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Frederic Remington illustration... Ismay of Titanic infamy...
Frederic Remington illustration... Ismay of Titanic infamy...
Item # 175592
April 04, 1891
HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, April 4, 1891 Full front page Frederic Remington print: "Big Fishing--Indians Hauling Nets On Lake Nepigon". Inside is a half page "The Government's Exhibit at the Columbian Exposition"; 1/4 page "The Government Building for the Columbian Exposition"; a full page "The City of St. John's, Newfoundland" and "The Midwinter Game of Badminton" is a fine illustration on this game, with men playing in tuxedos & woman in long dresses; full page: "Men Who Control the Great Steam-ship Lines" which includes a photo of J. Bruce Ismay, who would figure prominently some 21 years later with the sinking of the Titanic when he was chairman of the White Star Line. Many blamed him for the events which lead to the disaster, and for being among the survivors of the voyage when so many others perished.
Also in this issue is an article "General Joseph E. Johnston" which includes a 1/4 page illustration of him; and "The Proposed Plans for the Cathedral of St. John the Divine, New York City".
Complete in sixteen pages.
Category: 1890-1899