Newspapers from the 1700s

The eighteenth century saw the heyday of the Age of Reason, and the rising popularity and increased distribution of newspapers played a key role in deepening and expanding public discourse. We carry only absolutely authentic original newspapers, and there's no better way to discover the history of the 1700s than to hold a newspaper from that century in your own hands.

Newspapers from the 1700s

The eighteenth century saw the heyday of the Age of Reason, and the rising popularity and increased distribution of newspapers played a key role in deepening and expanding public discourse. We carry only absolutely authentic original newspapers, and there's no better way to discover the history of the 1700s than to hold a newspaper from that century in your own hands.
Web Results (1482)



Washington and Cornwallis in Virginia...

Item #657751
GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE London, July, 1781  The "Historical Chronicle" begins with: "Plan for Putting an End to the American War & for Laying the Foundation of a Permanent Peace with the Thirteen Colonies". Another report has some good talk on military affairs in America including: "...Lord Cornwallis has entered Virginia; that a reinforcement has entered Chesape... See More  

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Early submarine thoughts...

Item #657747
THE GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE, London, England, December, 1747 A very nice pre-Revolutionary War magazine from the "mother country" with a wide range of varied content including news of the day, political reports, literary items, and other unusual tidbits. This was the first periodical to use the word "magazine" in its title, having begun in 1731 and lasting until 1907.

... See More  

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A substitute for British tea... Letter to the ladies of North America...

Item #657569
THE GLOCESTER JOURNAL, England, Jan. 4, 1768  (currently spelled Gloucester)  Page 2 has a report from Boston concerning the finding of "hyperion or Labrador tea" in the colonies, of special interest given the recent non-importation of tea from England.

Also an item noting: "By letters from Philadelphia we are credibly informed that a number of new buildings are going to ... See More  

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Charleston residents warn against ship landing in their port... Funeral of the Duke of York...

Item #657564
THE GLOCESTER JOURNAL, England, Nov. 9, 1767 

* Early Southern America report

(currently spelled Gloucester)  The ftpg. has most of the first column taken up with details of the  funeral of the Duke of York & Albany, younger bother to King George III. He died in Monaco while on a trip but was buried in Westminster Abbey.

Pages 2 & 3 contains letter from Charleston, on... See More  

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A pestilence in Maryland spread by convicts from a prison ship....

Item #657561
THE GLOCESTER JOURNAL, England, Oct. 12, 1767  (currently spelled Gloucester)  The ftpg. has a report headed: "America" with a dateline of "Annapolis, in Maryland, July 29" concerning an outbreak of: "...that horrid contagious distemper, commonly called the gaol [jail] fever...A casual visit...from one of the felons some time since imported in a convict ship comm... See More  

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Siege of Louisbourgh, Nova Scotia...

Item #657558

October 27, 1746

EDINBURGH EVENING COURANT, Scotland, Oct. 27, 1746 

* Siege of Louisbourg - French Canada

* War of the Austrian Succession

* King George's War

Pages 1 & 2 are mostly taken up with reports of the War of Austrian Succession.

Page 3 has reports on King George's War in North America, focused on Cape Breton in Nova Scotia. One item mentions: "...landed some 1000 men with ... See More  

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The King's proclamation for a day of fasting...

Item #657489

December 08, 1746

EDINBURGH EVENING COURANT, Scotland, Dec. 8, 1746  Nearly half of the front page is taken up with: "By the King, A PROCLAMATION For A General Fast", relating to the hardships of the on-going War of Austrian Succession.

Four pages, 8 by 10 inches, very nice condition.

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The King's speech...

Item #657481

November 24, 1746

EDINBURGH EVENING COURANT, Scotland, Nov. 24, 1746 

* War of the Austrian Succession

* King George's War - speech

Over half of the front page is taken up with the speech of the King of England, mostly relating to recent events in the War of the Austrian Succession.

Four pages, 8 by 10 inches, very nice condition.... See More  

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Reward offered for runaway seamen... Trials for the rebels from the Jacobite Rebellion...

Item #657479

November 17, 1746

EDINBURGH EVENING COURANT, Scotland, Nov. 17, 1746 

* Jacobite Rebellion rebels - trial

The front page has a list of various "rebel prisoners" from the Jacobite Rebellion, noting their trial. And page 3 has a report of an escaped prisoner: 'That William Ashley, who had  been confined in Dunsermline Prison as a Rebel, having in the night betwixt Thursday and Friday la... See More  

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Reward offered for runaway seamen...

