Newspapers from the 1700s

The eighteenth century saw the heyday of the Age of Reason, and the rising popularity and increased distribution of newspapers played a key role in deepening and expanding public discourse. We carry only absolutely authentic original newspapers, and there's no better way to discover the history of the 1700s than to hold a newspaper from that century in your own hands.

Newspapers from the 1700s

The eighteenth century saw the heyday of the Age of Reason, and the rising popularity and increased distribution of newspapers played a key role in deepening and expanding public discourse. We carry only absolutely authentic original newspapers, and there's no better way to discover the history of the 1700s than to hold a newspaper from that century in your own hands.
Web Results (1541)



Great map of the West Indies & America...

Item #680044
THE GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE, London, February, 1762 

* Very early Southern America map w/ West Indies

Certainly the prime feature of this early magazine is the terrific & very displayable foldout map titled: "An Accurate Map of the West Indies with the Adjacent Coast" as noted in the ornate cartouche. This map shows much of present-day Georgia & Florida to present-day... See More  

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A new town near Hispaniola...

Item #679946

June 06, 1767

THE LONDON CHRONICLE, England, June 6, 1767  Inside has most of a column headed: "America" with datelines from Philadelphia, New York & Kingston, Jamaica. 

One report notes that: "...Gov. Seymour...had already planned a town which was to be built on the Grand Key, and to be called by the name of Shelburne. As these islands lie so contiguous to imagined... See More  

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Byron's around-the-world voyage in the Dolphin...

Item #679940

April 18, 1767

THE LONDON CHRONICLE, England, April 18, 1767

* Commodore John Byron

* HMS Dolphin

* World voyage

Inside has half of a page taken up with: "Further Extracts from A Voyage round the World in his Majesty's Ship the Dolphin, Commanded by the Hon. Commodore Byron".

Eight pages, 8 1/4 by 11 inches, very nice condition.... See More  

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Dismissing an agent...

Item #679938

April 02, 1767

THE LONDON CHRONICLE, England, April 2, 1767  Inside has an "Extract of a Letter from Boston (New England)" concerning the dismissal of Mr. Jackson as an agent for the colony of Massachusetts, signed by the governor: Fra. Bernard.

Eight pages, 8 1/4 by 11 inches, nice condition.

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Includes the plate of the Newbury Bridge...

Item #679913

* Original Chain Bridge (Massachusetts)

* Newburyport - Merrimack River

Eighteenth century American magazines are increasingly scarce in today's market. This title was published  by the famed Isaiah Thomas, the patriot printer from the Revolutionary War & founder of the American Antiquarian Society.

One of the best aspects of... See More  

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First inauguration of George Washington...

Item #679892

July 16, 1789

THE LONDON CHRONICLE, England, July 16, 1789 

* President George Washington

* First inauguration (historic)

Certainly one of the more desirable events to have in a period newspaper is the first inauguration of George Washington. American issues with such content are virtually unobtainable today, and reports in any newspapers worldwide are extremely uncommon.

Here is a nice report of t... See More  

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Persevering during non-importation...

Item #679854

August 02, 1770

THE LONDON CHRONICLE, England, Aug. 2, 1770  Page 6 has a report headed: "America" from Charleston which begins: "There cannot be a more striking proof of the virtue & patriotism & the determined resolution of our merchants to persevere in the most strict observance of the non-importation agreement than...".

Eight pages, 8 1/2 by 11 inches, very nice, clean condit... See More  

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Angry Boston freeholders... Destroy Fort Pitt...

Item #679813

December 19, 1772

THE LONDON CHRONICLE, Dec. 19, 1772  The second page has the follow-up petition from the Freeholders of Boston expressing once again their concern about the salaries of the judges of the Superior Court, as well as a request for a special meeting of the General Assembly to discuss this important and alarming matter.

A reply from the Governor says their reasons are insufficient and they have n... See More  

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Skeleton from the Black Assize of Oxford 1577...

Item #679741

March 23, 1767

THE GLOCESTER JOURNAL [Gloucester], England, March 23, 1767  Page 3 has an interesting item: "Last week the skeleton of a man in setters, with one jaw and some of the large bones perfect, was dug up in removing some ground in our Castle Green, eastward of the ruins of the old County Hall, memorable as the place wherein was held the fatal black assize, in the year 1577... upwards of 500 o... See More  

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John Wilkes, a supporter of the American cause...

