British - U. K.

British - U. K.

Web Results (241)



More Protestant Germans for Georgia...

Item #676461
THE GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE, London, December, 1736  Included is an interesting article continue from a previous issue: "Account of the Deluge", meaning the Biblical Flood.

Near the back is a short bit noting: "The trustees for the colony of Georgia gave instructions to Mr. Von Reck to fetch more Protestants from Germany to be provided for in Georgia; those already there prov... See More  

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Map of Italy... Comets...

Item #676731
THE GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE, London, April, 1742  

* 18th century map of Italy

* Comets with diagram

Perhaps the best item in this issue is the very nice full page: "Map of Italy" which shows the various borders of the states at that time, including Tuscany, Naples, Ecclesiastical State, Milan, Savoy, Venice, and more.

Also included in the map are Corsica, Sar
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First lottery in America... Electricity experiments...

Item #704602
THE GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE, London, England, April, 1745  A feature of this issue is a terrific, three page graphic representation of the: "Situation of his Majesty's Fleet & the Combined fleets of France and Spain in the Mediterranean...when Adm. Mathews made the Signal to engage the enemy..." showing the various positions of the ships (see photos). This is highly unus
... See More  

Item from Catalog 343 (released for June, 2024)

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Foldout map of France... Canada content...

Item #697215
THE GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE, London, January, 1747 

* Foldout map of France

Certainly the prime feature of this issue is the very nice foldout map titled in the cartouche: "FRANCE With Its Acquired Territories In Germany, and the Netherlands...".

This map shows considerable detail including a close-up view of the harbor & town of Toulon. The map also shows the so
... See More  

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Ancient coins, the violin (or viola), the moon...

From during the French & Indian War...

Item #657335
GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE, London, December, 1757  A very nice magazine from during the French & Indian War from the "mother country" with a wide range of varied content including news of the day, political reports, literary items, and other unusual tidbits. This was the first periodical to use the word "magazine" in its title, having begun in 1731 and lasting until 190... See More  

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The French & Indian War... Map of Emden, Germany...

Item #642772
THE GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE, London, April, 1758  A rather lengthy article inside this issue begins: "The experience of the campaigns in 1755 and 1756 had convinced our commanders in chief that there would be no end of the war on either side so long as our armies aimed at nothing further than traversing from place to place either for the defence or attack of a few straggling forts in a ... See More  

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Death of composer George F. Handel... George Washington in the French & Indian War... Foldout maps...

Item #676690
THE GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE, London, April, 1759  

* Death of Handel (music composer)

* Very early George Washington

Near the back is an inconspicuous yet very significant report on the death of famed composer George Frederick Handel.

Under the heading: "List of Deaths for the Year 1759" is an entry reading: "Geo. Fred. Handel, Esq; a great musician. He was born in Ger... See More  

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Map of Germany... French & Indian War...

Item #585531
GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE, London, August, 1760 

* Battle of Quebec

* Map of the war in Germany

* French and Indian War

A feature of this issue is the "French Account of the Raising the Siege of Quebec" which takes over half a page (see for portions). There is also: "A Description of a Water Mill of a New Construction..." for grinding sugar cane in Jamaica, which in... See More  

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Map of the Balkan Peninsula... Turkey, Bulgaria, and more...

Item #683207

* Map of Turkey, the Balkan Peninsula, and more.

This "Supplement" issue was produced at the end of the year. The prime content is the very nice & very detailed map, labeled in the cartouche as: "A New and Accurate Map of TURKEY IN EUROPE Drawn from the Best Authorities...1770".

This map shows the Balkan ... See More  

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The immigrant issue in America in 1787...

Item #682214

May 01, 1787

GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE, London, May, 1787  Included is a brief section headed: "American News" which references the end of the Shays' Rebellion in Massachusetts, and also mention that: "...from Philadelphia...that thirty thousand emigrants have arrived there since the war; that twenty thousand Germans and Dutch occupy a tract of 50 miles; and that grants have been made of... See More  

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Castle Garden: the Ellis Island of immigration before Ellis Island....

Item #686223

August 04, 1855

NEW YORK DAILY TIMES, Aug. 4, 1855  The front page has nearly two columns taken up with: "Castle Garden - How Emigrants Are Treated on Landing".

