Newspapers from the 1700s
The eighteenth century saw the heyday of the Age of Reason, and the rising popularity and increased distribution of newspapers played a key role in deepening and expanding public discourse. We carry only absolutely authentic original newspapers, and there's no better way to discover the history of the 1700s than to hold a newspaper from that century in your own hands.Newspapers from the 1700s
The eighteenth century saw the heyday of the Age of Reason, and the rising popularity and increased distribution of newspapers played a key role in deepening and expanding public discourse. We carry only absolutely authentic original newspapers, and there's no better way to discover the history of the 1700s than to hold a newspaper from that century in your own hands.
Officers respond to Washington's Farewell Address... British evacuate New York City....
Item #704735
January 02, 1784
THE EDINBURGH ADVERTISER, Scotland, Jan. 2, 1784 The front page has a report from New York noting: "General Thomas Mifflin is chosen resident of Congress for the ensuing year, in the room of Elias Boudinot...His Excellency General Washington, by proclamation bearing the date the 4th instant, and in compliance with a resolve of Congress...has discharged all the troops in the service of t... See More
George Washington signs an Act of Congress...
Item #704731
April 15, 1795
COLUMBIAN CENTINEL, Boston, April 15, 1795 Half of the front page is taken up with an Act of Congress titled: "An provide more effectually for the collection of the duties in goods, wares and merchandize imported into the United States, and on the tonnage of ships or vessels." which is signed in script type by the President: Go. Washington on the following page.
... See More
News from America in 1723...
Item #704727
October 08, 1723
THE POST-BOY, London, Oct. 8, 1723 A handsome single sheet newspaper as the masthead features two very ornate & detailed engravings.
The front page has a bit of American news with a report of a fire in Boston, and noting: "...escaped by jumping out of the window; but two of his apprentices are among those unhappy persons that perish'd in the flames."
Also 5 front page not... See More
Federal news from this temporary seat of government...
Item #704724
April 15, 1794
GAZETTE OF THE UNITED STATES & EVENING ADVERTISER, Philadelphia, April 15, 1794 Given that Phila. was the temporary capital of the United States while the District of Columbia was under construction, it is nice this issue has reports from Congress during this early year of the federal government.
Complete in 4 pages, never-trimmed margin, very nice condition.
Benjamin Franklin's lightning rod experiment...
Item #704721
THE GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE, London, July, 1752 Inside has an extremely significant article titled: "A Cut and Description of a Machine, easily constructed, for making the Experiment by which Franklin's new Theory of Thunder is demonstrated" with descriptive text showing how this experiment works. Each piece of the illustration is identified as well. A great and early conte
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Wishful thinking on the fate of Cornwallis at Yorktown...
Item #704706
January 29, 1782
THE CONNECTICUT COURANT & WEEKLY INTELLIGENCER, Hartford, Jan. 29, 1782 The front page is mostly taken up with: "An Ordinance Ascertaining What Captures on Water Shall be Lawful". This lengthy text carries over to take close to half of page 2 & is signed in type by: John Hanson, President of Congress.
Page 3 has some optimistic hopes from London including: "Though the... See More
Very early, short-lived, colonial newspaper...
Item #704705
August 30, 1753
THE INDEPENDENT REFLECTOR, New York, Aug. 30, 1753 This rare newspaper lasted for less than one year, publishing but 52 issues. Primarily moral and political essays, it gave offense to men in power and was "suppressed by authorities", as Brigham relates.
A fine opportunity to purchase at a reasonable price a very early issue--over 270 years old--by James Parker from the colonial p... See More
John Jay, Columbia University...
Item #704655
April 26, 1797
THE HERALD; A GAZETTE FOR THE COUNTRY, New York, April 26, 1797 A very typical late 18th century American newspaper with a good mix of news reports of the day and advertisements.
A fine opportunity for an early newspaper at a low price.
Four pages, very nice condition.
A rare Philadelphia title from 1796...
Item #704640
November 11, 1796
GALES'S INDEPENDENT GAZETTEER, Philadelphia, Nov. 11, 1796 A quite rare title which lasted just one year from Sept. 16, 1796 till Sept. 12, 1797. Actually the continuation of the "Independent Gazetteer", which was later sold to "The Universal Gazette". Just 7 American institutions have scattered issues of this title.
