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Turkey hunting... The New Orleans Exposition...

Item # 703242

January 10, 1885

HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, January 10, 1885  The front page features a very nice dockside scene: 'The New Orleans Exposition--Arrivals At The Levee'. Plus there are two additional full page prints on the New Orleans Exposition.
Half page print: "'Yelping' Up Wild Turkeys" and: "Studies of Mr. Crowley - The Chimpanzee in the Central Park Menagerie".
Also inside is a full page print showing 2 scenes: "The Hocking Valley Strike--Guarding A Hopper--Interior of a Miner's Cabin" plus much more.
Sixteen pages, damp staining at the margins not affecting prints, otherwise good condition.

Category: 1880-1889