Castle Garden with the point of entry into the United States prior to Ellis Island. It had just opened to immigrants the year of this article, on the eve of a dramatic wave of European immigration. During the next 35 years, more than 8 mil... See More  

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Brigham Young... Homer print...

Item #172290

September 03, 1859

HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, Sept. 3, 1859 Nice front page article and illustration: "Interview Between Brigham Young and Hon. Horace Greeley at Salt Lake City".

Inside has two gambling-themed illustrations; a very nice full page Winslow Homer print: "A Cadet Hop At West Point". Also a half page illustration: "The New Orleans Charity Hospital" along with two smalle... See More  

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Fifth Avenue Hotel, Madison Square, New York...

Item #172298

October 01, 1859

HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, October 1, 1859. A nearly halfpage illustration of the 'Statue of Webster, at Boston'. A fullpage illustration is of a 'Dining-Room of the Fifth Avenue Hotel, on Madison Square' as well as two half-page illustrations "Ladies' Drawing-room in the Fifth Avenue Hotel" and "Exterior of the Fifth Avenue Hotel on Madison Square, New York.... See More  

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The Prince of Wales... Charles Dickens story...

Item #172412

November 03, 1860

HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, November 3, 1860  Frontpg. has 1/2 pg. print: "The Last of the Prince--The Royal Squadron Steaming Out of Portland Harbor". Fullpg. shows: "Our Recent Vistitors, The Prince of Wales and Suite--At Brady's Gallery, New York". Nice dblpgctrfld. shows an elegant naval parade: "Embarkation of the Prince of Wales at Portland, Maine". ... See More  

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Nice Charleston issue...

Item #172436

January 26, 1861

HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, Jan. 26, 1861  The front page shows: "The Prayer at Sumter". Other prints inside include: "Firing on the 'Star of the West' from the South Carolina Battery on Morris Island" "Group of Guns & Gun Carriages Dismantled by Major Anderson at Fort Moultrie" "Battery at Fort Moultrie, Bearing on Fort Sumter", a full p... See More  

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Winslow Homer front page Christmas print...

Item #172534

January 04, 1862

HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, January 4, 1862  The full front page is a notable Winslow Homer print: "Christmas Boxes in Camp, 1861", which does show some mild margin wear as this was the first page in the volume.

Among the prints inside are a full page with 4 scenes of a: "General view of Ship Island, showing the Landing of General Phelps's Brigade"; a full page: &q... See More  

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Burnside Expedition... Hatteras Inlet, North Carolina...

Item #172546

February 15, 1862

HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, February 15, 1862  Full front page illustration shows: "The 'Nashville' and 'Tuscarora' at Southampton, England." Inside has a half pg: "The Iron-Clad Frigate 'Merrimac,' and Sloop of War 'Germantown,' Off Craney Island"; half pg: "The Union Battery at Newport News"; full with four smaller illustratio... See More  

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Nast's prints on the Civil War drummer boy...

Item #172738

December 19, 1863

HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, December 19, 1863  The front page is entirely taken up with two prints: "The Laird 'El Monassir,' Seized by the British Government" and "The Laird Ram 'El Tousson,' Seized by the British Government". Other prints inside include: "The Third Corps Crossing the Rapidan at Jacobs Ford" "The Army of the Potomac--Broo... See More  

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(Alert: Jan. & Dec. HW's have more than typical wear.)

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Emancipated slaves... Ice skating ... Early submarine...

Item #172750

January 30, 1864

HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, January 30, 1864  The most desired & notable print is likely the full page captioned: "Emancipated Slaves, White and Colored" showing one man with a brand on his forehead.

The front page shows the: "Ruins of the Church of the Compania, at Santiago, Chili, After the Conflagration". Inside has a full page: "Snowy Morning--On Picket&qu... See More  

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(Alert: Jan. & Dec. HW's have more than typical wear.)

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The Catskill Mountains... Clara Barton...

Item #173008

July 21, 1866

HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, July 21, 1866 The front page of the issue has a 1/4 page "Among the Ruins of Columbia, South Carolina" and a smaller illustrations "The Ruins of Columbia, South Carolina - Richardson Street, Looking Toward the Capitol". Inside the issue is half-pages "Sunday Amusements in New Orleans - A Creole Night at the French Opera-House"; "Sun... See More  

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Fire at Portland, Maine...

