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Yellow Stone...

Item # 173710

April 05, 1873

HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, April 5, 1873  The front page features a fullpage illustration: "The Right Hon. William Evart Gladstone, Premier of England". One-quarter page: "The Church of St. Augustine, Kalamazoo, Michigan". Halfpage: "Patrick Bunbury at Home" shows two boys playing baseball: one boy with a bat and the other pitching to him; this also features an accompanying article entitled "Patrick Bunbury - a Victim of Excommunication".
The doublepage centerfold has four halfpage illustrations: 'Yellow Stone River and Mountains.' 'Grand Canon Of The Yellow Stone River' 'Castle Geyser and Hot Springs Basin' & 'Hot Springs On Gardiner's Run' with accompanying article.
An article "Zoological Eccentricities" also contains five illustrations of animals. "Sketches on the River Amazon" features two half-page illustrations on the Pirros  and Kokohamas Indians.
Complete in 16 pages and contains additional prints and related text.

Category: 1870-1879