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Very desirable Frederic Remington print showing Geronimo... W.A. Rogers print...
Very desirable Frederic Remington print showing Geronimo... W.A. Rogers print...
Item # 699363
August 18, 1888
HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, Aug. 18, 1888 Perhaps the most desired print in this issue is the very nice full page by Frederic Remington, captioned: "Geronimo and His Band Returning From a Raid Into Mexico", which is one of the more sought-after of the Remington prints in this title.
Other prints include the full front page W. A. Rogers political cartoon: "Make Way For The Uncrowned King!" and "The Three Chief Contestants for the Goelet Cup for Schooners" and a very nice doublepage centerfold which includes five prints of: "Moosehead Lake, Maine".
Included also is the 4 page supplement on "The Buffalo International Industrial Fair" with several prints.
Complete in 20 pages, very nice, clean condition.
Category: 1880-1889