Item #173010

July 28, 1866

HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, July 28, 1866 Two ftpg. scenes, plus a fullpg. & doublepage centerfold inside on the 'Great Fire in Portland, Maine'. Quarter pg. illus. of 'Marks of Punishment Inflicted Upon a Colored Servant in Richmond'. Also a quarter pg. illus. of Barbara Frietchie, 'Heroine of Frederick', made famous by Whittier.

Complete in sixteen pages.

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Thomas Nast political illustrations with Black Americana interest...

Item #173242

October 10, 1868

HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, October 10, 1868 The front page of this issue features a three-quarter page illustration entitled "The Water Drinkers in Spain". A full page features a halfpage "The South American Earthquakes - Wreck of the 'Wateree'" and "Yacht Race for Vice-Commodore Bennett's Prizes, September 22, 1868".  A one-third page "The P... See More  

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On the Hudson River...

Item #173430

July 30, 1870

HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, July 30, 1870  The front page features a 3/4 page illustration "The Royal Family of Prussia".  A 1/3 page illustration of "Napoleon III".  A nice full page illustration "Up the Hudson" shows people on a pleasure boat. 1/4 page portrait of Rear Admiral Dahlgren. A halfpage "The Riot at Elm Park". Small illustratio... See More  

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Nice displayable boat at sea illustration...

Item #173440

September 03, 1870

HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, September 3, 1870  Front full page illustration "A Street Scene in Metz." Inside is a 1/3 page illustration of "Monument to Gutenberg, Faust, and Schoffer, in Frankfort." Two 1/4 page portraits of "Baron Von Moltke" and "General Manteuffel." Doublepage centerfold "Pictorial Map of the Seat of War in Europe." Full... See More  

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Funeral Obsequies for Farragut...

Item #173452

October 15, 1870

HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, October 15, 1870  The front page features a full page illustration 'The Farragut Obsequies--The Funeral Procession Passing up Broadway'. "The Surrender of Sedan" includes two large illustrations. A full page illustrations 'Masterless' shows a horse without its rider and has an accompanying poem. Many prints on the war in Europe. Nearly ... See More  

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Charles Dickens' writing room...

Item #173476

January 07, 1871

HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, January 7, 1871  The front page is "Any Thing But a Happy New-Year".  Inside the issue is a 3/4 page illustration of "Joseph Garibaldi"; a 1/4 page "The City of Evreux, Normandy, France"; a very nice doublepage centerfold "The Room In Which Charles Dickens Wrote" which includes an article on it as well; a slightly lar... See More  

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(Alert: Jan. & Dec. HW's have more than typical wear.)

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Views of Paris...

Item #173520

June 10, 1871

HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, June 10, 1871 Full ftpg. Nast cartoon: 'The Madness of Paris'. Very displayable Nast fullpg: 'Decoration Day, May 30, 1871' shows children. Terrific fullpg: 'Bird's-Eye View of Paris Showing Principal Bldgs. Destroyed by the Communists' 1/2pg: 'Reading the Bible in a Blacksmith's Shop'

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The Philadelphia Collection II

Item #206229

July 21, 1871

(6) Harper's Weekly, various dates from July 21, 1877 through January 28, 1899. This is a six issue set (part 2) of Harper's Weekly containing various prints pertaining to events and/or buildings in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. The set provides more than a 10% discount over purchasing the issues individually. This is another great set of issues for anyone interested in Philadelphia, PA, ear... See More  

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Greenwich palaces...

Item #173544

September 02, 1871

HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, Sept. 2 1871 Nice fullpg. Nast cartoon: "The Rich Crowing Richer, the Poor Growing Poorer". Nice doublepage centerfold: "Summer Palaces of the Tammany Ring" includes buildings in Greenwich & Norwalk.

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The levee at St. Louis...

Item #173556

October 14, 1871

HARPER' WEEKLY, New York, Oct. 14, 1871  Full page: 'The Levee at St. Louis, Missouri'. Fullpg. Supplement: 'View from West Laurel Hill Cemetery, near Philadelphia'.

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Thomas Nast print...

Item #173580

January 06, 1872

HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, January 6, 1872  The full front page is a print: "New Year's Day -The First Caller" showing a homeless girl. Inside has a nearly full page: "The Christmas Waits" and another: "Punch and Judy in the Drawing Room" as well as a full page Thomas Nast political cartoon: "Can The Law Reach Him? The Dwarf And the Giant Thief"... See More  

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Shakespear and Stratford Upon Avon...

