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The city of Bordeaux...
The city of Bordeaux...
Item # 173496
March 18, 1871
HARPER'S WEEKLY March 18, 1871 Full front page illus. of "Victorious Peace." (Charub Angel). Inside is a 1/2 pg. illus. of "A Wounded French Soldier Returned Home."
Two 1/4 pg. illus. of "Soldiers' Home, Washington D.C." and "Residence of the British Commissioners, Washington, D.C." 2/3 pg. illus. of "Sunday at Chelsea Hospital, England."
Full pg. Nast illus. entitled "Thrown Completely into the Shade." Full pg. illus. of "The opening of the British Parliament." Two 1/2 pg. illus. of "Ave, Ceasar, Imperator" and "Morituri Te Salutant." Full pg. illus. of "The City of Bordeaux - The Seat of the Provisional Government of France."
Category: 1870-1879