Page 3 has a chart of election results for Preside... See More
Engraving of a porcupine in the masthead...
Item #704633
March 29, 1798
PORCUPINE'S GAZETTE, Philadelphia, March 29, 1798 The masthead features an engraving of a porcupine. The entire front page is taken up with ads including one for a runaway slave headed: "Ten Dollars Reward" Two more appear on the back page.
Four pages, never-trimmed margins, a little ink dirtiness to a quadrant of the front page only, a few tiny binding holes along the blank s... See More
From the temporary capital of the United States...
Item #704631
February 10, 1797
GAZETTE OF THE UNITED STATES & PHILADELPHIA DAILY ADVERTISER, Feb. 10, 1797 The capital of the United States was in Philadelphia at this time, while the District of Columbia was under construction.
The front page is filled with advertisements including three illustrated ship ads. Inside has reports from the federal Congress.
Four pages, wide never-trimmed margins, stains at the spine m... See More
George Washington responds...
Item #704627
September 30, 1795
THOMAS'S MASSACHUSETTS SPY OR THE WORCESTER GAZETTE, Sept. 30, 1795 Page 3 has: "The President's Answer to the Address of the Citizens of Norfolk" which concerns the Jay Treaty. It is signed in type: George Washington.
Four pages, light damp stains, nice condition.
Concerns about the Jay Treaty...
Item #704626
August 01, 1795
COLUMBIAN CENTINEL, Boston, Aug. 1, 1795 Over half of the front page is taken up with: "The Objections to the Treaty Refuted", referring to the controversial Jay Treaty. Page 2 has a document which also expresses concerns about the Jay Treaty, carrying over to page 3.
Four pages, scattered foxing, some creases to the back leaf, good condition.
Federal news from this temporary seat of government...
Item #704625
April 11, 1794
GAZETTE OF THE UNITED STATES & EVENING ADVERTISER, Philadelphia, April 11, 1794 Given that Phila. was the temporary capital of the United States while the District of Columbia was under construction, it is nice this issue has reports from Congress during this early year of the federal government.
Complete in 4 pages, never-trimmed margin, very nice condition.
Establishing the rules of cricket... A premier report...
Item #704618
July 28, 1789
THE LONDON CHRONICLE, England, July 28, 1789 The article is titled: "Cricket" which contains within a subtitle reading: "Laws of the Game" which takes the majority of the article. There is another smaller subhead reading: "Betts" which mentions wagering on the game.
The prefatory paragraph reads: "This game, at present so fashionable, and at all times so... See More
Washington's historic farewell orders to the military...
Item #704612
January 06, 1784
THE EDINBURGH ADVRTISER, Scotland, Jan. 6, 1784 Certainly the most notable & historic content is the full text printing of: "General Washington's Farewell Orders to the Armies of the United States", a very historic & notable document datelined: "Rocky Hill, near Princetown, Nov. 2, 1783." It takes portions of both pages 2 and 3.
It reads in part: "...A c... See More
George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Henry Knox, and more...
Item #704605
THE AMERICAN MUSEUM, Philadelphia, June, 1792 Articles include a continuation of: "A Continuation of the Reflexions on the Manufactures of the United States..." "Manners & Customs of the Hindoos" "Gallantry" "Account of the Bastille" "Hessian Fly" includes a list of 9 key issues, signed in type by: Thomas Jefferson among others; "Rev... See More
First lottery in America... Electricity experiments...
Item #704602
THE GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE, London, England, April, 1745 A feature of this issue is a terrific, three page graphic representation of the: "Situation of his Majesty's Fleet & the Combined fleets of France and Spain in the Mediterranean...when Adm. Mathews made the Signal to engage the enemy..." showing the various positions of the ships (see photos). This is highly unus
... See More
Great dislike of the Jay Treaty (designed by Alexander Hamilton) with England...
Item #704597
July 29, 1795
* 18th century America
* re. John Jay Treaty
Almost all of the front page is taken up with critical articles on the controversial Jay Treaty with England, designed by Alexander Hamilton, headed: "Candid Remarks on the Treaty of Amity & Commerce Between Great Britain and the United States of America". ... See More
Two Acts of Congress signed by George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, and John Adams...
Item #704528
April 02, 1791
GAZETTE OF THE UNITED STATES, Philadelphia, April 2, 1791
* President George Washington
* John Adams & Thomas Jefferson
* Two Acts of United States Congress
The front page has reporting on: "The Bank Bill under Consideration".
