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The Civil War is ending in Texas... Trial of the Lincoln conspirators...
The Civil War is ending in Texas... Trial of the Lincoln conspirators...
Item # 690749
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June 12, 1865
* Trial of the conspirators
* re. Abraham Lincoln murder
* Last rebel stronghold (Texas) surrendering
The front page has some significant reports on the closing events of the Civil War in Texas, heads including: "The South-West" "Later From Texas" "Official Account of the Surrender of the Sabine Pass Forts" "The Rebel Army Disbanded" "Their Navy Reduced to One Vessel" "Occupation of Alexandria and Shreveport".
The back page has some reports headed: "An Appeal from the Richmond Negroes for Protection" and "Disciplinary Measures for the Negroes--Murder of Two Freedmen--The Christian Commission--Visitors to the City".
Page 6 includes: "THE ASSASSINATION" "Testimony of L. A. Gobright, H. G. Edson & J. L. Ripple" "Evidence for Spangler and Arnold all in" "Saturday's Proceedings".
Eight pages, a bit irregular at the blank spine, nice condition.
Category: Yankee