Item #679721

August 29, 1768

THE BOSTON CHRONICLE, Massachusetts, Aug. 29, 1768 

* John Wilkes - radical

* Pre Revolutionary War

The first half of the newspaper is taken up with the continuation of the "Narrative of the Hon. Commodore Byron" on his expedition around the world in the 1740's.

Near the back are reports from London noting in part: "...that most of the readers of our paper are such ... See More  

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News from New York.. .Jonathan Swift...

Item #679709

March 03, 1768

THE LONDON CHRONICLE, England, March 3, 1768 

* News from New York

* Red tax stamp (partial)

* Letters from Jonathan Swift

The front page has: "America", which includes news from New York. Inside has "Letters Written by the late Jonathan Swift" which include the text of one of his recently published letters from 1735.

Eight pages, 8 1/2 by 11 1/2 inches, very nice... See More  

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Bookselling & newspaper publishing in America...

Item #679580
GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE, London, November, 1796  Included is a very interesting article titled: "Present State of Printing and Bookselling in America" which is great for our hobby as there is talk of newspaper printing as well, including; "...people of North America manufacture their own paper...The newspapers of Massachusetts, Connecticut, Rhode Island, Pennsylvania, and Mary... See More  

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Cottingham Village and Church (1797)...

Item #679578
GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE, London, December, 1797  A generic issue with no content with writing about. Includes both plates called for, including one showing the Cottingham Church and family monuments. A corresponding article provides considerable details regarding this ancient country village.

Complete in 88 pages, full title/contents page with an engraving of St. John's Gate, 5 by 8 inc... See More  

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Oliver Cromwell print... Thanks for Horatio Nelson...

Item #679573
GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE, London, April, 1799  Among the two plates called for is one with a nice print of Oliver Cromwell as well as a view of Cockermouth Castle (see) with related text for both. Near the back is a letter from Horatio Nelson answering the vote of thanks of the British House of Commons for his victory in the Battle of the Nile, signed: Nelson.

Complete in 96 pages, full titl... See More  

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Six letters signed by President John Adams...

Item #679570

May 26, 1798

COLUMBIAN CENTINEL, Boston, May 26, 1798

* President John Adams

A nice issue for display as the front page contains not just one but six letters, each signed in type by the president: JOHN ADAMS. There are two more letters signed by Adams on page 2.

These letters are in response to letters sent to him by people or groups in Lancaster &  Harrisburg, Penna., and also Burlington &... See More  

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Blacks to have rights of citizenship in New York ? Washington to move to England?

Item #679259

July 23, 1785

THE LONDON CHRONICLE, England, July 23, 1785 

* General George Washington to move his residence to England (?)

* Blacks to have citizenship rights in New York (?)

Page 2 has a report from New York with some news from the Assembly of the state which includes: "...very warm debates also have taken place upon the question of admitting Blacks, Mulattoes, Mustees, Quadroons...the the r... See More  

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Launch of the U.S. brig President Adams...

Item #679233

August 07, 1799

THOMAS'S MASSACHUSETTS SPY OR WORCESTER GAZETTE, Aug. 7, 1799  Most of the front page is taken up with: "Robespierre--The Detested", the famous name from the French Revolution.

A page 2 item from Pittsburgh has: "A new brig, the property of the United States, called President Adams, was launched on Rouge River, six miles from Detroit...She carries 18 guns & is remarkab... See More  

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General Murray on retiring from Quebec...

Item #679163

September 01, 1766

THE SCOTS MAGAZINE, Edinburgh, Scotland, September, 1766  Although formatted much like the more common "Gentleman's Magazine" this is a much more scarce title.

News under: "British North America" includes an address from the Council in Quebec to Governor James Murray on his retirement from that position, with his response to the Council. Further on are more letters to... See More  

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Colonial Boston, with the Supplement issue attached...

Item #679116

June 06, 1768

THE BOSTON CHRONICLE, Massachusetts, June 6, 1768 

* Pre Revolutionary War tensions

Under reports from London is: "...Letters from Boston, New England, mention that the late public spirit for establishing new manufactures was greatly subsided, the adventurers having met with nothing but disappointments in procuring materials, scarcity of money, & high price of wages." Else... See More  

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Sam Adams as governor... Death of a Declaration signer...