The back page has two Acts of Congress headed with an engraving of a heraldic eagle, each signed in block type by: George Washington, Thomas Jef... See More
George Washington, Ben Franklin, & Alexander Hamilton...
Item #704525
July 21, 1790
* President George Washington
* John Adams & Thomas Jefferson
* Benjamin Franklin & Alexander Hamilton
Page 2 has a nice Act of Congress headed with an engraving of a heraldic eagle & signed in type by the president: George Washington, as well as by John Adams and Thomas Jefferson.
Page 3 has an item headed: "Por... See More
The HMS Bounty prepares for its fateful trip... A slave ship burns...
Item #704521
August 28, 1787
* Captain William Bligh prepares for voyage
* HMS Bounty - merchant ship - mutiny fame
* Fateful South Pacific Ocean expedition
The back page has an inconspicuous report noting "The ship which has been engaged by the Admiralty to make a voyage to the Society Islands for the bread-fruit which is to be transported to our West India settlement,... See More
Sam Adams issues a Proclamation...
Item #704507
June 29, 1795
INDEPENDENT CHRONICLE, Boston, June 29, 1795 Page 2 has a "Proclamation" signed in type by the governor: Samuel Adams.
Four pages, very handsome masthead, never-trimmed margins, small binding holes at the blank spine, great condition.
The brutality of Capt. Hugh Pigot...
Item #704503
August 31, 1796
THE HERALD; A GAZETTE FOR THE COUNTRY, New York, Aug. 31, 1796 The front page has an interesting article by the notorious Captain Hugh Pigot of the British Navy, concerning cruelty towards
Americans. Within a year his reputation for brutality would provide his men to mutiny, one of the bloodiest in the history of the Royal Navy, causing the death of Pigot and 9 of his officers.
Page 2 has ... See More
Signed by Washington & Jefferson...
Item #704502
May 08, 1793
COLUMBIAN CENTINEL, Boston, May 8, 1793 The top of the first column has: "An Act for the Relief of Simeon Thayer" by the U.S. Congress, signed in type by the President: Go. WASHINGTON as well by the Secretary of State: Th. Jefferson.
Four pages, very nice condition.
Early issue of this revered title...
Item #704441
January 01, 1797
THE TIMES, London, England, 1797 Perhaps the most revered newspaper in the world, it began in 1785 under the title "The Daily Universal Register", adopting its modern name on January 1, 1788.
An opportunity for a very nice issue of this iconic title with a decorative red-ink tax stamp at the top.
Four pages, never-trimmed margins, very nice condition.
London from 1799...
Item #704440
January 01, 1799
THE SUN, London, England, 1799 A fine issue of a typical late 18th century newspaper, the top of the masthead con containing a decorative, red-inked tax stamp. Much news of the day and ads as well.
Four pages, good condition.
The great Philadelphia State House print...
Item #704435
GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE, London, September, 1752* Pennsylvania State House
* Philadelphia PA print
* Independence Hall
Despite the 48 pages of text within this issue the prime content is certainly the full page plate captioned: "A View of the State House in Philadelphia" which would later be known as Independence Hall.
This is a print of this famous building 24 years before it... See More
Ben Franklin the weatherman: an early landmark work on meteorology...
Item #704434
October 01, 1766
THE LONDON MAGAZINE, England, October, 1766
* Benjamin Franklin as 1st weatherman ?
* Meteorological - climatologist - climate
Inside has four pages taken up with a paper written by Ben Franklin, read by him at the Royal Society in London in 1756. It was not put to print until 1765.
The essay is headed: "Physical and Meteorological Observations, Conjectures, and Suppositio... See More
A short-lived 18th century title...
Item #704431
March 03, 1752
THE ADVENTURER, London, England, March 3, 1753
* Rare 18th century title
* 272 year old publication
An uncommon, essay-format bi-weekly newspaper addressed specifically to men, containing six pages & lasting only for 17 months from 1752 to 1753. This is issue #34.
While each issue varies, common contributors included John Hawkesworth and Samuel Johnson.
A decorat... See More
It satirized the vices & follies of the fashionable...
Item #704430
February 01, 1753
THE WORLD, London, England, Feb. 1, 1753
* 18th century original
This is an interesting, six page newspaper that only existed for four years. It's focus was satirizing the vices and follies of the fashionable world rather than reporting the news of the day.
