wilmington, Providence, Dublin, London and elsewhere.

Four pages, never-trimmed margins, very nice condition.

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America to be at war...

Item #599287

February 11, 1794

DUNLAP AND CLAYPOOLE'S AMERICAN DAILY ADVERTISER, Philadelphia, Feb. 11, 1794  Page 3 has a letter headed "Carlisle" which begins: "At this present crisis there is every appearance of a war with the United States, it is hoped that wise and able General Washington will prevent the effusion of human blood & horrors of war..." with more (see).

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Monroe is the ambassador to France...

Item #599285

November 12, 1794

COLUMBIAN CENTINEL, Boston, Nov. 12, 1794  The front page features a report from France on the introduction of "James Monroe" as the ambassador to that country, with his lengthy address to the French National Convention. Page 2 has: "The Mineral Waters of Saratoga in the State of New York" which takes over a full column.

Four pages, a small piece from the top of the back ... See More  

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