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Cuban Revolution... Exiles... Senor Aguilera...
Cuban Revolution... Exiles... Senor Aguilera...
Item # 173294
April 10, 1869
HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, April 10, 1869 The front page features a large illustration: 'Cuban Exiles Marching from the Cabana Fortress to the Boats'. A full page: 'First Annual Exhibition of the New York State Poultry Society at the Empire City Skating Rink, New York City' and a halfpage 'Dogs at the Poultry Exhibition, New York City'. Two full pages of 5 scenes regarding the Havana exiles, including: 'Senor Aguilera', leader of the Cubans. "The Outcast From the Convent" is a full page illustration.
Complete in 16 pages and contains additional prints and related text.
Category: 1866-1869