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From the beginning of Nazi occupation of this British island...
From the beginning of Nazi occupation of this British island...
Item # 576167
July 16, 1940
EVENING PRESS, Island of Guernsey, July 16, 1940
* Rare Nazi occupation issue
* Beginning of the siege
A very curious issue, as Guernsey, an English-speaking island, was occupied by the Germans during WWII so all the news was pro-Nazi. This is a very early issue from during the occupation by the Nazis, as the came on to the island in early July & took it with no resistance. The banner headline announces the plight of the residents: "LIVING UNDER SIEGE CONDITIONS" "Control President & Economic Officer Explain Conditions & Necessities -- We must Produce, Save & Eke Out Stocks to Best Advantage" and more. Page 5 has a section headed: "To-Day's Lesson In German" (see).
Eight pages, great condition.
Category: World War II