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Avondale colliery disaster...
Avondale colliery disaster...
Item # 173342
September 25, 1869
HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, September 25, 1869 The front of this issues features a full page illustration of "The Avondale Colliery Disaster - Bringing Out the Dead." Inside the issue, a page contains a quarterpage illustration of "Dark on Fair?" which has an accompanying poem, a 1/6 page illustration of "Baron Alexander Von Humboldt", and a quarterpage illustration of "The Coliseum at Boston After the Terrible Gale of September 8." Two quarterpage illustrations are of "The Late Hon. William Pitt Fessenden" and "The Late Hon. John A. Rawlins." along with a halfpage illustration of "The Avondale Colliery Disaster - Friends Claiming their Dead." Eight large illustrations making a doublepage pertaining to "The Avondale Colliery Disaster." There is a vertical 1/3 pg. illus. of "The Vanderbilt Bronze Monument at the New Hudson River Railroad Depot, Hudson Street, New York." A vertical 2/3 page illustration of "The New Hudson River Railroad Depot, Hudson Street, New York City." A quarterpage illustration of "General Edmond Lebeuf, the New French Minister of War." and a halfpage illustration of "The Lion Tamer Lucas, in the Paris Hippodrome, Attacked and Fatally Injured by His Lions."
Complete in 16 pages, in good condition, and contains additional prints and related text.
Category: 1866-1869