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Helena, Montana...
Item # 175966
November 03, 1894
HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, November 3, 1894 Full front page illus. of "The Proposed Design for the New Library Building of Columbia College." Inside are two 1/2 pg. illus. of "Potato Day at Greeley, Colorado" and "The Salvation Army Meeting at Carnegie Music Hall, New York - General Booth Addressing the Audience."
Full pg. illus. of "Columbia College, New York." Several pages of "Portraits of Women." 1/3 pg. portrait of "United States Senator Faulkner, of West Virginia." Two 1/4 pg. illus. of "Anaconda, Montana, Showing Chimneys of the Great Works" and "Helena, Montana - East Side, Looking North." 1/2 pg. illus. of "Miss Olga Nethersole in 'The Transgressor'."
Complete issue.
Category: 1890-1899