Item #679045

January 20, 1796

COLUMBIAN CENTINEL, Boston, Jan. 20, 1796 

* Samuel Adams, Massachusetts governor

* Death of founding father Samuel Huntington

* Signer of the Declaration of Independence

Much of page 2 is taken up with the "state of the state" address delivered by the governor of Massachusetts & signed by him in type: Samuel Adams.

Page 3 has a notice: "DIED--At his seat in Norwic... See More  

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On the creation of George Washington University...

Item #679041

January 02, 1796

COLUMBIAN CENTINEL, Boston, Jan. 2, 1796  Page 2 has a report from the Virginia House of Delegates concerning Washington: "...that the plan contemplated for erecting an University at the Federal city...And whereas when the general assembly of Virginia presented sundry shares in the James River and Potomac companies to George Washington as a small token of their gratitude for the great, e... See More  

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Politics, and those who aim to deceive...

Item #679036

November 11, 1795

COLUMBIAN CENTINEL, Boston, Nov. 11, 1795  The front page has much centering controversies with Oliver Wolcott, Jr., Secretary of the Treasury. 

Page 2 has a letter  concerning politics noting in part: "...good men were elected who are friends to the federal government...danger from the evil designs of those who aim to deceive the people by their great but false professions of... See More  

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Two front page Acts of Congress signed by George Washington...

Item #679027

July 16, 1796

COLUMBIAN CENTINEL, Boston, July 16, 1796  

* President George Washington

* 2 Acts of Congress signed

Nearly half of the front page is taken up with two Acts of Congress, one for: "...making further appropriations for the year 1796.", each signed in script type by the President: Go. Washington. Quite displayable.

Four pages, scattered foxing, good condition.... See More  

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Two front page George Washington script signatures...

Item #679022

March 23, 1796

COLUMBIAN CENTINEL, Boston, March 23, 1796 

* President George Washington

Fully half of the front page, the two middle columns, are taken up with a lengthy treaty of peace and amity between the United States and Algeria, relating to the problems with the Algerian pirates capturing American ships.

At the top is: "Treaty with the Dey of Algiers" with the George Washington scrip... See More  

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Ratification of the Jay Treaty... Three script signatures by Washington...

Item #679016

March 05, 1796

COLUMBIAN CENTINEL, Boston, March 5, 1796  

* Jay Treaty ratification

* President George Washington

* Rare script signatures

The front page has the document on the controversial Jay Treaty headed: "Ratification of the United States" reading in part: "Now, therefore, I George Washington....declare...a treaty...between the United States...and his Britannic th... See More  

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From the Revolutionary War era...

Item #678246
THE GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE, London, August, 1780 

* Revolutionary War Era

* 18th century

* From The Enemy

One report notes: "The assembly of Pennsylvania have fallen upon a new mode of distressing the friends of this country resident among them by obliging persons to take the oaths of allegiance or affirmation of fidelity to the state, & to take a certificate of the s... See More  

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America is not about to compromise with England...

Item #678064
THE GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE, London, October, 1778 

* No compromise w/ England

* American Revolutionary War

Among the articles within are: "The Theory of Insulating Bodies Examined, & some of the Supposed Properties which Electricians have ascribed to Glass, proved by Experiments not to Exist" which includes reference to Ben Franklin. Also: "On the Worshiping o... See More  

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First naval battle of the Revolutionary War between the British & French...

Item #678013

June 27, 1778

THE LONDON GAZETTE, England, June 23-27, 1778 

* Naval conflict between the Belle Poule vs. the Arethusa

* British and French frigates - 1st naval battle

* Action of 17 June 1778

A  very notable issue reporting a significant naval event in the Revolutionary War. The front page & nearly half of pg. 2 are taken up with letters headed: "Victory, at Sea" which give deta... See More  

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The capture of New York by the British... Great map of Connecticut & Rhode Island...

Item #677988
GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE, London, November, 1776 

* Capture of New York City

* Rare Connecticut & Rhode Island map

* American Revolutionary War

This issue begins with "Proceedings in the House  of Commons..." which includes discussion on the Revolutionary War, including: "...Nothing could have afforded me so much satisfaction as to have been able to inform you... See More  

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The Declaration of Independence...