Item #173624

June 08, 1872

HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, June 8, 1872  Full front pg. illus. of "In Memoriam-Decoration Day, 1872." Inside is a 1/2 pg. illus. of "Between the Strike and the Family." A 1/2 pg. illus. of "International Four Oar Boat Race-The American Crew Landing at Biffin's Yard, Hammersmith, England." 1/3 pg. illus. of "Shakespeare's House in Henley Street, S... See More  

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1872 Hop picking print...

Item #584248

September 14, 1872

THE ILLUSTRATED LONDON NEWS, England, Sept. 14, 1872  Inside has a full page print of: "Hop Picking in Germany" which is a nice wine related print. Also: "Dunrobin Castle..." and various prints from "Ghent" among other prints. The complete issue, great condition.

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The Ku Klux Klan...

Item #173662

October 19, 1872

HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, Oct. 19, 1872  Inside has a small illustration: "Mississippi Ku-Klux In The Disguises In Which They Were Captured" with a lengthy article on the 'Ku Klux Conspiracy'.  Beneath this print is a Nast print showing an African-American dead & captioned: "One Vote Less".

Inside has a full page Nast political cartoon: "Let Us ... See More  

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Great Nast centerfold...

Item #173668

November 09, 1872

HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, Nov. 9, 1872  Full ftpg. is a Th. Nast political cartoon: "Home-Stretched" plus a great Nast doublepage centerfold: "The Pirates Under False Colors--Can They Capture the Ship of State?" & yet another Nast fullpg. cartoon re. Greeley. Fullpg: "Studies in Central Park: Provident & Improvident Virgins"

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Nast political ccartoons...

Item #173672

November 23, 1872

HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, Nov. 23, 1872  Full front page Nast illus. entitled "The Insult Returned." Inside are two 1/2 pg. illus. pertaining to horses including "Ruined, and Winter at the Door-An Episode of the Horse Plague" and "The Horse Bewitched." Full pg. illus. of "The Good Time Come."

Doublepage centerfold by Nast entitled "Clasping H... See More  

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Great fire department illustration... F.S. Church print on Thanksgiving...

Item #173674

November 30, 1872

HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, Nov. 30, 1872  The full front page is a dramatic print: "Boston--Into the Jaws of Death", a dramatic scene showing fireman battling a large fire.

Inside has 3 full pages of scenes of the Boston fire, plus a great doublepage centerfold showing: 'Bird's-eye View of Boston Showing the Burned District', being a great overview of the city. Also... See More  

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Great fire department illustration... F.S. Church print on Thanksgiving...

Item #678975

November 30, 1872

HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, Nov. 30, 1872  The full front page is a dramatic print: "Boston--Into the Jaws of Death", a dramatic scene showing fireman battling a large fire.

Inside has 3 full pages of scenes of the Boston fire, plus a great doublepage centerfold showing: 'Bird's-eye View of Boston Showing the Burned District', being a great overview of the city. Also... See More  

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Item #173676

December 07, 1872

HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, Dec. 7, 1872  Full ftpg. Thomas Nast political cartoon: 'No Surrender' shows U.S. Grant & Miss Liberty.

Two pgs. of scenes on the Boston fire. Much of the doublepage centerfold is a gambling scene: 'The Last Night of Rouge et Noir at Baden-Baden'. Halfpg. of a warehouse fire in Brooklyn.

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(Alert: Jan. & Dec. HW's have more than typical wear.)

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Horace Greeley...

Item #173680

December 21, 1872

HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, Dec. 21, 1872  Full ftpg. is a nice portrait of 'Horace Greeley'. Three-quarter pg. Nast cartoon. Interesting doublepage centerfold: 'Modes of Settling Disputes in Different Countries' showing 13 methods. The United States method is dueling. Others are somewhat comical.

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(Alert: Jan. & Dec. HW's have more than typical wear.)

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Pennsylvania coal mines...

Item #173698

February 22, 1873

HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, February 22, 1873  Front page illustration with accompanying article: "Down Among the Coal Mines--Going Down the Slope" shows miners heading down a mine shaft in Pennsylvania. Another full page with 9 scenes on coal mining, & another 2 pages. with 3 prints on coal mining as well.

