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Parents of U.S. Grant...
Parents of U.S. Grant...
Item # 173740
July 19, 1873
HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, July 19, 1873 Front 1/2 page illustration of "The Neanderthal Man." Also, two smaller illustration of "Skull of Neanderthal Man" and "Schiller's Skull."; Two 1/2 page portraits of " The Hon. Noah Davis, Judge of the Supreme Court of New York" and "The Late Hiram Powers and His Wife, Florence, Italy."; 1/4 page portrait of "The Late Infant Prince Frederick William of Hesse."; 1/2 page portraits of "Jesse R. and Hannah Grant, Father and Mother of the President."; Doublepage centerfold entitled "Mast Headed-A Middy in Disgrace." (Small sailor boy); Full page illustration of "Persian Pilgrams with Their Dead Going to the Shrines of Kerbela and Meshed Ali."; Full page illustration containing six smaller illustration pertaining to "Some of the Traditions of Youth."; Three 1/3 page illustration pertaining to "Scenes at an Australian Sheep Station-Collaroy, New South Wales" including "Shearing the Sheep," "The Drying Floor in the Shearing Shed, Containing 1500 Sheep, One Day's Shearing," and "The New Plan of Sheep Washing."; 2/3 page illustration of "Chatterton Discovered by His Mother in the Attic."; 2/3 page illustration of "In the Shooting Gallery."; 1/2 page illustration of "On the Banks of the Amazon-Shooting Monkeys."; 1/2 page illustration. of " Chinese Officers Inspection a Mitrailleuse-A Scene in the Nankin Arsenal." (China).
Complete in 16 pages and contains additional prints and related text.
Category: 1870-1879