Item #677985
THE GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE, London, August, 1776 

* Original Declaration of Independence... the complete text

* As reported from Great Britain

It would be difficult to argue for a more important document in American history than the Declaration of Independence. It remains a desire of most collectors to find an issue containing reference to it, and ultimately a contemporary printing o... See More  

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Great map showing North America... On taxing America without their consent...

Item #677981
THE GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE, London, April, 1776  The prime feature of this issue is the great map showing all of the western hemisphere titled: "A New Projection of the Western Hemisphere of the Earth on a Plane shewing the proportions of its several parts nearly as on a Globe, By J. Hardy, at Eton College." 

The map is dated at the bottom: "by F. Newbery, Ludg
... See More  

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Rare map of Captain Cook's voyage... Map of the eastern hemisphere...

Item #677980
GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE, London, March, 1776  The first article has five pages on: "Debates in the Present Parliament" which includes much on the situation in America.

This issue includes a lengthy article (3+ pages) on Captain Cook and the: "Resolution's Voyage on Discovery to the Southern Hemisphere". Accompanying this article is a rare full page map titled: "... See More  

Item from Catalog 351 (released for February, 2025)

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Early version of the Articles of Confederation...

Item #677958
THE GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE, London, December, 1775  

* Early Version of the Articles of Confederation

* Captain Cook and his voyage to the South Pacific

Over three pages taken up with: "Protest entered in the Upper House Against the Bill for Prohibiting all Commercial intercourse with the Confederated Colonies" which is very good reading in defense of America.
... See More  

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Settling Pensacola, Florida...

Item #677879
THE GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE, London, July, 1765  The issue begins with the continuation of: "Minutes of the Proceedings of the commissioners for Discovery of the Longitude...".

Other articles within include: "A Method of Destroying Wasps and Hornets", various "Remarkable Events" which includes a note: "A fire which lately happened at Montreal in North Amer... See More  

Item from Catalog 351 (released for February, 2025)

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England and the U.S. formally exchange the ratified Jay Treaty...

Item #677732

October 31, 1795

THE LONDON GAZETTE, England, Oct. 31, 1795  

* The ratified Jay Treaty

* England & U.S. exchange

Page 3 has a report of the formal exchange of the recently ratified Jay Treaty by the two Secretaries of State.

Datelined at Downing St., it notes: "The Ratifications of the Treaty of Amity, Commerce, and Navigation between His Majesty and the United States of America, signed the ... See More  

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1795 - Early brewing (for the poor)... account of Baal worship...

Item #677726
THE GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE, London, April, 1795  Two of the more interesting items are: a "Cheap Mode For Brewing" and an account of Baal worship in Ireland. Among the additional articles within as noted in the title/index page are: "Mansfield Church--Dr. Jeremy Taylor" "Hints Respecting the Culture of Potatoes" "Private Vices & Public Virtues Contrast... See More  

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Culture of wine... The situation in America...

Item #677717
THE SUPPLEMENT TO THE GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE, London, 1775  This issue is mostly taken up with a lengthy article headed: "Debates in the Last Session of Parliament, Resumed" which includes various talk of the Revolutionary War in America.

Another article is titled: "The Culture of Vines Further Illustrated", plus there is a wide variety of other articles as well.

Both ... See More  

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New Yorkers pledge allegiance to the King...

Item #677643
GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE, London, May, 1777  Near the back are several letters from the seat of the Revolutionary War in America, including: "Extract of a Letter from the Gen. Wm. Howe to Lord G. Germaine dated New York, Apr. 1, 1777" which talks of plans to destroy provisions & stores at Peekskill.

Another letter details what was destroyed, with subheads: "Destroyed &... See More  

Item from Catalog 351 (released for February, 2025)

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Thomas Jefferson and John Adams...

Item #677516

May 27, 1797

THE HERALD; A GAZETTE FOR THE COUNTRY, New York, May 27, 1797  Page 3 has 1 1/2 columns taken up with a speech prefaced with: "Yesterday...the senate...waited on the his house, when the Vice-President presented the following answer to his address to both houses, at the opening of the session:" The address begins: "Sir, The senate of the United States request you ... See More  

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George Washington, John Adams, and a list of the House...