Item #657477

November 13, 1746

EDINBURGH EVENING COURANT, Scotland, Nov. 13, 1746  The back page has an interesting notice offering a reward for the return of runaway seamen, issued by "Thomas Smith, Commander in Chief of all His Majesty's Ships..." noting in part: "Whereas it is become frequent with seamen belonging to His Majesty's ships & vessels to run away from them...I do hereby assure all ... See More  

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Ancient coins, the violin (or viola), the moon...

From during the French & Indian War...

Item #657335
GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE, London, December, 1757  A very nice magazine from during the French & Indian War from the "mother country" with a wide range of varied content including news of the day, political reports, literary items, and other unusual tidbits. This was the first periodical to use the word "magazine" in its title, having begun in 1731 and lasting until 190... See More  

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Coal mine fires...

Item #657332
THE GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE, London, July, 1747 (does not include the map of Maastricht, The Netherlands - and priced as such)

Nearly five pages are taken up with a list of recently elected members to Parliament. A full page is taken up with "A Letter on the Late Rebellion", referring to the Jacobite Rebellion (see for portions).

Two pages are taken up with a: "List of Ships
... See More  

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Census report from New Jersey...

Item #657330
THE GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE, London, December, 1749  Nearly a full page is taken up with charts showing the population of New Jersey in 1738 and 1745. Included among the columns are those labeled: "Male Slaves" "Female Slaves" and "Total of Slaves" (see). There is also a chart of those: "Buried in the several Burying Grounds of Philadelphia", column
... See More  

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Nice account of the Battle of the Wabash...

Item #656790

February 01, 1792

GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE, London, February, 1792  Among the articles are: "Hardy's Translation of the Epistle to the Hebrews" "Publications Relative to the Relief of Roman Catholicks" "Insurrection of the Negroes in St. Domingo" which takes  nearly 4 pages; "Probable Consequences of the Revolution in France" "Proceedings of the National As... See More  

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Reward for capturing privateers off Cape Henlopen and Long Island... Battle at Fontenoy...

Item #656765
THE GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE, London, England, June, 1745  There is a half page headed: "Plantation News" with reports from Boston, New York, and Jamaica. The New York report notes offer of a reward: " all privateers who shall take or destroy any enemy's privateer on their coast between Cape Henlopen and the east end of Long Island...".

Among many articles in
... See More  

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A trial for sedition... Saluting Washington's home...

Item #656567

October 31, 1798

THOMAS'S MASSACHUSETTS SPY OR WORCESTER GAZETTE, Oct. 31, 1798  The front page has: "Trial of Matthew Lyon for Sedition". Also on the ftpg: "More  Electioneering ! " Page 3 has a report from Alexandria: "Protection to Commerce, Combined with Patriotism" concerning a ship which fired an honor salute as it passed Washington's home at Mt. Vernon, etc.&n... See More  

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George Washington makes the front page... Jewish colony in the East Indies...

Item #656526
GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE, London, May, 1757 

* Early Major George Washington 

* Jewish colony in the East Indies

The first 2 1/2 pages have reports from the French & Indian War in America, including five letters written by General Braddock datelined Williamsburgh and Alexandria. In the introductory comments on the first page is mention that: "...concerning the territorie... See More  

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Newspaper edited by the famed Jonathan Swift...

Item #656181

July 01, 1713

THE EXAMINER, London, 1713  This editorial-format newspaper was edited by the famed Jonathan Swift at this time (of Gulliver's Travels fame), It promoted a Tory perspective on British politics, at a time when Queen Anne had replaced Whig ministers with Tories.

Complete as a single sheet newspaper as was typical of the day, 7 1/2 by 13 inches, nice condition.

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The Great Awakening... Christian revival in New-Londonderry, PA...

Item #653754

May 21, 1743

THE CHRISTIAN HISTORY, (Boston), May 21, 1743  This was the first successful magazine in America although formatted unlike typical magazines. It was exclusively a chronicle of the Great Awakening in America, exclusively of secular news reports. It was preceded by just a few magazines which lasted but a couple of issues--one of which was by Ben Franklin. Even this title lasted but a few short ... See More  

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Battle of Savannah... Captain Cook...

