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Acknowledging the end of the War of 1812...
Acknowledging the end of the War of 1812...
Item # 701343
April 22, 1815
NEW YORK HERALD, April 22, 1815 Page 3 has a letter from Major General Andrew Jackson to the Secretary of War, dated at New Orleans, acknowledging: "...the receipt of your letter advising of the ratification of the treaty of peace between G. Britain and the United States..." and that he would parole his soldiers. It is signed in type: Andrew Jackson.
This is followed by his: "General Orders" in which he paroles his soldiers now that the war is over: "The Major General is at length enabled to perform the pleasing task of restoring to Tennessee, Kentucky, Louisiana, and the territory of the Mississippi, the brave troops who have acted such a distinguished part in the war which has just terminated..." with much more, signed by him in type: Andrew Jackson.
Four pages, a minor archival repair at the blank spine, some front page dirtiness, good condition.
Category: War of 1812