Doublepage centerfold: "Emperor Napoleon III After Death" ... See More  

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Yellow Stone...

Item #173710

April 05, 1873

HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, April 5, 1873  The front page features a fullpage illustration: "The Right Hon. William Evart Gladstone, Premier of England". One-quarter page: "The Church of St. Augustine, Kalamazoo, Michigan". Halfpage: "Patrick Bunbury at Home" shows two boys playing baseball: one boy with a bat and the other pitching to him; this also features ... See More  

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Many prints... Atlantic City beach...

Item #173752

August 30, 1873

HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, August 30, 1873 (Supplement not included) This issue contains many prints, including: Full front page: "The First Love Letter"; Full page cartoon: "The Public School Question"; Full page: "The Newsboy's Picnic--Tumbling Into the Water"; Nice full page: "The Beach at Atlantic City"; 2/3 double page c... See More  

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The fire at Portland, Oregon...

Item #173754

September 06, 1873

HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, September 6, 1873  The front page features a 3/4 page illustration 'Sunday Cock-Fight at Madrid' with an accompanying article. A full page illustration ''Do You See Me?' - General Butler Defying the Rebels at New Orleans'. Approximately 1/2 page illustration 'Pilgrimages in France - Departure from a Provincial Station of 'Sacred H... See More  

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Item #173768

October 25, 1873

HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, October 25, 1873  Front page illustration: 'The Connoisseurs'; Halfpage: 'The Ocean Yacht Race - Off the Hook, Outward-Bound'; Interesting full page: 'The Emigrant Wagon--On the Way To The Railway Station'; Halfpage: 'The Guardians Of The Herd--Buffalo Bulls Charging Hunters'; Doublepage centerfold: 'The Evangelical Alliance -... See More  

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The Washington Market...

Item #173792

January 17, 1874

HARPER'S WEEKLY, Jan. 17, 1874 Ftpg: 'Justice Cheated Again & Again' is by Nast. Nice fullpg: 'Holiday Greens--A Scene in Washington Market'. Qtrpg "Th Hon. Caleb Cushing"; fullpg: 'Turkey-Shooting'; Halfpg "The Lost 'Virginus' -- Transfer of the Crew to the 'Ossipee'"; Dbpg centerfold "'The Black Bench" -- Scene in ... See More  

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(Alert: Jan. & Dec. HW's have more than typical wear.)

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Shad fishing in the James River...

Item #173824

May 09, 1874

HARPER'S WEEKLY, May 9, 1874 Halfpg: "Shad Fishing in the James River, Opposite Richmond" & "The New Government Building at St. Louis, Mo." Fullpg. Nast cartoon: "The Power of the Press". Fullpg. with 2 illus: "A Scene on the Mosquito Coast"

Complete in sixteen pages.

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Trout in the Colorado...

Item #173840

July 04, 1874

HARPER'S WEEKLY, July 4, 1874 Fullpg. of 4 scenes: 'Staging In The Far West' Dblpgctrfld: 'Let us Be Thankful' is by Thomas Nast. Halfpg: 'Trout-Hatching in Colorado'. Ftpg "An Inflation Opinion" by Nast. An article "Stagin in the Far West has four illustrations. Fullpg "Let Loose from School -- A Sketch from Read Life"; Halfpg "King Koffee... See More  

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Gold & silver mining in Colorado...

Item #173844

July 18, 1874

HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, July 18, 1874 Full ftpg. Nast shows U.S. Grant "Don't Let Us Have Any More of This Nonsense. It is a Good Trait to Stand by One's Friends; But --". Halfpg: 'Gold & Silver Mining, Colorado'. Fullpg: 'The Morgue at Paris' & 'Sunshine' shows 2 youngsters on a swing. Fullpg "Meeting of Old Settlers"; 3/4 pg &quo... See More  

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Paterson, New Jersey...

Item #173850

August 08, 1874

HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, August 8, 1874  Halfpg. street scene: 'Reunion of Veterans at Paterson, N.J.' Comic fullpg: 'Sketches at Our Hotel in the Country'. Various scenes of warfare in Europe. Ftpg. "The Mere Shadow Has Still Some Backbone" by Nast. Fullpg. "The Columbia Boys -- Grand Reception in New York" is comprised of three scenes. Fullpg. "... See More  

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