Item #653341
THE GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE, London, February, 1780 

* Siege of Savannah - Georgia

* Benjamin Lincoln letter

* Captain James Cook - South Seas

Near the back is a section headed: "Advices Received from America" which includes: "Gen. Lincoln's Letter to Congress on the defeat of the combined Army before Georgia" with a dateline of Charleston, Oct. 22, 1779. This... See More  

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The kangeroo described... Approval of the Jay Treaty by Congress...

Item #653296
GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE, London, June, 1796  Included is an interesting and quite descriptive article on the kangaroo, perhaps the earliest such report we have seen. Bits include: "...The Gamgarou, or, as Pennant calls it, Kangaroo, is a native of New South Wales and first discovered by that able and much lamented navigator Capt. Cook. The proportions of this animal are singular in a gr... See More  

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Northwest Passage... Admiral De Fonte's letter...

Item #653060

July 23, 1768

THE LONDON CHRONICLE, England, July 23, 1768  The front page has the conclusion of the lengthy letter from Admiral De Fonte, "giving an Account of the most material Transactions in a Journal of his from the Calo of Lima in Peru, on his Discoveries to find if there was any North-West Passage from the Atlantic Ocean into the South and Tartarian Sea," followed by considerable text. The... See More  

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Item #652857

October 14, 1789

THE DIARY OR WOODFALL'S REGISTER, London, Oct. 14, 1789  Page 2 has a great letter stating the considerable economic growth of the United States in producing their own manufactured goods, etc. It begins: "A letter from Philadelphia speaks of the rapid advancement of the American in all those manufactures which heretofore were chiefly derived from Europe..." and going on to cite ... See More  

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Trial of Admiral Keppel...

Item #652592

January 19, 1779

THE MIDDLESEX JOURNAL & EVENING POST, London, Jan. 19, 1779  The entire front page & a bit of pg. 2 are taken up with verbatim: "Proceedings of the Court Martial on the Trial of Admiral Keppel". As Wikipedia notes: 'During the American Revolutionary War Keppel came into a notorious dispute with Sir Hugh Palliser over Palliser's conduct as his second-in-command at the... See More  

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1751 - reports from throughout the world... a Highwayman robs a Post Office...

Item #652458

June 01, 1751

THE LONDON GAZETTE, June 1, 1751 This issue has period advertising and news from throughout the world, including reports from Parma, Rome, Turin, Vienna, Berlin, Hague, Middleburg, and Whitehall. Another article is in regards to The East-India House, and there is an interesting detailed report of a Post Office being robbed by a Highwayman.

The front page has a partial (3/4ths) red tax stamp.

Com... See More  

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A victory by Horatio Nelson...

Item #652437
GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE, London, October, 1796  Included is a nearly column long letter signed in type: Horatio Nelson, written on board his ship Victory near Toulon, mentioning in part: "I have the pleasure to inform you that the troops...troop possession of the forts & town of Puerto Ferrajo this day..." with further details. 

Includes both plates called for, one o... See More  

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Conflict between the Cherokee and Iroquois Nations... Smoking the Calumet of Peace...

Item #652387

February 13, 1768

THE LONDON CHRONICLE, February 13, 1768  As inside report under the heading, "AMERICA - New York," tells of a visit from South Carolina by a number of chiefs of the Cherokee Nation requesting the U.S. government mediate a dispute between the Cherokee Nation and the Six Nations of the Iroquois. Included is a mention that on the day after their arrival, "...three of the Mohawk Ch... See More  

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Benjamin Rush's "Moral Temperance Thermometer"...State of Kentucky... Constitution of Georgia...

Item #652342
THE COLUMBIAN MAGAZINE, Philadelphia, January, 1789  Among the articles are: "An Account of the Manners of the German Inhabitants of Pennsylvania" which takes 7 1/2 pages. Also a full page chart of the: "Moral and Physical Thermometer", created by Dr. Benjamin Rush.

Near the back is "The Chronicle" with the latest news of the day including 8 pages of report unde... See More  

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Reports from America...

Item #652297

June 04, 1768

THE LONDON CHRONICLE, England, June 4, 1768  Multiple inside page reports are from various locations in America including a letter from Massachusetts Bay and two articles from New York.

