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The Missions of California... Russell Sage...

Item # 175664

December 12, 1891

HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, Dec. 12, 1891. The front of this issues features a full illustration entitled "The Attempted Assassination of Mr. Russell Sage." Inside is a full page illustration of "In and Around the 'Arcade' Building Immediately After the Explosion." Full page illustration of "The Christening of the United States Cruiser 'New York'." Full page illustration of "The Missions of California" is comprised of 6 smaller illustrations.
The doublepage centerfold by A.B. Frost is of 4 black musicians entitled "The Music for the Dance." Full page illustration of "This Year's Exhibition of the National Academy of Design" is comprised of several illustrations. Three small portraits of "Prince George of Wales, Mrs. St. Clare Grimwood, the Heroine of Manipur, and Miss Helen Page, of New York, Who Christened the New Cruiser." 1/3 pg. illus. of "The U.S. Cruiser 'New York'." comprises a 1/3 of a page, the remainder of the page is 1/3 page "The United States Cruiser 'New York'"; 1/4 page "Visitors at Marlborough House During the Illness of Prince George of Wales" and a 1/4 page portrait of "The Late Dom Pedro of Brazil."  
Two 1/2 page illustrations of "Projected Terminus of the Philadelphia and Reading Railroad at Philadelphia" and "A Street in Gifu, Japan, After the Recent Earthquake."
Complete in 16 pages and contains additional prints and related text.

Please Read Note Concerning HW Images & Supplements!

(Alert: Jan. & Dec. HW's have more than typical wear.)

Category: 1890-1899