Six pages, 7 by 11 inches, very light damp stain to an upper corner, nice condition.... See More
Short-lived newspaper with an interesting title...
Item #704429
June 03, 1709
THE BRITISH APOLLO, OR CURIOUS AMUSEMENTS FOR THE INGENIOUS and subtitled: "To Which are Added the Most Material Occurrences Foreign and Domestick". Published in London, and "Perform'd by a Society of Gentlemen" as noted in the masthead June 3, 1709.
* Uncommon publication
* Short-lived newspaper
This newspaper existed for less than 4 years. Readers were invited to s... See More
Early newspaper from 1746 Amsterdam...
Item #704426
July 29, 1746
LES ETATS DE HOLLANDE [The States of Holland], Amsterdam, July 29, 1746
* Rare 18th century title
* Nice masthead
An interesting, little newspaper from this Dutch city, printed in French, featuring an engraving in the middle of the masthead. At the back is the: "Suite Des Nouvelles d' Amsterdam" which would seem to be a supplemental sheet. Eight pages, 5 1/2 by 7 3/4 in... See More
Notable ad for Paine's "Common Sense"... Much on the faltering relationship with America...
Item #704396
January 18, 1776
THE PENNSYLVANIA EVENING POST, Philadelphia, Jan. 18, 1776
* Thomas Paine's "Common Sense" ad
* Great year to have (1776)
* American Independence ?
* Revolutionary War original
Wonderful to find a newspaper not just dated 1776, but from Philadelphia.
The entire front page is taken up with reports from Parliament, much concerning the tension with the American colonies... See More
Death of Ben Franklin...
Item #704390
April 24, 1790
GAZETTE OF THE UNITED STATES, New York, April 24, 1790
* Benjamin Franklin death (1ST REPORT)
Our records indicate it has been over 12 years since we have been able to offer a newspaper with some report on the death or funeral of Ben Franklin. Such issues have been very elusive.
The back page has a very notable--and early--report headed datelined at "Philadelphia, April 20, 1790... See More
Significant Washington letter to the Jewish congregation of Newport...
Item #704389
September 15, 1790
GAZETTE OF THE UNITED STATES, New York, Sept. 15, 1790
* President George Washington
* Letter to the Jewish congregation
* Newport, Rhode Island - Jews
* Historic Judaica item - Moses Seixas
The back page contains one of the more significant Judaica items found in an American newspaper.
It presents the full text of the: "Address Of The Hebrew Congregation in Newport, Rhode Isl... See More
Broadside edition of this famous title, with good content...
Item #704385
January 08, 1782
* Very rare Broadside edition from the Revolutionary War
Apparently a quite unusual broadside edition as the issue is a single sheet with the back page blank. If page 2 had text I would suspect that the back leaf was missing, but the front page text concludes on the front page and the reverse is entirely blank.... See More
George Washington responds to the people of Salem...
Item #704321
June 19, 1793
COLUMBIAN CENTINEL, Boston, June 19, 1793
* President George Washington letter
* Citizens of Salem, Massachusetts
Page 3 has a reply from the President to an address from the inhabitants of Salem, signed in type G. Washington. In the reply he discusses his late Proclamation declaring neutrality in the present contest between France and other European powers.
Page 3 also ha
... See More
* President George Washington letter
* Citizens of Salem, Massachusetts
Page 3 has a reply from the President to an address from the inhabitants of Salem, signed in type G. Washington. In the reply he discusses his late Proclamation declaring neutrality in the present contest between France and other European powers.
Page 3 also ha
A rare Philadelphia title from 1796...
Item #704316
January 10, 1797
GALES'S INDEPENDENT GAZETTEER, Philadelphia, Dec. 30, 1796
* Rare 18th century American publication
A quite rare title which lasted just one year from Sept. 16, 1796 till Sept. 12, 1797. Actually the continuation of the "Independent Gazetteer" which was later sold to "The Universal Gazette". Just 7 American institutions have scattered issues of this title.
Page... See More
Building the frigate ''United States' is ahead of schedule...
