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The burning of Hampton, Virginia...
The burning of Hampton, Virginia...
Item # 690907
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August 12, 1861
DAILY DISPATCH, Richmond, Virginia, Aug. 12, 1861
* Burning of Hampton, Virginia
* Confederate publication
Among the front page reports are: "Facts & Rumors--Extracts from Northern Journals--War Movements & Incidents, etc." "From Norfolk "From Charleston" "Direct Trade With the South" "Gen. McClellan and the Press" "Local Matters" and other items. War coverage continues on the inside pages with: "Hospitals Crowded" "Tories in East Tennessee" "From Norfolk" "From Western Virginia" "The Hospital at Charlottesville" "The burning of Hampton" "Good Place for a Hospital" "The Army of the Northwest" "Letter from an Irish Prisoner" "March of Our Troops Down the Peninsula and & the Burning of Hampton" "Late News--Northern Accounts of War Movements" "The Burning of Hampton--Gen. Magruder's Movements" "Affairs in Texas" and much more. A great wealth of war reporting in this issue.
Complete in 4 pages with a banner masthead, very nice condition.
Category: Confederate