Also included are excerpts from Voltaire's new satire: "The Man of Forty Crowns" which is accompanied by a lengthy review which concludes with: "...This plausible discourse made me reflect ... See More  

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Independent spirit of those from Vermont...

Item #651190

September 20, 1783

THE LONDON CHRONICLE, England, Sept. 20, 1783  The bkpg. has a report: "Private letters from New York mention that the inhabitants of the new State of Vermont are determined to encounter every danger, and even to form alliances with the Indian nations, rather than be incorporated with, or, as they conceive, subjected to the control of any of the United American States...".

Earlier ... See More  

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Debate on the Maryland Constitution...

Item #651129
THE GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE, London, November, 1763  Over two pages within are taken up with: "Queries Relative to the Constitution of Maryland" which raises such questions as: "Does not the legislature of Maryland consist of three branches...?...Who composes the Upper House?...Does not the council consist of 12 members when complete?...Who sits as judges in the superior court... See More  

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Large front page engraving...

Item #650994

May 04, 1706


* Rare & early 18th century German periodical

A very unusual periodical as most of the front page is taken up with a very intricately engraved print. This issue contains 8 pages and is in the German language, measuring 6 3/4 by 8 inches, some light damp staining near the margins, nice condition. ... See More  

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"Courier From the Lower Rhine"...

Item #650951

July 24, 1793

COURIER DU BAS-RHIN, July 24, 1793 This translates to "Courier From the Lower Rhine". Totally in French, this is the first of this title we have offered. Eight pages, 6 1/2 by 7 3/4 inches, very nice condition. 

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Military events in the Caribbean...

Item #650798

July 01, 1781

THE LONDON MAGAZINE, England, July, 1781  Although near the back are two pages headed: "American Affairs" the content is primarily concerning events in the Caribbean. Otherwise various article of an eclectic nature as was the format at the time.

The two plates called for are lacking.

Complete in 48 pages, 5 by 8 inches, very nice, clean condition.

Formatted very much like the G... See More  

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A "newspaper" for commoners...

Item #650694

February 28, 1754

THE CONNOISSEUR "By Mr. Town [pseud.], Critic, and Censor-General", London, Feb. 28, 1754  A weekly paper which lasted about 2 1/2 years as a "commoner's" counterpart to "The World" (which we sell as well), a periodical of about the same time which dealt more with the interests of aristocrats.

James Boswell says in his "Life of Johnson", "...I... See More  

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Early on Japan... Washington honored by the French...

Item #650618

September 01, 1780

THE LONDON MAGAZINE, England, September, 1780  A early article on Japan with: "Curious Account of the Inhabitants of the Empire of Japan, Their Government, Manners, & Customers..." which takes 3 1/2 pages.

Near the back is: "American Affairs"  taking nearly a full page, mostly on naval events in the Caribbean, but it also includes a report from Hartford noting Wa... See More  

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On the coronation of King Louis XVI...

Item #650591

April 13, 1793

MASSACHUSETTS MERCURY, Boston, April 13, 1793  Most of the ftpg is a recollection of the: "Ceremony of Consecrating & Crowning the Late King of France" in 1775, given that he was beheaded recently. The prefacing note begins: "The transition from the throne to the scaffold has been short..." with some details in the following issue.

Four pages, 8 3/4 by 10 12 inches, a... See More  

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Frederic Remington and W.A. Rogers illustrations...

Item #650411
HARPER'S NEW MONTHLY MAGAZINE, New York, February, 1895  The article "French Fighters In Africa" contains eleven illustrations by Frederic Remington. Another article entitled "Down the West Coast" eight illustrations by W.A. Rogers. Additional articles, poems and illustrations are within.

Complete in 150+ pages, disbound, measures 6 1/2 x 9 1/4 inches and is in very n... See More  

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Very uncommon title...

Item #650341

October 13, 1753

THE WESTMINSTER JOURNAL OR NEW WEEKLY MISCELLANY, London, Oct. 13, 1753  A rather rare title with basically British reporting with some news from elsewhere including a small report from Boston headed "Plantation News". Page 3 reports on "Robberies & Commitments" "Accidents" "Marriages" and "Deaths".

Four pages, never-trimmed margins, red ... See More  

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Settlement on the Mississippi...

Item #650335
THE GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE, London,  February, 1772  This issue contains a lengthy article titled: "Sketch for a Settlement on the Mississippi" (see for portions). A plate is called for however it is lacking.

