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Second Battle of Bull Run...
Second Battle of Bull Run...
Item # 686756
September 20, 1862
FRANK LESLIE'S ILLUSTRATED, New York, Sept. 20, 1862 Present is the two page foldout: "Second Day of the Battle of Bull Run...National Forces Commanded by Major General Pope & the Rebel Troops by Generals Lee, Jackson & Longstreet". Note: this double page print was cut in half upon binding causing some loss.
Other prints include: "The Great National Bakery for the U.S. Army..." and "Pass of Rio Frio on the Road from Vera Cruz to the City of Mexico". The front page shows: "Life in the Army--Gambling Establishment in the Woods..." and an inside page has a scene from the Battle of Bull Run and a print of "Fort Snelling, Minnesota...".
Sixteen pages, some foxing & light dirtiness near the margins, generally good condition.
Category: Yankee