Item #677515

May 20, 1797


* President George Washington

Half of the front page is taken up with the "Speech" of the President to Congress on this special session he requested two deal with the troubling XYZ Affair. The speech carries over to page 2 where it is signed in type: John Adams.

Page 2 has an address of the General Assembly of Rh... See More  

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Frigate United States' launch is delayed... Buonaparte Proclamation...

Item #677511

April 29, 1797

THE HERALD; A GAZETTE FOR THE COUNTRY, New York, April 29, 1797  Page 2 has a report from Philadelphia noting; "The launch of the United States frigate, which was reported to be intended for tomorrow, will not take place till some future day..." with more detail.

The back page has a: "Proclamation" signed in type: Buonaparte concerning his victories in Italy.

Four pages,... See More  

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Famous "Unite Or Die" engraving in the masthead...

Item #677502

December 07, 1774


* Benjamin Franklin's "Unite Or Die" cartoon

If there was one graphic which represented the spirit of the Revolutionary War it would have to be the ubiquitous segmented snake with the famous "Unite Or Die" caption. 

The engraving, a prominent device in the masthead
... See More  

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Washington ends his political career...

Item #677475

March 04, 1797


* President George Washington's birthday

* Political career comes to an end (John Adams)

Page 2 has a report on the celebration of George Washington's birthday, including the list of 13 toasts. A similar report from Morristown, New Jersey, on page 3 but with 16 toasts.

Page 3 has the: "Objections of the Pres... See More  

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John Jay on building a prison in New York City...

Item #677458

February 08, 1797

THE HERALD; A GAZETTE FOR THE COUNTRY, New York, Feb. 8, 1797  Page 3 has a letter signed in type: John Jay, as governor of New York, concerning building a state prison in the city of New York.

Just prior to Jay becoming New York's second governor he served as the very first Chief Justice of the Supreme Court.

Four pages, light foxing, nice condition.
... See More  

Item from Catalog 351 (released for February, 2025)

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President George Washington...

Item #677457

January 25, 1797


* President George Washington

* Growing tensions with France

* re. Washington's farewell address

Page 2 has a letter signed in type: Go. Washington concerning the growing troubles with France.

Page 3 has an article from a British newspaper which begins: "The resignation of GENERAL WASHINGTON is doubtless a grea... See More  

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President George Washington...

Item #677456

January 21, 1797

THE HERALD; A GAZETTE FOR THE COUNTRY, New York, January 21, 1797  

* President George Washington

Page 2 has a letter signed in type: Geo. Washington concerning erroneous information on the cause of the French seizing American vessels.

On the back page under "Legislature of S. Carolina" is a resolution passed by the legislature recognizing the virtues of President Washington,... See More  

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Two letters from Thomas Jefferson...

Item #677453

November 12, 1796

THE HERALD; A GAZETTE FOR THE COUNTRY, New York, Nov. 12, 1796  The front page contains two letters from Thomas Jefferson both concerning relations with France. Neither are signed in type by him.

The back page has 2 notices for the sale of western lands in the Northwest Territory.
Four pages, very nice condition.

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Two replies signed by John Jay...

Item #677452

November 09, 1796

THE HERALD; A GAZETTE FOR THE COUNTRY, New York, Nov. 9, 1796  Page 3 has the New York House Assembly's response to the governor's address, followed by the governor's "Reply" signed in type: John Jay. Then also the State Senate's response to Jay's address which is again acknowledged by him signed in type: John Jay.

Just prior to Jay becoming New York's secon... See More  

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Signed by John Jay...

Item #677450

November 02, 1796

THE HERALD; A GAZETTE FOR THE COUNTRY, New York, Nov. 2, 1796  Page 3 has over 1 1/2 columns taken up with the: "Governor's Speech" signed by him in type: John Jay.

The back page has five notices for the sale of land, most in the "West", two from the Northwest Territory.

Four pages, great condition.

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A fight between elderly ladies...

Item #677415

August 27, 1796

THE HERALD; A GAZETTE FOR THE COUNTRY, New York, Aug. 27, 1796  Page 2 has a curious report: "Amorous Fracas!" The report from Ireland begins: "The boxing match which lately happened between two elderly maiden ladies of fashion...having made some noise....we are happy to lay the cats and the consequences before our readers..." which is what follows.

Four pages, a few stra... See More  

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