This issue also includes a full page plate titled: "Hudson Bay Ptarmigan..." which shows two views of this bird (see images). There is also a related art... See More  

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Concerns for political troubles in creating a new government...

Item #650328
THE GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE, London, February, 1784 

Among the articles are: "Ancient Customs Elucidated--The Feast of Yule" "History of the Race of Gypsies Further Illustrated" which takes nearly 3 pages; "An Account of the Experiments Made by the Aerostatic Machine of M.M. Montgolfier" the famous balloonist (see); and more.

There is over half a page on the Q... See More  

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Relating to the French & Indian War...

Item #650314
THE GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE, London, May, 1754  Included within is an article: "New Invented Sea-gage Described" which includes a half page illustration (see). Near the back is the "Historical Chronicle" which has the latest news of the day including some items under the heading "America". they include report relating to the French & Indian War such as: &quo... See More  

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Bostonians complain...

Item #650311
THE GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE, London, August, 1767  Among the articles within are: "Observations on the American Locust" which takes nearly two pages and includes three illustrations of them (see); "Journey to the Written Mountains" includes a foldout plate showing the inscriptions there, near the Red Sea (see), measuring 8 by 10 1/2 inches; "Acts for the Preservation... See More  

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All happy in Portugal that a treaty with America has been finalized...

Item #650137

July 29, 1783

THE LONDON CHRONICLE, England, July 29, 1783  Page 4 has a report: "...from Lisbon says, that a treaty of commerce and amity is near being concluded on between  that Court & the United States of America, which has given great joy to the people in general there, and look upon it a a very happy event as they expect great advantages will arise by trading with the Americans."

... See More  

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Loyalists are leaving Charleston with their slaves...

Item #649648

April 10, 1783

THE LONDON CHRONICLE, England, April 10, 1783  Page 4 has: "American News" which includes: "The fleet left Charlestown [Charleston] bar on the 18th...part of which having on board Loyalists & their negroes, was conducted to St. Augustine by the convoy...part went to New  York with his Majesty's ships...having on board  troops and inhabitants, many families of ... See More  

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New York, Williamsburg, and Boston reports...

Mount Vesuvius erupts...

Item #649332

February 16, 1768

THE LONDON CHRONICLE, February 16, 1768  As inside report, "An account of the Great Eruption of Mount Vesuvius, the 10th of October, 1767...", which provides considerable details of the great eruption of 1768. Other articles include reports from New York, Williamsburg, Virginia, and Boston (see images).

Complete in 8 pages, 9 by 12 inches, only minor rubbing, nice condition.... See More  

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An eighty year span of news from England...

Item #649310
(8) GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE, London, England  A nice lot of eight issues, one from each decade from the 1730's thru 1809. A nice group of complete issues covering a period of 80 years, each with full title/contents page which features an engraving of St. John's Gate. Each is complete, but may exclude plates/maps (if called for). Nice condition.

Item from Catalog 343 (released for June, 2024)

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At a lesser price... from Boston...

Item #649301
(6) COLUMBIAN CENTINEL, Boston, a lot of six 2nd rate issues dating from 1795-1799. Various news of the day from this famous colonial town. This was arguably the most successful & well-known newspaper of in 18th century America. Could contain close-trimming, staining, archival mending, etc., but will not have loss of text. Please note: The S&H for this lot is a bit higher than that of a si... See More  

Item from Catalog 343 (released for June, 2024)

This item is not eligible for free shipping.

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Uncommon provincial title with a decorative masthead...

Item #649299
THE GLOCESTER JOURNAL, England, 1769 (currently spelled Gloucester). Here is a very nice, four page issue from just a few years before the outbreak of the Revolutionary War in the colonies. This issue has a very nice & decorative masthead featuring engravings on either side. The front page also has a red-inked tax stamp. This issue contains various news of the day and a wealth of ads as well. ... See More  

Item from Catalog 343 (released for June, 2024)

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Five British newspapers from the 1760's - 1790's...

Item #649294
(5) An interesting lot of five British newspapers, containing at least three different titles. They span the 1760's thru the 1790's and include at least one from each decade. In average or better condition. Some may have red ink stamps (partial or otherwise). Certainly a one-of-a-kind grouping. The photos are representative of the look and condition of what you will receive.

Item from Catalog 343 (released for June, 2024)

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