Item #704311
September 14, 1796
COLUMBIAN CENTINEL, Boston, Sept. 14, 1796
* USS United States construction
Page 2 has a report noting: "The United States frigate, building in Southwark under the direction of Mr. Humphreys, is in such a state of forwardness that it is probable she might be launched before the ensuing winter, should occasion require (We wish we could say as much of the Boston frigate).&quo... See More
General Anthony Wayne & the Chippewa Indians...
Item #704302
November 06, 1793
COLUMBIAN CENTINEL, Boston, Nov. 6, 1793
* "Mad Anthony" Wayne
A page 3 item reports in part: "...from Pittsburgh, we learn that General Wayne had marched from the Miami against the Indians with 3000 regular troops and 1500 volunteers from Kentucky....Still Knee, a chief of the Chippawas, had come into Fort-Pitt, with assurance that his nation had resolved to observe a ... See More
Signed by Samuel Adams...
Item #704255
November 26, 1796
COLUMBIAN CENTINEL, Boston, Nov. 26, 1796
* Samuel Adams, governor of Massachusetts
* 18th century American original addresses
Page 2 has two messages addressed to the state senate concerning a resolution about presidential electors, each signed in type: Samuel Adams.
Other news of the day includes: "Embargo On Genoese Vessels" "Theatrical" and more. Several int... See More
Choosing a location for Congress...
Item #704253
November 23, 1793
COLUMBIAN CENTINEL, Boston, Nov. 23, 1793
* United States Congress
* Choosing a site to build
A page 3 report from Philadelphia notes: "The President of the United States, having summoned the headed of Departments, Chief Justice and other officers of the Government, to meet at Germantown, to advise on the most suitable place for the meeting of Congress; we understand, their deci... See More
Thomas Jefferson responds concerning the Jay Treaty...
Item #704252
February 08, 1794
COLUMBIAN CENTINEL, Boston, Feb. 8, 1794
* Thomas Jefferson letters
* re. John Jay Treaty
The front page has: "State Papers" which has three letters from Thomas Jefferson as Secretary of State, relating to the controversial Jay Treaty. Each is signed: Th. Jefferson.
Four pages, very nice condition.... See More
First session of Parliament on the union of England and Scotland...
Item #704248
October 27, 1707
THE LONDON GAZETTE, England, October 27, 1707
* First Parliament of Great Britain
A very historic issue as the front page reports on the very first session of Parliament of the newly-created Parliament of Great Britain which occurred on October 23. The union of England and Scotland was official several months previous by the ratification of the Acts of Union involving both Engl... See More
Creating the Bank of the United States...
Item #704245
November 02, 1791
COLUMBIAN CENTINEL, Boston, Nov. 2, 1791
* First Bank of the United States creation
Page 3 has a nice report on the opening of the 2nd Congress of the United States, and this is followed by a significant report headed: "National Bank" with details concerning its creation and organization, including the various men chosen as its directors, and noting that: "Thomas W... See More
Broadside "Extra" from Baltimore...
Item #704244
October 15, 1798
* Rare broadside extra
Although there were issues of this title in Phila., Boston & Baltimore, this is from Baltimore as the other two did not exist as of this date.
This is a broadside extra, a small single sheet printed on the front only. Such broadsides were typically printed to put urgent or important news into the hands of the reader as ... See More
The military posts at the Western front...
Item #704243
April 01, 1795
* Creation of military posts westward
Page 3 has: "Western Posts" being eight in number, with the list and some text concerning them: Dutchman's Point, Point Au Fer, on Lake Ontario, Oswego, at Niagara, Fort Miami, Detroit, Fort Michilimackinack, Natchez along the Mississippi.
Four pages, somewhat ir... See More
Washington responds to concerns over the Jay Treaty...
Item #704242
August 19, 1795
* President George Washington
* Concerns over the Jay Treaty
Page 3 has the: "Answer" of the President to the concerns of the Selectmen of Boston over the controversial Jay Treaty, signed in type: George Washington.
Page 3 also has a report of a: "Negro Insurrection" in North Carolina.
... See More
Much news from the Revolutionary War...
Item #704210
September 28, 1776
THE PENNSYLVANIA LEDGER, Philadelphia, Sept. 28, 1776
* Rare Revolutionary War era title
* Tory issue from Pennsylvania
* Great year to have (1776)
This was a decidedly Tory newspaper, supportive of the British efforts in America. This newspaper ended publication in June, 1778 when the British evacuated the city.
The front page has an ad for the desertion of two soldiers from military ser... See More
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