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Thomas Nast print...

Item # 173776

November 22, 1873

HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, November 22, 1873  The front page has portrait of "The Right Hon. John Bright, M.P." which spans 2/3 of a page. Additionally, a full page illustration pertaining to "Annexed to New York-Scenes in Westchester County." can be found.
Three 1/6 page portraits of "The Hon. Abraham R. Lawrence, The Hon. Claudius L. Monell, and The Hon. Gilbert M. Speir.", a full page Thomas Nast illustration pertaining to "The Transportation Problem.", a full page illustration of "The Political Situation in France.", and a2/3 page illustration pertaining to "A Scene from "Richeleiu" can all be found within these pages.
Three 1/3 page illustration pertaining to "The Duke of Edinburgh in the Crimea" including "The Emperor's Country-Seat at Livadia (Residence of the Prince During his Visit)," "Palace of Alourka, on the Black Sea," and "Old Palace of the Khan of Crimean Tartary, Baghtsche-Seral." are also contained in this issue.
Complete in 16 pages and contains additional prints and related text.

Category: 1870-1879