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Early bicycle race on the front page...
Early bicycle race on the front page...
Item # 176258
August 21, 1897
HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, August 21, 1897 The full front page is a nice illustration of early bicyclists racing: "Well Bunched" by famed artiest A.B. Frost.
Inside has a full pg: "Newport's Brilliant Summer Fete - Scenes in the Harbor During the night Illumination."; a full page: "Francois Felix Faure, President of the French Republic, at Home."; three full pages of: "By Sledge and Rail Across Siberia - Khabarovka to Lake Baikal."; a full page showing: "President McKinley's Visit to the Catholic Summer School at Lake Champlain." Full pg. of illus. of "Meet of the League of American Wheelmen in Philadelphia, August 3-7, 1897."
Complete in 24 pages.
Category: 1890-1899